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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15785466 No.15785466 [Reply] [Original]

Tonight I'm making some curry

>> No.15785475
File: 3.47 MB, 4032x3024, 20210318_180234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Browning the onions a bit first

>> No.15785502
File: 3.65 MB, 4032x3024, 20210318_180343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding everything else except potatoes

>> No.15785506

Sounds great anon, can't wait to see it!

>> No.15785507

>adding the shrimp in this early
enjoy your stringy, overcooked shrimp

>> No.15785515

Added my veggie stock/water, some soy sauce, worcestershire sauce, spices, and some honey. Mixed and covered, now we wait.

>> No.15785518
File: 3.02 MB, 4032x3024, 20210318_180701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I should have waited. Don't use shrimp often, usually I do it with chicken breast


>> No.15785576
File: 1.60 MB, 2801x3024, 20210318_182545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rice is finished, so we'll give that a fluff and have it keep warm

>> No.15785582

>Yeah I should have waited. Don't use shrimp often
did you even use the shrimp shells for a simple broth? lie if you have to

>> No.15785610

Adding potatoes and adjusting taste a bit.

Not for this one, I save the shell/tails in the freezer until I have more and then make stock. It didn't seem like that many shells to use just this shrimp for a broth

>> No.15785618
File: 3.44 MB, 4032x3024, 20210318_183134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I keep forgetting the damn image

>> No.15785624

None of this looks remotely related to curry.

>> No.15785664
File: 3.28 MB, 4032x3024, 20210318_184046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes something curry?

Getting corn starch ready in some cold water. Some curry powder as well

>> No.15785674
File: 3.80 MB, 4624x3472, IMG_20210318_170206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey I made some too
Hot Java curry

>> No.15785678

Peel the display sticker off the side of your zoji, bro.
Zojibros aren’t hoodrats. There’s no need to leave stickers on stuff to show how “fresh” it is.
Unless you actually are a hoodrat; in which case, carry on. But I doubt that, as tiled backsplash doesn’t exist in the hood.

>> No.15785725
File: 2.55 MB, 4608x3456, 20210318_184605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I didn't think about it until I took these pictures, going to after it cools.

Pretty much done

>> No.15785731


>> No.15785745

You’re right. It’s not “curry”. It’s clearly カレー, and will most likely be served as カレーライス.
But as most people don’t have their computer or personal device configured with katakana keyboard setting to write it, and likewise, most people in the world wouldn’t be able to read it, the transliteration of “curry” is universally accepted by all but the most autistically pedantic of faggots.

>> No.15785746
File: 3.36 MB, 4032x3024, 20210318_184849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I had added more shrimp, they really aren't very stringy

>> No.15785765
File: 57 KB, 550x330, Kanye-West-crying-at-campaign-stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks fucking delicious op.
I wish you were my mom

>> No.15785777

You want a dude for a mom?

>> No.15785783

What is the type/variety of rice you used?

>> No.15785799
File: 3.70 MB, 4032x3024, 20210318_185900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you prefer to eat the rice separate as a pallet cleanser or mix it with the curry?

Just some standard long grain white rice

>> No.15785802

That looks like shit.

>> No.15785817

>long grain white rice
Try some Koshihikari, if you haven’t yet.
Your zoji will thank you, and you will thank me.

>> No.15785827

OP dude wtf are you doing lol

>> No.15785828

I'll have to look for it at my grocery store

>> No.15785855

Japanese "カレー" has nothing to do with curry.

>> No.15785886

Hard to find at a typical grocery store. Asian market is your best bet if you have a local one, and it’s easily available on Amazon.
It’s one of the short-grains your rice cooker was designed for.

>> No.15785900

that's a nice cutting board, I would have routed some grooves on the edges but still nice

>> No.15785908
File: 661 KB, 2160x1216, ribz n beenz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like pig food.
rate these ribs
sweet bourbon dry rub for the ribs finished with a vinegar and onion based BBQ sauce. beans were simmered in bone broth and finished with butter and cream. roasted garlic with the ribs for munching on

>> No.15785914

trump lost

>> No.15785918

Except that’s literally what it’s called.
Please direct complaints to the Japanese PM and imperial family.

>> No.15785922

rent free

>> No.15785923

>configured with katakana keyboard setting
OP should have said he was making Japanese "karē raisu". Referring to such sloppa as "curry" is deliberately boorish and in poor taste.

>> No.15785934

And yet his followers are slaughtering Asians left and right. Who's winning now?

>> No.15785944

It just feels silly to spend more on rice than what I get. Ill checkout an Asian market, maybe I can find a large bag.

I've never really been a fan of grooved edges, I like that it's easier to scrape or slide things off.

Curry is what it's called and how it's often referred. I suppose I could have included the japanese part.

>> No.15785945

Looks like dog food

>> No.15785949

Look at the facts, majority of Asian hate crimes are committed by blacks, not maga/miga folk

>> No.15785953


>> No.15785955

crime stats are racist yo

>> No.15785959

>I suppose I could have included the japanese part.
Yes, you should have done. You misled people into thinking you were making actual curry.

>> No.15785980

>majority of Asian hate crimes are committed by blacks, not maga/miga folk
Only in your wet dreams, incel. 94.5% of the perpetrators have been white. They think Asian-Americans have something to do with Covid. Which of course in the minds of the very same white supremacist trumpcucks doesn't even exist. It's not logical, but that's how the right is.

>> No.15785993

It was obvious he wasn't making indian curry when the first pic wasn't him taking a shit in the pot

>> No.15786006

>Referring to such sloppa as "curry" is deliberately boorish and in poor taste.
How so?
Curry is literally an English word to begin with. Indians call it करी.
Both the Hindi and Japanese words are anglicized as “curry”.
Unless we want to start writing all non-western dishes in their native characters, it’s probably better to simply have a bit of common sense.

>> No.15786020

>source: uhh just believe me ok?

>> No.15786022

Thats not curry you made a stew with spices added. I worked at a indian restaurant for 3 years and you have done literally the opposite of what youre suppose to do to make a curry.

>> No.15786028

The first pic was just a presentation of ingredients -- not a display of the means by which they were produced. And yes, it was obvious from those ingredients that the OP was trolling. The fact remains that it was misleading to the less culinarily knowledgeable, which is 99% of the board.

>> No.15786039
File: 75 KB, 600x800, 12664952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The first pic was just a presentation of ingredients -- not a display of the means by which they were produced. And yes, it was obvious from those ingredients that the OP was trolling. The fact remains that it was misleading to the less culinarily knowledgeable, which is 99% of the board.

>> No.15786041

How do you manage to get the poo smell out when you get home?

>> No.15786066

>literally the opposite of what youre suppose to do to make a curry
Im not even sure what literally the opposite of this would be.

>> No.15786069

>Look at the facts, majority of Asian hate crimes are committed by blacks, not maga/miga folk
>source: uhh just believe me ok?
You haven't exactly been following the latest news have ya champ?

>> No.15786083

Are you black or white?

>> No.15786088
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Pretty neat curry, OP. Funny coincidence because I was making curry today too! Right now I'm reducing the sauce.

>> No.15786114
File: 5 KB, 275x183, singh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that mise
>no coconut milk
>no herbs or spices
>"tonight, I'm making curry"

No. I don't think you are.

>> No.15786134

>the transliteration of "curry" is universally accepted
Because that's what the word is. カレー is a loanword. Literally just "curry" with nip phonetics.

>> No.15786149

that photograph makes be glad germany lost the war...

>> No.15786156


>> No.15786190

Did you put cucumbers in a curry/sloppa op? I have quite literally never seen heavily cooked cucumbers before, that does not sound appetizing.

>> No.15786212

I never use cucumbers, they were not bad but they definitely should have been added much later in the process.

>> No.15786229

I asked you a question first. Quit dodging, Pajeet.

>> No.15786241
File: 2 KB, 125x117, concern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, OP, I'll bite.

Today was a good day on /ck/ and I need to find another board to hang out on that isn't as toxic as /v/ or /pol/(as this thread has erred towards). Yes, what you created tonight was "curry" inspired but it is far from the style of sauce which encompasses the entirety of the dishes known as "curries". Cuisine becomes political when various cultures clash with one another linguistically. While the Japanese "curry" is definitely different from Indian "curry", South East Asian pan-nang curry, and Carribean/West Indian curry, they all still share more in common with each other in not just the most commonly used ingredients but also the technique of its creation. Neither of which you really adhered to here, I'm afraid. While most "dump" soups, meant to feed large amounts of people on a low budget, incorporate any vegetable one has on hand, most traditional curry sauces that are served with rice only focus on starchy vegetables like carrots, potatoes, water chesnut, yuca, etc in addition to tradtional mirepoix of onion, celery, and garlic(carrots left in larger chunks for longer cooking before turning into mush). The sauce is then built BEFORE adding the vegetables, reducing to desired thickness so you don't just have a textureless mess like >>15786088 here(usually deglazing the pan with coconut milk, reducing it with whatever broth you planned to use for the volume of the soup, until desired viscosity.

Curry is a sauce that is so delicious, and complete, when done correctly, all you have to do is add more liquid to it and veggies to make a soup any given night, if you have extra laying around, however, it still should be regarded a sauce first.

What you've done here is the equivalent of boiling your noodles in the same pot you're cooking your bolongese in, then mixing it all up together and trying to separate it for the plate, or simply adding water, tomatoes, and noodles in a pot, then plating them separately for show.

>> No.15786242

Not false

>> No.15786250

Jesus christ dude take your vyvanse

>> No.15786272

The reason I didn't answer your question is that it was a textbook 'loaded question': https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loaded_question
I did not ask such a question of you. Time to fess up.

>> No.15786275

Nigga I take vyvanse daily; don’t group me in with that retarded rambling schizo.

A pedantic megafag who can’t discern between variations of “curry” is just as retarded as one who can’t discern between American/British meanings of “biscuit”.

>> No.15786280

So your answer is that you just don't bother washing at all?

>> No.15786285


Hey, its not my fault OP can't figure out why his brown starch water rice and veggies isn't a "curry". Figured I'd give an in depth explanation because I forgot where I was for a moment there.

>> No.15786296

I don't remember OP asking for your wrong opinion, Patel

>> No.15786300

No, on what grounds would you draw that conclusion?

>> No.15786307

I mean, the smell, for one. Your posts stink.

>> No.15786311

OP here. Ill still refer to this as curry or japanese curry until I’m aware of an acceptable alternative. But when i make indian curry sometime ill make sure to make another thread just for you.

>> No.15786317

Ribs look 6/10. Decent for apartment ribs, but terrible for actual ribs. No bark whatsoever.

>> No.15786330

Refer to it as whatever you want, no one regards indians as people anyway

>> No.15786332

Except it’s literally called curry.
And since it’s a British word to begin with, attempting to tie it to some Indian dish for the sake of sounding smart is silly.
Sorry, anon; purposely being obtuse for the sole purpose of correcting people doesn’t make you appear learned.

>> No.15786353

In English, the term "Curry" refers to the category of savory sauces native to and characteristic of South Asian cuisine.

Sorry to say, Japanese カレーライス doesn't cut the mustard.


>> No.15786370

Who gives a fuck

>> No.15786373

If you are smelling an offensive odor as you browse 4channel, the source is undoubtedly your own body. Simple physics.

>> No.15786384

>Except it’s literally called curry.

>And since it’s a British word to begin with
English words are words in English? Are you drunk?

>> No.15786397

Are you joking? The more than 20 posters in the thread.

>> No.15786422

No, I go to the other threads and they smell fresh. It's definitely your posts.

>> No.15786467

I understand you are feeling agitated and distressed. Just trust me that the solution is not to randomly spree-kill a bunch of Asians. You are better than that.

>> No.15786496

Wash your hands.

>> No.15786600

South Asians bitching about how Japanese Curry isnt real curry are like Italians bitching about how Carbonara doesn't count if you use bacon, or Texans who bitch when you put beans in chili. Nobody cares.

>> No.15786605

Yes I’m drunk.
That doesn’t change the fact that “Curry” as we know it is a British term and not a native Indian one.

>> No.15786700

Hey man I was concerned with the broccoli and carrots were not going to be the texture I wanted them at, which was soft yet still had a firmness. The taste was delicious because the skin of the fat rendered well, and the starch seeped from the vegetables helped thicken the sauce while reducing it. I didn't have coconut milk so I used half-n-half because thats what I had.
I thoroughly enjoyed it with basmati rice and Naan toasted in butter, regardless of how much of an "untextured mess" it seemed to you.

>> No.15786749

Naan toasted in butter
Did you make your own naan? It seems like its a hassle but it’s so damn delicious i want to be able to have it at home