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15784263 No.15784263 [Reply] [Original]

Papa John's is unbeatable.
Prove me wrong

>> No.15784272

Prove yourself right.

>> No.15784290
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Every pie I order from them is exceptional

>> No.15784292

Pretty easy to pass on Fascist John. Get shitty Dominos or Pizza Hut.

>> No.15784302

Thanks Corporate. Keep up the good PR.

>> No.15784314

Quality went off a cliff, they should have kept the nigger guy

>> No.15784317


>> No.15784328

I don't speak your secret finger signs or 'in group' bullshit. Take your fucking short form and get back to your Michigan militia hut. Built with pallets from Home Depot.

>> No.15784355

Tasteless trash for trash.

>> No.15784380

Worked for Papa John's, the sauce is okay but the crust is cardboard only good for thin square cut.
Cheese sticks are pretty solid.
Domino's is the bougie pizzeria: Overpriced, artsy, not worth the cost, and pretends to be hip when its attitude couldn't be more corporate consoomerism.
Driving pizzas sucks and you'll either starve or bloat constantly sitting in a car driving to a place that doesn't appear on the GPS.

>> No.15784447

stop virtue signalling and you can stay
if not, head back to tumblr or reddit or whatever cesspit you crawled out of

>> No.15784493

Never tried Papa John's, do you actually dip your pizza in those sauces?

Also what is the cheese to dough ratio on these pizza. Pizzas with too much cheese kills it for me.

>> No.15784499

>implying 4chan isn’t the cesspit

>> No.15784507

I don't 'virtue signal'. I actually hate you fucking people with a very serious core. I would club you to death if I could.

>> No.15784520

Yes, you're supposed to dip. It's basically useless for anything other than cheese sticks though, which is the only thing they cook just long enough for the crust to not turn into hardtack.
Papa John's has too little dough, and the dough is usually dry. Cheese ratio is okay, they tend to either skimp or overdose on sauce

>> No.15784527

I definitely do.

>> No.15784530



I cum to that.

>> No.15784537

Any commerical pizza place can't be assed to have good dough hydration and all their crusts come out like cardboard. If you make pizza below 70% hydration at the minimum I spit on you.

>> No.15784565

Yeah okay internet tough guy why don't you shut the fuck up and talk about food instead of how much you hate the nazis under your ved
Stop feeding him you toolbox. God I hate red team and blue team so much.
Will you fucking stop? Holy shit I can barely believe you breathe on your own initiative. Every waking moment for you people is how much you want to kill the other team, and yet I'm supposed to believe you're righteous heroes and on the good side of history? Stop. Shut the fuck up. Stop ruining one of the only free speech spaces on the entire internet because your pea brain can't comprehend the idea of someone disagreeing with you on the Internet.
Did you get fired from your journalism position or coffee barista post? Is that why you came here? Because the fucking fascists are responsible for everything bad that ever happens to you despite your blue team President getting put in office?

>> No.15784571

Hungry Howies is tastier

>> No.15784597

Don't be a fucking asshole. You know who 'Papa Johns" is. Idiot. Play your clutched pearls like the shithead you are and be offended. It's the key for the 'bully/victim complex' that you need. Stop pretending.

>> No.15784904

lot of rustled jimmies in this thread

>> No.15784928


are you kidding? papa johns is almost double than dominos prices

>> No.15784937
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Papa johns is the bomb. I used to get the meat lovers pizza. Was very based. I also like their bread sticks and chicken.

>> No.15784946

>eating American corporate chain pizza

>> No.15784964

The sauce is too sweet.
Overpriced garbage.

>> No.15784971

they seem to be wrose than dominos and dominos is already trash

>> No.15785229

Its my favorite of the big 3. Wish they had eggplant as a topping though.

>> No.15785241

which one is that one?

>> No.15785248

I feel the need to shit in your mouth.

>> No.15785249

looks like a thin crust.

>> No.15785250

I literally puked when I bit into a leftover slice of papa john's.

To be fair the pizza was unusually greasy, but that was the first time pizza actually made me puke.

>> No.15785261

$5 has been deposited into your account, Dominoes shill.

>> No.15785262
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>not 3 garlic butters
You failed

>> No.15785503

Papa Johns was really good in the late 90s. I haven't had their pizza in like 4 years so I don't know what they taste like now. Can't be worse than Pizza Hut, can it?

>> No.15785540

liking domino's is acceptable and reasonable, but liking pizza hut is inexcusable.

>> No.15785571

Meh, telepizza is better

>> No.15785579



>> No.15785583


>> No.15785585

Imo papa johns is the worst, even worse than little Caesars. I don't mind the toppings or crust but the sauce tastes extremely cheap and makes it taste like a frozen digiorno/delissio pizza. I don't mind frozen pizza, but I'm not paying that price + delivery for something I can take out of the freezer and make myself. Its kind of a shame too because the company is work for gets 50% off all papa johns stuff because we advertise for them. Not even worth it at half the price.

>> No.15785590
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>> No.15785620

Clearly you've never had a Detroit style pie from Jet's. Otherwise, you are correct.

>> No.15785859

kek derrière devastated dickgirl detected

>> No.15785917
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>fascist john
I will now buy your pizza

>> No.15785950

Weird. When I order the thin crust it never looks like that but maybe it's because of the joggers.

>> No.15787147

Their thin crust is amazing

>> No.15787158

it sucks. I fell for it once because I thought it would be like Pizza Hut thin crust (soft and thin) and it was rigid and crispy instead.

>> No.15787213

shitposting aside, i used to only do dominos and i went to a party and this dude ordered like 20 boxes of poppa john's, my first thought was disgust, but fuck me that shit is great, way better than dominos, and that fucking garlic butter and the crust? mother FUCK

>> No.15787225

also I really really REALLY hate blacks and gay people

>> No.15787237

>that fucking garlic butter and the crust? mother FUCK
that's really the only thing that keeps papa john's on top. without it they are barely scraping above the likes of pizza hut

>> No.15787258

pepperocini is god tier. don't be afraid of it, take a bite. it's an amazing finish after a few slices

Papa john's is great pizza, way better than domino's and pizza hut (which is borderline dog food in some cases). However I will say that it is overpriced aside from the specials. Also I wouldn't dare eat more than 2 or 3 slices in one sitting because it nukes your system and tranquilizes you. it's best to spread it out over the course of a day or share it with someone else. Have never tried the thin slice, is it good?

>> No.15787289

>Have never tried the thin slice, is it good?
depends what you're into. if you're expecting a thin soft crust like on a margherita pizza, this isn't it. it's a crispy thin crust and will fell like you're eating a giant nacho

>> No.15787330

I always laugh at these chainwar threads no matter what it's about. The answer is that if the staff is all white in a high income area the service and food will be good. Don't let your opinions be sullied by brown workers.

>> No.15787357
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I'm the OP and I'm a black man living in a white but the workers are South Asian

Their pizzas are top notch

>> No.15787481

As far as franchise pizza places go. Its my personal favorite. Maybe they put too much sugar in their dough, its too sweet. But that garlic dipping sauce is a guilty pleasure.

There are local places that have way better pizza I don't want to drop names because I like staying anonymous they exist in my local region. I just wish they had better prices could compete with the franchise. If they were cheaper I would never buy from a large franchise again.

>> No.15787746


>> No.15787763


>> No.15787770

Domino's is identical quality for a much better price. $8 for a 3-topping large vs whatever the fuck papa charges

>> No.15787841
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Except for their Cinnamon pull aparts, Papa Johns is gross. Dominos and Papa Johns are both bad.

Pizza Hut stuffed crust pizza is edible but the customer service is horrid. Fuck pizza chains.