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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15782442 No.15782442 [Reply] [Original]

I just ate an entire one of these and all I want to do is lay down and fart now.

>> No.15782482

you fucking scatfags don't have the most rudimentary understanding of how the digestive system works

any food you eat will take HOURS before having any effect on your gastrointestinal tract. the only exceptions would be liquids and food that is literally indigestible like pure mercury. fucking LAXATIVES, drugs designed to do nothing but make you poop, take at least 12 hours to kick in.

you did not get diarrhea from taco bell, you just have an incredibly shit diet all the time. also nobody is buying your dumb story about how your shit your pants jesus christ get some help

>> No.15782529

quality post

>> No.15782540

I only had a chicken sandwich yesterday.

>> No.15782579

Please be a girl

>> No.15782610

Is ck full of pajeets?

>> No.15782649

When was the last time you shit yours? Even just a little "that wasn't a fart" scare.

>> No.15782651

Why do so many of you motherfuckers want braphogs

>> No.15782885

has literally never happened to me

>> No.15782966

What's stopping you?

>> No.15783175


Cobes is that you?

>> No.15783204

Undercooked bacon on the 'za when I was trying to foodhack it.
It would have been salmonella death for sure if I had bit into it.

>> No.15783214

He's live right now.
11:30AM in Casper and he's as drunk as a monk.

>> No.15783235

i would consider myself to have a decent diet but when i go overboard with too much creamy sauce, oily foods i often get the liquid devil shits 3/4 - 1 1/2 hours after consumption.

>> No.15783238

Well damn, never imagined someone else here would know how digestion works.
>you did not get diarrhea from Taco Bell
The best is how they react when you point this out with “just because your body is used to processing garbage doesn’t mean mine is..” etc.
if any common fast food has an actual laxative effect on you (assuming there has been time to actually digest), you need to see your doctor. You either have a GI issue or an undiagnosed food sensitivity.

>> No.15783243

>Undercooked bacon on the 'za when I was trying to foodhack it.
>It would have been salmonella death for sure if I had bit into it.

wtf am i even reading?

>> No.15783251

It's not always about the thing you ate passing all the way through, dummy. Sometimes it just makes the stuff that's already in there move faster.
What do you think a laxative is?

>> No.15783277


5:50 if the imbed isn't working, but you really should watch the whole thing.
I was so happy be see this live.

>> No.15783316

You're anonymous here anon... when was it?

>> No.15783328
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>> No.15783341
File: 3.82 MB, 498x488, 115BCCDB-46EF-4629-9631-72D01DE969B1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust and believe

>> No.15783977

What is gastrocolic reflex? What is dumping syndrome? Eat one of jacks meals you dumb nigger

>> No.15785236

Nothing. I fell asleep until like 3pm after making this post.

>> No.15785256

I'm still farting.

>> No.15785369

you aren't supposed to btfo him like that with logic

>> No.15785377

Jacks is the best

>> No.15785391

everyone shits their pants dude. don’t act like it’s some uncommon thing

>> No.15785393

>fucking LAXATIVES, drugs designed to do nothing but make you poop, take at least 12 hours to kick in
How is it possible to be this dumb? Laxatives enter the bloodstream through the upper gi and from there cause a laxative effect through various mechanisms. Takes around half an hour like any other medication

>> No.15785637

what the fuck i just got one of these the other week and made it in the microwave it thought it was fine

>> No.15786791

What's your go-to drink combo, toobs?

>> No.15787167
File: 294 KB, 354x355, booga bonga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their strombolis are dry as fuck and are a good thing to feed someone whom you want to choke to death.

>> No.15787280

Jacks is the best frozen pizza