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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15779502 No.15779502 [Reply] [Original]

is five guys that good?
many people swear on it but i dont get the appeal


>> No.15779510

it's burgers, whats not to get

>> No.15779793

These fat disgusting slobs are about to have an orgy and I'm here with my dick in my hand.

>> No.15779807

yo what the fuck is up with her eyes

>> No.15779810

>no crossover with joey
joey is totally a giver unlike this depressing fat american slob

>> No.15779849

Why is Aunt Jemima in the background?

>> No.15779854

what's happening forum?

>> No.15779872

It's good but overpriced, just like shake shack. If you can afford it, enjoy it, but if not then you're not missing out that much.

>> No.15779903

five guys is alright
but their burgers have gotten so small and price have gone up over the years its no long worth it

>> No.15779920

A burger at a real restaurant or bar & grill is better and doesn’t cost any more. 5 guys is airport food.

>> No.15779926

costs more therefore you think its better

>> No.15779959

food dip is some real hard, ghetto shit

>> No.15780072
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>> No.15780250
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>> No.15780251

I fantasize about Bob sneaking into my bedroom late at night and grabbing me out of bed then throwing me against the wall and obliterating my stinkhole

>> No.15780396

Five Guys is better the fewer toppings you put on it. Ideally you want just a bacon cheese burger, maybe some jalapenos or onions and lettuce on there. As soon as people throw sauces, sauteed shit, and tomatoes on there it turns in to a sloppy pile of shit.

Honestly the best thing you can order there is a bacon, cheese, jalapeno grilled hotdog with extra-seasoned cajun fries. They butterfly the hotdogs when the grill them and its honestly really good. Worth the price? Probably not, but the hotdog cajun fry combo is tasty

>> No.15780407

I like it, but I think it's too pricy. I appreciate the fuck ton of fries they give me though

>> No.15780434

It's like some intern accidentally kicked the chitlins bucket into the Joey cloning vat

>> No.15780460

So he works for a group home or something right? He’s always ferrying around and feeding these people who are clearly tards. Bob is fucking kino and also a good dude if he works with these genetic monstrosities.

>> No.15780589

five guy is good but not Wendy's good, also over priced

>> No.15780598

five guys is fine but this is clearly an eceleb bait thread so I hope you get hit by a bus OP

>> No.15781312

my fucking sides

>> No.15781317

Mask people and anti maskers can atleast agree people who do this shit where their nose is out in the open are the worst kinds of retards

>> No.15781820
File: 182 KB, 1200x1200, 1_Manchester-Evening-News-goes-behind-the-scenes-at-Five-Guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a quality, satisfying and fresh fast food burger.
Unsurprisingly this makes it more expensive than bottom-of-the barrel fast food like McDicks and Wendys. That's ok though because I'm not a fat fuck who eats a burger more than once or twice a month, as a special treat. In this regard Five Guys is perfect for a healthy, balanced lifestyle like mine.

>> No.15783005

It's a good burger I like it and its tasty

>> No.15783020

why do omegafats have those like weird sunken eyes with discolored skin around them

>> No.15783064


>> No.15784304

average to below average burger

good fries

>> No.15784315

He does not look healthy. I saw people die much better than him. What the fuck?

>> No.15784741

>I saw people die much better than him.
hahaha wut

>> No.15784743

They're just giant burgers and they give you a shit ton of fries. That's it, the burgers are greasy and fatty and yes they taste good but outside of quantity they aren't special. In terms of taste I would put Culver's and Shake Shack, and even maybe In-N-Out above Five Guys, however, you will get more calories per dollar at five guys than any of those places.

>> No.15785012

might be all the fat.

>> No.15785042

>fat people eating fast food in a car
You're really going to have to try harder to sell me on why I should bother watching this trash.

>> No.15785044

I don't know maybe it's because he's morbidly obese

>> No.15785158

its fun

>> No.15785213
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pic related

>> No.15785399

Better than average fast food. Not a replacement for a real burger joint.
Overpriced as fuck.

I eat it once a week because I literally live next to it. But I'd honestly prefer carls Jr over it.

>> No.15785417

Reminder that these "healthy people" are the reason why you have to wear a mask because if they catch the flu they'll die. All fat fucks are a cancer on society.

>> No.15785867

Precious 2 Electric Boogaloo

>> No.15787450

who doesn't enjoy to watch a train wreck?

>> No.15787528

How the fuck are you guys shitting on 5 guys you mongoloids

>> No.15787566

Five guys?

I prefer five supple and soft young girls. Completely nude and shaved hairless.

>> No.15788375

Now this is boomerposting

>> No.15788380

those dark circles under his eyes means he's probably dying from renal disease.

>> No.15789328

Do Amerifats really?

>> No.15789338

>Cat Lady Loves Five Guys
That's an unpleasant bait and switch

>> No.15789405


Five Guys makes a great $3 burger and charges $6 for it.

>> No.15789649

I'd say the fact that you can and are watching fat people eating fast food in a car makes you question yourself and the society you live in.

>> No.15789660

>makes it more expensive than bottom-of-the barrel fast food like McDicks and Wendys
the price difference between wendy's and 5 guys in my area is less than a buck.

>> No.15789663

They're $7 now

>> No.15789666

This doesn't happen in the normal parts of america.

>> No.15789676

It doesn’t taste good no matter which toppings you get...kinda like subway. I don’t mind paying more for a good burger. Five Guys berders ain’t good and their fries suck.

>> No.15789681

The price difference where I live is literally about 100%. Five Guys is twice as much as Wendy's.

>> No.15789893
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I would feel cheated to order burger, and get those mc shit lvl thin patties. Don't you want your meat to be big, fat and juicy anons? Potato quality pic related.

>> No.15789928

I actually prefer places with thin burgers. I feel like I get a better ratio of bread, sauce, and vegetables to meat that way.

>> No.15790465

Quality > quantity
When I bite into a Five Guys burger I taste everything in that burger, working together to form a cohesive experience with enough heterogeneity to keep each bite interesting.

>> No.15790472

I'm British.
Five Guys is the third-best burger joint in my humble town.

>> No.15790512

No I prefer thin patties. Too much meat takes away from vegetable/bread balance.

>> No.15790545

lmao no, that's not morbidly by any means.
yes he is a fat guy, but not morbidly.

>> No.15790632

This is one of the worst things I have ever seen on the Internet.
I feel that part of my soul was stolen away.

>> No.15790649

What is with the trend of fatasses recording themselves eating food and uploading it to youtube? It's really quite disturbing.

>> No.15791290

Niche but lucrative fetish
Personally it makes me want to throw up but I guess it makes enough psychopaths cum to justify

>> No.15791340

what the fuck is this im so new to /ck/ but you guys find the weirdest reviewers

>> No.15791357

OP, I've been looking for this fatty for a long time now, I forgot his channel's name. He reminds me of an alternate Joey from Joey's World Tour. Like if Joey was a video game character and both player 1 & player 2 picked Joey, played 2 would get this guy instead.

>> No.15791564

I've already noticed that its black people who never wear their mask properly

>> No.15791623

> hey baby! Wanna come for a ride in my car and eat burgers? My buddy Paco is in the back, but he's cool"

All these years I've wasted on PUA bullshit.

>> No.15791633

I think it's more of an economic/class thing. There are no black people where I live. The only people who pull the chin-hammock bullshit are the poor.

>> No.15791639

>go to mcdonalds
>get tiny piece of shit burger, fries, and drink for about 2 bucks

>go to in n out
>get great burger, fries, and drink for 6 bucks

>go to sit down restaurant
>get giant gourmet burger, fries, and drink for 12 bucks

>go to 5 guys
>get mcdonalds burger, fries, and drink for 18 fucking dollars

how anybody tolerates this shit is beyond me

>> No.15792060

who the fuck do you think you're fooling trying to say that five guys burgers are the same as mcdonalds burgers

>> No.15793009

its literally the worst burger ive ever had and everyone who worked there was a dumb nigger. never again. and the fries were so disgusting and made with super old grease i literally had to vomit everything afterwards.

>> No.15793016
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poor muffin oh no the little boy didn't get any yummy wummies!

>> No.15793086
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