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File: 175 KB, 1500x1500, must.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15772363 No.15772363 [Reply] [Original]

Mustard thread for mustard heads. Post your go to mustard, discuss rare mustards, your favorite ways to enjoy a mustard, etc.

>> No.15772367

>go to mustard
The stuff I make myself.

>> No.15772371

I like Trader Joe’s Dijon mustard best. It’s better than grey poupon. I don’t fuck with stone ground or spicy mustard etc, creamy Dijon is where it’s at.

>> No.15772373
File: 53 KB, 540x540, 3036810207800_PHOTOSITE_20201228_181956_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My go-to mustard. whole seeds.

>> No.15772401
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Whole seed is for amateurs.

>> No.15772431

having some whole seeds is essential
best mustard

>> No.15772442
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mogs u

>> No.15772446

Grey poupon is such a fake shit. It's made in kraft's gigafactory, next to their cheese product craps.

>> No.15772456

Take your meds

>> No.15772463
File: 163 KB, 400x400, bautzner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best value mustard reporting in.

>> No.15772473

Looks like a shit bucket.

>> No.15772487

Mr Mustard or bust

>> No.15772513

mr mustard is a very close second to my boy bertman

>> No.15772528
File: 256 KB, 1223x1500, 81g3+wplzbL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this mustard. Any other brands with good stone ground mustard you guys know of?

>> No.15772640
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I like to use this mustard with some salami and crackers.

>> No.15772647

This is the GOAT.

>> No.15772653

I actually have this one
It’s very strong and tasty
These ones all look good to me

>> No.15772695

>dijon mustard
>no verjus
That's just Dusseldorf style.

>> No.15772714

more like poop on haha

>> No.15772752
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>> No.15772762
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>> No.15772785

I remember a thread where you've been spanked pretty hard by a French connoisseurs on this very topic.
You're asking for trouble again.

>> No.15772792

I love good old Thomy. But can you find it outside of Switzerland?

>> No.15772800

Kek, that dude was just pretending to be retarded. He spanking was the equivalent of a wet noodle.
The French suck at everything.

>> No.15772825
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>> No.15772837

Germany. I'm Brazilian but my german aunt always bring some tubes every year

>> No.15772838


i like southern bbq mustard sauce alot. basically just take some onions and garlic saute them, then dump in 1:1 ratio of dijon and whole mustard. then dump in a healthy amount of white vinegar and apple cider vinegar, cook it for like 10 minutes and add some cayenne. shit is fuckin fuego

>> No.15772922

I saw a few in a polish grocery store.

>> No.15772923

In the Netherlands and northern Belgium, it is commonly used to make mustard soup, which includes mustard, cream, parsley, garlic, and pieces of salted bacon.

>> No.15772924

Best mustard for a brat on a nice roll?

>> No.15772954
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in america? picrel

>> No.15772959

Anything that doesn't look artficially coloured or is too spicy so you can put absurd amounts of mustard on it.

>> No.15772976
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>> No.15772990

Thomy or the kind that comes in a little glass mug or GTFO

>> No.15773000

Spicy brown mustard can work as a substitute in most of the applications that call for Dijon mustard; however, it won’t be a perfect replacement. The increased heat may throw off the flavor profile of some dishes, and the coarse texture may be unappealing in smooth, creamy sauces. Spicy brown mustard might be in improvement if you prefer more heat than you can get from Dijon.

Dijon mustard can be an effective substitute for spicy brown mustard since it provides some of the pungency and sharpness. It may be less than ideal for spice lovers since it doesn’t have as much heat but might be a great option if you want a milder flavor profile. It will be a fine addition to deli sandwiches, but its mildness means that it won’t be as good a complement to flavorful, fatty meats. Because of how smooth it is, it also won’t have the same mouthfeel.

>> No.15773004
File: 239 KB, 765x756, POMMERY_HOMEPAGE_2_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's pommery

>> No.15773137
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Cheap and perfect for sandwiches.

>> No.15773313

my maan

>> No.15774412
File: 16 KB, 470x470, 11277-0w470h470_English_Mustard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on picrel, /stard/s? haven't tried it yet but it seems interesting. my last mustard was a nice jar of the 'pon

>> No.15774431

buy the powder and add rice wine vinegar to your own taste.

>> No.15774439

This looks pretty heady

>> No.15774448


Spent a fortune to import that into Canada, where the goddamn seeds came from to begin with.

>> No.15775946

Why on earth would you add vinegar to it? The jarred stuff contains no vinegar. Vinegar does not make it taste better. If it did, Colman's would have added it over 200 years ago. If you want it to taste like French's, that ain't ever gonna happen.

>> No.15776161

A good rule of thumb is that if the word 'English' is written on the pot you shouldn't buy.

>> No.15776184

English mustard isn't a regular sandwich condiment like dijon, it's closer in impact to a horseradish sauce. Try it in a roast beef sandwich.

>> No.15776199

I've been hooked on dill mustards for a while, pretty rad.

>> No.15776228
File: 91 KB, 569x1071, 71UuEgU8kbL._AC_SX569_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recently they changed something in the recipe, but it used to be my favorite

>> No.15776273

No? Beef and mustard, ham and mustard, cheese and mustard, salami and mustard, chicken and mustard, bacon and mustard,.

>> No.15776287

Sausage and mustard, burger and mustard, bean burger and mustard, sardines and mustard,

>> No.15776309 [DELETED] 

Why do you need your mustard so vinegary? Is it because your used to French's?

>> No.15776343

What are you trying to communicate from inside your strange little world

>> No.15776347

Why do you need your mustard so vinegary? Is it because you're used to French's?

>> No.15776351

>English mustard isn't a regular sandwich condiment like dijon,
Yes it is, unless you grew up on French's 'mustard' from a squeeze bottle.

>> No.15776352
File: 111 KB, 300x300, lavender mustard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my go-to, but something I remember. I forget who made it, so pic only semi-related. This small town I used to live in would have a lavender festival every year and there would be a huge farmer's market as well as a parade to celebrate. There was this elderly couple that made this absolutely delicious lavender honey mustard that I've never managed to taste since, regardless of each one I've tried.
I almost with I won't ever taste it again so I can treasure it as a distant memory.

>> No.15776355
File: 280 KB, 2800x2800, 001853126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Heinz.

>> No.15776360

If you're not being ironic, then you got some big dick energy flowing from you

>> No.15776379

Maille dijonnaise

>> No.15776386

Are you just scared of English mustard because it's not French's vinegary turmeric sauce?

>> No.15776390

How long are you going to keep us waiting before you come up with something intelligible?

>> No.15776397

Almost every artifically coloured mustard i've seen was some anglo shit, but never continental European.

>> No.15776398

I got this one from the store recently and its my first time trying dijon and i felt that the taste was too strong. What are some ways to balance it out or what are some good pairings for it?

>> No.15776407

Water it down with mild mustard. For me it works better for actual cooking rather than dipping.

>> No.15776409

If you think Maille is too strong you should basically just give up. It's very mild.

>> No.15776410

ESL are you?

>> No.15776411

who cares where it's made, mustard sauce is just ground mustard seeds plus vinegar, it's not some kind of elaborate esoteric stuff.
Grey Poupon sold in Europe is still being produced in France, btw.
Maille is basically the same, since it was purchased by Unilever, another giant multinational corporation, a few decades ago.

>> No.15776417

Hunny mumsterd

>> No.15776418

Yes it's pretty strong. You have tu put less than your usual mustard if you're used to weaker ones.
It pairs well with white meat or cold red meat, sandwiches etc..

>> No.15776419
File: 36 KB, 481x657, french's.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This tastes more like vinegary turmeric than mustard.

>> No.15776424

No it's not. Of course you find stronger, but it's still a strong mustard.
It's like hot sauces, you never admit it is strong because you want to show your a man. Stop being cringe.

>> No.15776428

Dijon is not yellow mustard. You're looking at the wrong stuff. No tumeric in Dijon mustard.

>> No.15776445

thanks boys
i also made a sauce for my sandwich with dijon, yogurt and a dash of siracha and it was nice

>> No.15776448

Show me a single dijon that's weaker

>> No.15776449
File: 34 KB, 500x500, masterfoods-hot-english-mustard-175g-by-masterfood-B0199B17T8-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gulden's is my all time favourite forever, best flavour and texture.

I'm also hooked on pic related. It's nothing fancy but it is fucking crazy hot, like wasabi x 5. Although I rarely use it plain, I do sometimes mix it with mild mustard for extra kick, and love making a paste with maple syrup for a ham glaze that's sweet and mapley and also cleans your sinuses like dynamite

>> No.15776453

Are you totally fucking dumb? When have I mentioned Dijon?

>> No.15776459

Dijon is too spicy, so you water it down with yogurt and add sriracha. You Dumbericans are absolutely mental cases.

>> No.15776471

the siracha just adds some sweetness
also not american

>> No.15776510

Why would you want sweet mustard?

>> No.15776553
File: 14 KB, 289x174, images (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can get your hands on this stuff, do it. Fucking amazing

>> No.15776563

just hit their website, that stuff looks amazing. my birthday's coming up anon how would you feel about sending me some in australia :3

>> No.15776631

What is your favorite mustard to pair with bratwurst sausage? I usually have regular Grey Poupon and some sauerkraut but that's just me

>> No.15776654

Every medium spicy mustard goes well and that's what most people in Germany eat it with. Most German mustards itself taste similar to mild dijon.

>> No.15776668

Proper mustard, good stuff, no bollocks

>> No.15776746

Because it's good. Honey mustard is very good too.

>> No.15777066

sounds lush bruv cheers

>> No.15777133
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For me, it's Pitzmans.

>> No.15777253
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Any Canu/ck/s I guarantee these are the best mustards you can find

>> No.15777441
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>> No.15777459

for me, its french's yellow mustard
on scrambled eggs with black pepper

>> No.15777461
File: 30 KB, 300x300, 81794401260.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grape must-ard

>> No.15777474

>german aunt
whats it like to ponder that your family were definitely former SS who fled the country as the war was ending

>> No.15777490

I just can't get into T&E.
I don't think they're funny.

>> No.15777701
File: 361 KB, 621x1043, Screenshot_20210318-035818_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only people with big willies eat this stuff

>> No.15777719

I like my mustard in the form of gas.

>> No.15777726

I don't understand mustard

>> No.15777764
File: 92 KB, 1275x722, early.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You git yore ass down to the Asia Market and git S&B mustard and wasabi jars. 1-2 TBSP each vinegar and water, a heaping TBSP sugar, 2 TBSP mustard, a tsp wasabi, a little soy. Dissolve the sugar first, dumbass. Might need to adjust here and there. You try an tell my ass that ain't the best hot mustard you ever done ate.

>> No.15777834


>> No.15777867

Yes sugar like you put in your coffee or the still. It is a bit bitter making it from powder. Look at your damn jar of Hellmans or honey mustard mustard in the fridge. Sugar is the 4th ingredient I bet. Maybe 5th. 4th on my goddamn bottle.

>> No.15777885

and you can buy that S&B hot mustard in a tube but where's the fun in that? #3 ingredient is sorbitol. It's a sugar but not worth a fuck in a still. It'll just give you farts and the squirts.

>> No.15778060

for non-sandwich purposes i like the haks bbq mustard, cant find it anywhere but i love marinating shit in there. otherwise all you need is shitty yellow mustard for ham sandwichs

>> No.15778088

Came here to post this, I have to hide it or my pleb ass family uses it instead of the French's Yellow

>> No.15778128
File: 368 KB, 500x569, 1610329958598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hey guys

this mustard is SO SO SO GOOD on roast beef. It is a must for roast beef. That it all.

try this, i swear to fucking god you will explode with sinful pleasure:

>bread (sourdough works well for me)
>any regular roast beef from your local deli
>PROVOLONE cheese slices
>generous smears of Colman's mustard

combine and eat, and please don't heat.

>> No.15778138

maybe they don't think YOU'RE funny

>> No.15778225
File: 8 KB, 294x294, P6f2Y5Rr_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Poupon mustard
Poop on mustard

>> No.15778289


>> No.15778345
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>> No.15778373
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I have nothing to do with it :)

>> No.15778553

For what purpose? Hotdogs?

>> No.15778555

You can't tell me that they don't knew what it means if you read it backwards.

>> No.15778644
File: 23 KB, 282x600, BD8DA5EE-6848-435E-B4B0-CD8004CE4CDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The champ is here! I love it with scrambled eggs pure addiction

>> No.15778652

Fuck I overlooked this.
This anon knows

>> No.15778705

Anyone know a brand that only has mustard, vinegar, water and salt? I can't have the sugar/turmeric/paprika that's in pretty much every brand I've looked at so far. Tried making my own but it's either too spicy to use as much as I want for flavor and heating it to make it milder also makes it bitter.

>> No.15779061


>> No.15779103
File: 24 KB, 540x540, ShotType1_540x540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is American Yellow Mustard so fucking disgusting though? Had Pic Related for the first time in Australia. Just what the hell. Tastes like vinegar with too much sugar nothing else.

>> No.15779131

Most American yellow mustard doesn't have sugar in it, I actually don't think I've seen any sweet varieties of it here. Sometimes I like it on a hot dog or something else that's fatty, the extra vinegar makes it taste good and you can use a lot without it being overwhelmed by the mustard seed.

>> No.15779720
File: 3.54 MB, 4032x3024, 0F3B3EB8-45AF-4ECF-8F62-A80BA76B21DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stone ground mustard.... on soandwich....

>> No.15780192

What mustard do you use when you're making mayonnaise? I've only tried chef john's dijon mustard and french's yellow(which was marginally worse).

>> No.15780364
File: 10 KB, 188x268, download (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The crema de la cream of mustardry, Nathan's Famous Deli Style mustard. Did out of towners really think they could beat New York mustard?

>> No.15780375
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>> No.15780523

why the fuck is this nigger's >>15772528 spicy brown mustard sweet? theres no savoury flavour at all its just sweet like theres sugar innit.

wots...uh, the deal?

>> No.15780548

Americans only like faggoty weak French mustard.
Colemans mustard makes them piss their pants

>> No.15781335
File: 306 KB, 1000x1000, 3C22E3F8-E1BF-4861-8AB7-B1DA0E224D0F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold true glory

>> No.15781385


>> No.15781544

This shit is disgusting, tastes so bitter.

>> No.15781759


>> No.15781766
File: 71 KB, 358x600, 200_3417_popup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the only good things to ever come out of Illinois

>> No.15782770

Why do non-us retards taste sweet in foods that have no sweet ingredients in them? Are all non-us residents ill?

>> No.15782939

that one says sweet and tangy on the label, not sure why australians are adding sugar to it since yellow mustard never has it in the us

>> No.15783013
File: 178 KB, 1067x1600, loewensenf.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Löwensenf is nice on stuff like bockwurst

>> No.15783100
File: 16 KB, 244x386, 41Js2YIuIKL._AC_SY580_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet mustard is my go to