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15765341 No.15765341 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Brits like beans so much? Why is such a staple in British cuisine?

>> No.15765348

Beans are good. I don't get the breakfast thing though, beans are much better for dinner.

>> No.15765352

>tastes nice
>lasts a long time

>> No.15765357

They're a good food. Resistant starch, nonzero protein component, cheap, tasty, convenient.

Typically pretty salty and somewhat sugary, but neither of those are really issues unless you're already unfit.

>> No.15765367

do brits really?

>> No.15765371

Protein and resistant starch are exactly what you want from a morning food, and the acidity complements the fattier other foods you're likely to find at breakfast like eggs or bacon.

>> No.15765393

Well, no, this photograph is clearly an attempt at humour.

>> No.15765401

I don't like beans for breakfast, but I like them for lunch of dinner

>> No.15765418

Does England just smell like a big fart at all times?

>> No.15765419


>> No.15765429

People with normal microbiomes don't struggle to digest beans, anon

>> No.15765441

What do baked beans taste like in the UK? I'm in NA and baked beans are super sweet its super off putting. I thought they'd be salty tasting.

>> No.15765448

It smells similar to Iraq

>> No.15765452

Farting is normal Becky.

>> No.15765692

Everything in NA is super sweet, thought you'd be used to it by now

>> No.15765731

So I take it its salty in the UK?

Also iced tea is literally undrinkable without sweetness.

>> No.15765747

No, only London and Birmingham

>> No.15765754

Cheap, nutritious, versatile.
That’s basically the definition of any staple food in any culture.
Not sure why you’re confused by this.

>> No.15765758

Because of Heinz beans during ww2. Look it up.

>> No.15765767

>Also iced tea is literally undrinkable without sweetness.
Unsweetened is the best if you actually like tea.
Sweetened is best if you want tea-flavored koolaid.

>> No.15765768

Hola! You can’t buy raw beans in Mexico? Weird! Dunno why we call you beaners

>> No.15765770

I have literally only once in my bean eating life tasted sweet beans and it was in a sweet bean tamal. I hated it.
t. beaner

>> No.15765777

>Also iced tea is literally undrinkable without sweetness
Nah, bit of lemon juice is all you need. Try it next time.

>> No.15765787

i wouldn't say they're super sweet but heinz baked beanz definitely have a sweet flavor to them, because of the sugar in the tomato sauce.
am slav so i'm in europe but the ones i've had haven't been made in the uk, just somewhere else in europe. label says "made in the eu"

>> No.15765929

>Canned beans
>Canned sausage
>Sausage isn't even sliced
>All of this was almost certainly microwaved to hell and back
>He needs someone else to do it for him
Good grief. That said aren't beans a staple practically anywhere that beans can be found? It's not like it's just a Brit thing.

>> No.15765953

Beans in toast

>> No.15765980

Branston>Crosse & Blackwell>>>>>>Heinz

>> No.15765997

Just accept that you think they are a different type of bean.
Most of the time when people are all like;
>Beans for breakfast? Sick
>Beans on toast wtf?
You think they are some fucking pinto beans or kidney beans.

They aren't. They are relatively soft, flavourless and a perfect vehicle for sauce or flavour in general.
That's why these beans are perfect for breakfast, since they are always in a tomato sauce.
High fiber and good protein too.
Cheap and quick to make.
They taste of nothing really that's why they are in a sweet sauce.

>> No.15766030

>Iced Tea is undrinkable without sweetness
You probably are overbrewing the tea and balance it out with sugar to cover the bitter strong flavor of overdone tea.
Something not often taught in the US is that you don't just drop a teabag in hot water and leave the fucking thing there until you're done with the cup.

>> No.15766050

Something not done in the US is drinking ICED tea with the fucking tea still hot you smoothbrain dotard

>> No.15766066

Way to miss the entire point of their post, you fucking dolt.

>> No.15766073

Whenever I've witnessed anyone making iced tea they pour the hot water in a cup, drop in a tea bag and let that fucker sit until room temp, like 10+ minutes. Then they pour it over ice, sometimes still with the teabag, and complain it's far too bitter.

>> No.15766074

Way to be a fucking retard. Stop posting you trumpanzee

>> No.15766099

How the fuck do you think iced tea is made?

>> No.15766110

Mutts don’t have kettles so I know it’s not with boiling water

>> No.15766904

>Typically pretty salty and somewhat sugary
Brit beans aren't the same as american beans.
They come in a light tomato sauce that isn't overly salty or sugary, and are relatively mild in taste (unless you get cheap off brand cans).

>> No.15767421

I mean it is full of brown people

>> No.15767581

m8 I'm British. Canned beans are notoriously high in salt and are about 5% sugar, or two tsp per portion. No, they're not in literal syrup like assbackward American beans, but they're still pretty sweet. There's nothing necessarily wrong with either of these attributes, but just denying them helps no-one.

>> No.15768179
File: 100 KB, 768x1024, B8A97508-86F8-4D65-81FF-70876560C45D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it’s easy to chew with their fucked up teeth

>> No.15769434

Heinz beans are like syrup tho theyr like 20g per 100g or maybe its per half can i cant remember off the top of my head but its enough that 1 can is too much sugar for a whole day

>> No.15769649

Brits can't afford meat and need protein from somewhere

>> No.15769662


>> No.15769667

Beans are delicious and appropriate for breakfast the Brits know what they are doing.

>> No.15770796


>> No.15770821

Probably got something to do with rationing after t he war of allied aggression.

>> No.15770826

..No, they're 5%, like I explained pretty clearly in my post.

>> No.15770953

Ah I must of misremembered

>> No.15771468

It's subjective I guess. That's still less salt and sugar than you'd get in a tin of tomato soup, and I doubt many would go so far as to say tomato soup is sweet or salty.

>> No.15771573
File: 42 KB, 970x600, 039DD3CD-8768-44C4-90CB-054381BEDD05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once had a roommate from the UK and I would take him grocery shopping. He ALWAYS bought beans. In Canada, we have Maple flavour beans. When he first saw these he couldn’t believe it. I grew up eating these and thought it was normal. Apparently this is a Canadian thing? Do they have these in the USA?

>> No.15771616

Of course we do, just look up the Bush's catalogue.

>> No.15771657

>random screeching about Trump
He's not even in office, move on already, reddit.

>> No.15771660

I have a kettle and I rarely use it. Microwave works fine, you obsessed idiot.