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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15756303 No.15756303 [Reply] [Original]

Are you a coke or pepsi guy

>> No.15756316

Coke is better than Pepsi for a single drink, especially from postmix
Pepsi Max is nicer than Diet Coke (at least in Australia, I'd assume sugarfree drinks are the same worldwide)

>> No.15756319

I like surge

>> No.15756323

Dr. Pepper.

>> No.15756331

Pepsi because coke is owned by jews, At least in Egypt

>> No.15756338

Neither because I'm not a fat gross American who drinks my calories. Tea or bust.

>> No.15756342

Have you considered not answering questions that don't apply to you, instead of virtue signalling?

>> No.15756344

Yeah but you love watching your wife drink Ngubu's cum, don't you, yuropoor?

>> No.15756346

For me it's ice cold Sprite

>> No.15756353
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disgusting brit and OP, for me, it will always be Pepsi, mostly cause my family when they drank soda, would always drink coke. FUCK YOU DAD!

>> No.15756361

Why are non Americans so obsessed with Americans on this board?
Then the obvious false flags from fags like this too

>> No.15756365

Coke with dark rum

>> No.15756375

>false flags
nigga don't lie to yourself, america is obsessed with the BBC

>> No.15756378

Have you Ameircans considered not eating entire sticks of butter with cheese?

>> No.15756403

Regular coke, diet pepsi

>> No.15756457

Damn I ain't seen this flash in over a decade

>> No.15756458

Diet coke just tastes fucking weird to me

>> No.15756464

Fun fact
He still uploads to YouTube

>> No.15756473

yeah there was a new one a couple days ago. I like the new style a lot

>> No.15756476

Coke's better warm but Pepsi's better cold.

>> No.15756481

That's crazy, maybe I'll give it a gander

>> No.15756482

My mom drank Diet Coke all the time so I don't mind it. Sprite Zero tastes like that garbage your doctor makes you drink before a colonoscopy though.

>> No.15756503

I wouldn't know but that sure sounds terrible

>> No.15756509
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>> No.15756511

Freedom is Coke or Pepsi

>> No.15756560
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> not drinking RC

>> No.15756610
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came here to post this

>> No.15757979

Mexican Coke > Pepsi > Coke
Coke Zero > Diet Coke > Diet Pepsi

Not sure why, but everything diet that Pepsi makes give me horrible heartburn.

>> No.15758000

why would us Americans care about british television? They dropped top gear so F them.

>> No.15758040

Fuck both of these shit drinks, both brands are ruining literally the entire world. Home made rootbeer or nothing.

>> No.15758045

I tried both back to back one day for the sole purpose of seeing if there was a difference. The aftertastes were noticeably different. I have to say that the taste of Pepsi was better. That being said, I like Coke's branding more.

>> No.15758077


>> No.15758195

Neither, natural sparkling mineral water is my choice.

>> No.15758229


I used to drink 4 cans of Pepsi a day. I haven't had any in over 60 days now.

My sleep got worse, I'm tired all of the time.
I just want it back... I legitimately came to this board hoping there might be a soda thread so someone can talk me out of cracking open a Pepsi right now.

>> No.15758336

That's probably a caffeine addiction, have a cup of tea or something to drink something with flavour that isn't loaded with sugar to make you fat, acids to ruin your teeth and drugs to get you hooked, plus other garbage that you wouldn't add to your own food.

>> No.15758340

Coke win out on branding by far.
If we could bring in alternate flavours instead of straight coke v Pepsi, nothing beats Vanilla Coke and I don't know why Pepsi bothered to bring out a sugarfree Vanilla Pepsi, almost every sugarfree drink is trash.

>> No.15758383
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For me, it's Bangs.

>> No.15758394

For me it's a nice cold glass of water!
Tasty and calorie free! Just like God intended.

>> No.15758398

It’s Barq’s you retard

>> No.15758411

Sugar cane cola is top tier, don't have mexican cola here but some no-name brand that comes in glass bottles with twist offs. They also do root beer and ginger beer, best sodas i ever did have

>> No.15758419

i like WATER

>> No.15758435

Pepsi on it's own, Coke for mixed drinks

>> No.15758448


I've been drinking sparkling water and it's been fine for flavor, I'm mostly missing the effects at this point

Drinking tea or coffee feels like just becoming reliant on another drink, I hope it's possible to just kick caffeine outright but it's been two months and I still feel terrible

>> No.15758456
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>> No.15758503

It’s obviously Bargs you stupid nigger

>> No.15758559

If you still wanna drink tea switch to rooibos and herbal, no caffeine and technically not tea but it did the trick when I quit caffeine cold turkey and still wanted a hot comfy drink. Rooibos with a bit of sugar, and i do mean a bit like a teaspoon or two for a liter of tea, and lemon juice is exceptional when cold

>> No.15758686

I'm pretty sure most of the world uses sugar cane instead of HFCS

>> No.15758699
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I like the weird taste of diet coke, in fact, I like it more than regular coke

>> No.15758711

Pepsi, it just tastes a bit better. Not a strong preference, though.

>> No.15758723

Have you considered not seething?

>> No.15758755

Pepsi by a landslide. Coke mixes better with other stuff, but Pepsi is delicious and refreshing and doesn't leave your teeth feeling sticky. Plus, Pepsi hands down has the better marketing. Fucking Michael Jackson and Pepsiman? Based

>> No.15758782

The similarities between the battle of Nintendo vs. Sega are staggering.
>colors match up
>underdog (Sega, Pepsi) had brief market dominance in the late 80s
>underdogs both had better ads that Nintendo and Coke didn't know how to handle
>Sega and Pepsi were both marketed with a similar focus on being the "cool" choice
>Nintendo and Coke are both enjoyed by normies who would never even try an alternative if you shoved it in their face
>Nintendo and Coke's conservative stature led to long term success, where Pepsi and Sega lived hard and almost fizzled out during a bubble crash but are both catching up fiscally
>Nintendo and Coke both have fat, one dimensional mascot who wears primarily red, where Sega and Pepsi have a fast, in your face mascot who's all blue
>Sega and Pepsi both literally hired Michael Jackson at the peak of his popularity (king move desu)
I never really realized how similar they were until I wrote it out. Damn.
And of course, the most obvious similarity:
>Sega and Pepsi are the patrician's choice

>> No.15758810

Pepsi all the way.

>> No.15758936

I drink this kinda stuff maybe once or twice a month but I still like coke. You don’t gotta be a bitch

>> No.15759140

I like the night manager, and dr who, but I can't exactly say I'm obsessed with the bbc.
Plus, this is /ck/, not /tv/?

>> No.15759276

Coke when ice cold has more bite but Pepsi is sweeter. I like both depending on what I’m eating for that meal.

>> No.15759281

This x 100

>> No.15759342

i used to like pepsi until i decided to truly analyze and compare the flavor of coke. i liked it better, it seems more interesting and nuanced. there might be cloves or something in it

>> No.15759365

Maybe that's the Coca leaf extract

>> No.15759371

I have the opposite experience. They both have the essence of 10+ herbs in them, but I find that the caramel overpowers them in coke

>> No.15759422

They're literally the same flavor. Cola. When blindfolded, people usually mix them up. How do people still not know this? It's all marketing. so anyone who aggressively picks a side just looks like a billboard to me.

>> No.15759435

Lmao, what are you talking about? Yes, they're both cola. No, they don't taste the same. If you're a closeted tastelet then that's fine, but don't shit this board up by acting so pretentious

>> No.15759454

>noooo the blind tests are wrong!! my syrup the best!!!
settle down, fatass walking billboard

>> No.15759468

Absolute brainlet for misrepresenting a marketing campaign in two separate ways and then making yourself look like a retard instead of getting a good reaction from people

>> No.15759573
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>> No.15759666

>replying to obvious bait

>> No.15759694
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Absolutely based

>> No.15759724

This thread is pretty much done after this post

>> No.15759887


>> No.15759898

Pepsi > Coke
Diet Coke > Diet Pepsi

>> No.15759978
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>> No.15760009

This shit brings me back to being 9.
>the year, is 2004
>you're 9 years old
>you were never too social, just a bit out there
>you never fit with the cliques, you were always just
>you didn't listen to the same music
>you didn't like the same foods
>you were always just
>it's july, the 24th, your birthday
>after a long bike ride, you're wiped
>you see a few bikes all strewn about the lawn, maybe John next door's having a party?
>as you leave your bike against the side of your house, you meander into the house
>seems everyone forgot your birthday.
>you sigh, before walking into the kitchen, from the back entrance.
>you see the backs of half of your elementary class, and some of their parents, all of them seemingly watching the front entrance.
>They all turn around, surprised.
>A cacophony of sound, your senses are overwhelmed
>A ringing, happy sound.
>Someone shoves a beer into your hand
>It's rather quickly replaced with one of these, before you could even crack it open.
>For the first time, in months.
>You feel accepted.
>And as the clock strikes 1.
> You turn 10.

>> No.15760029

Coca Cola hates me and doesn't want me to exist based on my race so if I drank their jew-water to begin with I'd probably pick something else.

>> No.15760044
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>> No.15760061

yes. While I didn't drink Coke so much, I consumed other products of theirs. But If they don't want me to exist anymore, I should stop inconveniencing them with my money.

>> No.15760075

Pepsi is disgusting

>> No.15760080

for me it's coke zero, but only one on a Saturday night with dinner as a treat

>> No.15760446

Is coke zero and sugar free coke the same?
For some reason Coke Zero disappeared, but there's this new coca cola bottle that's almost the same as the regular coke bottle but has a band at the top saying "NO SUGAR"

>> No.15760938

they taste similar enough that i don’t really care which one i get

>> No.15760967
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>not preferring the Doc's dixie cousin

>> No.15760976

Pepsi with all the other companies it owns is worth more than coke

>> No.15760984

>drinking Reb’ hick shit
You will never be American.

>> No.15761011

i dont care theyre meant for mixers anyway

>> No.15761025

Show me these blind taste tests.

>> No.15761133

pepsi max is perfection.

>> No.15761172

Pepsi has a sharper flavor and Coke is more syrupy

>> No.15761175

Is Pepsi not owned by jews as well?

>> No.15761182

Having a spergfest about which brand is better is retarded, same with the fucking console wars, it is a consoomer mentality. Both are fine in their own way, you don't need to devote yourself to one.

>> No.15761233


>> No.15761294
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>> No.15761300

>cursive g
>looping on the right side
Imagine being a retard

>> No.15761308

Pepsi. Coca Cola is FAR too syrupy...

>> No.15761311

coca cola. I love the thick syrup

>> No.15761321

Royal Crown.

>> No.15761418
