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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15751085 No.15751085 [Reply] [Original]

>I can't stand the un-rendered fat on a prime rib or ribeye so I cut it off and leave it on my plate.

>> No.15751093
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>I don't like cauliflower

>> No.15751105

I eat instant ramen covered in sour cream a lot

>> No.15751119

I made spicy pickled Brussels Sprouts.
They're quite tasty.

>> No.15751147

fat fuck here
I stop at a drive thru and eat in my car after work, then I go home and eat my "real" dinner.

>> No.15751158

still want to fuck my sister, no change from last time

>> No.15751163

I would rather have a dry sandwich than use mayonnaise

>> No.15751188

I love drinking a hot mug of tea before I go to bed, but it's too tepid and watery so I put coffee creamer in it.

>> No.15751197

Liquid or powdered?
If powdered, no absolution can save you from Hell.

>> No.15751234

Liquid! What am I, crazy?

>> No.15751240

Difficult to tell on an anonymous Tibetan snake-wrangling forum.

>> No.15752367

I used to go to high end restaurants and order well done fillet mignon just to piss the cooks off.

>> No.15752372

I regularly replace a proper meal with a bag of chips

>> No.15752561

I have done almost all of these things/they have applied to me at some point in time.

>> No.15752725

I know fatties. They do this shit

>> No.15752770

I like burned meat

>> No.15752792

I use leftover London broil in my instant Ramen

>> No.15752794

i would prefer it if the human body ran on coal rather than food

>> No.15753042
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>> No.15753047

for almost 10 years my favorite dish has been ketchup pasta

>> No.15753179

How does this relate to food and cooking?

>> No.15753302

beer fucking sucks

>> No.15753322

I don't think steak is the best thing ever and don't get mad when it's overcooked.

>> No.15753326

damn, that sounds pretty fuckin good
mind sharing the recipe?

>> No.15753332

We both eat food

>> No.15753793

i can't stand cauliflower or broccoli

>> No.15753842

I can't fucking cook rice.

>> No.15753873

How much do you spend on sour cream a month?

>> No.15753878

I couldn't either, until I realized you can just cook it like pasta (throw rice into boiling water, full boil for a few minutes, drain). It comes out pretty nice that way, you just have to be more creative with flavoring it because cooking it in broth/stock is obviously no longer an option.

>> No.15753886
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Raw tomato tastes like garbage.

>> No.15753887

Massive waste of money and the cooks almost definitely did not care lol

>> No.15753897

I might actually try that. I have a gas stove and im too retarded to get the right simmer flame

>> No.15753923

>I think bacon is overrated.

>I think people could stand to eat less meat, even though I think vegans are mentally ill.

>I'm not scared of GMOs or vegetable oils.

>I don't think British food is bad.

>Lettuce is worthless.

>> No.15753926
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I fell for the deenz meme

>> No.15753983

It wasn't a meme.

>> No.15754990

I don't clean my pans or coffee mugs, the pan much less so as the coffee mug never.
I've used a $10 utility knife for everything from raw meat, cooked meat, vegetables, bread, and anything else you can imagine for the past 4 years.
This is deja vu, hello to notices this.
There are foods I will never care or bother to eat in my life, but crazy foods I'd be willing to eat under enough alcohol influence - candy corn to century eggs.

>> No.15755030

Nothing food related disgusts me more than ripped up pasta. That webm of the old fuck cutting his spaghetti with scissors nearly makes me gag

>> No.15755040
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enough to have a sour cream budget

>> No.15755090
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>> No.15755108

If you have a pressure cooker there's an infallible way to always get perfect rice:
>1 cup of rice
>1 cup and a half of water
>close the lid
>wait till the valve steams/rises, leave it for 3 minutes, then take it off the heat
>let it rest for 20 minutes without removing the lid or releasing the pressure
>after 20mins open the lid and enjoy your perfect rice

>> No.15755119

I hate the texture of raw meat. I don't understand the appeal of anything under Medium. I don't want my food burned but I don't want it raw.

>> No.15755126

>you can't cook rice? lol, just buy this dedicated machine for cooking rice, cooklet.

>> No.15755154

Pressure cookers have more use than making rice.

>> No.15755180

I buy plain bran cereal then dump a bunch of raisins in it.

>> No.15755207

You'de be surpised of how many things on Eath contain carbon! So in a way, we are running on coal!

>> No.15755211

thats hilarious

>> No.15755227


>> No.15755246

The other day I made maafe and it sucked, so I threw a whole casserole of stew to the trash and I feel bad for wasting food and for even attempting at making nigger food.

>> No.15755250

incredible man. are your organs good still?

>> No.15755254

I don't like radishes, it's the only food I can't stand

>> No.15755261

Instant mash + instant gravy I mix the powders and add hot water for sloppa

>> No.15755268

i spend lots of time making meals and then just drown it out in sauce. i love sauce.

>> No.15755269
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I just ate a sheep's head for lunch

>> No.15755308

nice stale pasta

>> No.15755331
File: 467 KB, 2016x1512, 20210313_141310_copy_2016x1512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I've never seen that pasta

>> No.15755418

A pressure cooker is an of the most useful kitchen appliances, not some shit unitasker

>> No.15755444

You ever tried romanesco?

>> No.15755448

I like broccoli, but hate cauliflower.

>> No.15755457

I alternate between fast food and eating a week of left over Japanese curry

>> No.15755471

What exactly is the meme?

>> No.15755513

metal af

>> No.15755541

I don't cook but I always give cooking advice on the internet based on cooking videos I have seen on youtube.
I'm pretty good at it.

>> No.15755737
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Now I'm curious, what is the pasta? Does anyone have?

>> No.15756567
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>> No.15756586

Kek a coworker would put creamer in hot water because he didn’t want the caffeine of coffee

>> No.15757331
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Um, tell me you didn't eat that eyeball anon

>> No.15757377
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>> No.15757416

it's an actual delicacy, dumb frogposter

>> No.15757508

not him, what does it taste like?
i feel like the texture would be kind of fucked, between the cornea and the vitreous fluid

>> No.15757530


Does this recipe scale up well?

Say 6 cups of rice and 9 cups of water?

>> No.15757598
File: 44 KB, 668x779, frogposters worst nightmare helper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bee nice to frogposters :(

>> No.15757722

kill yourself. if you have prime rib you better have nothing left on your plate.

>> No.15757779

Give us the recipe

>> No.15758298

Tried it up to 3 cups and yeah. 1 cup can feed 2 people so not sure when you'd need 6 cups tho.

>> No.15758760

It was a lot like steak fat in texture and taste. I cracked a little salt and pepper it. Was neat to try but honestly not something I'm dying to try again

>> No.15758848

i chew on almost all the bones i can get

>> No.15758861

I eat the unrendered fat off peoples plates if it looks good
>t. Dishwasher

>> No.15758971

I retch when i eat deenz sometimes but i love the way i feel after eating them.

>> No.15759015

very common landwhale behavior

>> No.15759019

wow dude, candy corn??? that's fucking insane

>> No.15759028

my fav snack is an anchovies, onion, and mustard sandwich

>> No.15759234

Spent $27 last night on 8, small, half shell oysters and a cup of lobster bisque (first time having bisque). 5 of the oysters were part of a dish that was practically burnt.
Just blew $32 this morning on donuts from a local joint.
I'll be drinking and burning down some ciggies all day today like I was yesterday.

>> No.15759242

I often pick up a mcdonald's cheeseburger on the way to pick up carryout for the family

>> No.15759267
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I give it to my dog

>> No.15759277

i eat bones

>> No.15759411

The whole thing?! Your anus is in for a punishment once that thing passes through

>> No.15759471

this is just good clean living

>> No.15759489

I have spit in people's food before.