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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15749697 No.15749697 [Reply] [Original]

What's the reason behind for very few Americans eat salads and fish?

>> No.15749708

gotta eat cheap shit in order to pay rent mostly, that or sugar addictions.

>> No.15749719

Americans who live near water, fresh or saltwater, eat fish plenty. However, large swathes of the country are far away from either, owing to it being one of the larger countries geographically. As for salad, I would assume due to the horrific post-war corporate influences mixing with the post-30s mindset leading to the modern disaster that is American cuisine.

>> No.15749793
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Long ago before long nose tribe took our land and traded it for anti racism anal beads our Chief George Washington started our tribal heritage on Salmon Salads but every thing changed when the Liar Nation attacked

>> No.15749806

70% of everything we get from the sea is turned into pet food, and also there’s the fact that fish is more delicate to process before it spoils, so both of these things and costumer demands caused the price to go higher than it should.

>> No.15749847

I don’t like eating salads because it is not as satisfying as whole foods. For a meal I just eat a whole vegetable like one cucumber or .5 a pound of broccoli

>> No.15749856
File: 219 KB, 685x505, 427516BE-4EE6-4A1B-BE8B-D43652555844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans who live near water, fresh or saltwater, eat fish plenty.

This. As you can see in picrel overlay, all of that European coastline matches up to the American interior. As Americans moved west it was easy enough to hunt for meat and then the commercial cattle industry kicked off just as commercial hunting was dying out. But North Atlantic cod is n the east coast and pacific salmon on the west are, and were, huge industries.

>salad is fiber with some vitamins

>> No.15749858

I like salads and eat them fairly regularly.

I love fish, but the only fresh fish you get around here is fish you catch yourself in a nearby lake. Of course, you could have it flown in, but that would be awfully expensive.

>> No.15749863

what if you pay someone to catch those fishes for you?

>> No.15749865

I grew up with salads either being calorie dense like pasta/potato 'salad' or a bunch of leaves with maybe a tomato on a plate
Only later did I realise that that's not what salad is meant to be after reading european cookbooks, maybe that's the problem?

>> No.15749868

I don't know why cottage cheese isnt as popular here

>> No.15749879

>that's not what salad is meant to be after reading european cookbooks


>> No.15749880

salads year round a new idea thanks to globalization. In the midwest we eat salads when the season makes sense.

>> No.15749891

>reading european cookbooks,

>> No.15749901

americans eat tons of salad
because fish tastes 10x worse than any meat, and we have plenty of land to raise animals

>> No.15749908

Salads are disgusting and there is nothing inherently "healthy" about eating plant foods. Just pure nonsense that is passed down from the previous generations and the """"food pyramid""". Even besides this point, americans eat tons of salads and plant products. it's one of the reasons why we are unhealthy

americans should eat more fish tho

>> No.15749915

If when he thinks "salad" he thinks fucking macaroni salad, then this flyover probably got his mind blow when he realizes that salads can have tomatoes, cucumbers, red onion, and fresh grated cheese.

>> No.15749924

I’m curious what he thinks of as different with European salad. I’ve been to Europe and gotten served the same shitty house salad we have here.

>> No.15749935

You are the sort of mouthbreathing faggot that validate all the "Americans..." meme on this board, holy shit this is so hopeless.

>> No.15750009

look up Greek Salad and Spanish Salad on google images. You wouldn't get served that at Applebees.

>> No.15750015
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Stop eating potatoes, Grain Brain

>> No.15750033
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>> No.15750076
File: 3.96 MB, 4032x3024, Greek_Salad_from_Thessaloniki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which exactly of those 8 salads looks like pic related to you?

>> No.15750081

Tuscan garden.

>> No.15750090

i don't eat anything besides dairy, fish, meat, and eggs (besides the occasional chips or chocolate).

ok, please explain why salads and/or plant foods are healthy for us

>> No.15750094

Cabbage is a gift from GOD

>> No.15750097

I would like you to identify the any ingredient, other than tomato, which you see in both.

>> No.15750107

Where can I learn about seasonal eating? I freaked out for ages about circadian chaos

>> No.15750116

most of america is landlocked

>> No.15750117


>> No.15750127


>> No.15750128
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Sorry. If I eat lettuce I will shit it out in a hour. Salads are great when they don't run straight through you.

>> No.15750132

hello i am american, i eat the hot dog and the cabbage

>> No.15750152

Dude. It’s just a Greek salad. It’s not some delicacy that can’t be found. Is it better than a shit house salad of iceberg lettuce and shaved carrot? Yes. But it’s nothing special.

>> No.15750200

Most of the thread has the fish part covered, but regarding salads, it's likely due to the fact a good majority of the US is poor. And when you're poor you want to make your money stretch further.

Produce has a short shelf life, and in some parts of the country is rather expensive to boot when compared to more shelf stable foods like canned goods or frozen trash. Most people would rather pick up food they know isn't going to spoil within a few days, even if it means its worse for them.

There's also the fact that not many people live close to places to even purchase food to begin with. "Food deserts" are a problem, especially in poorer communities, where you can go miles and miles without somewhere reliable for groceries that isn't a convenience store or dollar store. Many of which likely won't offer fresh produce that isn't something like bananas.

>> No.15750307


>> No.15750320

>answering a rhetorical question

>> No.15750325

>>salad is fiber with some vitamins
this isn't true, plants have unique phytochemicals which modern science hasn't been able quantify correctly.

if you just substituted plants with fiber + vitamins your health would be poorer

>> No.15750356
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europeans evolved in cold winter climates where plant foods were minimal. We survived exclusively on meat and fish, and later some dairy.

grain-eating was an extremely recent invention and northern europeans are not fully adapted to it.

A high fat meat based diet, with maybe a few sour berries twice a month, is closest to what we evolved eating.

seething trannies.
all plants have antinutrients. all animals run on protein/fat almost exclusively.

>> No.15750362

Howdy newfriend! We say "pic related" not "picrel". It's only a few more characters, so I'm sure you can handle using the parlance of this website. Have fun and enjoy your stay!

>> No.15750406

Yes i know. Flavonoids are interesting as well.

>> No.15750834

I am not a rabbit

>> No.15751448

Americans have been hearing about mercury in fish for 30 years. Mercury mercury mercury. Also i personally don't eat fish because I know exactly how polluted the ocean is. Its bad. I'm not a fan of eating micro plastic and mercury.

>> No.15751469

"poor people food"
So they think it's their right to eat meat, cheese, and wine every day.

>> No.15751473

shut up you sanctimonious gatekeeping faggot

>> No.15751488

Not him but i think you're a faggot for saying picrel too. Also... An insecure faggot at that. Sanctimonious? Know how I know you're 13?

>> No.15751820
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It's healthy, so they avoid it like the Plague.

>> No.15751915

Yeah, those salads loaded with dressing, cheese, bacon, and croutons sure are healthy.