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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 195 KB, 1333x1000, go-to-roast-parsnip-recipe-435770-step-01-cropped-a87dc3503d024f878ff6e1919d1b2bd7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15749304 No.15749304 [Reply] [Original]

does a worse vegetable exist?

>> No.15749345


>> No.15749350


>> No.15749375

Parsnips are just albino carrots

>> No.15749380

What is it for? What does it do?

>> No.15749381

yeah those white fleshed roots with the purple skin that the chink grocer calls "sweet potatoes" that are obviously not sweet potatoes

>> No.15749385

roasted parsnip is great with cube steak and blue cheese sauce

>> No.15749393

Honey parsnips you daft cunt

>> No.15749435


>> No.15749441


>> No.15749449


Fuck you dude

>> No.15749471

They literally just taste like carrots

>> No.15749491

no they dont

>> No.15749496

They're better than carrots

>> No.15749540


>> No.15749665

They're actually quite tasteful.

>> No.15749682

sweet potatoes

>> No.15749686


>> No.15749687

they're way more potatoey than turnips

>> No.15749804

They taste like spicy carrots to me. Carroty with a bit of nutmeg or cardamom maybe.

>> No.15749816
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Korean sweet potatoes are good roasted. How did you cook them?

>> No.15750057
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>> No.15750178

yes, kale

>> No.15750188

that's it
boiled in a stew like a potato and they fuckin ruined it

>> No.15750193

goes up the pooper

>> No.15750237

They're fucking delicious, especially sauteed in butter.

>> No.15750246

It's a root vegetable that is planted in the fall and harvested in spring. It concentrates a lot of sugars to survive the winter.

>> No.15750315

I think parsnips and turnips are basically the only modern day foods that are native to Europe

>> No.15750332

ur a retard

>Although not often thought of as a major center of crop diversity, the European continent harbors rich wild gene pools of many crop species. These include: cereals, particularly oats (Avena) and rye (Secale); food legumes such as pea (Pisum) and lupins (Lupinus); fruit crops, such as apple (Malus), pear (Pyrus), plums and cherries (Prunus), grape vine (Vitis), raspberries and blackberries (Rubus), olive (Olea) and fig (Ficus); vegetables—including lettuce (Lactuca), carrot (Daucus), parsnip (Pastinaca), cabbage and other brassicas (Brassica), beet (Beta), celery, celeriac (Apium), leek (Allium), asparagus (Asparagus), salsify (Tragopogon), and artichoke (Cynara).

>> No.15750363

literally every single one of those things came from the Middle East or Central Asia.

>> No.15750371

i think parsnips are better than carrots.

>> No.15750378

they are all native to western Europe u dumb faggot

>> No.15750391

The wild ancestor of Avena sativa and the closely related minor crop, A. byzantina, is the hexaploid wild oat, A. sterilis. Genetic evidence shows the ancestral forms of A. sterilis grew in the Fertile Crescent of the Near East.*

* https://acsess.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.2135/cropsci1999.0011183X003900040042x

>> No.15750400

this is what I'm talking about. Almost everything in Europe has a Middle Eastern or Central Asian origin, including apples, cows, goats, sheep, and more.

Turnips and maybe parsnips (I'm not even sure about the second) are the only truly European native food species

>> No.15750445

dude if you called me a dumb faggot to my face you would be spitting teeth out
please be nice

>> No.15750477

well fine
but what about the rest of the list then nerd?

>> No.15750516

no, they are markedly different in taste and texture when cooked and raw

>> No.15750519

You're a big boy, you can read wikipedia by yourself.

>> No.15750523

settle down big guy, this is an internet cooking forum

>> No.15750564

And then you'd have a gaping stab wound with your intestines falling out of it

>> No.15750572

>You're a big boy
for you

>you can read wikipedia by yourself.
i need primary sources if you want to refute the list i diligently created with extensive research
until then i will consider you a fake and a fraud
ps. rye, pea, lupins, apple, pear do not count they were included my mistake

>> No.15750573

Leave the potato carrots alone. They're good in stews.

>> No.15750575
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Those are fucking amazing if you roast them

>> No.15750599

big agree right there. I love roasted root vegetables

>> No.15750633

You can go fuck yourself with a garden trowel. Celeriac is without peer.

>> No.15750641

When he’s >>15749435 done with the trowel you can have a turn, tastelet

>> No.15750660

Celeriac and Kohlrabi are indistinguishable, change my mind.

>> No.15750676


>> No.15750881
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>> No.15751601

turnips are a lot worse.

>> No.15751728

really good roasted

>> No.15751735
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it's you

>> No.15751741

What the fuck am I reading. There's nothing they have in common.
Celeriac has a strong celery (well, duh) flavor and is better cooked (either roasted, stewed, or mashed).
Kohlrabi is a cabbage variety (yep, good ol' brassica), is much juicier (unless you're unlucky and got a woody one), has a milder flavor, and is better raw.

>> No.15751748

Kohlrabi is spicy like mustard spicy and celeriac and tastes like celery leaves. Have you ever eaten either of these?

>> No.15751875

Poor mans fucking carrots.

>> No.15751877


>> No.15751882

Are you American?

>> No.15751886

Wtf are you on about, these things are great. Among their many uses is making an easy tricolor brunoise style side with carrot and celery which is great for accompanying seafood

>> No.15751889


>> No.15751901

is that a heart

>> No.15751919

Sure, salsify are fucking disgusting

>> No.15751920

>parsnips bad
Retarded take. You can simmer them in a stew, roast them in honey, fry them with orange

>> No.15751940

Or just make fried out them

>> No.15751985
File: 415 KB, 872x460, 4vtg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HA you sweet summer child I guarantee you or most of the faggots in this thread have never even tried this horrendously bitter shit.
>Only remotely edible if drowned in sugar.
You are out of your league.

>> No.15752001

Rope yourself, my melanin rich friend.

>> No.15752911
File: 129 KB, 768x768, 92A6B5DA-9EE1-41C8-8568-9938302D86DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never came across a person who I made try roasted parsnips and not like them

>> No.15752925

Raw tomatoes.
I can't stand the the texture, the juiciness, the bitterness, the tartness.
No, I will not grow up.

>> No.15752936

Lol'd, five star post.

>> No.15752948

Cucumbers. Crispy outside, glibbery inside. Absolutely vile.

>> No.15752949

whats the best one to put up your ass

>> No.15752964

They taste really good, especially when roasted.

>> No.15752990

A microwaved carrot.

>> No.15753190

The only people who don't know what rhubarb is are west coast faggots. The only people who don't appreciate the sourness and tang it adds to dishes are also west coast faggots.
You sir(female) are a faggot.

>> No.15753197

I can see your glow from here, glowie.

>> No.15753261


>> No.15753344

Fucking rat bitch bastard i spit your mothers fucker cunt

>> No.15753352

Hang on a second buddy, I'm west coast and I know rhubarb and enjoy its sourness

>> No.15753361

Yeah, my disabled ex-wife. Lol.

>> No.15753381

Edgiest kid today.

>> No.15753403

They're delicious in a salad with walnuts, comte cheese and bacon, also obviously endives with ham.

>> No.15753785

Hi dumb faggot where you live let’s fight

>> No.15753922

absolutely filtered

>> No.15753927

>disabled ex-wife
What did she do to hurt you so badly

>> No.15753964

my guinea pigs love these lil fucks

>> No.15753977

Yes, from a pig.
Very good for stews. They used to be cheap as dirt here but now they're not.

>> No.15753979


>> No.15755775

I'd tell you to eat shit but it seems that you don't need any encouragement there.

>> No.15755903

Just because wild versions of these species existed in Europe doesn't mean they were domesticated there.

>> No.15755920

Amazing that no one has mentioned Rutabaga yet.

>> No.15755984
File: 21 KB, 352x400, 20110520090147okra-by-FootosVanRobin-352x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King of garbage veg incoming. Makes soups into disgusting snot, tastes like rotten bell peppers, and makes your mouth feel like it's coated in wax.

Literally no redeeming qualities.

>> No.15755993

Well then your obviously not a faggot, just west coast.

>> No.15756019

fry that shit up stupid

>> No.15756024

It does a good job filtering yankee carpetbaggers (you)

>> No.15756036

If you don't put parsnip and turnip in your soup, you don't know how to make soup. You're a generic peon.

>> No.15756155
File: 200 KB, 600x600, eb1aaa99-2f74-43c8-9ec2-38e6312fccd6_1.be4819566b0ce8316d7176be48211550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pickled okra is good. Have you tried it?

>> No.15756205

say anything bad about rhubarb ever again and we're gonna have ourselves a problem, pal

>> No.15756207

nearly all vegetables have redeeming qualities, change my mind

>> No.15756747

It's still slimy and waxes up your mouth.

No, (you)

No and I'm not gonna. I've already made up my mind. You literally can't make me faggot.

>> No.15756773

It's mucilaginous, pleb.

>> No.15756782
File: 70 KB, 903x603, bitter-gourd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parsnips are sweet, mild and delicious roasted. Something like the bitter melon has got to be worse and way more offensive to most palates

>> No.15756901

>Using fancy learnin' words
Reddit go and stay go

>> No.15756941
File: 168 KB, 809x1024, carrot-on-white-5-809x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks like a cheese puff
>tastes like sweet rice
fuck bugs bunny

>> No.15757238

basically funky carrot

parsnip: 6/10

carrot: 7/10

let me tell you about wet and cold brocolli: 1.5/10

>> No.15757275
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Got her!

>> No.15757297


>> No.15757303

The best curry I ever had was bitter gourd but it was in India at an expensive hotel so they knew how to do it right, like soak in salt overnight and/or maybe other stuff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPXg2Ypl9bg

>> No.15757762

Turnips are kind of gross. I don't hate them, I wouldn't care if they disappeared though.

>> No.15757769
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>> No.15757771
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>> No.15758036
File: 94 KB, 610x544, Worst vegetable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck these things.

>> No.15758048

these are parsnips you dumbshit

>> No.15758058

Women actually do.

>> No.15758134

any recommended recipes using these? I don't have anything against parsnips, just haven't had them very much

>> No.15758266

When you do a roast, throw parsnips in alongside carrots and potatoes. Cover them in gravy on your plate. Delicious.

>> No.15758281

parsnip puree (boiled in milk with a bit of nutmeg) as a base for seared scallops

>> No.15759003

Carrots taste amazing and have so many uses. Grow up

>> No.15759624

Cool, thanks for sharing. Just goes to show even bitter and unpalatable stuff can be prepared well, not to mention the good nutritious properties of it. These kind of "veggies are bad" pissing contests always amuse me because they say a lot more about the people whining than about the vegetables they don't like.

Also, the expression that washed over that dude's face after drinking the bitter juice is 100% my experience with the bitter gourd lmao. I'm sure the fry was delicious but damn shit's like licking a nintendo switch cartridge.

Also, every vegetable is delicious and deserves love and appreciation. I will die on this hill.

>> No.15760231
File: 11 KB, 275x183, 2Q== (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, tastes like fucking shit and piss

>> No.15761200


Bro, I saw a recipe in a cookbook yesterday that I want to try with these. 1 tablespoon of honey, 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil, and roasted in the oven. You boil the parsnips for 5 minutes, then put everything together in a dish at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.

>> No.15761372

>requires generations of passed down knowledge through trial-and-error, as well as labor and time intensive preparation to make it somehow palatable
>"every vegetable is delicious guys!"
I know you're trying to make a point here, but stop being deluded. And yes, I eat most of the common veggies, know how to prepare them and most of the time they're pretty good. But you're still wrong.

>> No.15761957

Parsnips with salted butter is incredible. Neck yourself.

>> No.15763894
File: 1.94 MB, 1668x1920, San_Pedro_Stars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, if I'm at that hotel that serves a bomb ass bitter gourd curry you bet I'd dig in. I love okra too, fried okra is one of my top late summer treats, but damn if it's not too much hassle a lot of the time, and you gotta get it right so it's not slimy, etc... I think interacting with cultural traditions and different culinary schools is a big part of the fun of food and cooking for me.

I will recognize that I'm an outlier here as a crunchy agrogeek stoner. I think all veggies deserve love, but it's not my style to say everyone has to love every vegetable - people's tastes, lifestyles and experiences are all yada yada I think you get where I'm going

Pic related is an incredibly difficult to eat vegetable that is still deserving of love

>> No.15763900
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>> No.15764706

parsnips are similar in texture and flavor to being half way between potato and carrot. They're pretty good if roasted or fried.

>> No.15764712

celery root is really good and goes well with parsnip roasted or fried or boiled in a soup