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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 106 KB, 960x540, Wagyu-Marbeling-01-וואגיו-שיוש.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15741963 No.15741963 [Reply] [Original]

So you're basically paying a fortune for fat?

>> No.15741968

No you are paying a fortune because some basedboy from NY wrote in a magazine saying its good.

>> No.15741981

It's a different kind of fat, melts at a lower temp, tastes different from angus fat.

>> No.15741983

I’m more confused when people buy ground wagyu. Why pay more when fat is already evenly distributed in ground beef? Unless wagyu fat tastes better than regular beef fat.

>> No.15741987

>Unless wagyu fat tastes better than regular beef fat
It does, but I still wouldn't waste money buying pre-ground wagyu. I'd rather buy primals and use trimmings for ground.

>> No.15742005

>So you're basically paying a fortune for fat?
but enough about your whore wife, is wagyu tasty?

>> No.15742032

No, you’re paying for a combination of material & labor cost in raising the animals, as well as a premium dictated by supply/demand, since the supply isn’t that scalable.

It’s really not that complicated.

>> No.15742039


>> No.15742101

>I’m more confused when people buy ground wagyu
The vast majority of “ground wagyu” isn’t actual Japanese wagyu.
If it’s sitting in a grocery store meat dept, it’s almost guaranteed to not be.

With the specialty stores where the ground wagyu is the actual imported stuff, the ground meat the offer is usually just the result of leftover trimmings which are too small or whatever to be sold as cuts. It’s still tastier as a burger than typical ground beef, as long as it isn’t buried under so many toppings/condiments you can’t taste it.

>> No.15742149
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t.someone who will never eat wagyu

>> No.15742161

OP btfo

>> No.15742193

Nah, it’s just a typical /ck/ zoomer. They do it with all forms of food and kitchen tools.
Anything below what they can afford is garbage. Anything beyond what they can afford is an unnecessary meme.

>> No.15742351

Cope, poorfag.

>> No.15742372

Yeah, whatever, retard.

>> No.15742457

I've been to Japan 9 times and literally nobody talks about this shit or eats it. Same goes for Korea, China, Thailand, etc. I have heard more about eating horse and whale than this garbage.

>> No.15742478

>anyone who cooks more than me has no life
>anyone who cooks less than me is a casual
tale as old as time

>> No.15742507

No because I don't buy meme ingredients.

>> No.15742549

>I've been to Japan 9 times and literally nobody talks about this shit or eats it
Did you actually talk to anyone there?
>I have heard more about eating horse
Of course. It’s cheap. You can literally find it on yakiniku buffets. People eat it all the time so of course they’ll talk about how it was at such-and-such place they went the other day. It isn’t a luxury food which someone has to splurge on.
You won’t find people in Japan constantly conversing about Yubari melons either, but everyone knows what they are and why they’re expensive.
>this garbage
You sound strangely bitter for such a well-travelled person attempting to relay an observation.

Not sure what you were doing on these supposed trips to Japan, but you don’t seem to have paid much attention.

>> No.15742557


>> No.15742991

it's literally cheap ass vegetable oil infused into the sick muscles of the poor cows

>> No.15742995

lmao, delusional

How fragile do you have to be to pretend the best beef in the world is some massive conspiracy?

>> No.15743004

polyunsaturated fat is poison and if your muscles are full of fat they're fucked up

>> No.15743022

Confirmed retard.

Wagyu are known to have high levels of natural monounsaturated fatty acids, due to much higher concentrations of oleic acid.

>> No.15743091

>So you're basically paying a fortune for fat?

>> No.15743103
File: 30 KB, 615x409, Tub-of-lard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15743122

shut up nerd

>> No.15743131

not even remotely the same.

>> No.15743133

not the same fat

>> No.15743219

I'm paying to fund the Japanese Empire, so that one day it may rise again and take the pacific

>> No.15743243

half of /ck/ threads can be distilled to poorfag cope

>> No.15743311

That is refined pig fat you retard.

>> No.15743337

Wagyu is for people that want to waste money

The even distribution of fat makes it feel more like biting into butter, and that makes it 'expensive'

I have nothing against chefs separating idiots from their money. I just dont like it when the actual standards of food are blurred

>> No.15743383

kys numale redditor pay for 5000 dollars for sushi cause some old gook made it.

>> No.15743872

Yes, the same with Prime graded steaks. It's a concept that's existed in the US for generations. But the Japanese went ahead and made beef more PRIME than Prime.

It's not very hard to understand, I can tell you're a vegan.

>> No.15743938

>tastes different from anus fat
You'd fucking know you ass munch faggot

>> No.15746038

It's too expensive for me to try. Im not willing to justify an extravagant amount of money for a bit of food. Every bite I'd take I'd be thinking about how I should've spent my money more wisely.

>> No.15746069

Yes, anon. We get it. Anything that costs more than you personally can/will spend is a silly meme. Just like >>15742193 said.

>> No.15746098
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Who's the newfag arguing with the retard posting lard? You just bored or something?

>> No.15746129

Japanese labeling regulations:
Waygu = Regular domestic Japanese beef
Kobe = Raised on specific farms in a specific small prefecture, incredibly strict threshold for quality and marbling
US labeling regulations:
>Waygu = Any cow with partial Japanese bloodline, usually raised in America with the same quality standards as regular beef
>"American Style Kobe Beef" = cross breed of Angus and Waygu cattle
>Kobe = No marketing regulation, so always shorthand for the above fake Kobe
Basically if you're buying Kobe/Waygu in America you're a retard thats buying normal beef at a premium. Actual imported Kobe is hundreds of dollars per ounce

>> No.15746146
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>Actual imported Kobe is hundreds of dollars per ounce
Nah, you can pay wholesale or near wholesale price if you look for deals online.

Pic related, 100 ounces of A5 Wagyu ribeye roast for about $5.88 per ounce.

>> No.15746149
File: 444 KB, 1394x484, 1591094344104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and real A5 Kobe for $25/ounce

>> No.15746164

Kobe is not the same thing as Waygu
A screencap of some literally who website doesn't tell me anything. It could easily be American fake Kobe or another Waygu they're trying to pass off as Kobe

>> No.15746169
File: 567 KB, 1414x524, 1614917060957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao seething retard.

> well I don't know about it, so obviously it's just fake bullshit

you can even buy the nose printcertificate of authenticity during their rare Kobe beef drops.

>> No.15746173
File: 147 KB, 1140x603, 1601697998723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kobe is not the same thing as Waygu
No shit, you also said
>Basically if you're buying Kobe/Waygu in America you're a retard thats buying normal beef at a premium.
which i proved simply isn't true, you claiming it's fake with zero evidence doesn't make it so

also, pic related, the kobe nose print certificate.

>> No.15746178

>which i proved simply isn't true
It absolutely is true. I didn't say that its impossible to buy real Kobe from specialty sites, I said that there is no regulation from the government on it's branding so the "Kobe beef" most people are buying is actually fake

>> No.15746198

>Basically if you're buying Kobe/Waygu in America you're a retard thats buying normal beef at a premium
No, if you’re an uninformed consumer that’s what you’re doing. Anyone who knows their shit will ask to see the import documents.

Nigger stop with your disingenuous crowd-purchase subscription-bullshit website in wagyu threads.
At the very least post their steak cuts and not roast cuts, so you can at least pretend you’re comparing apples to apples.
How about you post pics of meat you’ve actually received from them instead of posting their product pages?

>> No.15746207

Also unlike your worthless Google images screencaps I'll add some actual sources. The fucking government themselves:
Here's an example of a site that sells fake Waygu:
I've even seen beef labeled Kobe sold at supermarkets for something like $30 a pound. Totally fake
>Anyone who knows their shit will ask to see the import documents
No shit. Why the fuck are you even trying to argue about this, are you autistic or something? My post was intended for all the other dumbasses ITT that were talking about fake Waygu, thats why I replied to THEM not YOU

>> No.15746232

>No shit. Why the fuck are you even trying to argue about this, are you autistic or something?
Because you literally said “if you're buying Kobe/Waygu in America you're a retard thats buying normal beef at a premium”.
I currently live in America, and regularly purchase Wagyu, from Kobe as well as other prefectural origins. Your statement is factually incorrect, and only applies to retards who don’t pay attention to what they buy.

>> No.15746264

That's why I said "buying it in America" not "importing it from Japan"
>only applies to retards who don’t pay attention to what they buy
Like I said the post was intended for them, not you. Why don't you just reply like a normal fucking person instead of doing this stupid bait bullshit? If all you want is to have pointless gay arguments go to /pol/

>> No.15746276

>immediately equates steak to /pol/ boogeymen
You should have said so sooner, I wouldn’t have troubled you with discussion.

>> No.15746328
File: 768 KB, 713x535, steak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15746376

Fuck no I don’t. I only buy jerky, and rehydrate it back into steak form with rainwater I collected for free.
I’m not paying Big Meat for the liquid contained within cells!

>> No.15746485

What stopped you from becoming emotionally mature enough for people to disagree with your likes

>> No.15746489

Oh wait I forgot I was on 4chan where people too scared of confrontations go to to air their grievances

>> No.15747812


>> No.15747828

>$600 for a cut of meat
Fuck that

>> No.15747851

I'd rather pay that and cook it myself fb to pay $150+ for 6oz at a restaurant.