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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 155 KB, 350x350, TangyZip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15737816 No.15737816 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone tried scraping off the bland m*yo that comes on a McChicken and replacing it with the tangy zip of Miracle Whip?

I'm thinking this would be the only way to improve the McChicken, which is a damn near perfect burger to begin with.

>> No.15737827

>inb4 euros shit on Miracle Whip because they’re too retarded to know it’s literally Heinz Salad Cream

>> No.15738391

what do you mean m*yo, everyone knows mcchicken comes with mcchicken sauce

>> No.15738397

wtf is salad cream

>> No.15738403

Miracle whip

>> No.15738414
File: 142 KB, 1500x1500, 81MoLlbTRBL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hellmans is better

>> No.15738426

idk what boffum are

>> No.15738453

mayo is a cooking ingredient. when it comes to sandwiches, burgers and hot-dogs, miracle whip is better. to disagree is to admit you're a pretentious cunt who feels the need to be elitist over a fucking condiment.

>> No.15738457

>miracle whip
you just lost all credibility

>> No.15738459

>Reddit spacing

>> No.15738478

there's nothing like a miracle-whip, mustard, relish, onion and cabbage 'ot-'og, faggot

>> No.15738618

Ignorance is bliss

>> No.15738639

mcchicken isnt a burger.

>> No.15738672

For me, it's the

>> No.15738692
File: 224 KB, 859x960, built chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the buns are round it's a burger and that's that

>> No.15738702

You are a tastelet and I wish you bodily harm.

>> No.15738709

Cry more, faggot.

>> No.15738740

Miracle whip is too sweet for 99% of applications. It only really appeals to people who are borderline diabetic and had their tastebuds blown out by HFCS, and now think anything with a huge amount of sugar is better. I prefer real mayonnaise with a pronounced vinegar taste and that's fluffy and light, not caulk-like and pasty like Miracle Whip. I've done side by side comparisons and in every case mayonnaise is miles ahead in being more satisfying and delicious.

>> No.15738762

>too sweet muh hfcs
It’s literally one gram of sugar per serving.
One. Gram.
I mean c’mon, there’s plenty of reasons to shit on it. But you picked the absolutely most retarded meme comparison to go with?

>> No.15738765

Miracle Whip is white trash. Its the margarine of sandwich spreads, created as a cheaper substitute for mayo. How can you be this dumb?

>> No.15738773

The flavor is literally like sweetened soybean oil. It's not pleasant, sorry to burst your corporate shill balls. How much are you being paid to post here?
>that's so mayo!

>> No.15738777
File: 2.93 MB, 4032x3024, 54B45BEB-CEAE-44C7-A993-28454680E263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheaper substitute that costs nearly double
You’re either an illiterate faggot who can’t read prices, or you’re an underage little bitch who’s never grocery shopped.
Which is it?

>> No.15738791

>if you aren’t retarded like me, you must be a shill
I don’t eat miracle whip. But if I had a choice of getting rid of it, or retards like you, I’d pick the retards.
Faux-snob fags like you are why actual discussion is impossible on this board.

>> No.15738795

>paying more for an inferior product
Do Americans really?

>> No.15738809

It's nearly double NOW, because of inbreds from Missouri like you who buy this crap. When it was invented it was cheaper than mayo

>> No.15738813

Not trying to be a snob, i just assumed you were OP who is clearly with Miracle Whip social media relations, who expends a large amount of money to post on websites like this. Memetic advertising is dull and ruining the internet

>> No.15738828

I mean just look at the shill's lame attempt to relate to us by referencing the McChicken meme in a total non-native manner.

>> No.15738834

>w-well nearly 100 years ago.. because people I don’t like! >:(
I wish I could afford whiskey as aged as your cope

>> No.15740161


>> No.15740173

what the fuck miracle whip is mayonnaise I assumed it was spray on whipped cream