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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 56 KB, 716x667, scrn-2021-03-10-20-50-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15735995 No.15735995 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of this project from /g/?


It's basically the start of a collaborative attempt to make a recipe site that doesn't load three videos and start every page with the autobiography of the cook.

If you're familiar with Github, you can submit recipes here:
I think most of the work is going to be done by a handful of /g/-/ck/ crossposters, who are going to take some finding. But all it would take to flesh this website out is one dedicated dude digitising his cookbook.

>> No.15736028

gay lol

>> No.15736033
File: 139 KB, 564x707, 1606002937885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>based cooking
Embarrassing garbage for cooklets and contrarians. Get a proper cookbook if you actually want to learn something not some bullshit recipes scrapped by incels who eat by their computer

>> No.15736036

this is from /g/? wtf just use react?

>> No.15736049

die zoomer

>> No.15736059

The site looks like garbage and this is a perfect use case for a component based framework.
>"New technologies are bad because I'm not good at them"
why don't you go talk about how great php is somewhere else.

>> No.15736061

needs 2am chili

>> No.15736066

just stop using google to find recipes and you won't have to look at garbage that's been optimized to get to the top of google's search results. i'm not sure why you think making a website is ground breaking.

>> No.15736068

Why would a recipe need javascript?

>> No.15736074

i wouldn't trust those mother-fucking trannies with anything.

>> No.15736077

>attempt to make a recipe site that doesn't load three videos and start every page with the autobiography of the cook
please god yes
fuck recipe sites

>> No.15736079

Why would I trust a website from people who can't even make a site look good.
>it looks bad, therefor is good
linux is for fags btw

>> No.15736089

As a google-cooker I love this idea and would be happy to contribute although I don't really write down a recipe for anything I make.
Agree the current state of internet recipes is fucked.

>> No.15736094

>Why would I trust a website from people who can't even make a site look good.
>why would I trust the information when there's no flashy graffix to keep me entertained

>> No.15736105

You shouldn't.

If this becomes a trend, it'll put a lot of webdevs out of work, which would be so terrible.

>> No.15736109

>flashy graphics == bad
do you use arch?

>> No.15736113

>requiring flashy graphics for recipes
are you 5?

>> No.15736117

why do you keep saying flashy? it's not 2002, I would prefer a modern UI + SPA.

>> No.15736134

I'm pro-cookbook, but why not have at least one recipe site that doesn't suck balls?

>> No.15736143

I only "said" it once. Second time was quoting you quoting me.

A page like that I can just hit ctrl+f and enter in whatever I'm looking for. The clumsy and cumbersome way of searching and sorting through websites if fucking awful, anon. There's nothing wrong with simplifying things that don't need to be complicated.

>> No.15736145

Just download an app while you're at it.

>> No.15736155

No thanks, I've got chef john.

>> No.15736156

Looks like shit and needing to submit a pr to get a recipe up is retarded, will die in no time

>> No.15736163
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lmao of course Luke Smith is behind it, that man has some sort of huge hatred of anything but Web 1.0 basic design. I both respect it and find it moderately autistic.

As for my actual takes, I have two:

(1) Yummly is kinda-sorta already doing this by scraping existing food blogs and dumping the data into their database.

(2) Half of the fun I find in cooking is trying new and unusual recipes from people I respect in the industry. That's half the fun of a cookbook - you're diving into the mind of a unique chef with cool ideas. That's why I'm willing to sit down and watch a Masterclass video. I don't exactly have a burning desire for some stripped-down instruction guide on how to make the most rudimentary comfort food ever.

>> No.15736173

The site looks fine and is 100x more readable than other recipe sites, you just have the attention span of a rat and need fancy bloatware to entertain yourself

>> No.15736176

There are brower addons which detect the recipe box and remove everything else. This is completely redundant.

>> No.15736185

This would be a good idea if it was open submittal type site but the fact your recipes are getting filtered by one heavily autistic nerd and rejected at their discretion ruins the whole thing.

>> No.15736196

sounds incredibly autistic. I love it.

>> No.15736199

His blog post about kosher salt was abhorrently anti-semetic, reporting to the ADL as we speak.

>> No.15736208

Lmao, I made a site like this in college for a group project. Lemme see if I can find it, it's way better than this ugly trash and it has more filters

>> No.15736227

I'd actually contribute to this.

>> No.15736337
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get a real job you sniveling pussy

>> No.15736348

sorry, the only board i accept collabs with is /jp/
fuck off /g/oobers

>> No.15736361

Anon come back and btfo this site
same especially because most of my favorite recipes i had to fix because recipe sites cant use proper amounts of seasoning

>> No.15736413
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Some contributions are starting to come in.

>> No.15736443

I think it's not doing so hot if it needs to advertise for more people. I think Git is a pointlessly roundabout way to submit information that doesn't need versioning to the extent that a large software project does.
I think it will be an elitist circlejerk of autistic tastelets reverting anything and everything you couldn't find in any of the other thousands of generic cookbook online or in print, and I think no one will use it other than the collaborators and within a year or two it will spawn a small Discord chatroom that will turn into a generic online friends circlejerk and be eventually ruined by some attention hungry lolicon offbrand tranny gnutard commie and abandoned thereafter having served its purpose of providing temporary social outlet for a few random autists for a period of eight months to two years.
I think it should at least be on gitgud or something instead to make me consider committing, but I think you'd hate my recipes anyways.

I'm not even trying to shitpost or discourage you from doing it, this is just what came to mind based on other 4chan stuff I've seen.

>> No.15736449

Based Nostradamus

>> No.15736455

>t. epicurious shareholder

>> No.15736462

It's literally a day old, and I'm not involved in the project. I just think it's neat.
The git thing is a bit of a barrier for entry.

>> No.15736467

cantaloupe pie
pie crust

>> No.15736472

Awsome, I scraped a few hundred recipes from some sites a few months ago. After work ill see if I can add them to the project. This looks like some cool shit

>> No.15736485

Absolutely this, no question

>> No.15736494

I think you're involved and posted here because it's the point of the project, but I'm not upset, it's a cool idea.
The git thing is specifically to make it a circlejerk, which it will be.
It's so if a neurotypical says "what's this retard shit about quashing and why do I have to learn this abstract concept to upload text" they can jerk off on their keyboards about how being fat spergs in their mom's basement was worth it because they know that and a random person doesn't. Git is useful because in an interview you can say you don't know how to use it and don't want to learn and see how the interviewer reacts, and if they have any negative reaction turn down the job.
I have only had pleasant and productive jobs in software so far thanks to this.
If you make an actual good submission form with a tag-based search and tag suggestions for recipes on the website itself though, I may contribute.

>> No.15736507

Have you been bullied by /g/, anon?

>> No.15736521

I don't think /g/ is capable of bullying anyone, also, try OpenBSD

>> No.15736538
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>> No.15736542

Sounds great! We've been wanting this for a long time. The autism in this thread is killer.

>> No.15736554

Why do you do these amateurish samefags when you could just write an actual submission form in Perl or something in like an hour if you have to look things up, 20 mins if not?

>> No.15736559
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I'm more of an arch linux user anon, made by expert professionals for expert professionals

>> No.15736597

Heh, it's funny because whenever I say to try OpenBSD I specifically have archfags in mind now that the gentoo meme has died

>> No.15736612

Alright, I found it but I don't want to post the github link since it's got my real name attached to it. But I'll tell you how to make something similar because it's super easy—most of the work comes from one API.
Look up Spoonacular. It's an API that lets you search for recipes by ingredient, as well as dairy-free, keto, gluten-free, etc. You put in your parameters and it spits out recipes. This whole /g/ project was already made in Spoonacular plus it's not autistic.

>> No.15736650

As a retard that's had to make several different websites for myself with varying amounts of frameworks and spunky design: modern webdev is cancer and I hope everyone that develops these bloated, useless frameworks have to eat plain, cold tendies for the rest of their lives--with no sauce.
There's nothing wrong with lists, links, and plaintext. Simple as.

>> No.15736664

le Epic Luke Smith told me about duh evil bloat on sites
if you care about a recipe just get the book from your favorite cooks. he basically just hired you retards to make him a recipe site for free

>> No.15736673
File: 166 KB, 1200x1000, 1596253215771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you're too stupid to take advantage of modern tools and ux, you're probably a retarded zoomer who never used the web when it was basically lists, links and plaintext

>> No.15736692

The internet of flashing grey squares needs to die.

>> No.15736696

Based and infopilled

>> No.15736704

Can they at least make the text sans-serif though for those of us who don't enjoy accessing the web through w3c?

>> No.15736705

Golly gee, a protecting noodle head said something mean to me in his reply on my forum thread post. In all seriousness name one actual benefit of how websites are currently designed, especially the gimmick of 'building' something as you scroll, what an abortion of an idea and feature.
You can't talk your way out of modern webdev being a cancer, no matter how smooth-brained you think other people are.

>> No.15736732

i'm not a fan of a lot of modern web design, but there's definitely a middleground between oldschool plaintext sites and flashy, animated, cluttered sites of today, and i find that middleground to be superior.
for one example, thumbnails/icons make it quicker to find what you're looking for instead of a long list of ugly, blue text.

>> No.15736752

I don't know man, a lot of my recipes are written or printed on regular paper, this is a good idea. Keep it simple stupid, no need for anything fancy at all, perfect for recipes.

>> No.15736755

Remember when I said using git to submit means it will be an elitist circlejerk? I forgot to include "contrarian" but here /ck/ you can see the typical /g/ discourse that is repeated ad infinitum all day every day.
>modern webdev is observably trash thus I can't make a basic PHP UI
Etc etc

>> No.15736758
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Why would God need a starship?

>> No.15736772

The samefagging and pretending to be folksy is way too transparent. Just come back tomorrow with a submit form and tag/search capabilities it's dead simple.
Implementing Spoonacular is likely a good idea too, if you stop sperging now the thread won't be a total wash and you'll have gained some valuable knowledge and understanding

>> No.15736779

That's fine, the middle ground works best but I was specifically referring to the over-designed garbage we all have to put up with today. I had to do something in the Xfinity website yesterday and it was a chore to use, dark designs are a nuisance. I really dislike the corporate 'we're in your side, goy :))' design lots of sites have too, like Webull and Kraken; can't stand those minimalist art style images.
The site in the OP would absolutely benefit from some basic styling (less contrasted colors, top menu for specific group/section navigation, etc), there's nothing wrong with that, but there's also nothing wrong with omitting it either.

>> No.15736835

Everyone hates globohomo art, the art constant there's about it on /ic/
Doesn't change that OP site should not use github as a submission method and should include proper search and some menus

>> No.15736837

I like the idea but the implementation is weird. I’d like some sort of structure to the site and not just an endless list of random recipes

>> No.15736850

it needs more organized/structured autism

>> No.15737004
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Fairest take in here desu. I've done web dev since ~2000 when Flash was still just coming up. They used to have some truly nice stuff that didn't slow to a crawl loading 500 modules and laid things out in a practical manner. Everything now is some gimmicky shit desperate for attention. Stuff like Flash had its place, and most sites knew people did not want to deal with it when trying to access basic information. Collecting metrics and essentially doing the equivalent of trying to emulate the popular kids in hs has become more important than presenting content.

One can have fun with design - it doesn't need to be a faceless wall of text. However, the concept of form follows function has long been abandoned. Smart phones, social media and severely diminished attention spans have largely contributed to this.

I mean, look at the site we are on RIGHT NOW. It is pure function and has held up versus all of these horrible trends. The most its adopted has been bot filtering through captchas - a necessary implement due to these shit technologies spamming everything they can find. Nobody in this thread can even argue against the idea of basic design when they come back here time and time again.

>> No.15737039

Where does luke mention it's a collab with /g/ & /ck/?

>> No.15737415

can someone change it to keyed kooking instead? based is official reddit lingo

>> No.15737578

based, the dude who made this (luke smith) is a great guy.

>> No.15737603

I'm a chef at a somewhat decent restaurant and I plan on contributing my personal favourites that are basic enough for the autist that will read this site. I'm all for it, I hate bloated recipe websites.

>> No.15737803

He doesn't, I'm just speculating based on where this is likely to be discussed. (Mostly /g/, since this is mainly an experiment in web design.)

Maybe separate the recipes by main ingredient or by cooking method.

Be sure to check out the official Luke Smith subreddit and Discord channel, we're coordinating the astroturf campaign from there.

At this rate, we will successful deceive the general public that not three, but four or even five people use this recipe site. That's an increase of 200%, anon. Probably.

ICO to be announced by end of Q1.

>> No.15738203

Pretty cool OP, I like it.

Got my hopes up. That's an API, presumably all the recipe info is locked in, first thing I saw was pricing information. Not the same at all. This autistic site on the other hand has all the recipes in its public repo and you can just fork it if you want.

Git also is actually kinda fitting for recipes in an obscure autistic way, because everyone who uses them ends up "forking" them constantly. You could just clone the site and make your own personal version, and publish it on equal ground. Including getting the functionality of any search features this site adds.

Also the design is already 1000% better than basically every recipe site I've ever seen.

>> No.15738227
File: 26 KB, 600x512, 1604262873915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Irish stew recipe? And I mean real Irish stew, with mutton, not beef.

>> No.15738239

so how will this work with more than like 30 recipes?

>> No.15738369

Fuck yes! I'm putting my alt ramen recipe.

>> No.15738406

Good fucking god just unplug me from the simulation there’s nothing left

>> No.15738422


>> No.15738544

>needing a recipe and not being able to make your own from scratch

>> No.15738844

It's okay anon it doesn't have to always be this way
Change is always just around the corner

>> No.15738867



what if I told you I saw this exact same thing happen before.

>> No.15738890

Too much work on my end
I would be more than happy to send my America's Test Kitchen paid account urls into something like archive.is for all the information to be ripped but that doesn't seem like that's what this is

>> No.15738929

Fuck you, nerd.

>> No.15738988

Fuck all these motherfuckers what don't like Times New Roman. Times New Roman kicks ass.

>> No.15739051

the idea is fine, but it gets messy as soon as you have a substantial # of recipes unless you group them early. just as an example, look at this spaceman's cookbook: https://tgstation13.org/wiki/Guide_to_food_and_drinks

>> No.15739097

>g asks if this looks good
>ck says no
>g throws a shitfit

who's surprised, really?

>> No.15739702

>not use github

>> No.15739707

It makes sense for it to be a git repo, you can download it to have recipies stored locally in your machine and update it when you want. Very convenient.

>> No.15739720

It's just text , you can search using just grep, retard.

>> No.15739731

Fork it and roll your own website.

>> No.15739741

are you mentally challenged?

>> No.15739760

Are you? Why would you need server-side filters when it's just text that you can easily download and filter yourself?

>> No.15739768

the autism of /r9k/ combined with the schizophrenia of /x/, i sure give a fuck what they think

>> No.15739776

no, i use a slow ass computer full of bloatware and only websites like craigslist load in a reasonable amount of time without all sorts of fuckery as well

>> No.15739777

What is wrong with you, why do a lot of cu/ck/s have a negative opinion about /g/? Do you hate freedom?

>> No.15739783

>I don't exactly have a burning desire for some stripped-down instruction guide on how to make the most rudimentary comfort food ever.
a lot of people googling recipes do.

>> No.15739804

People randomly googling recipes are never going to find this autistic clubhouse

>> No.15739831

wouldn't god look cool as fuck soaring the heavens on a holy starship?

>> No.15739845

Why not put recipes from cookbooks on a website that isn't terrible to navigate? Reference the cookbooks, of course

>> No.15739954

With the discord and all?
On the bright side, I might find some good stuff in there

>> No.15739958

Good idea, hope it doesn't go to shit like the /ck/ wiki or verticals archive

>> No.15739968

You could still do that without using git by just having the server serve up a current zipped file on request
Even more convenient
Ah yes the GNU way
My prophecy sure isn't taking long to manifest
GPL is tyranny, MIT is freedom (from autism as well). Cope, "activist".

>> No.15740053

>You could still do that without using git by just having the server serve up a current zipped file on request
>Even more convenient
No, thats way less convenience and power that git offers. Not even comparable.

>> No.15740177

Ironically, it's rather cringe.

>> No.15740255

>Luke Smith contributing recipes
shoo shoo electro jew

>> No.15740484


I like the simplicity

>> No.15740492

Really neat idea, but using "based" has turned me away from ever using this.

>> No.15740493

Lol I just replaced a dev like you last December.

The only thing you need to know in git besides branching merging pulling and pushing is rebase. Fuck everythin else. Squashing a bunch of commits? Eh if you want to. Are they requiring this in their PR rules? Whatever. I kind of get your circlejerk comment but dude try and learn just the git commands I told you above and you will be fine.

t. Guy who teaches people at his work how to use Git without being confusing and annoying

>> No.15740524

Wtf nigga. List th alphabetically or by food group or something, before it becomes a big mess unable to be sorted.

>> No.15740577

>Recipe must be based, i.e. good traditional and substantial food. Nothing ironic, meme-tier hyper-sugary, meat-substitute, etc.

>> No.15741469

pre-1923 public domain cookbooks or modern cookbooks as well?

>> No.15741515

Seems decent as long as you have some form of quality control for the recipes. I liked the kosher salt page, but you got a couple things wrong. Table salt isn't necessarily iodized, and it isn't stronger because it dissolves faster (that shouldn't make any difference in most cases); it's stronger because it's finer, so a pinch or a tablespoon is going to contain more.

>> No.15741537

Needs simple categories and ingredient search.

>> No.15741544

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.15741771

reading through this guys website and the responses he has to people's pull requests he is deffo 100% maximum autistic

>> No.15741834

>Ah yes the GNU way
It's the open source way you tremendous faggot, if you don't like the way something is done you are free to redo it yourself. If you are too stupid to take advantage of this freedom then that's your problem.
>GPL is tyranny, MIT is freedom
Both are free and open source software license, your retard dichotomy makes absolutely no sense. Did Richard Stallman bully you or something? I always wonder what is wrong with cuckolds like you who hate people that make free-software. Are you trying to cope with some inferiority complex?
>Cope, "activist".
Using free software doesn't make you an activist, you just care about your freedom, that's all. I get it that you're trying to paint such people as elitist, but they are literally opposite. Everyone is welcome and the only people screeching about it are same as the women complaining stem is not inclusive while they don't even bother to learn. Cope, techlet.

>> No.15741846

he has a goytube channel with 100k+ subscribers

>> No.15741858

if there's no pictures of the dish how will I know if I want to make it or not?

>> No.15742207
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it's amazing how far this board goes in its avoidance of talking about anything cooking related. this entire thread is nothing but nerds discussing the pros and cons of javascript

>> No.15742225

Luke Smith is crazy

>> No.15742373

No, you misunderstand. I know how to use git, I just say that specifically to filter my potential employers kek

>> No.15742387

>everyone is welcome
>screee you must just be too lazy and not know enough fucking tech illiterate
Stallman cultist pls

>> No.15742588

>waaaah those people that do free work don't do it the way I like!
Everyone is welcome to use the software and learn. If you don't want to learn or just use it then that's your choice, don't expect people to cater to your ignorance. If you think you'd do it better then do it, nobody is stopping you, just like nobody is stopping free software, it will happen either way with or without your subhuman approval.

>> No.15742613

You must be fun at parties

>> No.15742621
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bookmarked, love the idea

>> No.15742672

>component based framework

>I'm a lazy dev and will use docker to make sure that our shitty infrsatucture gets hacked but w/e I'm a dev

>> No.15742746

I never asked them to do the work thus I owe them nothing, including respect. Seethe on crazed seether.

>> No.15742810

There is a difference between not being interested and obsessively badmouthing a project due to your own insecurities about your technical knowledge.

>> No.15743346

>project from /g/
Not really from g. Probably a lot of g-tards contributing, and Luke used to lurk, but these days he disavows 4chan, like any based person should. So yeah, there's a mob of autists throwing themselves at this rn, but it's not a complete clusterfuck since Luke is the BDFL.

>> No.15744040

Thanks for letting us know Luke

>> No.15745144


I have a better idea for you faggot. Make a site where people who work in restaurants can upload recipes from their job.

I'd like to be able to go to on replace and find the recipe for Chipotles chicken or their rice, or the veggie burger patty from the brewpub down the road.

If a recipe is hard enough to get and desire able enough, people can pay a bounty to the person who uploads it.

>> No.15745157



>> No.15745182

>t.that faggot in Desktop threads that has icons fucking all over the place

>based chad in Desktop threads that only has "Games, programs and shit" folders on his desktop, nothing else

>> No.15745202

Why do they need a recipe for store bought pasta?

>> No.15745390
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i'll add more later

>> No.15745819

the best cook books are literally a scrapped together folder from all the grandmothers of the midwest, and there doesnt seem to be much difference between a granny and an incel

>> No.15745828

oh damn, luke started this? interesting. sad to see him as an antivax and antisemite too tho

>> No.15745949
File: 1.45 MB, 534x338, tiresome.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, you people try to blend in, but stick out so much. Stop sticking your nose where it doesn't belong.

>> No.15746314

Only post shit you've tried making yourself. There's a lot of bad recipes online and you'll just clog up the site and make it a chore to find a good recipe. Only post your best.

>> No.15746921

>Thanks for letting us know Luke
Np bby :*

Does it get more bugman than monetizing family traditions?

>Why do they need a recipe for store bought pasta?
It assumes a NEET audience, so provides some handholding for even the basics.

>> No.15747063

I just have Mega Folder and it's filled to the brim with a bunch of subfolders, and subfolders within those subfolders. My desktop is the Recycle Bin, my old DMing folder called Campaign Stuff, and Mega Folder.

>> No.15747082

>Pasta (store bought)

>> No.15747949

I took Luke's challenge when he hadn't decided on making his own site and made my own, but I launched it a little bit later than his.

If any of you are interested in something similar (an easy to read site that is not riddled with JS/ads/trackers) but with a slightly different approach, check this site https://saucesource.cc/

You can submit recipes by email by git send-email or by Github pull request.

>> No.15748072

So, it's still a circlejerk? Why not just have a rating system instead of manually gatekeep recipes through email, and why git at all ever?

>> No.15748131

> can't use email
It's not gatekeeping, it is so that you don't have to create yet another account. If you don't like or want to use git, you don't have to.
> why git?
Have you ever participated in an open source collaborative project? Judging by your question I guess not. git is very flexible and allows for easy collaboration with people that want to contribute to site more than just recipes. But as I said, you can send your recipe by email, everybody that uses the internet has an email address.

>> No.15748155

can i post cocktails too? or is it just foodstuffs

>> No.15748185


i've got a shit ton of recipes ive collected from working in gourmet/fine dining. would love to contribute, this project would be alot easier if there was a discord server or some shit. can you start one?

>> No.15748188

Very nice! I like the name.

Pretty sure Luke is a teetotaler these days and will probably deem anything alcoholic cringe.

>> No.15748199

MIT and BSD are cuckoldry. You are basically giving away all you efforts for free for nothing in exchange. With GPL you at least ensure that the corporations that do end up using your software have the kindness of sharing their changes.

>> No.15748230

I’m in but also I’m a lurker, not a poster
Can I sit around and watch until it’s done?

>> No.15748248

I think it would be early for something like a Discord/Mumble server. For the meantime, you can leave any comments in this mailing list https://lists.sr.ht/~yaroslav/saucesource.cc-comments It works like a forum, but using email to post (i.e. you don't need an account to post).
I would be glad if you contribute your recipes. If you know git you can use that to submit them. If not, just send them to me by email. You can read more about it here: https://saucesource.cc/about/

>> No.15748260

This will either be met with minor success, garnering around 1000 recipes and a cult following, before promptly fading into the background noise. That, or it’s going to get spammed with hundreds of recipes with only the word “Nigger” to show for it, and it’s going to die before it ever gets off the ground.

Also, whoever started it is gonna have all your IPs and some extra soi bucks

>> No.15748705

it's not a samefag.
i don't know how to program for shit.

>> No.15748882


>> No.15749081

Lol, I'm pretty sure I've got Luke's address now because after I added a link to my website with a recipe, I got a ping from a Statesboro, GA IP.

>> No.15749297

These niggas needa add photos lmao. How the fuck can I make the recipe without seein it first

>> No.15749303

They doubt want to ask /wdg/. They're not REAL coooooders.

>> No.15749311

>not using a vpn

>> No.15749598

Are there any good recipes yet?

>> No.15749628

I like the idea but the kosher part needs to mention the jew tax.

>> No.15749761

Not Statesboro, he lives in a middle of nowhere county near Valdosta

>> No.15749777

I just look through my copy of The Joy of Cooking. I don't need a fancy website

>> No.15749927

kosher salt is a jew tax. it's no different than sea salt

>> No.15751025

luke smith has moved on from shamelessly shilling himself on /g/ and has now shoe horned one in /ck/

>> No.15751029

Is /g/ the new reddit?

>> No.15751945

wow, two cakes!

>> No.15752271
