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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15734100 No.15734100 [Reply] [Original]

How many times can I reuse my bacon fat?

>> No.15734136

Is that your jar? It's pretty nice

>> No.15734227

one time

>> No.15734232

what's the black layer

>> No.15734927

That's a lot of fat to pour down the drain
What was left after I sauteed some onions

>> No.15734999

have you considered melting and running it through a coffee filter?

>> No.15735003
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>> No.15735400

I don't own any coffee filters. I use a French press.

>> No.15735426

You use it once to defame your neighbors/local businesses and then you throw it away.
Using bacon grease for cooking is gross, especially when it’s been sitting in a jar going rancid.

>> No.15735429

coffee filter wouldnt work , maybe cheese cloth tho

>> No.15735842

>reuse my bacon fat
Reusing it to fry isn't the best idea. Over time it degrades under heat to stuff you don't really want in your gut.
What you can do with it is to make roux for white sauce (bechamel), which is a base for all sorts of tasty sauces and soups.
tl;dr Eat it.

>> No.15736157

they sell them in literally every grocery store on earth anon, it's not like they're hard to come by.

>> No.15736167

Just fry food in it, itll use it up slowly. If you have a lot do some baking

>> No.15736585

cum stale piss piss cum poopoo peepee

>> No.15736877

you reuse it?

>> No.15736963

Take a picture of you sticking your little fingers in there

>> No.15737009

>dont use it to fry, you will eat dangerous chemicals
>instead you should eat it
can you please elaborate

>> No.15737033

You’re meant to eat it you realise?

>> No.15737062

Make candles out of it, burns clean and you don't have to worry about health concerns from fat degradation through constant reheating.

>> No.15737073

Don't fry over and over, reusing it like a deep frying oil gets reused. Instead, use it for uses where it just gets heated up one more time

>> No.15737119

>mom found the bacon fat jar

>> No.15737286

pour it in a can or the trash after it cools a little dipshit

>> No.15737288

Looks like those sand things form the 90s

>> No.15737298

Talk to me. I am horny as fuck for cute little girls and I need a project we can do .

>> No.15737368

If you own a Chinese restaurant, indefinitely

>> No.15737382


The ones I know about specifically are the decomposition products from glycerol. Fats are triglycerides, three fatty acids attached to a glycerol skeleton. When the fat degrades, you get free glycerol, which forms acrolein and acrylic acid (yes, the feedstock for the plastic) and some other related compounds. They're highly reactive, so if you leave them for an hour, they'll go down by themselves. But if you eat food from them hot, you'll have a bunch of reactive species in your gut.
In addition to that, the free fatty acids will tend to oxidize and you'll get a bunch of trans-fatty acids form. They're OK if they're at the relatively low natural percentages, but they get elevated with oxidization.

>> No.15737384

Heat the full jar directly over the open flame of your stove burner. Once the grease has melted and starts to boil, pour in some sodium hydroxide drain cleaner and stir quickly. This will saponify the fat into the optimal candle material.
You might want to wear an oven mitt

>> No.15737429

Don’t do this it makes Hervé gas

>> No.15738040

I've reused lard 7 times with no problem

>> No.15738052

thx for the thorough explanation anon

>> No.15738065
