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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15733300 No.15733300 [Reply] [Original]

>things that are memed but are true

A. Don't talk to me before I've had my coffee, some people can wake up and have no adverse effects from sleep whatsoever, for other people it takes much longer to actually become awake, and coffee or any caffeine really speeds up that process, fuck you if you disagree

B. Cold pizza is a great breakfast, it just is, it's much better than say toast or a muffin or bagel, other bread based breakfasts, it rules and for many people who actually spent the night at friends house as a kid and usually ordered pizza it is somewhat nostalgic, which is only a nice bonus

>> No.15733405

Maam, this is the /ck/ board.

>> No.15733424

If you've ever told someone not to talk to you before you've had your coffee you're the same type of asshole that tells people you like dogs more than humans and I hate you.

>> No.15733437

I don't like dogs, only cats, but that's really more of an /an/ discussion

>> No.15733452
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>any caffeine really speeds up that process
I think I read somewhere that caffeine from coffee takes a full hour to actually work.
Can't honestly say I bothered actually researching it, though.

>> No.15733489

It takes about 20 minutes for the caffeine to kick in. I was reading up on nap times because I didn't want to wake up all groggy. They said the ultimate nap time was 20 minutes. They said if you're really tired have a cup of coffee and a 20 minute nap so you wake up when the caffeine is kicking in.

>> No.15733497
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Yestarday I slept on the couch and my mom was in the living room organizing some shit early in the morning, singing and then she came next to me, told me to get up and was picking on my leg, later in the day she asked me why I woke up in such a shitty mood... Lmao.

>> No.15733575

20 min nap is true
when i worked at a min wage place at retarded hours and go on break id fucking pass the fuck out for 20 min and be good for another 5 hours easy

>> No.15733580

Without caffeine it takes me a good two hours of quiet to fully be able to think straight and not be in a snappy defensive mood

>> No.15733585

Stop being a little bitch and get some proper sleep.

>> No.15733752

Wtf was your mom doing in your house?

>> No.15733774

Cringe and faggot. Please kys

>> No.15733829

>there are people who can nap at will
This is the most confusing thing I encounter next to people who enjoy company. It's unbelievable to me.
Hot sauce really is soy.

>> No.15733834

>cold pizza
cold pizza sauce, congealed fat and stale bread. lovely.

>> No.15733841

Yes really is feminine to like hot sauce, just like having a beard and being bald.
thank god I'm not bald

>> No.15733922

It's something your body gets used to, like skippers who sail around the globe alone for things like transatlantic or vendée globe. They take a lot of "power naps" since they can't afford to get a real full night of sleep for obvious reasons.

>> No.15733950

>Don't talk to me before I've had my coffee
While it may be true that you feel this way, it is your responsibility to let people know that you do. Politely telling somebody that you haven't had your coffee yet and aren't in the mood for conversation is fine, but expecting people to silently decipher your personal moodiness is very self-centered and rude.

>> No.15733973

>Don't talk to me before I've had my coffee, some people can wake up and have no adverse effects from sleep whatsoever, for other people it takes much longer to actually become awake, and coffee or any caffeine really speeds up that process, fuck you if you disagree
I used to feel the same way but then I quit drinking coffee a month ago. The first week was rough but now I don't have any trouble waking up in the mornings, it feels a lot easier and I feel more alive.

Quitting booze at the same time probably helped though. One month sober this saturday.

>> No.15734014
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keep it up, dude

>> No.15734049

>meal prep
In about 20 minutes I cooked three chicken and rice dinners (with steamed broccoli and bell pepper). It's more filling than the stuff I used to eat. It's much healthier. And it's a third of the price of a single dinner. My only complaint is that it's a little bland but I'm experimenting by adding lemon juice or vinegar or hot sauce.

>> No.15734211

>coffee or any caffeine really speeds up that process
No, you're just an addict. Alcoholics and other drug addicts also feel tired and shitty until they get a fix of their drug of choice, but no one is going to argue that alcohol is a chemical that wakes you up.

>> No.15734244

As someone who doesn't consume even a drop of coffee/caffeine or alcohol, I don't understand where you guys are coming from when you post stuff like this. Why are you so beholden to a couple of chemicals to live your life? If I'm not mistaken it sounds like you cannot function as a proper human being in the mornings unless you've had coffee. I've heard people say similar things about liquor believe it or not. Why are you guys so dependent on this shit? So you'd die if you had to live on a desert island?

>> No.15734252

I used to think I was "not a morning person" until I quit all caffeine and realized the caffeine was just fucking up my brain chemistry. Now I sleep soundly and wake up just fine.

>> No.15734328

Not enjoying company doesn't make you stoic or manly anon, it just makes you an asshole.

>> No.15734352

t. company

>> No.15734586

>like skippers
Barbie's sis?

>> No.15734638

I don't deny that caffeine is an addiction, but I also was a cunt in the mornings and got severe anxiety over any social interaction which made me angry and snap long before I started drinking coffee, and it was only once I got a job and was offered coffee one morning by a co worker that I realized "wow, this really speeds up the process of getting out of that post dream state"

>> No.15734660

>but I also was a cunt in the mornings and got severe anxiety over any social interaction which made me angry and snap long before I started drinking coffee
But did you drink pop, energy drinks, or other caffeine-containing beverages throughout the day on a regular basis? If so, they were probably ruining your sleep and developing that addiction. I didn't say you're a coffee addict, I said you're a caffeine addict.

>> No.15734662

Normalfags are fucking scum

>> No.15734681

No, i'd just adapt to the new environment because i'm not a fucking pussy.

>> No.15734719

>Don't talk to me before I've had my coffee
I don't become asocial but shit, I can't fucking drive before coffee.

>> No.15734780

I used to think people who said that were exaggerating until I got my first soul crushing office job and had to be alert at 8:30 AM every morning. I still think saying that is faggy, but I get it now. Not having at least a mild amount of caffeine in the morning makes me slower to process information and I'm stuck in a "just got out of bed" feeling for like an hour or more.

>> No.15734833

"Stale" do you think cooked pizza dough goes stale overnight in the fridge?

>> No.15734840

Most people put them in the fridge in the cardboard box or open on a plate, and it does indeed go stale like that. Most people are too stupid to transfer the pizza to a sealed container.

>> No.15735576

>Quitting booze at the same time probably helped though.
This was definitely it. Booze fucks your sleep very hard. I also can never get back to sleep quickly when I wake up to piss in the middle of the night and my mouth tastes like that, idk if thats normal but I have the most disgusting taste in my mouth after I drink heavily.

>> No.15735591
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>A. Don't talk to me before I've had my coffee, some people can wake up and have no adverse effects from sleep whatsoever, for other people it takes much longer to actually become awake, and coffee or any caffeine really speeds up that process, fuck you if you disagree
As someone who doesn't drink coffee or is addicted to caffeine in any form I don't give a shit.

>> No.15735942

I think pizza dough is almost never made fresh, and once cooked has an incredibly short lifespan, even in a sealed container, yes.
Cold pizza is for fatties who can't wait the 5 minutes it takes to properly reheat it.

>> No.15735970

Cold pizza tastes different from hot pizza. Some pizzas I actually enjoy cold. Digiorno is a prime example, I actually almost prefer it cold over hot and certainly it's better cold than reheated.

>> No.15736148
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>B. Cold pizza is a great breakfast

>> No.15736488

you just know

>> No.15738053
File: 736 KB, 1080x1440, amerifats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As someone who doesn't drink coffee or is addicted to caffeine in any form I don't give a shit.
based i fucking hate slurper faggots. OHH MUH COFFEE.

>> No.15738168

>Cold pizza is a great breakfast, it just is
In the era of air fryers, why does anyone ever eat cold pizza?

Between my air fryer and my instant pot, I have not eaten a cold breakfast in months.

>> No.15738206

A. They can fucking deal with it and force themselves to be polite. Don't give a shit if they woke up 1 second ago, being tired isn't an excuse to treat people like shit.

B. Cold pizza is good, but I like to sprinkle some water over it and microwave it until the cheese melts again (water helps retain the moisture so it doesn't dry out the dough).

>> No.15738241

>A. Don't talk to me before I've had my coffee, some people can wake up and have no adverse effects from sleep whatsoever, for other people it takes much longer to actually become awake, and coffee or any caffeine really speeds up that process, fuck you if you disagree

this is because you are going through caffeine withdrawal constantly due to your caffeine addiction

>> No.15738253

>A. Don't talk to me before I've had my coffee
Who the fuck are you talking to? Your gay lover? Show up at work with this attitude and have fun spending the rest of the day looking for a new job, faggot.

>> No.15738405

Some people are just faggots. Get a better night sleep if you're a cranky shit in the morning. I like coffee but I'll only drink 1 cup a day. If I wake up late I won't drink coffee at all that day.

>> No.15738647

i'm a literal caffeine addict and get crippling headaches without it. it doesn't make me act like a prick from the moment i open my eyes until i've had a cup of coffee. people who say this are just making socially acceptable excuses to be overly irritable in the morning. cold pizza is the shit though, i just like the texture of the cold cheese.

>> No.15738839

Cold pizza tastes different and I enjoy it for different reasons than I enjoy hot pizza.

>> No.15738995

Those aren't even remotely similar behaviors, you have no logical reason to associate the two
>If I'm not mistaken it sounds like you cannot function as a proper human being in the mornings unless you've had coffee.
You're taking it too literally, which I can understand with you being autistic and all.
Most people enjoy both.

>> No.15739971

Coffee is for retarded lazy sub humans that cant schedule their life because that is too much brainpower for their small brains to comprehend.
I get drunk and high as fuck to try and be just as retarded as these idiots but it still wont help!! I just cant be that dumb! WHY CANT I BE A FUCKING MORON!!!
oh wait, cause im to busy making money and quitting jobs when i get bored to get new ones. Feels good not to be a wage slave.

>> No.15740099

A. You're addicted, you don't need it.
B. Breakfast is a corporate psyop, if you don't work a physical job you don't need it.

>> No.15740395

No, I do not want to see your hot sauce collection.

>> No.15740656

That's basically just from addiction, if you quit coffee you'd stop feeling the need.

>> No.15740709

imagine waking up and absolutely NEED a coffee to function as a proper human.
absolutely cringe. fuck coffee, just wake up faggot

>> No.15740768

>Not a fucking pussy
Lashes out at the suggestion of avoiding caffeine dependency.

>> No.15740782

I don't care if people talk to me before I wake up. just don't expect a response

>> No.15740784

>for other people it takes much longer to actually become awake, and coffee or any caffeine really speeds up that process, fuck you if you disagree
caffeine addiction causes irregular sleeping patterns and insomnia, as well as other mental effects like brain fog.
the very same people who are total zombies in the morning were up until 11:30pm still sipping coffee before bed the previous night.

>> No.15740801

caffeine has it's uses. you shouldn't be drinking it after your midday point. it also leeches shit out of your body

>> No.15741092
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>> No.15741107

>Joker on there 3 fucking times
How did a demented clown become the zoomer Hamlet?

>> No.15741111

Dunno but I hate to say that Millennials are big on all of these fictional characters too.

>> No.15741151

keep projecting, soychud

>> No.15741188

Caffeine addicts are worse than crackheads. I'd rather someone irrationally try to mug me once in a blue moon than deal with fucking faggots bitching every goddamn morning about OMG IM NOT AWAKE. You sound like the two worst people I have to work with and they always bitch about coffee not being made, yet they never make it.

>> No.15741239

the "why so serious?" marketing for batman movies popularized Joker with the "i could be your angel,,,, or yuor devil" types, and the 2019 Joker film really struck a chord with the frogposting "clown world" dregs.
Zoomers see this and think it's hilarious.

>> No.15741346

i wake up wide awake eevery morning but i like the taste of coffee

>> No.15741666

Every once in a while I lower my coffee consumption to once every other day to not become resistant or completely addicted.
I do enjoy the ritual of preparing and sipping that warm coffee in the morning though, it reminds me of when I was still in the navy

>> No.15741703

>for other people it takes much longer to actually become awake, and coffee or any caffeine really speeds up that process, fuck you if you disagree
this only happens when you start drinking coffee.

>> No.15741978
