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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 565 KB, 1080x1056, 20210309_131846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15729824 No.15729824 [Reply] [Original]

rate my meal of the day.
not pictured, a glass of sweet tea I just drank.

>> No.15729851

Looks like a slop o.f shit.

>> No.15729949

Did you take this picture 8n the 90s?

>> No.15729962

fat fuck

>> No.15729965

way too much salt

>> No.15730009
File: 669 KB, 480x480, 1614555749380.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you boil the steak?

>> No.15730115


You couldnt cook any better you fat fucking retarded fat fucks

>> No.15730121

I cook your mom's bean with my fist

>> No.15730123
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>> No.15730131

that looks terrible but i bet it's tasty
i'd try it

>> No.15730560

Classic unseasoned white people steak

>> No.15730596

A little better than your last one, at least your veggies didn't come from a can this time. No sear on the steak though, looks like you used too much oil or butter.

>> No.15730610

Blanched steak nice.

>> No.15730617
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OP your milk steak is missing the jelly beans

>> No.15730634

>sweet tea

American ***tea*** isn't tea you yank FREAK

>> No.15730642

literally anyone could cook a steak better than that, did you sautee it with the asparagus? 2/10 dog food tier

>> No.15730649

Awful sear, but without reading the thread I’m sure you’ve already been told

>> No.15730682

Shitty sear but I'd eat anyway.

>> No.15730702

Lmao I also fucked you mom. Hi son

>> No.15730812

It actually is, we use tea leaves.

>> No.15730831
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Looks bad man

>> No.15730945

>no ketchup and ranch dressing

0/10 sorry bud

>> No.15730970
File: 1.03 MB, 2841x1894, DSCF8080 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyones right it does look like shit and the photo quality doesn't help. some tips: use a cast iron pan and some avocado oil (or anything with a high smoking point). the thinner the steak, the hotter the pan needs to be. sear for a few minutes on both sides and finish with butter and rosemary. if you did it right, you should have a nice crust and a pink center.

>> No.15730978

Nice, boiled over-hard I presume? A man of culture

>> No.15730990
File: 14 KB, 240x283, Jroc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Avocado oil

>> No.15730998

is this really OP? if so this thread is pretty good

>> No.15731008
File: 948 KB, 2160x2160, 1615241275028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who else would it be goofy its me cuz. pull up to st lawrence and 63rd i'll beat your ass on gd

>> No.15731026
File: 95 KB, 1024x946, soy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we use tea leaves.

>> No.15731040

enjoy your shitty leather ass steak

>> No.15731050

shut the fuck up goofy on foenem imma put a bullet in your brain stupid

>> No.15731054

wheres the sear?

>> No.15731087

This meal would make my gout flare up...

>> No.15731469

avocado is by far the best oil, and don't tell me you're one of those faggots that prolapses when someone seasons a steak with anything besides salt. shit opinion

>> No.15731496

white people can't cook
just like the blacks

>> No.15731581

Do you enjoy eating man ass?

>> No.15732075

I agree with 90s comment due to the battery powered electronic, and the catalogue looks windy as fuck

>> No.15732377


>> No.15732449

Niggers have low iq. Fact.

>> No.15732491

did you fucking boil the damn steak? wtf

>> No.15732499

Sweet tea is disgusting, why would you destroy godly iced tea with sugar?

>> No.15732507
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>> No.15732515

It's the worst oil, can't even do its job right of not sticking to the fucking pan. And it actually has a low smoke point so you already showed you have no idea what your talking about. No I like different seasonings on my steak but I hate rosemary and oregano.

>> No.15732522
File: 314 KB, 1416x1372, Screen Shot 2021-03-09 at 11.40.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weak bait

>> No.15732534

So is it bad I cook with Costco olive oil?

>> No.15732555

No in the real world we just call that being wrong. Do you not understand the words you use? Do you go around parroting words you've heard without bothering to understand their meaning? Do you even have a brain?

>> No.15732753

Hey man don't sweat it! Sloppa shit is pretty much a meme/term of endearment on this board. I respect your plate OP.

>> No.15732756

>In the 90's
>Hulu remote on the table.
Try talking shit harder.

>> No.15732758

weak bait

>> No.15732823

didnt realize they allowed inbred spics on the internet

>> No.15732851

>Doubling down on my retardation
>I sure hope I impress these anons with my wit
>Lol you keep replying I trolled you so good!!!!!
I know you won't reply with anything intelligent, but I do hope you truly analys this interaction in depth and learn from it.

>> No.15733327
File: 2.69 MB, 4032x3024, 20210303_121445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

behold, my overseasoned steak with glazed carrots and mashed potatoes
it was actually pretty good.

>> No.15733344

The best steaks I've ever eaten were simply peppered and cooked in butter at medium heat.

>> No.15733410


>> No.15734010

Ok fairy boy this isn't reddit, keep the faggotry to yourself.

>> No.15734206

ive never cooked with avocado oil so i can't confirm whether it's any good, but i guarantee that chart is dead fucking wrong just from personal experience. and if you want to know what oil to use, just use lard or beef tallow. can get it to the right temp without smoking and it has a nice flavour. i find a lot of vegetable oil tastes kind of fishy if it's overheated.

>> No.15734239

Avocado oil smokes like a mother fucker. I set my stove top to medium heat and that shit sets off my smoke alarm. That chart has to be bullshit.

>> No.15735437


I guess we know who likes second rate steaks.

>> No.15736264

>Bland food is first rate
Why are you here if you don't actually like food?

>> No.15736489


A properly cooked steak in butter at medium heat would blow you away. The popular approach of burning it under high heat doesn't even compare.

>> No.15736504

Sure not a good cook guy.

>> No.15736512

weak bait

>> No.15736569


Then Alain Ducasse must be a very bad chef. Did he get those Michelin stars for being bad?

From https://www.nytimes.com/2002/02/27/dining/the-chef-steak-with-style-easy-does-it.html

> I continue to cook the beef on the flat sides, salting first, about 10 minutes on each side. I do not use very high heat, because you get good caramelization in that amount of time. I'm not interested in carbonizing the surface of the meat. To me that ruins the flavor. You must also take care not to pierce the meat, or it will be less juicy. Turn it with tongs or two spoons.

> And now, here's where the chef really comes in. I crush a few big unpeeled cloves of garlic and put them in the pan along with a nice chunk of butter. Don't get too worked up about the butter -- it's a trick steakhouses often use -- you need fat to carry the flavor of the garlic into the meat. I salt and pepper the meat, and baste it with the garlic-butter for the last few minutes.

> Now comes a crucial step. The steak has to rest for at least half as long as it took to cook. This rule applies to any kind of meat that's not cooked in liquid, by the way. The juices, which run to the surface during the cooking, must be given a chance to retreat back into the meat so it will relax, be tender and juicy, and bloom with beefy flavor. You might now be content with the meat as it is, maybe with some crispy fries alongside.

If you learn to cook a steak properly, you will be able to cook a grass fed steak properly, too.

>> No.15736590

He specifically says in your quote that he uses more than just butter and salt. Are you illiterate or retarded?

>> No.15736634

Tbones are okay, not my first choice, but it looks overdone in your pic. 6/10.

>> No.15736660
File: 1.47 MB, 3264x2448, Dinner 2009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is what I just consumed.

>> No.15736712

Uhh. Tasty.

>> No.15736775


I take it for granted that anyone who does this will add garlic as well. Do I have to list every single ingredient in every discussion even if I'm not listing a recipe?

>> No.15736824

You literally said that salt and butter is all that's needed. Stop moving the goal post lmao.

>> No.15736875


Actually, I referred to putting pepper on them, not salt.

I'm already on blood pressure medication and so I use almost no salt on anything. Salt definitely does help the flavor, though.

I've done it with and without garlic. If I have garlic, I'll use it, but if I don't have any, I'll still cook the steak. And I like it either way.

The local grocery store in this small farm and ranch town is pretty minimal and short hours. It closes well before I start cooking. And sometimes it has garlic and sometimes it doesn't.

So if I realize that I'm out of garlic, it takes more than an hour driving and at least 15 minutes shopping time to go to the nearest open store.

>> No.15736926

avocado oil that's mixed with other oils is very common, it's likely you either got that or burnt something else in the oil.

the chart's bad but avocado can easily handle up to 500 f, just try baking a fillet in the oven with it at 490

>> No.15736974

forgot to mention, unrefined avocado oil still has chlorophyll in it and has a slightly lower smoke point, around 480. if you let the chlorophyll smoke off youll find that measure to be true, but really you should be using refined for a steak anyways.