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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 85 KB, 1080x588, Screenshot_20210308-210532_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15721283 No.15721283[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello? Based Department?
You're going to want to see this one yourself.

>> No.15721289

Women belong in my dick

>> No.15721292

>its a twitter screen cap thread
>its a twitter screen cap from a fast food chain thread

>> No.15721296
File: 636 KB, 2048x1308, Screenshot_20210308-043840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone is definitely getting fired for this, idk how corporate could have thought it was a good idea

>> No.15721299

Not when I'm paying money to eat somewhere it isn't. Women ought to stay home to be fuckmeat and make shitty meals so they can contribute to the family. Let's not pretend here.

>> No.15721302

>we want to expand the labour pool so that we can pay our workers less
>how stunning and brave of us

>> No.15721308

A bold move by a dying brand

>> No.15721310

the discourse in modern american society is fucking sickening.
by working a fucking minimum wage slave job with no prospects, but hey atleast we got 50% women!!!!11
t. seething obsessed eurocuck

>> No.15721311

In or on?

>> No.15721312

Why do all professions need to be equally distributed across all possible groups? Who fucking cares that more men are chefs? More women are nurses but no one gives a shit about that.

>> No.15721315

Because of rabid libtards and their retarded ideas.

>> No.15721317

>that disparity in interactions between the two
>someone thought twitter user attention span would actually allow for them to read two posts
l m a o

>> No.15721318

penis envy

>> No.15721324

Here’s the best part: even though whites, African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, etc do not make up an even portion of the population (I.e. some groups are bigger than others), companies are now inclined to have an even number of all types of employee. This creates a situation such that the larger groups have less available jobs, disproportionately affecting people of certain ethnic groups.

>> No.15721329

If you start off with the belief that there are no differences between men and women, then any deviation from parity represents some sort of oppression and must be rectified.

>> No.15721331

is your dick like Cell's tail from DBZ?

>> No.15721341

Kek, it’s kind of a cute campaign actually

>> No.15721360

>t. the eponymous Burger King

>> No.15721367

there's a reason it's called the burger KING

>> No.15721371

The real outrage is that they think flipping burgers is a culinary career.

>> No.15721415

A lot of friends landed in traditionally female jobs easily. Because they were the only male applicants they were basically forced to choose them, while dabbing aggressively on twitter moms who wanted the job
Really easy fucking jobs too, makes you think

>> No.15721424

being a chef is actually hard work and requires lots of heavy lifting and reaching for pots and pans that are often hanging from the ceiling.
mothers cook for their family, that is less work.

>> No.15721425

What's the reason

>> No.15721429

this is fucked up, the chuds will now be buying burger king and chik fil a

>> No.15721430

It's been posted burger king UK

>> No.15721436

Not the guy you're replying to but it's an American import

>> No.15721445

>Why do all professions need to be equally distributed across all possible groups?
For just that reason. Equality. But not equality as you would understand it.

Where does it stop after gender? Enforced racial quota in the workforce along population lines? How is race defined? Skin colour, eye shape, DNA profile?
Then what's next? Religion, sexual orientation, handicap, political alliance?

It's a slippery slope, and I don't think it ends well.

>> No.15721453

thats whats called the slippery slope fallacy

>> No.15721454

the idea is to make a controversial post only to explain the title didn't mean what you thought it meant
it's like clickbait youtube video titles, and basically you're an idiot
because there's a belief that this difference in distribution isn't due to free choice, rather to tradition and gender roles and different opportunities and so on and so forth
there's also a good chance it might be true, but there's hardly a way to prove or disprove it

>> No.15721461

Its not a fallacy though.

>> No.15721473

Is this a money saving exercise?

>> No.15721475

>there's also a good chance it might be true
then why do the differences become greater the more egalitarian a society becomes?

>> No.15721486

Jesus it's fucking real...

>> No.15721494

Who are they trying to pander to? Left-wingers are pissed because of the sexist joke. Right-wingers are pissed beacuse of the gender quotas. It's like when Twich tried to suck up to trans women by using womxn what ended up in their outrage

>> No.15721509

>the differences become greater
citation needed
>the more egalitarian a society becomes
please let us know which one you're thinking of
if you mean the US or the west in general then consider the fact that affirmative action and other such policies may be more of a pretense to make oneself look good rather than an reflection of egalitarian values becoming more and more widespread

>> No.15721519

Obviously I get that the idea was a bait and switch dumbo, it's just terribly executed. I can promise you it's a small percent of people that will look at those tweets and say "wow, Burger King really got me there, that was a good one." It'll probably go viral and get them attention, but it's just gonna come off as misguided and tasteless.

>> No.15721568
File: 44 KB, 612x229, cxsxzd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do woke-tard go to such extent to be offended by anything?

>> No.15721573

It's a restaurant ya stupid cunt.

>> No.15721581
File: 444 KB, 562x639, 1538595368080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all possible groups?
No one argues for this, they just want the good easy white collar jobs. You don't see feminists demanding their way into the long haul trucking industry or roofing or painting (except the oddball grrrl ones that paint their whole truck with handyWOMAN).

>> No.15721583

>When woke capitalism finally goes full circle back to sexism and misogyny


Can't wait for these reactionary morons to destroy this company

>> No.15721589

The joke is current women don't even belong in the kitchen. They are useless holes.

>> No.15721602

>Twitter thread
The women in op's life belong chopped up in my freezer to make barbecue and chili

>> No.15721609

>The women in op's life
so noone?

>> No.15721611

Damn, woman, you sure told somebody! Now post a pic of your vag, for jerking some gherkin if you know what I mean.

>> No.15721616

Meat doesn't belong in chilli.

>> No.15721619

The less women in the kitchen the better. Fuck 'em. When I'm working I'm constantly cussing and talking about poon, music, and sports with my fellow line cooks. We have one older black woman in the kitchen that's been through the shit and has a fantastic sense of humor, so she can hang. Otherwise it annoys me when one of the servers is on the server line doing their side-work because I have to censor myself because I don't trust those bitches not to run and tattle on me to management.

>> No.15721624

>Bill Burr
>Motherhood isn't the hardest job
>any job you can do in your pajamas is not a hard job

>> No.15721645
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>obviously I get it
obviously, that's why you asked who might have thought it was a good idea
>I can promise you this will happen
you really know nothing about persuasive communication then

>> No.15721664

it's a joke for for normal people

>> No.15721691

Why are there so many soccer accounts commenting

>> No.15721702

Normal people don’t use Twitter

>> No.15721716


KFC scoring free woke points off this

>> No.15721721

It's a scholarship programme for female employees to help them get real restaurant jobs

>> No.15721725
File: 291 KB, 560x560, Loud Homer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a chef is actually hard work

>> No.15721730

>womemes can't take a joke
Colour me surprised

>> No.15721753
File: 575 KB, 1280x720, 1547155996151.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oooof, this pathetic damage control

>> No.15721758

I always love this shit on food network when some bulldyke comes on and is like ‘I’m here to prove women belong in the kitchen’

>> No.15721790
File: 79 KB, 828x718, EnoHom4WMAEJMpl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you quoting?

>> No.15721801

>be black
>tick the "decline to state" box in the race section
>company is now forced to hire another black person to meet the minimum

fucking devilish

>> No.15721832

>women can’t dominate even in fields they are suppose to dominate
LMAO. What’s the point of women other than breeding and giving sex. They are so pathetic

>> No.15721846

No way they did that

>> No.15721882

Going to have some Burger King tonight

>> No.15721888
File: 52 KB, 631x567, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's pretty exploitable,
someone working at Burger King today is going to have a pretty bad time

>> No.15721989

The previous anon, retard. Do you have no reading comprehension?

>> No.15722016

One of the cringiest posts I've seen in weeks

>> No.15722018
File: 389 KB, 680x660, 1612907270339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were both me, I misquoted
Meant for
>Bill Burr
>Motherhood isn't the hardest job
It is a hard job sure, not in the business of deciding the hardest. Never said otherwise.
>any job you can do in your pajamas is not a hard job
Don't remember saying this. You can be a long haul trucker or call center mook in pajamas.

>> No.15722027

I disagree with the message on account of women being awful cooks, but I love the sentiment.

>> No.15722030

>there's also a good chance it might be true
>it’s real in my head

>> No.15722052

>being sexist and racist has gotten them more attention than any woke post ever has
>saves their shit company
>other companies notice
>more and more companies are now trying to out edge each other
>taco bell dipics cholos in low riders
>kfc has black people being black
>subway posts loli furry diaper porn
>mcdonalds is just saying the n word
Take a good look for this, this is the future

>> No.15722068

BK UK is an independent organization and operates by their own means. They do not follow rules by BK USA.

>> No.15722124

Based cock vore anon

>> No.15722131

fucking kek I wish

>> No.15722139

Being racist won't get you attention for long, see all 'alt right' celebs

>> No.15722172
File: 245 KB, 327x590, AVGN what were they thinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women belong in the kitchen.
>No but seriously less women in the kitchen is bad, go back.

>> No.15722191

There was a nice reply where someone pointed out there's no women on their Board

>> No.15722257
File: 76 KB, 220x210, coffee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blacks need to go back to Africa...
>for the once in a lifetime thrill of this exclusive bargain priced African safari vacation package!

>> No.15722334
File: 16 KB, 493x216, burger king.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15722480

but again, as I typed already, there's hardly a way to prove it or disprove it, so your opinion is just as good as mine

>> No.15722500

seems cruel to fire someone
they obviously thought whacking the beehive would be a great way to attract attention

>> No.15722518

>all the people shilling their shitty art in the comments

>> No.15722542

superb keks, thatd be hilarious

>> No.15722566

fuck tumblr for letting these guys leak out onto human websites

>> No.15722741
File: 55 KB, 479x361, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some faggot grifters are the same as multi-billion dollar corporations

>> No.15722806

No one gives a fuck about labor jobs being predominantly male either. Women are just not cut out for male dominated fields and need help from the male dominated government to be included in them even though most are unhappy working the shitty hours most men do and once they have a child usually drop out or find an easier, female dominated work place

>> No.15722811

Why is it called Burger King? And not Burger QUEEN?

>> No.15722829

Monarchies are inherently oppressive. It should be Burger President

>> No.15722833

Kek, I’m laughing my ass off

>> No.15722838
File: 181 KB, 3516x1550, 1588977427886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The comments on this prove how dumb women really are
Then someone calls their attention to the actual meaning of the tweet and they still choose to be upset rather than recognize the point

Then black people reply simping for them

Gave me aids reading thru

>> No.15722845
File: 73 KB, 385x363, twitterniggerBTFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15722941

>the slippery slope fallacy
>hasn’t noticed the slippery slope all around him
Remember when there weren’t homosexual characters in every story game? Remember when there weren’t homosexual characters in every story? Remember when it wasn’t normal for entertainment to have “inclusive and diverse casts”? Remember when they told you that whites would be a minority in America? They were right weren’t they?
If you’re gonna claim someone is using a slippery slope fallacy, at least take a quick reality check before calling it an outright fallacy. The policies for hiring went from
>these laws say we are not allowed to discriminate
>we are going to actively discriminate based on what type of person we need to hire for PR purposes
Real fuckin quick