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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15720647 No.15720647 [Reply] [Original]

Why do lots of food have this label on them? Why is there a push for non GMO foods?

>> No.15720657

GMO Frankenfoods have never been tested for safety and due to the secretive nature of the research it’s not possible to verify the genetic changes which have been made. I support testing them on less informed, largely third world and inner city consumers for a couple generations before they are allowed to enter the proper food supply.

>> No.15720663

Just another divide to print money.

>> No.15720670

but the FDA regulates GMOs

>> No.15720676

Because it's one giant experiment with hundreds of millions of human beings as the guinea pigs. There's no precedent and there's no exactly defined outcome.

Following every theory related to the relevant subjects, GM practices are not supposed to be potentially harmful, but the side effects are still unknown. Or, perhaps they are known, but it's almost impossible to link them to GMOs.

I say there's no harm in having non-GMO offerings. Certainly there would be more harm in having only-GMO offerings. Is there a push for them? I haven't seen it. Just the occasional loud self-educator.

>> No.15720679

what does this mean?

>> No.15720682
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We've been genetically engineering our crops for thousands of years retards. People who don't eat GMO foods are basically anti-vaxxers.

>> No.15720705

its because i have faith that nature will do it in a way that is stable and in balance with its (the organism) environment

i know when u start fucking with genes u start getting cancers and those same proteins can miss fold other proteins causing the same .
we dont have an understanding of how genes can corrupt other genes because they were made outside of the regular system (naturE)

>> No.15720760

I buy organic , pasture raised, grass fed

>> No.15720767


it depends on the food. i simply dont support monsonto or the pesticide industry

>> No.15720773

>I pay for testing and receive permission to place the nonGMO sticker on my product
>There is a divide between my product and the competitor, who has no sticker
>I can now charge more since their product is "bad"

>> No.15720774

they can charge more for something with a "non gmo" sticker on it because although it's the same product as before it's now Special and maybe, presumably, meant to be healthier or more environmentally friendly or something.

>> No.15720776

So does this mean anything or is it completely meaningless just like UTZ chocolate?

>> No.15720799

They also “regulate” pink slime and fake meat made from estrogen beans.

>> No.15720822

thats fine by me as long as non gmo continues to be an option

>> No.15720856

Everyone in this thread is wrong and retarded. Here's the three actual reasons informed people are scared of GMOs:

1. Most GMO foods are modified for the purpose of pesticide/herbicide resistance. This is bad because it encourages the mass-use of sprayed pesticides/herbicides to reduce crop loss. This is horrifically toxic to the surrounding environment, probably causes colony collapse disorder in bees, and is a great way to accidentally breed weeds that are super-resistant to pesticides.

2. Some GMO crops are modified to increase crop yield. Most of these GMOS (I believe there is a law requiring it), are designed to be sterile so they can't accidentally be released into the wild. However, because of "the Jurassic Park thing", people are justifiably worried that some non-sterile hyper-virulent grain crops might make accidentally make it into the wild and out-compete native plants and grasses, essentially sterilizing the landscape and destroying native biodiversity.

3. The companies that make these crops (Monsanto, etc.) have a copywrite on the GMO genes that make it illegal to grow them without buying the seeds directly from the source company, or paying them a yearly fee. Since these crops are so much more profitable than non-GMO crops, grain farmers are basically forced to grow GMOs and pay out the ass for the privilege.

There is no justifiable concern about GMO foods from a nutritional perspective, purely an environmental one. Anyone who is concerned from a nutritional perspective is probably misinformed.

>> No.15720862

>Accidentally breed weeds that are super-resistant to pesticides
>weeds that are resistant to pesticides
For what purpose?

>> No.15720869

I wasn't aware of these factors. this actually seems reasonable desu

>> No.15720879

Relentlessly based

>> No.15720886

Unfortunately, because grain crops are the main target of GMO research there currently isn't a great way to "out-profit" GMOs out of existence by developing a high-yield alternative that doesn't require their use. For soft crops (fruits/veg/etc.), super high-yield indoor factory farms will likely eliminate the need for pesticides in the next 30-50 years. (Please trust me, I study this shit) Grain/starch crops on the other hand are so low-cost and low-yield per unit area that we'll literally never be able to move their production indoors. The solution for them is likely either legislation which will never happen, or a very long-term societal shift to crops that can be grown indoors or at least under glass (potatoes and rice).

>> No.15720889

I'm guessing he meant to say herbicides you pedantic faggot

>> No.15720895

Same reason why theres a push for none nuclear energy, people are retarded and dont trust science

>> No.15720896

>The companies that make these crops (Monsanto, etc.) have a copywrite on the GMO genes that make it illegal to grow them without buying the seeds directly from the source company, or paying them a yearly fee. Since these crops are so much more profitable than non-GMO crops, grain farmers are basically forced to grow GMOs and pay out the ass for the privilege.

This. And then those same farmers run misinformation campains against GMOs to try and convince facebook moms that they should buy non-GMO because it's "natural" as opposed to those "franken-foods."

>> No.15720901

the jews sold us christianity in the sake of making double profit much in the same way that farmers are selling both GMO and non GMO. the truth is no one fking knows. but i beileve that the christian version of god is real and non GMO is the way to go . they just give it to us on accident. the good one.

>> No.15720907

I meant herbicides, sorry. Either way, the mechanism is natural selection. The ones that somehow manage to not die when sprayed with colossal quantities of herbicides survive and breed. Over time you end up with super-weeds that can't be killed by normal herbicides. Short-term this isn't an issue because when a certain weed population becomes resistant to a certain herbicide you just change the GMO/herbicide combination to compensate. Long-term however, you can imagine a situation where you've accidentally bred weeds that can't be killed by any known herbicide that doesn't also fuck up humans.

>> No.15720908

Am I imagining it or are there more schizos than ever running wild in /ck/ these days

>> No.15720910
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>its because i have faith that nature will do it in a way that is stable and in balance with its (the organism) environment
Thats some hippy bullshit. Humans have been genetically modifying crops since the agricultural revolution. Nothing you buy at a grocery store looks the way it originally did before human intervention. Fuck I wish genetics was a part of highschool curriculum but you amerifats are too stupid for that.

>> No.15720915

1. Companies can profit from people's fear of GMO
2. There is some legitimate reason for concern regarding them

In that order

>> No.15720922


>not buying non gmo seeded bananas

>> No.15720937

but its done in a way that is in balance

>> No.15720939


Also FYI "just making GMOs illegal" won't work at this point because we're very very close to being unable to produce enough food to feed the world without them. There needs to be a MASSIVE change in the way we farm food in order to change this paradigm unfortunately. I'm in school right now studying bio/agro engineering because I want to find a profitable way to out-compete GMOs at least for soft-crops by moving production indoors. I don't wanna go too deep but I've done a lot of research and I really do believe it's possible.

>> No.15720947

>Here's the three actual reasons informed people are scared of GMOs:
Confirmed megacorp lab shill.
You didn’t even list the main reason: science is scary.
Any food with ingredients a 2nd grader can’t pronounce is inherently evil.
And don’t even get me started on safety.
You know the best way to prove GMO’s are unsafe?
It’s the simple fact that “scientists” say they’re safe. This proves that the proof of it being unsafe is being suppressed by corporations because evil.
You know who supported science and corporations? Hitler. That’s who.
Enjoy your fascist produce. I’ll be on the right side of history.

>> No.15720960

>Humans have been genetically modifying crops since the agricultural revolution.

That just isn't true at all. Selective breeding is not GMO. It isn't even close.

GMO products are the results of using certain very modern techniques of genetic engineering. Prior to the invention of these techniques in the early 1970s, there were no GMO anything.

>> No.15720963

yes humans made changes to food over thousands of years of cultivation and care, GMO is made in a lab in about a year with only profits in mind, the worst part imo is the fact that they patent every fucking thing they do and wont let people use the seeds for the next crop without paying royalties, in some cases the even make the plants sterile so that you can only keep planting them if you buy more seeds
they are money grubbing parasites hijacking nature to further their own wallets, not people i would trust with my food supply

>> No.15720972

if you dont think living in a world where knowledge has become so specialised that we need to rely on several different authorities, each only understanding their respective field, is scary, and if you make glib posts online dismissing people not being comfortable with that, youre a fucking dumbass. not saying i have better answers or we shouldnt believe scientists, just that its either obtuse or dishonest not to acknowledge that certain things suck about the way things are now.

>> No.15720986

>years of cultivation and care, GMO is made in a lab in about a year with only profits in mind
Before GMO, increasing hardiness and yield was about care and love. Farmers didn’t care about selling surplus; it was about feeding their community.
But now these labs have turned farming into a sinister racket, where farmers who used to be happy feeding us now want to make money farming

>> No.15720990

>and if you make glib posts online dismissing people not being comfortable with that, youre a fucking dumbass
Understood; only you’re allowed to glibly dismiss people out of pocket as “fucking dumbasses” due to your enlightened perspective.

>> No.15720994

>Farmers didn’t care about selling surplus; it was about feeding their community.

I grew up on a farm. We often had a couple of sections (square miles) of wheat. This wasn't for our own consumption at all.

We would save wheat to plant the next year and sold the rest on the market.

>> No.15720998
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>Please trust me, I study this shit
Oh, wow. Very impressive. So I should just take anything you say at face value?

>> No.15721003

yeah because your cargo shorts and running shoes engineering student fart sniffing scientism had so much substance to it there was so much i was skipping over

>> No.15721005

Sorry I didn't know you were retarded so let me clarify. GMO is an acronym where the "G" stands for Genetically, the "M" stands for Modified, and the "O" stands for Organism. So any organism that has had it's genes modified (whether though selective breeding or targeted gene manipulation) is a GMO. And despite what your retarded boomer mom on facebook say EXTENSIVE testing is done on any GMO set for human consumption. Non-GMO propaganda is literally there to trick uneducated niggers into buying overpriced inferior products.

Here, educate yourself.

>> No.15721011


If you really do study this, you will know that any GMO product you have ever consumed will be fruits or vegetables.

>> No.15721012


ur father lol

>> No.15721019


You are the one who is retarded. The term GMO very explicitly refers to organisms who's genes were modified by certain modern genetic engineering techniques. If it wasn't done by those techniques, then it isn't GMO.

And don't jump to the ignorant idea that I am against GMOs. I'm not going to tell lies to try to try to make GMOs sound like natural. It isn't natural at all.

What I'd most like to see is GMO peanuts with their allergens removed. I love peanuts, but they don't love me.

>> No.15721027

No, you should do your own research because everything I said is easily verifiable with 10 minutes of googling if you just want to hear someone else say it, and a few hours if you want to read original-source research papers on it.

>> No.15721029

Nothing is stopping you from researching a topic yourself dipshit. There's plenty of online resources that will teach you about genetics. Its people that remain willfully ignorant while spouting out opinions on things they know nothing about that cause more harm to society.

>> No.15721032 [DELETED] 


Your own link does refer to organisms that result from selective breeding as being GMO.

If GMOs included such things as selective breeding, there would be no need for the term.

>> No.15721035

so i guess you know everything about podiatry then? you can speak aramaic? theres nothing stopping you from researching those things yourself

>> No.15721038


Correction: That should read

Your own link does not refer to organisms that result from selective breeding as being GMO.

>> No.15721042

they really do think gmo foods are maliciously created to kill them

>> No.15721048

I think you're talking to two different people. >>15720856

This is me.

>> No.15721052



genetically modified organism: an organism or microorganism whose genetic material has been altered by means of genetic engineering.


Genetically modified organism (GMO), organism whose genome has been engineered in the laboratory in order to favour the expression of desired physiological traits or the generation of desired biological products. In conventional livestock production, crop farming, and even pet breeding, it has long been the practice to breed select individuals of a species in order to produce offspring that have desirable traits. In genetic modification, however, recombinant genetic technologies are employed to produce organisms whose genomes have been precisely altered at the molecular level, usually by the inclusion of genes from unrelated species of organisms that code for traits that would not be obtained easily through conventional selective breeding.

>> No.15721069



GMOs are perhaps most visible in the produce section. The first genetically engineered plants to be produced for human consumption were introduced in the mid-1990s. Today, approximately 90 percent of the corn, soybeans, and sugar beets on the market are GMOs. Genetically engineered crops produce higher yields, have a longer shelf life, are resistant to diseases and pests, and even taste better. These benefits are a plus for both farmers and consumers. For example, higher yields and longer shelf life may lead to lower prices for consumers, and pest-resistant crops means that farmers don’t need to buy and use as many pesticides to grow quality crops. GMO crops can thus be kinder to the environment than conventionally grown crops.

>> No.15721070


You're arguing with the wrong guy bro.

>> No.15721078
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Your own link does refer to organisms that result from selective breeding as being GMO.
Learn to read/write
>If GMOs included such things as selective breeding, there would be no need for the term.
Selective breeding specifies a specific form of genetic modification.

>> No.15721086

It's so you know which products not to buy
Just look for the orange butterfly to see if its trash or not

>> No.15721098


In selective breeding, you are not directly making changes to the genome. Instead, you are using sexual reproduction to randomly combine the genes of two members of the species to produce an offspring.

In genetic engineering, you are directly changing the genome by either introducing new genes or deleting existing genes.

There is a big difference.

>> No.15721104

True, but I also don't go around claiming podiatrist are evil pseudo-scientist that are out to kill everyone or only by books that have a non-aramaic sticker on them.

>> No.15721129

Oh? And what's the difference? Besides the amount of time it take how is modifying a genome though selective breeding different than though microinjections or transposons? Are you afraid of everything you don't understand? I doubt you know enough advanced calculus or electrical engineering to describe how every component of your computer works. Maybe you shouldn't use it either. Watch out! Electricity is devil magic as is out to get you!

>> No.15721159


The difference is in the techniques.

Also, you could breed corn for a million years and never produce bt-corn. After all, the bt gene never existed in the corn genome until introduced by genetic engineering.

For what it's worth, my degrees are all in Math.

Perhaps you shouldn't try to act like you know what you clearly have no clue about.

>> No.15721168

why haven't they made GMO tomatoes that taste good all year round

>> No.15721173

>Also, you could breed corn for a million years and never produce bt-corn
>source my ass

>For what it's worth, my degrees are all in Math.
>My dad also works at Nintendo

>> No.15721193


What an idiotic response.

Oh. Well. Time to get some sleep. Bye bye.

>> No.15721203
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Here's what humans have done to corn in 9,000 years from just selective breeding so saying you can create a pesticide resistance stain in a million is pretty retarded. Idk what fake online college gave you any type of degree but you should probably ask for a refund.

>> No.15721300

Nature doesn't comply to anything. Lots of stuffs evolved naturally to kill the one who ate them.

>> No.15721389

>modified for the purpose of pesticide/herbicide resistance
And it could not possibly be that the substances produced within the plant to make such a thing possible pose anything of a risk to human health, right?

>> No.15721608
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>removing tumor by excising it with a scalpel good
>blasting a tumor with gamma x-rays to ablate it potentially harmful

>> No.15721621
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Because stupid hippies have money and they'll pay extra for a placebo

>> No.15722950
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>eating gmo food bad
>taking hormones to permanently fuck up your body and raping kids good
Kill yourself. Everyone hates you. Everyone wants you dead.

>> No.15722965

Because trusting science is bad

>> No.15722988

again with the schizos

>> No.15723036
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You are aware of the fact that the Covid vaccines are created with the exact same technology that is used to make GMO. If you consider GMO safe then you must by the same definition of safe consider the vaccines unsafe.
Either go full anti-vaxxer or read some peer reviewed science on the subject, faggot.

>> No.15723060

Non gmo foods require more pesticides

>> No.15723071

this Quaker Oats literally give you cancer yet people eat them anyway because "m-muh non-GMO"

>> No.15723140

Stupid fucking faggot commies

>> No.15723157

>(Please trust me, I study this shit)
>you have now gained my undoubted faith

>> No.15723182

>People berating this post
He's only stating there's room for some plausible doubt, not "denying science".

>> No.15723492


The genes from bacillus thuringiensis that were inserted into corn using genetic engineering to create bt-corn never existed in corn before. The odds of a series of mutations in genes for corn to arrive at the genes would have been arbitrarily close to zero.

>> No.15723590
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Pretty much everything is a GMO.

If anything, worrying about all the possible threats to one’s is probably more detrimental due to rising cortisol and stress levels leading to heart problems and shorter life.

As an alive organism, you need to understand that there are billions of things trying to kill you at any given moment, both internally as well as externally. Just relax.

>> No.15723605

To one’s life*

>> No.15723615

>Pretty much everything is a GMO.

No. But more and more GMO foods are being developed.

In any event, GMO is quickly becoming the past. Now we have CRISPR coming up strong.

>> No.15723639

Because conservatives are fucking dipshit idiots that think "GMO" is somehow different from the long-term modifications we've been making to make pretty much every modern fruit and vegetable available for commercial sale. They really think corn, wheat, bananas, melons, literally any brassica, and on and on and on just somehow naturally occurred and haven't been selectively bred over centuries.

>> No.15723693


Reading that it isn't clear what you meant.

Even with GMO, there is plenty of heritage fruits and vegetables available.

While none of us have ever eaten any GMO wheat, it's likely just a matter of time.

One problem with wheat that makes GMO less attractive is that whatever benefits it may confer have to be make it worth the extra cost to farmers. With the wheat we have now, farmers save part of their crop to replant the next year. To make GMO pay, the seed companies will require the farmers to buy new seed each year and that will have a significant impact on most wheat farmers.

With corn, that wasn't an issue because the vast majority of corn farmers were already buying corn seed for each crop long before genetic engineering was even invented. Google F1 Hybrids.

>> No.15723715

try harder, conservaturd

>> No.15723738

Both far right and far left seem equally concerned about this sort of thing, in my experience.

>> No.15723762

It's definitely not the left who are the main buyers of the non-GMO, organic, etc foods.
Whole foods is a straight up republican mecca

>> No.15723779


Actually, classical liberal. You probably wouldn't understand what that is, though.

In any event, if you don't believe what I said there, then you certainly have no clue about the subject.

>> No.15723832

Whole foods is run by a far-right lolbertarian who hates unions.

>> No.15723838

Nonsensical post. Genetic modification is not the same process.

>> No.15723845

Well, humans have been using mutagens (ionizating radiation, tetragens, etc) to make new varieties for over one hundred years now, producing thousands of now common varieties of which some have become extremely common. Yet those don't get labeled as good. It's silly. If you buy durum wheat flour there is a 99% chance it had new genes introduced vis external methods that aren't considered gmo.
Shit, how do you think asexual organisms continue to evolve?

>> No.15723852

Labeled as gmo*

>> No.15723874

Not having to till the soil is a rather large advantage, preventing soil erosion. Only glyphosate resistant crops can be grown this way in extensive culture.
Buying seeds every year is not only to get access to the engineered properties, but also to get maximum possible hybrid vigor. It just makes more sense economically to buy the seeds rather than get into all the complexity of plant genetics if you are a farmer trying to make a living. You even mention F1 hybrids in your post so I'm sure you understand.

>> No.15723876

To add to this, up to 10% of human dna is viral in origin.

>> No.15723892

Literal cavemen retards holding back humanity because WAAAHHH NEW THING SCARY BIG CORPO TELL ME IT BAD I BELIEB THEM WAAAAA. Kill youselves, educate yourselves, or shut the fuck up before you special ed dropouts put us through another dark age

Not retarded but still (mostly) wrong

Really fucking retarded. People who tie politics into everything are useful idiot cancer and should be gassed.
t. non retard conservative who actually researches things I don't know about instead of pulling idiotic fear-based corporate sponsered assumptions out of my hairy asshole.

I really, really, REALLY hate people who voice opinions on things they literally know nothing about. Bunch of NPC's I fucking swear.

>> No.15723908

Also fuck Big Organic and the sheep that support them

>> No.15724039

Breeding crops, as in literally just planting seeds from the desirable ones, is not the same as this gene editing bullshit.

>> No.15724061

>lab grown meat is OK
>lab grown seeds is NOT OK

>> No.15724063

All foods in the grocery store ALL of them are genetically modified.

>> No.15724073
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>> No.15724083

>holding back humanity
I said it’s fine for lower class inner city dwellers and people from shit hole countries. But quality people want quality food, and GMOs aren’t high quality. Also, proofs that GMOs will accelerate human evolution and unleash us from the fetters which actual real food has enslaved us with?

>> No.15724139

I thought this was a left leaning idea that GMOs are bad

>> No.15724213

>All foods in the grocery store ALL of them are genetically modified.

That's completely wrong. Many are, but not all by any means.

You cannot, for example, buy any GMO wheat. It exists in the research labs but it is likely not commercially available anywhere in the world. If it is commercially available, then it is very, very recent and probably hasn't been harvested yet.

>> No.15724234


I live in as Republican an area as you will ever find. In a typical election, there is one vote for the Libertarian and the rest are all Republican in every single race.

There is maybe one family here who might be anti-GMO.

>> No.15724241

Pathetic. People like you should be gassed.

>> No.15724249
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>> No.15724284

>responding to a shill in a genuine fashion
Shills claim that natural plant breeding is the same as GMO. You fell for it.

>> No.15724319


Using radiation to mutate the genome in seeds is not a genetic engineering technique and therefor the offspring are not GMOs.

By the way, durum wheat is a hexaploid wheat which didn't even exist until about 10,000 years ago. Prior to that, we only had diploid and tetraploid wheats.

The hexaploid wheat is believed to have come around by a lucky accident. Back then, farmers couldn't do much to make sure that they only planted seeds from one crop in a field and somebody is thought to have mixed in with the wheat seed some seed from a closely related grass. By accident, through what is now known as lateral gene transfer or horizontal gene transfer (depending on who you talk to), the genes from the grass were added to the already existing tetraploid wheat to form a hexaploid wheat.

This is something that can never happen from selective breeding, but would be possible with genetic engineering. Genetic engineering is, essentially, using science and engineering to mimic lateral/horizontal gene transfer, not selective breeding.

The hexaploid wheat almost certainly is what made civilization possible. It enabled mankind to spread out and grow wheat just about anywhere we moved. It enabled mankind to leave the hunter/gatherer stage and settle down in communities and start farming.

Diploid = one set of pairs of chromosomes. That is, one set of pairs of 7 chromosomes for a total of 14 chromosomes.
Tetraploid = two sets of pairs of chromosomes. That is, 28 chromosomes.
Hexaploid = three sets of pairs or chromosomes for a total of 42 chromosomes.

>> No.15724369


Maybe so.

I don't see why some people feel the need to lie to justify their position.

I'm very much in favor of GMOs, but have never had any reason to make up lies to try to argue my points on them.

Just because the term GMO only applies to the organisms produced by the use of certain modern techniques of genetic engineering that allows scientists to directly target which genes they wish to add or subtract from the genome should not make it any less desirable than more conventional practices such as selective breeding.

>> No.15724540

thats all fanciful thinking/. but in this world everything is a double edged sword. gmo crops causing cancer OR raising population, also no the store bought tomatoes are not as good s home grown.

>> No.15724558

plants for the most part have a plce in this world where they dont kill those who eat their fruit

>> No.15724568


Not fanciful.

I'm sure if you lived in Chrnobyl, store bought tomatoes would probably be better than home grown tomatoes.

Around here, we can only grow tomatoes in the summer. If we were limited to home grown, that would meany no tomatoes for much of the year.

>> No.15724584

juts like it should be. a seasonal diet is probably healthier since it adds variety. tomatoes all year everyday would cause chronic gastritis

>> No.15724614
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Excellent point.

I always look forward to the mid to late summer when fresh okra is available.

>> No.15724623

>what's a greenhouse?

>> No.15724627

>ut quality people want quality food, and GMOs aren’t high quality.
Please elaborate on how GMO's are of a lesser quality than ""traditional"" food with the relevant sources you are getting your information from. I'll wait.
>Also, proofs that GMOs will accelerate human evolution and unleash us from the fetters which actual real food has enslaved us with?
>please provide concrete proof of what will happen in the future
Hurr durr. I also never said anything about accelerating our evolution. But you are holding back our ability to reliably feed ourselves, though after that I can only speculate on the myriad of benefits the technology could provide.

No u

>> No.15724653


When this interglacial warm period ends, we'd better hope that we can produce far more than we can now. As the earth cools going into the next hundred thousand years of widespread glaciers and markedly colder temperatures, the earth won't be able to produce anything like it does now and people are going to be dying of starvation everywhere.

The big question will be whether more will die of starvation or from the massive wars fought for the quickly dwindling resources.

>> No.15724684


The real problem with storebought tomatoes is that they are picked when still green so that they won't arrive at the store in decent shape, but at the expense of flavor.

They are okay, but tomatoes that ripen on the vine are so much better.

>> No.15724734
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says the iFaggot, pfft

>> No.15724981

Because boogie men gay frogs scared americunts and euro hipsters.
And this.

>> No.15725068

>Everyone I don't like is a shill!
>look at my macaroni heart mom!

>> No.15725088

Thus, use GE technology to modify our existing crops to survive a colder climate, humanity saved thanks to Crispr!