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15719362 No.15719362 [Reply] [Original]

Are cast iron skillets a meme?

>> No.15719367

not everything is a meme you stupid zoomer cunts just shut the fuck up and buy one if you're poor, and if not get a good quality stainless pan.

>> No.15719373

Versus what other skillets?

>> No.15719427

I'm about done fussing with mine. Want to move up to stainless. Cast iron is still fun to bake in though.

>> No.15719497

Cast iron is a masculine trait.

>> No.15719562

No. Cook meat in them. They sear really well. I cook most things in stainless steel but for meat I stick to cast iron
They're cheap as fuck at tj maxx and similar stores

>> No.15719591

It works pretty much like any other pan, as long as you use it every day it and never clean it

>> No.15719598

No but get a good enameled Staub or Le Creuset instaed of that brokefag Lodge shit, all the benefits with none of the hassle.

>> No.15719615

They work exactly the same. What hassle does a cast iron have? I have never once seasoned or cleaned my cast iron in the past 2 years. It just werks

>> No.15719792

>a meme?
No I'm pretty sure it's a pan, not a meme.

>> No.15720055

No, I use my everyday

>> No.15720066

i said good quality

>> No.15720119

Okay fag what would you suggest besides lodge? Because I got mine for $20 at tj maxx

>> No.15720139


If youre trying to get a fond going SS is better than CI because it sticks then naturally releases when the meat has been sufficiently browned.

>> No.15720147

>cooking equipment that has a strength check to use
based as fuck

>> No.15720229

>le ebin vidya gayme reference
Kill yourself faggot

>> No.15720283

>great heat distribution
>able to move it directly from the stove to the oven
>practically indestructible

thread unrelated, stainless steel is great.

>> No.15720301


>> No.15720308

cast iron is cast iron

>> No.15720315

I never understood the claim that you shouldnt clean you cast iron. I clean mine with hot water and a bristle brush after every use then wipe it down with a little oil and heat the oil until it smokes. it has perfect seasoning and is very non stick. Why shouldn't I clean it?

>> No.15720324

I use mine to sear steaks and it's worth it for that alone
>quality stainless pan
Not the same thing, any decent cook will have both.

>> No.15720331

Yes. Carbon steel does all the same things and is better in basically every aspect.

>> No.15720337

Why would you do all that shit every time you cook? Just cooking with oil or grease accomplishes the exact same thing without the ass ache. Mine is perfectly non stick too, and I’ve never treated it special. That’s the main appeal, it’s rugged and easy

>> No.15720438

gross, you are gonna have flavors from the last thing you cooked unless you clean it

>> No.15720444

Post a picture of your never cleaned cast iron

>> No.15720525

God forbid
Making any sauce “cleans” the pan of any gunk, it looks the same as when I got it plus a little extra grease on top and little carbon down under. Nice numbers btw

>> No.15720530

That's literally the point anon, that it builds up all these flavors over time

>> No.15720557
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Not him, but i rarely clean my pan, and when I do it's just with water and papper towels, you can see that some spots have rusted just slightly, i Guess i should give it a good scrub
Shows up on the camera more then irl

>> No.15720571

mine is rusted to shit, I've given up
my dad for some reason keeps putting it in the sink, I've had to restore it 4-5 times at least so I'm just letting it sit there now

>> No.15720587

>God forbid
i see you love shrimp flavoured pancakes too

>> No.15720652

cast iron manlet

>> No.15720807
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I season all my meals with DuPont flakes

>> No.15720818

DuPont makes cum?

>> No.15720826

Dry it with heat on the stove, the rust is from the water evaporating slowly.

>> No.15720828

no, they can absorb a lot of heat and therefor end up heating up more evenly with less hot spots. They also warm up slower and more evenly and cool down slower and more evenly. And with enough seasoning they become non stick.

That's the real bonus of cast irons design, nothing else.

>> No.15721294

>don't reverse search
I did and I don't get why not. All I'm getting is pics of tadpoles in water

>> No.15721323

And that's what makes them more of a one trick pony than other pans. Carbon or stainless steel are more versatile.

>> No.15721332


>> No.15721361

a bit, yes.

they're good if you're camping or poor as shit but there's no need to deal with the upkeep when you can buy an all clad

>> No.15721369
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>an entire pan just for searing steaks

>> No.15721376

Searing any meat faggot.

>> No.15721761

No but the people who can't shut up about their skillets are a fucking meme.

>> No.15721817
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>> No.15721829 [DELETED] 

>an entire 20 dollar pan that will last literally my whole life
Even the poorest person could afford that expense. Use uncle joes neetbux nigger.

>> No.15721839

The state of this soi

>> No.15721862

Who said it was too expensive?
Just because something's cheap doesn't mean you should use it.

>> No.15721868

They are unnecessary, get a real stainless steel pan.
There's a reason why pretty much every restaurant in the world uses stainless steel.
Youtube soyboys and redditors go crazy for cast iron for some reason, maybe it's like they want to compensate for their effeminate self just like they do with hot sauce, IPAs, beards, etc

>> No.15721883


Most people have more than one pan. I have a non-stick for eggs, cast iron for meat I want seared and stainless steel for everything else.

>> No.15721913

Same for me, but many cast iron fags act like it's the only pan you'd ever need, which is bullshit.

>> No.15721932

Lurk more you fucking newfag, Reddit migrant.

>> No.15721948

Carbon steel is also good.

>> No.15721988
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>My food has to have burned marks

>> No.15722047


>> No.15723229

I use mine for reheating leftovers more than anything else. If it doesn't reheating good on the flat top I throw the iron in the oven preheat to 400 then throw the food in and cover for 15 minutes. Absolutely perfect leftovers every time.

>> No.15723234


>> No.15723373

are carbon steel good or they need to be stainless steel?

>> No.15723431

Most carbon steel pans are way thinner than cast iron pans so they react to heat changes way better. Unlike cast iron you can make pan sauces in carbon steele for example. For daily cooking they are much better, because they need less time and energy to get hot and are lighter so easier to handle.

>> No.15723487

>Naturally nonstick
>Very quick and even heating
>Creates a great sear on meat
I use mine mostly for meat. It creates the best sear out of all my current pans.
It's also great for baking/roasting/broiling with. I make mac n cheese in there too.

>> No.15723569

>>Naturally nonstick
No, everything sticks unless you put there shitton of oil
>>Very quick and even heating
Lol no
>>Creates a great sear on meat
That’s true

>> No.15723596

people here will tell you air fryers are good and that an iron pan is a meme. They're like sub 20 bucks for a shit one on amazon just try it out

>> No.15723638

>naturally nonstick
>quick heating
not really
>great sear
yes, and that's what it's good for

>> No.15723683

I put one small splash of oil when cooking and I've never had an issue with sticking

>> No.15723701

or, you can just not use the CI for seafood :^)

>> No.15723847
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>getting butthurt over a reference that isn't even strictly video game related
You're a fucking retard and likely a normalfag.
t. /tg/

>> No.15723923
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Only if you know absolutely nothing about cooking. If that's the case, then, yes it it absolutely a meme.

>> No.15724006

You don't need to do all that lmao just wash it with dish soap then wipe dry and apply a small coat of oil to avoid rusting. The seasoning comes with cooking in it.

>> No.15724349
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Cast iron is great for fire stoves.

>> No.15724910

I prefer carbon steel. Don't even own a cast iron pan anymore.

>> No.15726361

They stick no matter what you do. It’s a meme

>> No.15726922

Stainless steel duh

>> No.15727493
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i mainly use mine to make crepes

>> No.15727510

ur a meme

>> No.15727529

Cast iron skillets are great but I just wish they would make the handles a few inches longer

>> No.15727825

>I prefer carbon steel. Don't even own a cast iron pan anymore.
lolwut, cast iron is carbon iron, lmao

>> No.15727837

cast iron steak > cooking on the grill

>> No.15727910

Stainless steel is better and more versatile

>> No.15728757

Carbon steel pans are different from cast iron pans. Just google it or something, retard.

>> No.15728821

anon prob meant that all steel has carbon in it, and cast iron despite its misleading name is steel

>> No.15728826

Yeah but iron and carbon steel are actually different materials in manufacturing because they have different amounts of carbon.

>> No.15728847

A cast iron works well for a lot of things outside of seeing steaks. It's not a do-everything pan like retarded mommy bloggers claim but it's also not a one-trick pony. I like to use mine for searing meat, cooking pancakes, cooking fried flatbread like naan or tortillas, baking cornbread, things that I cook on the stove then transfer to the oven/broiler like shepherd's pie. It's pretty versatile, and easy to use if you just ignore retards who think you have to follow insane rituals to take care of it and avoid soap at all costs. I treat mine exactly like every other pan I use with the exception that after I wash it I throw it in the stove for a few minutes to completely dry it. If it seems like the seasoning needs d some love I'll leave it in the heat a bit longer and use a paper towel to re-oil it while it's heating to add a new seasoning layer and it's pretty rare that I ever have to do that. Full oven seasoning cycles pretty much never need to be done unless you're reseasoning the thing from scratch after someone fucked it up royally.

>> No.15728875

Carbon steel is literally as good or better at all of those things.

>> No.15728879

yes, anon is retarded

>> No.15729031

I like carbon steel a lot for eggs. If you use it enough to build up a decent seasoning you can almost use it like a nonstick to do things like flipping eggs which is almost impossible to do well with the shape/weight of most cast irons.

I recommend the matfer bourgeat black steel pans since they're cheaper than the debuyers ones and I like that the welded handle has no rivets to rust/get in the way.

>> No.15729668

I feel the same way
doesn't help it weighs like 30 fucking lbs either

>> No.15729716

or for pancakes that matter
I don't see why you'd cook pancakes in one. I use them for searing and more importantly, one pots and dishes that have a part where you have them in the oven as well as on the stovetop at points. In fact if there is one thing I've decided I definitely didn't like CI for its for seafood, my salmon stuck to it like a mother fuck and you kindof want a pan that heats up / cools down quick for fish anyways

>> No.15729733

Im pretty sure they mean they dont put soap to it, surely everyone scrubs their CI with atleast water and friction, right? ....right?

>> No.15729781

Just get a carbon steel skillet, like a Matfer Black Carbon. It'll do everything a cast iron will but it's lighter and comes with extra pretension.

>> No.15730165

>Fat going rancid and leaking into your food

>> No.15731140

Not the original poster of the comment, but garage sales or family. Comes with good flavor.

>> No.15731148

talking about stainless retard

>> No.15731188
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>get cast iron for birthday
>use it to cook eggs and bacon and sausage
>clean it by hand with warm soapy water and salt
>have to put it in the oven for it to dry or else it’ll rust
>have to reseason it

It’s such a pain in the ass to use it because you take longer cleaning it than you do using it

>> No.15731191

Nothing. Carbon steel is literally strictly better.

>> No.15731200

is stainless retard different than regular stainless?

>> No.15731223

Yes it has a food retardant surface, the name should sort of give it away.

>> No.15731254

Soap does not remove seasoning. But the kind of people dumb enough to own cast iron are the same type to believe retarded mom science, so they take any excuse to be disgusting faggots and not clean their pans.

>> No.15731265

Do you live in a swamp or tropic hell hole?.
All I've ever done is plated the food, while the pan was still on the burner dump in a little water and scrub with a tall bristle brush. Rinse it off and wipe off whatever water didn't evaporate with a single paper towel. Takes less than 2 minutes, the food is still hot, and the pan hasn't rusted or required reseasoning in the six years I've had it.

>> No.15731375

Nah. Most of the cooking I do is with stainless, but I still use cast iron for high heat cooking.