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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 282 KB, 1200x630, zero-tip-social.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15718485 No.15718485[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Not my problem.

>> No.15718497

99% it's black women that do that little dash through the zero

>> No.15718501

Fuck ‘em I don’t tip minimum wage scum

>> No.15718504

>tipping culture
dumbest shit ever

>> No.15718510

Tipping = Corruption

>> No.15718511

Why did she treat her guests so poorly if she needed the extra tip? Her employer will cover her to minimum wage as needed.

>> No.15718513

>not expected to tip literally anyone except people who carry food around
Literally why is this. I know people tip other service workers but this is the only one with such a severe expectation. If you don't like your pay why is it the customer's job to remedy it? It seriously is without reason, honestly one of the greatest mysteries why this isn't commonly agreed upon as stupid.

>> No.15718517

i bet they left a cash tip. waitresses are literal whores.

>> No.15718526
File: 193 KB, 593x616, 1612392720085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ho ho ho based anon so based! I too am a sociopath that hates poor people and laborers. Fuck the little scum, fucking rats. They deserve to make pennies then be spat upon by people of worth like you and me. I hate when the little peasants look at me expecting an entire extra dollar out of me. Pathetic. Maybe if we were weak and had that crippling "empathy" that women and children have.

>> No.15718533

Why do I get the feeling that this "Taylar" character is a single mother?

>> No.15718547

Brown, second-generation American hands typed this.

>> No.15718551

Morons will mention "feedback". Just pay them a living wage and, if need be, add a rating scale at the end of the bill "Rate this server from 1 to 10". That would generate more honest, accurate feedback and without the bullshit.

>> No.15718562

Unless you drove to my house with your own car you don't get gas money man, it's that simple.

>> No.15718565

workers shouldn't need tips

>> No.15718586

This but unironically

>> No.15718587

Why don‘t they blame their kike bosses for not paying them enough? Why is it my fault?

>> No.15718592

i'm a bartender at hooters. old, white men are the worst tippers.

>> No.15718596


There's your first problem.

>> No.15718601

that's an odd way of spelling niggers

>> No.15718607

They're fucking old dude leave em alone. There brains probably don't work so good no more.

>> No.15718609
File: 43 KB, 500x596, trilogggy-my-brother-is-the-best-cook-because-with-two-47312446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She sure didn't struggle getting a dick in her cooch

>> No.15718611

> I too am a sociopath that hates poor people and laborers
Do you walk around and tip city workers digging ditches and emptying trash bins or cashiers at the store?

>> No.15718615

Because the government arbitrarily decided that servers get paid less than everyone else.

Bullshit. I've sat next to those horny old grease balls and seen how much money they throw at any 20something woman that looks at them.

>> No.15718618

Then you agree with a 15 USD federal minimum wage?

>> No.15718621

She's lying, they tipped in cash

>> No.15718622

>Because the government arbitrarily decided that servers get paid less than everyone else
this isn't true anywhere in Canada and many states in the US, new argument please. also
is exactly my point as well

>> No.15718625

No because implied tips aren't preemptively subtracted from their wages

>> No.15718629

>Not my problem.
True, the get $15 an hour now for carrying plates. They don't need a tip.

>> No.15718632

Who do you tip, then? Your dentist?

>> No.15718637

I agree, pay service workers a decent wage and end tipping entirely.

>> No.15718643

what do the young basketball americans tip like?

>> No.15718645

why is the tip a percentage instead of just a set amount? why should I pay 20% of 100 dollars? If it's the same amount of food (a meal for two, and the restaurant is extremely expensive), why should the cost of my food factor into their tip, if they don't do more work?

>> No.15718647

Because 'murricans are dumb as rocks and eat up the pro-tipping propaganda the industry feeds them so they can keep wages at slavelabor levels.

>> No.15718649

Is $1 per drink considered bad tipping these days? I haven't been out for a while.

>> No.15718653

Call your state rep about it instead of acting like a little bitch on an anonymous image board. Don't get mad at me because government is being retarded like it always is.

>> No.15718659

so you agree if servers are paid at least minimum wage there should be no expectation to tip then? so there are only 6 states where tipping should be an expectation and nowhere in Canada.

>> No.15718667


>> No.15718668

>Call your state rep about it
About what? I'm Canadian and I don't tip and have no problems, you are the one trying to make a case for why I should tip.

>> No.15718669

Achually, it's more likely it's poo stained pajeet hands from a propaganda clickfarm.

>> No.15718672

Same reason real estate commissions are what they are. Human stupidity.

>> No.15718687

CA, NY and a few other states have $15 minimum wage at the state level.

>> No.15718688

t. Young urban white professional

>> No.15718694

Amerilards are quite similar to Pajeets in their corrupt culture of 'tipping'.

>> No.15718695

But if servers were paid a living wage, then restaurants would have to up the prices. Guilting people into paying a hidden tax makes them able to keep prices that seems lower than they really are.
It's pretty much the same deal whit stores being allowed to advertise prices without tax, instead of the real price.

>> No.15718702

she's cute. a good women. looks like she's got 3 kids. had them young so they are healthy and they all look healthy.
This is a noble woman don't make fun of her. you should give her money and help her out if you can.

>> No.15718712



>> No.15718713

Why is it always waitresses complaining about tips and not waiters? Are women too used to having money thrown at them for existing?

>> No.15718719
File: 13 KB, 320x180, McD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes the McDonald's workers bring your food and they don't need tips.

>> No.15718729

This is why we need mandatory minimum wage and mandatory tip on all services

>> No.15718732

Woah woah woah I thought having them too young can also be bad? Isn't mid 20's prime time for making baby?

>> No.15718737

>hates poor people
This but unironically. After almost a decade in social services, I'm utterly convinced being poor is a mindset. I've worked with low income people who scrimped and saved, did shit jobs to work towards something that pays better, and generally set their goals out in the future. Then unfortunately the overwhelming majority of people I work with never aspire past a minimum wage or menial job, blow their income on alcohol/cigarettes/weed, then have the audacity to complain about "the system" while they ask to work under the table so they can still get $100 a week in EBT and other free shit.

The average poor person you could give $1 million to, and it would be gone in a week.

>> No.15718739

They get a lot more shit too for some reason. Why is it so fucking hard for boomers to be nice to the teenagers working the fast food place? I'm always dumbfounded when the poor teenager had to have some dumbass boomer screaming at them for some inane thing. They get that thousand yard stare/PTSD when they fuck up and they know they did and you're actually nice to them and tell them not to worry.

>> No.15718752

Yeah, you know, the guy that can cut you off and kick you out of the bar, or wait to make your drink last, even if there's a band you want to check out or a girl you want to talk to? That guy. Slide him a buck and the change on each round, and he can hook you up.

>> No.15718764

>The average poor person you could give $1 million to, and it would be gone in a week.
Isn't that how the lottery works? Cause I heard lottery winners always lose their money really quick on silly stupid things.

>> No.15718774

What exactly does it mean to tip an empty set?

>> No.15718792

>After almost a decade in social services
You are poor yourself, then.

>> No.15718798

Yup, that's exactly what happens. Poor person wins tens of millions of dollars and just blows it all, including some ten million dollar house and a yacht, then when property taxes and income taxes come due they have no money to pay it with because they were too stupid to prepare for all the taxes.

>> No.15718801
File: 123 KB, 640x640, 1615059664206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dudes would talk about how it's blacks and chinese that don't tip, whereas she gets to make a play for more money from simps because titties.

>> No.15718805

Only the stupid ones that burn it all on lambos, hookers and blow. The smart ones burn a quarter of the money on nice things/partying and invest the rest.

>> No.15718818

In the set-theoretic model of Peano arithmetic proposed by John von Neumann, 0 is defined to be the empty set and the successor operator is defined by S(n) = n union {n}. Under this typical model, the tip is zero dollars.

>> No.15718819

Yeah a stupid high percentage of lottery winners are broke within a couple years.

Case in point, I just sold a house in the Seattle market after relocating back to my old town, and walked away with $220k. Paid off all debt, $40k (35% down) on a new place, invested most of the rest.

Same time my retarded in laws who are high school drop outs, worked minimal wage retail for the last 25 years, are on state medical,EBT, etc, and have been bumming off families members since 2008, inherited almost $160k in 2019. They went to Vegas and came back with $2k.

>> No.15718820

canada b.c actually people expect you to tip. not sure why, servers make $14.80

>> No.15718824

>buy $2 beer
>expected to tip $1
lol no

>> No.15718837

But does that apply to tipped workers? I know the restaurant workers have lobbied HARD against abolishing their lowered minimum wages.

>> No.15718842

Sometimes it's the customers fault for ordering wrong sometimes the cashiers fault sometimes it's the crew in the back making the food but the casheir ALWAYS gets the blame. I'm a picky eater so I always pick something easy like nuggets or tenders and I'm pretty sure they're obligated to apologize everytime even if the customer ordered the wrong thing.
feels bad man

>> No.15718846

infinite dimensions of not-tipping

>> No.15718849

Define "poor".

>> No.15718854

I’m not sure what your point is, OP, or why you keep remaking this thread.
You’re right; It’s literally not your problem. There’s no problem involved. The tipping system allows you to tip nothing if you so please, and you went with that perfectly valid option.
If you want to feel like a rebellious badass, walking out on the check altogether is a better option.

>> No.15718858

I once had a McDonald's take forever for my order and the manager kept apologizing and was offering me a free item, and I kept telling him it was fine. I swear they have PTSD or something.

>> No.15718859

18 is ideal age.

>> No.15718865

I'm saying how things should be if people were logical, I know retards in Canada still expect tips despite making $15 and they will probably continue to do so if it gets raised any higher. I remember working at a fish and chips place burning and cutting the fuck out of myself and working my ass of for $10/hr in 2012 and being shocked when I got a tip now fuckers are making $15 and still bitch

>> No.15718866

Most engineers and a lot of mathematicians do this with a diagonal to make it easier to keep track of when you are dealing with a ton of greek symbol fuckery. I picked it up at school and the habit stuck.

>> No.15718868
File: 3 KB, 291x230, tippedemptyset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this illustration just for you.

>> No.15718872

>you are the one trying to make a case for why I should tip.
Are you retarded? The only case that I'm trying to make is that servers and customers have to deal with this shit dynamic is because of government policy.

>> No.15718878

It's usually because a bunch of equally-poor relatives crawl out of the woodwork begging for help paying off their houses, or with business schemes or whatever, and people have a hard time saying no to family.
I saw one girl that said when she got famous and successful, she took all her relatives aside and said, "I want to help you out, but I've got to live too. Everybody gets one good thing. Think about. A good car, help with your house, student loans, whatever. Don't ask again. I'll get you something nice for Christmas and birthdays." Seems like a generous but fair policy to me.

>> No.15718879

Why is this null set orthogonal to the one OP posted? Is this set looking for some dicking?

>> No.15718881

Definition: not rich

>> No.15718893

>t. Laquisha

>> No.15718900

Ok wagie

>> No.15718901

"Poor" does vary depending on where you are. A million dollars is rich with a big house sitting on a big multi-acre lot in my mom's home town. It barely pays the rent in Manhattan.

>> No.15718905

Worked at a sports bar and an actual restaurant while i was in college specifically to get perspective on it all. When it was all said and done, I tip female servers less if at all, and if I do tip, I request my tip go to the cook, who's actually working.

>> No.15718915

No, they don't, because then its too easily confused with theta or the empty set symbol
>t. engineer

>> No.15718921

This is why there should be a reasonable minimum wage

>> No.15718924

45 degree line, stays in the circle. not the laquishia style retard

>> No.15718928

If there's no dash a nonwhite can just add a 1 or 2 next to the zero you idiot.

>> No.15718931
File: 29 KB, 401x440, 1612142807760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15718933

It does look very similar to the empty set symbol though. I drop it if dealing with it

>> No.15718942

Doesn't matter. If you're doing it by hand on paper or a blackboard, then you need absolute clarity, otherwise, you risk mistaking it while glancing over it, or while copying down the part that didn't change for the next step.

>> No.15718946 [DELETED] 

Uh anon isn't posting pictures of yourself against the rules? I actually heard someone say that too, is it true?

>> No.15718962

>Most engineers and a lot of mathematicians do this with a diagonal
It’s been my experience that most engineers don’t do “serious” math via handwritten computation at all.

>> No.15718972

nigger detected

>> No.15718998 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 300x410, JC-john-candy-24931130-300-410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ehh, never tip. Use groupons, pay with cash back credit cards set for restaurants, buy gift cards when they are discounted 20/30% around the holidays, pair that when they have specials or freebies and only go then. I eat well and cheap.

>> No.15719007 [DELETED] 

No, this is why you get off your ass and work somewhere that pays you better not imposing shit on the owners. Fuck off.

>> No.15719018

There are basically 3 social classes:
1. Lumpenproletariat: career criminals, the mentally ill, and those otherwise permanently unemployable who make no positive contribution to an economy.
2. Proletariat: those who work for a living, creating all existing economic value by trading their time and effort for a paycheck.
3. Capitalists: the plutocratic ruling class that lives off passive capital income (dividends, interest, rent) rather than their own labor.

Marx's point is that #1 and #3 are basically the same sort of people. Socialism is the idea that #2 should capture 100% of the economic value they generate.

>> No.15719021

Non-americunt post, best post.
Also the waitress should get a real job and work for a restaurant that pays a real salary. Then again, she might be an illegal migrant, so who cares?

>> No.15719030 [DELETED] 

Fuck out of here communist. Had enough of your bullshit. Enjoy continuous failure.

>> No.15719040

I'm a SEA monkee, we're never pressured to tip. Classy restaurants just slap us with a flat 15% service charge. Even when we order take-out.
If poor ass SEA monkees and EU gentry can do it, there's no reason why muricunts have to keep being stupid.

>> No.15719047

I'm an electrical engineer, I'm always writing out KVLs to verify circuit operating points. I cross my 0, not because anyone taught me to. I just started doing it to differentiate from "O" I guess
Not an issue for me because I'm not a fag who does paper "engineering" like set theory

>> No.15719048

Uh I don't think he said he was a commie dude.

>> No.15719064

And what both you and Marx fail to realize is that "labor" is not limited to just digging ditches, laying bricks, and planing crops. Management, leadership, and decision making is labor, whether you like it or not, which directly contradicts your baseless contempt for "bosses". While I have no love for landlords, rent is not a problem because someone is generating revenue from it, they are providing a service. Rent-seeking becomes an issue when they capture the market and make it so that owning one's own property is untenable for anyone but the most wealthy.

>> No.15719067

>SEA monkee
Like brine shrimp? are you a shrimp anon?

>> No.15719068

I just gave basic definitions of terms, numbnuts. I certainly didn't advocate anything, including "communism".

>> No.15719071

No one gives a shit. I've been a machinist for 10 years and we do the zero with the 45 degree line trough it.

>> No.15719079

This why I love my Mcchikken, the best samwich evah. Because I support good honest workers, not beggar thots who get themselves knocked up before marriage.

>> No.15719085

So, neither an engineer nor a mathematician, then.

>> No.15719093

Nah, especially if it's just a beer. If it's a cocktail, I would do the 20% rule though, so like $1.50 for a $7 cocktail.

>> No.15719101

Please provide an inner product before claiming orthogonality.

>> No.15719111

>And what both you and Marx fail to realize is that "labor" is not limited to just digging ditches, laying bricks, and planing crops. Management, leadership, and decision making is labor,
No, that's what YOU fail to realize. You have obviously never read Marx. Anyone who exchanges labor for money is a prole -- including management. Capitalists own, proletarians work, and lumpenproles survive.

>whether you like it or not, which directly contradicts your baseless contempt for "bosses".
I never said anything about "bosses", dumbfuck. Learn the basics before you spout off nonsense.

>> No.15719115 [DELETED] 

I only tip for sex with kids from Phnom Penh because they are literally shuttled in from the countryside and the "big sisters" take the money home which pays for agricultural stuff.

>> No.15719142

So the guy up the road who owns a struggling auto shop, barely making ends meet is a "capitalist", equivalent to a career criminal?

There's a reason your ideas are a laughingstock.

>> No.15719143

based british royal family member

>> No.15719144

this BUT a lot of them also put a horizontal line through the 7 (since some 7s look like 2s) and they didn't do that here.

>> No.15719156

No, are you retarded? The local auto shop owner obviously works for a living.

>> No.15719174

He doesn't work for a paycheck, and he makes money from something he owns, and according to the definition you posted, that makes him a capitalist.

>> No.15719176

Thanks for the tip.
Love, FBI.

>> No.15719182

Damn thanks for reminding me that auto workshops are going to be gone and people will no longer fix cars they'll just buy new ones like people buy iphones.

>> No.15719185

Yes, the Apple cult is capitalists. And muricunts love them like they love tipping for no reason at all.

>> No.15719190 [DELETED] 

Enjoy a non reciprocating pain in the ass to get any cooperation with their services departments. Lol.

>> No.15719191

>FBI thinks they can nick Prince Andrew
Kek, jokes aside what ever did happen to the guy?

>> No.15719228 [DELETED] 


>> No.15719236

He had sex, my incel /ck/old frend.

>> No.15719240

>according to the definition you posted
Yes, you got me. I didn't post the complete multi-paragraph legalese version of the definition. Except you specifically mentioned a "struggling" auto shop, which implies the owner is not living idly and comfortably off the work of others.

Pro-tip: If you are making north of a million dollars per year from passive capital income alone (i.e. involving no labor on your part), then you are indeed a capitalist and not a proletarian.

>> No.15719252
File: 312 KB, 1920x1080, Reddit Socialism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marxists literally believe that nobody should own their own business. State ownership of businesses is the main goal of Marxists (aside from hating white males)

>> No.15719256

im fucking hollerin

>> No.15719258

>struggling auto shop
Which is really "owned" by the bank, let's be honest.

>> No.15719277

>Marxists literally believe that nobody should own their own business.
Only in your illiterate fantasies.

>State ownership of businesses is the main goal of Marxists
Wrong, that's capitalism.

>(aside from hating white males)
That's the opposite of Marxism, brainlet.

>reddit pic
Go back.

>> No.15719311
File: 676 KB, 900x506, immigration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a friendly reminder that the Soviets were notorious for building the worst cars ever seen and they didn't have windshield wipers half the time because that's what Communism leads to.

>> No.15719324
File: 260 KB, 432x569, reddit socialists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's the opposite of Marxism, brainlet.
Although you are correct that Marx himself was very racist, modern Marxists are just SJWs who care more about hating white males than anything else.
>inb4 HURR DURR you can't just cite one of the world's most popular websites!
kys. If you ever actually talked to a Marxist you would know that this is true.

>> No.15720338
File: 3.31 MB, 500x746, 200000% MAD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the reason I work so much.
Every time I eat out, the service immediately drops in quality if it's a woman. No matter where I eat. I've been contemplating not tipping women and just leaving if I see the women are the ones cooking. Holy fuck, I don't know where the meme of women in the kitchen comes from, but they can't do a goddamn thing right.

>> No.15720386

Regardless of whether or not service is good or bad, the real crime is just how much money she is going to be taking home on a nightly basis if she works at a restaurant with a check average that high. In addition to that, a restaurant like that will have a larger service staff meaning she has a busser and food runners and bartenders and managers all doing jobs that the server would be doing otherwise. So this bitch is complaining about not getting a $40 tip on one table out of 6-10 tables a night when she does a fraction of the work but makes more than the CDC and the floor managers.

Servers are fucking parasites and should never be treated with any sort of kindness.

>> No.15720397

>modern Marxists are just SJWs who care more about hating white males than anything else.
Imagine being this utterly clueless.

>> No.15720401

Great points, but at least the men do a better job. Tipping culture needs to go the fuck away. Kind of shit how someone can bust their ass in the kitchen for practically nothing while some worthless faggot makes bank for handing shit to me that I'd rather go up and get myself.

>> No.15720402

t. proud redditor

>> No.15720411
File: 9 KB, 236x232, 1615127361397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe she should think about that before posting BLM crap on her Twitter account.

>> No.15720427


>> No.15720428

>Tipping culture needs to go the fuck away.
It never will. Its too deeply engrained into the operating proceedure of the general restaurant management system that restaurants would fail overnight if tipping stopped. The only realistic solution is a ground up reorganizing of the front house system that makes the server more intergral of the food service process to justify their existance and wage or you get rid of front house services entirely. Either way retaurants will suffer as the customer has too many expectations these days when they sit down in a restaurant.

>> No.15720462

I've never (if so then only once or twice) seen that. What is absolutely ubiquitous is z and 7 with bars through them however.

t. math student

>> No.15720474

The entire idea of 'waitressing' or 'serving' should be banned (unless paid a living wage, obviously). Just pick up the food yourself at the counter, you aggoty-assed dumbfucks: it's really not that difficult.

>> No.15720483
File: 631 KB, 1216x2160, IMG_20210308_010930216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retards. shit's not that hard
also solve total I if you fags are so smart

>> No.15720485

All this dumb talk about "tipping" when folks should just pay their workers more during these shitty times.

>> No.15720489

>It never will.
Lol, no.

>restaurants would fail overnight if tipping stopped
Amerilard much?

>> No.15720494

yeah tipping isn't feedback anyway. Literally everyone (besides niggers and perhaps contrarian 4chan posters) look at any tip under 15% as some kind of war crime, and even under 20 is pushing it. if food sucks and the server barely remembers you exist, wait an hour for the bill, maybe even got your order wrong, they're still getting 15%.

>> No.15720506

You're dead wrong. Tipping doesn't exist in Asia, central America, or Africa. Those are places where people haggle and bargain for everything. When white people are the minority in America, more restaurants will do away with tipping. Of course the last to part with tipping will be the big chains, like PF Chang's where the girl from the op works.

>> No.15720520

>I'm a picky eater
Kill yourself you fucking child.

>> No.15720533

i used to be a heavy tipper but after working boh and realizing how awful most servers are as people i have a hard time convincing myself to tip at all

>> No.15720539

In other words, we need to apply eugenics to the genetically less fortunate.

>> No.15720566

I don't really know why you're mentioning non-american shit when we're discussing american restaurant operations. I'm not saying tipping as a practice will never go away, I'm saying that the way restaurants are structured right now in the US makes it impossible to simply strip away the concept of tipping.

Other countries don't have the same scale of restaurant industry that we have. Most importantly, other countries don't have the same restaurant-going consumer culture that exists in the US who expect to be waited on hand and foot and be treated like a celebrity.

>> No.15720573
File: 37 KB, 700x462, 1603345211743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiters don't want a higher base wage because they know they can lie about the tips they earn and pay little to no taxes. They work 20 hours a week and earn well into the mid 60K range but pay taxes on about 15K and claim low income benefits.

>> No.15720576
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Am burger and i've never left a tip. Not my problem your boss doesn't pay you properly.

>> No.15720585

Came here to post this.
Guarantee she pocketed the cash but saw an opportunity to get some twitter (you)s and fabricated this sob story.

>> No.15720599

It's honestly disturbing how little the general populace knows about how much servers make. Whats even more hilarious is how most servers are complete degenerates. I remember working with groups of servers that would go out after every shift and blow their cash on $14 cocktails hopping from bar to bar until they found another server from another restaurant to take home for sum fuk. They're living the high life free from any sort of care off the backs of cooks who sweat their body weight in water twice a night and bussers and food runners who exist to be a server's bitch.

>> No.15720618

There's a well know welfare family in one of the towns I used to work in that won the loto 6/49 (leaf loto) and did exactly what you described: They blew it all in Vegas, came back and were back on welfare within a year.

I sort of feel that it's the better path for people like that. If you spend your life as welfare scum you aren't going to be able to adjust your thinking to a life of measured luxury and proper financial planning. As someone mentioned earlier, being on the receiving end of a tax bill is a completely alien experience to these folks, let alone all of the other liabilities like insurance requirements.

Plus they also end up completely alone. Their old friends are not going to hang out with them without wanting free money, and actually rich folks wouldn't get near these filthy nouveau riche either.

Better to stay in your lane.

>> No.15720667

Except no: no one believes your horseshit.

>> No.15720671
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>> No.15720683
File: 77 KB, 500x593, heheheh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inherited almost $160k in 2019. They went to Vegas and came back with $2k.

>> No.15720687

this, but i'm poor so i exercise the same feeling by stealing from my employers, abusing charitable services, and so on.

>> No.15720690

I can understand tipping in the US where servers in some areas can get paid like $3/hr, but in Canada, servers make only $1 less than minimum wage, which is fucking $14.50/hr and they're still cunty about tips all over social media. Bitch what about the poor bastards working way harder at some shitty retail job or fast food joint? Nothing a server does is worth more than any other job. NOTHING.

>> No.15720700

Tipping is literally born from post-slavery era where whites didn't wanna give negroes a wage so they relied solely on tips. If anything its a racist thing that should be banned