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15709232 No.15709232 [Reply] [Original]

My current calculations lead me to belief that I will have completely devoured this piglet half in 6 days. 3 days of meat and 3 days of stew when using the head, legs and spine to make a broth with it. Are my calculations correct?

>> No.15709233
File: 447 KB, 1500x2000, headandshoulderkneesandtoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the head etc are already in the freezer waiting for their time to shine

>> No.15709237

>I will have completely devoured this piglet half in 6 days
3 days of tasty meat, 3 days of rancid meat. enjoy.

>> No.15709242

i will turn it into a broth it wont be rancid

>> No.15709244

Why is he sleeping with his eyes open?

>> No.15709252

hes pretty hungover

>> No.15709272

Don't give alcohol to a pig, dude!

>> No.15709275

Why would you not just have it butchered so you could freeze it in parts and not be rushed to eat it all?

>> No.15709284

cause I like the potatoes they give you with them and I cannot make the skin as crunchy as they do

>> No.15709300
File: 272 KB, 1204x1042, 1608652887767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15709315
File: 29 KB, 300x386, prion brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stewing the head and spine

>> No.15709334

You should try a batch of tonkatsu for the hell of it

>> No.15709353

im not going to put the brain in and even if it wouldnt be a problem its completely safe

>> No.15709369

that's what everyone says right before their brain gets ravaged by prion disease

>> No.15709372

pork brain is safe triple veganoid

>> No.15709384

How often does this happen in first world countries?

>> No.15709402

a neighbor of mine actually died of BSE but that was 16 years ago or something or whenever this outbreak was

>> No.15709411

I didn't know OP was eating a cow

>> No.15709423
File: 10 KB, 282x179, cwd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot more than anyone cares to admit

>> No.15709432

well thats why you dont eat meat from a piece that looks like shit
just throw it away or test it if you arent sure

>> No.15709436

has this global pandemic taught you nothing about the unpredictable and volatile nature of disease?

>> No.15709447

you gotta be kidding
if a piece looks healthy and all the intestants show no signs of disease its probably fine and if it doesnt just take a probe and send it off at least here you have the option to

>> No.15709448
File: 34 KB, 460x580, 1608671388260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>global pandemic

>> No.15709450

or just don't eat the head and spine

>> No.15709458

not only are you retarded but you are also falling for the globalists tricks

>> No.15709459

>cat picture

>> No.15709463

disease and death are real anon

>> No.15709468

All it's taught me is how easily manipulated people are and how weak fat people are

>> No.15709470
File: 315 KB, 414x410, 1608669655774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>global pandemic

>> No.15709473

yes they are they are part and parcel of life but this shit going on atm is not the big one its the fucking flu if you arent 75+ or have multiple conditions

>> No.15709476


>> No.15709480

that's fair
i'm predicting a global prion crisis within the next 8 years regardless

>> No.15709482

The only people in denial of that fact are the retards who think everyone can just wear masks and stay at home until no one ever dies again.

>> No.15709492

the mask retards and the disease isn't real retards are the same retards

>> No.15709498

That's fairly easy to contain though I believe. The DNR is pretty good at knowing when to let hunters rain hell on the deer population

>> No.15709504

>That's fairly easy to contain though I believe.
it's already out of control

>> No.15709522

In the deer population yeah. Deer are pretty easy to kill though if we ever actually decided to focus on the issue instead of the current bad flu strain

>> No.15709532

hopefully it doesn't morph into something that targets non ungulates in the meantime

>> No.15709726

Literally never been proven.

>> No.15709763
File: 41 KB, 421x834, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prion disease hasn't been proven?

>> No.15710098

>i'm predicting
lol, the ego of those people.

>> No.15710100

>you will see! I predict you will DIE, god will PROVE me right because I PRAY

>> No.15710150

screencap this

>> No.15710238

It's actually a pretty fair prediction considering the ungodly amount of prey with no predators we see near any developed area

>> No.15711056

All the cases of people with prions can literally just say they ate it without any proof in a timeframe on top of loads of other things they ate. That's how all FDA and CDC bullshit works on "disproving" raw food. For instance, the CDC and FDA for ass raped so hard in court that in California raw dairy went from a complete ban to being sold on store shelves by Aajonus Vonderplanitz. Just recently, they changed the heat at which pork can be safely eaten by 100 degrees. They know nothing, and they just want control when mankind has been totally fucking fine making their own individual decisions and having responsibilty for their own health for thousands of years.

>> No.15711129

eat raw cow brains
nobody cares

>> No.15711329

can i has saucerino on the pork?
google says 145...

>> No.15711347

Yeah if you to get diagnosed with piggatoris sure eat away