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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 67 KB, 800x473, taco-bells.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15707084 No.15707084 [Reply] [Original]

What did you order tonight bros? For me it was Nacho fry box extra cheese cup, grill the 5 layer, with a bacon club chalupa. all with plenty of fire sauce and a Zero sugar baja blast

post more ordering tips and tricks

>> No.15707236

3 Nacho Fries Bell Grande swap beef for refried beans
Tacos and Burritos Cravings Pack with Soft Taco Supremes swap beef for chicken

>> No.15707273
File: 3.44 MB, 2876x1184, 097AE4F4-7348-452A-AC70-B795A714E932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not boycotting till they bring back the MP

>> No.15707281
File: 6 KB, 46x48, 2184341741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw they got rid of mexi-melts
I'll never get over it

>> No.15707326

I ordered the asspiss deluxe, I can feel the torrent of diarrhea forming now and preparing to baste my asshole with fire sauce

>> No.15707331

Haven't been back since they got rid of the volcano menu. Fuck them

>> No.15707339

2 bean burritos, no red sauce and an order of nachos. Open burritos, add half the nachos to each, close. Dip in nacho cheese and use tons of fire sauce.

Best fast food meal

>> No.15707345

Had Taco Bell for the first time in two years tonight. I felt bad because I had to walk past about 15 Mexican food carts to get there. Had a cigarette on the way back.
I got the chicken quesadilla and added tomato and jalapeño. I added chipotle sauce to the soft taco. Iced coffee I’m saving for tomorrow morning. Drinking some bud light seltzer instead. As soon as I ate the taco, I had to run to the bathroom and haven’t felt up to the quesadilla yet. Still looking forward it, though I’ll have to reheat it.

>> No.15707349
File: 2.22 MB, 4032x3024, TB 3 4 21 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much what I ordered last night, with a couple additions. Pic related is last night:
>3 loaded nacho tacos
>cheesy bean and rice burrito, grilled, add onions and red sauce

>> No.15707483

This may be the gayest image I've ever seen

>> No.15707495

Kind of strange you're spending your first day on 4channel on the humble food and cooking board.

>> No.15707521

Nope. I won't eat that shit anymore. It's amazing how poor the quality of that place has gone in the past few years.

>> No.15707564

I had TB last weekend. Had 3-$1 Loaded Nacho Tacos. I sometimes made a version of their mexican pizzas and beef meximelts at home. Pizza is labor intensive, not worth the prep...The Beef meximelt comes out pretty good, just doesnt quite taste the same because I dont put oatmeal in my ground beef.

>> No.15707609
File: 95 KB, 1242x788, TB 3 5 21 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's tonight's order. This location charges extra for onions and green sauce, and the burritos were also grilled (obviously).

>> No.15707664

And a shitpost... for good measure!

>> No.15707670


>> No.15707678
File: 121 KB, 1278x993, 5A6B2E59558149DA8F49CD471E8D257A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>green sauce
Where do you live? I have never seen this option on the app

>> No.15707683

They brought it back a couple months ago.

>> No.15707802

Glad you finally learned to properly cook a burger you fucking faggot

>> No.15707806
File: 58 KB, 488x488, 1603376413362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd just stick to old el paso, it's cheaper

>> No.15707820

This but stand n' stuff shells.

>> No.15707825

>Pizza is labor intensive, not worth the prep
Probably why they took it off the menu.

>> No.15707838

Its still pretty rough but yeah it looks edible today now that you mention it

>> No.15707891
File: 2.10 MB, 3024x4032, TB 3 4 21 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's mid-rare - just like usual.

>> No.15707909

The fibers aren't undercooked to the point of still having stringy mush consistency in the middle and the tomato slice is a reasonable sized slice for once. Like I said still pretty rough but an improvement.

>> No.15707930

>fibers aren't undercooked to the point of still having stringy mush consistency in the middle
Stop buying discount tube beef from Walmart.

>> No.15707934

Just a humble chicken burrito supreme add rice, guac, and that creamy sauce thing. Extra fire sauce. No real choice because I got off work at 10 rather than my estimated 8. I texted my wife to fend for herself for dinner once I knew, so no comfy meal to come home to. Feels bad, but feels good really, I had an amazingly productive week and having a sip of bourbon now and shitposting on co/ck/s. I love all you faggots.

>> No.15707941

Thats what his shit looked like every time before now for the last 1.5 years. I need to quit giving him attention though

>> No.15707946

Not sure about your gay little blogpost there at the end but
>chicken burrito supreme add rice, guac, and that creamy sauce thing. Extra fire sauce.
Sounds amazing, I would add extra onions and get it grilled too

>> No.15708096

>thats what his shit looked like every time before now for the last 1.5 years
Yeah, it's been the best looking burger on /ck/ for awhile now. Not many people even bothering posting OC anymore, and when they do it's garbage like overcooked smashburgers they learned from the e-celeb clickbait spam and nonetheless post self-righteously as though they believe they did something worth a pat on the back.

>> No.15708116

I will nut on your coomer weeb figures and piss in your liquor. Stop hijacking the thread

>> No.15708125

Fuck, I will add this to my next gay taco bell blogpost

>> No.15708145

>taco bell general
>what did you order tonight
>*i ordered this, here's a pic*
>n-noooo! you can't contribute actual original content, with actual pictures of what you ordered and are eating from taco bell!
>you're hijacking the thread!
Generals are cancer, but if you're going to make a Taco Bell general and then get upset when the guy who eats Taco Bell literally every day shows up I don't know what to say other than that you have a very small penis.

>> No.15708153

Notice that it wasn't his taco bell post that I made the reply to, but his burger autism. And none of this has to do with my small penis.

>> No.15708156

TB anon here. Everything I do has to do with your small penis. Just sayin.

>> No.15708246

>not cooking ground beef through
enjoy your ass worms faggot

>> No.15708251

It's a burger, not a fucking sloppy joe.

>> No.15708277

Removing pulled chicken was a stunt or something, right?

>> No.15708670

I got a few mexican pizzas.

>> No.15708688

Yeah. Fuck taco bell

>> No.15708706

holy shit you live like a slob

>> No.15708712

i enjoyed your blogpost anon. seems like you have a decent life going for you :)