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15706968 No.15706968 [Reply] [Original]

What is the /ck/ consensus on how to cook a perfect burger?

I bought 80/20 ground beef and some sesame seed burger buns. I have a non-stick skillet and some salt and pepper. What else is needed? How to cook it perfectly?

>> No.15706996
File: 56 KB, 504x508, koma upset 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a non-stick skillet
Throw it out

>> No.15706999

I also have a stainless steel one. Should I use that instead?

>> No.15707006

what kind of burger do you like the most?
make that burger instead of bugging us

fuck off

-anon <3

>> No.15707007

Yes. Use medium heat, cook in just a bit of olive oil or butter. Make the patties about the diameter of the bun and a little less than an inch thick. I like adding some mayo and onion soup mix to the meat before cooking but that's not necessary

>> No.15707008

smashburger best burger

>> No.15707015


If you prefer smash burgers get it as hot as you can and drop a 3-4 oz ball done and smash it down with a spatula. Make a double or triple burger with cheese on each layer.

If you prefer a thicker burger just do a single 8 oz patty over lower heat (depends on your stove, probably medium high) and put a pre formed party down. Let it get brown on one side then flip it over. Hopefully it's not gray, or raw like TB anons burgers.

>> No.15707020

I haven't done a burger in a skillet in years since getting a grill, but this should work.
Form patties thin, 1/3lb or 1/4lb. Salt both sides. Pepper and other seasonings optional.
Medium high heat, let it heat up for a minute or two.
Cook for 3 to 4 minutes each side.
I assume you're not retarded, but since you're using nonstick remember to use a non-metal spatula.
American cheese is great, so is cheddar. Add whatever toppings you want. I like pickles and mayo.

>> No.15707025

The real secret is to only flip it once and do not fuck with it at all. Otherwise it loses its juiciness

>> No.15707031

How do you know when it's ready to flip if you can't see the cooking bottom side by flipping it?

>> No.15707056

How do I know if the meat is safe to cook medium/medium rare instead of well-done?

>> No.15707078

When juices start bubbling to the surface on the top of the uncooked side.

>> No.15707082

If it's beef, it's safe to eat medium rare.
If it's something else, use a meat thermometer.

>> No.15707093

The most important part of a burger is the bun.

If you don't understand my truth intuitively, than you don't deserve true burger satisfaction.

>> No.15707100

I wouldn't try for a medium burger with regular ground beef from the store. But I'm a germaphobe

>> No.15707138
File: 72 KB, 512x376, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like a thick patty press an indentation in the middle, that'll keep it from ballooning up and forming a pocket of grease on the inside.
Also if you have a decent small skillet just big enough for your patty you can get a nice crust in them easier than a larger pan because the fat will pool up a bit instead of just running away to the outer edges.

>> No.15707161

What seasonings are best? How much?

>> No.15707164

You can still lift it up to get a peek. Also you get a better overall crust if you lift and rotate the patty at some point, especially if you're cooking more than one burger. This will help account for any hot/cold spots in the pan.

>> No.15707179

I salt both sides and once it's flipped I'll add pepper, cayenne, and a little garlic and onion powder. Anything besides salt will usually just burn if you put them on first.

>> No.15707230

I just cooked a double-patty borgur last night that was slightly pink with a nice crust, unfortunately I have a carbon steel skillet not a teflon non-stick so I'm not sure how your crust will develop but I'm sure it'll be fine. I also prefer sirloin (90/10) so yours might render a bit more than mine did.

Make the patties about 1/3" thick, however big (circumference) you want them to be.
Season each side with coarse salt and black pepper. Press the seasoning into the meat if you wish.
Heat your non-stick skillet with a vegetable oil in it (I like canola) until the oil starts shimmering. Remember, you aren't suppose to heat a teflon-based (PTFE, whatever) non-stick skillet without anything in it.
Drop the patty in, let it cook; if the skillet is big enough, cook both at once (if making a double.)
I cooked each side for like 2 minutes or so, cook it to your preference.
Drop some butter on top of the burgers, let it melt and spread it around, flip the burgers over to coat both sides.
Plop the cheese on the patties, lid the skillet (if you don't have a lid, use a sheet pan)
Take the patties out, toast the buns in the skillet (remove the burger grease if you want)
Build and enjoy

>> No.15707238

This never works for me, but also I fail at getting the fucking meat to not split apart

>> No.15707511


This guy almost knows how to cook hamburgers.

Mixing anything in with the hamburger meat is contraindicated. If you are going to do that, then mix it in as you grind it. Adding it in afterwards just compresses the meat into a soulless pre-hockey puck.

When forming the patties, do it with minimal handling to form a patty. You don't want to compress the air pockets out -- leave them in so that when you are letting the hamburger patties rest after they finish cooking, the drippings will congeal inside the hamburgers and provide far more flavor. You want to manipulate the meat only enough to form a patty and not overly worry about the hamburger patty breaking apart.

>> No.15707522


Watch at the side of the hamburger as it cooks. You can see how far the cooking has advanced. When it gets close to the middle, flip it over and cook about the same amount of time.

When it is finished, use a spatula to take it out and put on either a wire mesh or on paper towels to let it rest for a few minutes.

I usually toast the bun. So once the patties are resting, I toast the bun. By the time the bun is toasted, the hamburger patties should be about ready to be put onto the bun.

If you cook the hamburger right with open pockets for the drippings to congeal and then let them result a sufficient amount of time, you won't have a problem with soggy buns. If you do have a problem with soggy buns, then you aren't resting the patties long enough.

>> No.15707524

Never heard of onion burgers bro?

>> No.15707529

DO NOT salt that burger until it is done cooking and resting....and you shoulda picked up kaiser buns.

>> No.15707534


The only seasonings should be sprinkled on the patty while they are cooking. I just sprinkle coarsely ground black pepper on them.

If you mix seasonings in with the meat, then you deserve the shitty hockey puck you will end up with.

>> No.15707545


Behold! The hockey puck burger.

Don't press it into the meat.

And 1/3 inch thick? My typical hamburger patty is about 1 1/4 inches thick.

>> No.15707551


Yep. If you want fads, then you deserve the results.

>> No.15707554

I made them last weekend and they tasted great
It's boomer shit

>> No.15707576

I personally enjoy smoked paprika, salt, touch of pepper, garlic powder, and sometimes a herb like basil or similar. Last time I made a burger my housemate said it was the best burger he'd ever had, so I'm confident that is the patrician combo of flavours.

>> No.15707582

>Behold! The hockey puck burger.
Are you retarded? I cooked my burger last night like this and it came out literally fine. Crispy/crusty exterior, middle was a hue of pink and it wasn't overcooked. What do you mean 'hockey puck'?
>Don't press it into the meat.
Why? Just let it sit on the outside of the meat? I also coated my entire ball of meat with salt before I formed the patty, then salted it more and put pepper on it.
>And 1/3 inch thick? My typical hamburger patty is about 1 1/4 inches thick.
I find that disgusting. That's horrifying. That's way too much meat, but I'm sure you're accustomed to pushing large, meaty objects into your fuckhole.

>> No.15707614

>80/20 ground beef

Bro good burgers aren't just ground beef. Get some ground short rib in there.

>> No.15707615

smashburger finished in demi glace and kraft american cheese
best of every world

>> No.15707687

Beat an egg and add some tomato paste, makes it stick.

>> No.15707708

Use 90/10 instead, I'm being serious.

>> No.15707995

>raw like tb anons burgers
The last couple haven't been raw like usual. I think he's finally learned

>> No.15708148

One of the best things you can do for a burger is to toast your buns. Lay down a bit of butter in a pan on med, let the insides of your buns get a little browned. Helps the thing hold together if you have a really juicy patty and/or a lot of wet toppings.
I like a dab of A1, some blue cheese crumbles, and some of those canned fried onions people top casseroles with. Hardee's used to have something like that and I never forgave them for getting rid of it.

>> No.15708229


If you have a really juicy patty, you probably didn't let it rest very long, if at all.

>> No.15708252

don't be retard, if it's ground beef you have to cook it through

>> No.15708275

>lean burger

>> No.15708368

make a decent sauce, i like mayo with relish, mustard and sugar.

>> No.15708372

>Use 90/10 instead, I'm being serious.

You are serious about flavorless hockey pucks?

>> No.15708801

same it has never once worked for me either

>> No.15708815
File: 1.76 MB, 4032x3024, 345A7639-4E99-45B6-8344-65DDDC7A91A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the perfect burger.
I have no idea how they do it but it’s fucking amazing.