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File: 441 KB, 733x733, liver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15706263 No.15706263 [Reply] [Original]

Why do organ meats make femininized western europeans and white americans seeth?

>> No.15706278

They're reasonably popular in Yurop.
Some of my favourite restaurants do "fancy" organ meat dishes.
There just isn't the same myth around them being ultra-manly that there is in eastern europe / middle east / ex-USSR.
I've had some good sweetbreads and shit in the US too.

I think you just need to try some better restaurants.

>> No.15706281

who is seeth, and why do people turn into him when eating organ meats?

>> No.15706297

its ucky yucky

>> No.15706306

i literally cant eat liver without gagging idk what it is

pate is fine

>> No.15706313



>> No.15706319

I am a burger and I love beef liver and onion and poultry liver pate.

You name an organ and I have eaten it.... except sweetbreads, only because I haven't gotten any

>> No.15706320

people like it in the south. you can get it at lubby's a cafeteria restaurant

>> No.15706335

Liver is eaten throughout Europe.

It's mostly here in America that people don't like it because we never had to eat the trash parts of the animal.

>> No.15706337
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I would like to ascertain
Would you eat some fine pork brain?

>> No.15706339
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I ate calf liver & onions with fried potatoes, peas, and a chili sauce today as a matter of fact

people who don't like offal are the same people who don't like deenz, mushrooms, raw tomatoes, coffee or booze
unbased retards

>> No.15706355
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I like all of those things but don't much care for awful offal


>> No.15706357

Try calve's liver next time caramelize your onions better anon

>> No.15706366

Mammary gland

>> No.15706369


>> No.15706372
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i fucking love liver pate

>> No.15706381

>people who don't like offal are the same people who don't like deenz, mushrooms, raw tomatoes, coffee or booze
i like all of that and literally cant swallow liver
i've tried it multiple times i just cant get it down

>> No.15706404
File: 134 KB, 1472x982, janny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>organ meats
Its called offal you illiterate shitskin. If you don't live in America or Europe you basically aren't human (except for the Japanese). How does it feel knowing our burger flippers make more in a year than your doctors/engineers?

Go eat some more of our scraps you literally are like an animal to us. BTW don't even bother janny, by the time you read this I have probably switched ips 8 times fuck you

>> No.15706411

I would try it sure. I've eaten menudo. its not bad nor great

>> No.15706429

You guys are fags, there's nothing else to be said about it.

>> No.15706467

im not gay...

>> No.15706488

I am :[

>> No.15706500

liver is very common in austrian/german dishes.

>> No.15706505

lol fag

>> No.15706549

not actually same person but might as well be

>> No.15706648

fucking love liver
t. burger

>> No.15706658

not sure what you're talking about. You can get a tons of intestines in western european supermarkets. And they're pretty popular.

>> No.15706663

rabbit kidneys are p good

>> No.15706670

rabbit liver too, they usually leave them in here if you buy a whole rabbit. You should try Konijn met pruimen, a flemmish dish

>> No.15706678

Offal is great and widely eaten in Western Europe, it's good comfort food. The only exception for me is kidneys, not a fan of the texture and I'm not fussed about eating a piss filter

>> No.15706706

kidney is pretty good if you soak them in salt water the day before eating them. Really good with cream and madeira sauce and onions

>> No.15706727

all organ meat tastes like shit
except heart, which basically a meat anyway

>> No.15706753
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Based fellow offalchad. The future belongs to us /tripeboys/

t. White American

>> No.15706762
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>> No.15706780

Are there any side affects to eating organs? The fact that they filter bad shit out of the body is probably the only thing that makes me not want to eat them.

>> No.15706794

just eat liver and kidney from healthy animals.
If you're at the store and don't know how the animals were treated just get the organic as they're given less drugs

>> No.15706844

they are high in vitamins and minerals.

>> No.15706868
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Be honest. Would you?

>> No.15706895

i dont understand how people make this argument but then eat sausages which use intestines which filter literal shit out of the body without a second thought
also liver is very high in vitamin a which can be toxic in high doses so its not recommended for pregnant women or babies to eat it, also liver from predators is toxic to everyone iirc

>> No.15707024

a good deal of sausages are 1. not made with natural casings 2. not made with casings at all

I get what you're saying, but please understand that what you're used to isn't what others are used to

>> No.15707043

op is a FAGGOT

>> No.15707558

because their only experience is 2 day old slimy organs that their parents didn't know how to cook but cooked anyway because they were cheap as balls

>> No.15707727

the most soy shit around is trying to prove your manliness with your dietary choices

>> No.15707733
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chicken hearts bros report in

>> No.15708387
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you dumb?

>> No.15708393


>> No.15708572

I've completed too many animal necropsies to want to ever eat organ meat again.

>> No.15708584

we do a fucking fantastic chicken liver pate at my restaurant, its like meaty peanut butter
no idea why people are so faggoty about organ meats, especially if you get a little creative with them

>> No.15708585

Used to be liver was considered unhealthy because it accumulated toxins. With high fodder quality it doesn't really matter. In doubt, get liver of young animals.

>> No.15708589

.French Liver Cake.

Process 250 grams of livers with 50 grams of thick bechamel,50 grams of panade and fuckton of garlic.
season and mix in 6 egg yolks and parsley.
fold in 6 egg whites beaten to stiff peaks.
bake idk 250C until done(toothpick).

serve with mushroom tomato sauce.

>> No.15708597
File: 1.70 MB, 245x135, 1e265ea8d29f5060e6df71ef0bb1c263.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are those fucking eyeballs?

uh, no. i would literally have to be starving.

>> No.15708598

>eating brains
No. Brains are the one part of the animal not meant to be eaten, too many associated risks. Liver's alright, even as a digestive organ, and heart's pretty good even if it's an overly tough working muscle. I'm not sure I'd want to eat something like Kidneys or Intestines though.

>> No.15708602

Recipe? I tried making this once but it was pretty gross. I like pork liver generally but chicken liver has never tasted right to me.

>> No.15708606

I used to eat it when I was a toddler but I can't handle it anymore. Not really the taste more like the texture.

>> No.15708607
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>doesn't want to die of prion disease in spectacular zombie fashion
well ok then anon you do you, i guess

>> No.15708610

pork and lamb brains are safe to eat unlike human and beef brains which can host a orgy of prions that can fuck you up.

>> No.15708634

fine diced pancetta, brunoise shallots, small amount of thyme, render the pancetta, cook the shallots till soft, add thyme, then add 500 ml chicken livers and a large splash of brandy, flambee, cook the livers till they're about medium, still a bit of colour to em. get em in a blender, something high power, and blend them with a few good chunk of cold butter, once its emulsified, plenty of salt, lots of pepper, add cream and olive oil to your preferred texture.
it should come out very smooth, still slightly pink, cover it immediately with either airtight plastic wrap, or a layer of melted butter to seal it
i didnt give quantities for the first few ingredients because you can play with those quite a bit depending on your tastes

>> No.15708734
File: 690 KB, 1024x768, Spekepølse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more popular cured sausaged in Norway is 90% organ meat. Or offal as some call it.
Similar tendencies in most of the Germanic countries.
So I don't get it OP.
Maybe its a US exclusive problem?

>> No.15708769

Muscle meat is probably the most trash part of the animal that's still edible.

>> No.15708794

Industrialized countries have long-chain meat industries, and as a result organ meat isn't worth transporting, cooking cold or even selling.
My butcher doesn't even get organ meat, they aren't even a real bitcher- they are just a meat shop.
Literally they buy everything pre-cut, the only thing they do is balance the same of mince loose/in sausages.

I asked for chicken livers once, and they were like "we can order them in".
they came in a vacuum packed bag with blood and were $15 a kilo- including the blood weight.
I can't even buy whole chicken that isn't already gutted, they buy it in gutted.

Industrialization did this

>> No.15708839

Because you are an ignorant racist.

>> No.15708841


>> No.15708849

One of the available cuts at Japanese yakiniku places is beef intestine that you cook at your table
personally I find it to be greasy and unpalatable even fresh off the grill.
Liver is ok but I don’t understand why people order intestines.

>> No.15708850

>because we never had to eat the trash parts of the animal.

Not even during your great depression era?

>> No.15708858

Not even during our great depression era

>> No.15708881

Beef intestine is great if you marinade and grill it over flames.
Yunnan reps that with yellow mustard seed, sweet pepper paste and a gang of other spices.

Liver is best made into a paste to fortify other mixes, mien Furher put it in vegetarian dumplings but you can add it to pie mixes or patte

Man I eat everything.
Shit isn't bad, it's just niche

>> No.15708924

sounds like mad cow disease my dude.

>> No.15708931

>the trash parts of the animal

lmfao you utter fucking faggot, organ meat and liver in particular is the most nutrient-dense part of the animal. Most bioavailable too. ngmi

>> No.15708948

Funny you should say that, someone actually got foot and mouth disease somewhere I visited.
Media said they were bathing in milk but nobody believed.
Later thousands of dead animals were dumped in the river.

And in an unrelated incident I survived an anthrax storm.
That shit shows up in all kinds of strange places

>> No.15709061


>> No.15709089

Tier List:
>God tier: brain, gizzard
>Great tier: small intestine, kidney
>Ok tier: liver
>Disgusting tier: tongue

haven't tried anything else

>> No.15709269
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They make us cringe. They icky!

>> No.15709278

Tell me about Seeth. Why does he eat the offal?

>> No.15709288

Many people have that problem, due to the strong flavor and aroma of liver.

>> No.15709340

Liver is incredibly healthy for you, contains a shit ton of nutritional goodness not found in muscle meat. People should at least eat offal once every couple of weeks.

>> No.15709406
File: 42 KB, 639x400, 1613241912213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea what you're talking about, foie de volaille in a salad is pretty popular in France. So are trippes, pieds paquets, etc etc.
Go back to to your asianmasculinity board or bbc posting on /pol/ or /gif/

>> No.15709642

reverse the order pls.

>> No.15709840


>> No.15709875

>we never had to eat the trash parts of the animal.
This is how retarded Americans really are. Liver is literally the best part of the animal in terms of nutrition. Taste is of course more subjective.

>> No.15709978

Based baneposter

>> No.15710233

Does liver pate retain the nutritional benefits of liver?

>> No.15710288

I'm not against eyeballs but I've never eaten one united you count fish eyes and they usually pop by the time the fish is cooked through.

>> No.15710304

I have beef heart while in Chile, it was damn good. Chewy as hell though