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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15706132 No.15706132 [Reply] [Original]

>“It says here you eat cow flesh but not cat flesh. Care to explain?”

>> No.15706142

>"oh my mistake, I forgot to mark down cat. basically anything alive should have a check mark next to it."

>> No.15706156

cat is fren cow is food simple as

>> No.15706292
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cats are cute but more importantly their meat is gross

cows are cute AND tasty

dogs are somewhere in between. cat and dog is poverty meat.

>> No.15706310

that's wrong

>> No.15706370

I don't eat carnivore meat

>> No.15706393

We didn't domesticate the cat to eat it.

>> No.15706398

Never seen cat meat for sale.
Also, it's usually a rule not to eat predators unless out of necessity. They usually taste like shit.

>> No.15706401

Carnivore. Also not worth the energy to catch and skin. What’s a cat weigh? 8-10lbs. You’re gonna get maybe 3-4 pounds of edible meat off that after you chuck the guts, bones, and fur. Plus cat is stringy so you’d have to slow cook it. I’m not braising a cat.

>> No.15706403

i don't eat carnivores
cows will eat meat if its available, because its free nutrition, but they won't hunt for it
why would i eat a carnivorous animal?
may as well eat humans.

>> No.15706406

cat carnivore
cow herbivore
no eat carnivore

>> No.15706416

fish are carnivores. do you eat them?

>> No.15706420

no, actually
i don't eat any sea food, especially sea bugs
scales and shit is gross

>> No.15706422

Egyptians domesticated the cat to kill for offerings. There's mass graves of millions of cats and evidenced they were farmed for sacrifice.

>> No.15706423

fish not mammal

>> No.15706428

Were they eaten before sacrifice?

>> No.15706432

The cat domesticated us. They chose to hang around human settlements because grain attracts rodents. It was symbiotic in the beginning. Now the fat bastards stick around out of convenience, not loyalty.

>> No.15706433
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>> No.15706439

haha r-ddit cat

>> No.15706440

no but I don't doubt they were ritually sacrificed before a meal.

>> No.15706442


>> No.15706461

Well, there you go. I will consider sacrificing Mr. Whiskers to Set and Thutmos if he doesn't keep the mice coming, however.

>> No.15706496


>> No.15706734

that fat little stubby fuck would eat you if you were dead

>> No.15706763

This is retarded and implies that the Egyptians domesticated cats for that purpose. They didn't do that. At different points in time they may have sacrificed cats, occasionally in huge numbers, but to say the cats were domesticated specifically to be sacrificed is stupid.

>> No.15706771

What other purpose do cats serve other than to kill?

>> No.15706777

fish not meat
t. catholic

>> No.15706824

They kept vermin out of the grain, idiot. And it was their choice. Cats have lived alongside and outside human society until about 1000 years ago.

>> No.15706826

Cat flesh is haram, cow flesh is halal.

>> No.15706831
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I've heard it's not great

>> No.15706973

Kek no egyptians farmed them for slaughter.

>> No.15706990

Cats are cute and intelligent.
I’ve eaten horse plenty of time, and dog twice. But the first time I had dog, I didn’t know what it was before eating it.

>> No.15706991 [DELETED] 


>> No.15707004

For a brief 300 years out of 4000. You’re a tool.

>> No.15707013

I had cat when I was in Switzerland.
It isn't great.

>> No.15707044

you don't eat tuna, swordfish, or shark?

>> No.15707066

>The cat domesticated us.
I've always hated this line. Cats didn't alter human behavior to make them more tolerant of cats, and domestic cats have clear behavioral differences compared to their wildcat ancestors that still live in North Africa. Humans domesticated cats in a less-than-routine way, but we still domesticated them.

>> No.15707073

because i turn the cat into a banjo
hate those damn bastards.

>> No.15707097

I do not.

>> No.15707101

I don't want Toxoplasmosis.

>> No.15707107
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Carnivores typically don't consume each other, most have evolved not to because consuming another predator means consuming it's parasites, specifically ones more adapted to inhabit predators.

Same reason cannibalism is uncommon, even hyenas don't do it and they're unaltruistic-even-among-each-other hot garbage evolved initially by eating other predators trash, crunching the bones of megafauna apart to get at the marrow, only becoming lion-like after most species of megafauna were extinct thus forcing them to become predators rather than scavengers, though they maintain a kleptoparasitic attitude, stealing food even from each other. So yeah, if even THEY won't do it.

>> No.15707111 [DELETED] 
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Fuck them cat niggas
All yall pussy ass cat niggas gay as hell

>> No.15707126

I don't eat predator meat, bio magnification and parasites and all that

>> No.15707142

Fish ain't meat.

>> No.15707149


>> No.15707163

why is its legs so short???

>> No.15707190

Dwarfism exist in other species, too.

>> No.15707195

>cats didn't alter human behavior to make them more tolerant of cats
Toxoplasma gondii would like a word with you

>> No.15707196


>> No.15707197

do elfism exist in other species too???

>> No.15707200

So fucking based
Fobp as usual

>> No.15707249

you have to leave newfriend

>> No.15707272
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catgut was never cat, it's lamb or goat

>> No.15707353
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>> No.15707359

the effects of toxoplasmosis in humans, behaviorally, is an increase in risk-taking behavior. men are bigger assholes, women are sluttier. it's trying to do the same thing it would to a mouse. probably makes for worse cat owners overall.

>> No.15707389

I'm not a chink

>> No.15707407
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No, but Elvisim does.

>> No.15707412
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>muh toxo

>> No.15707445

>domestic cats have clear behavioral differences compared to their wildcat ancestors that still live in North Africa
Can you be a bit more specific with what “wildcat” you’re referring to?
Is it still within Genus Felis?

>> No.15707605
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>Williams syndrome is a microdeletion syndrome caused by the spontaneous deletion of genetic material from the region q11.23 of one of the chromosomes 7 pair, so the person is hemizygous for those genes.[47][48] The deleted region includes more than 25 genes, and being hemizygous for these genes likely contributes to the characteristic features of this syndrome. CLIP2, ELN, GTF2I, GTF2IRD1, and LIMK1 are among the genes that are typically deleted from one chromosome in people with WS.


>> No.15707821

No actually. But most people consider mammals different from fish anyways.

>> No.15707855

Yeah, I commonly eat shark and swordfish sandwiches for lunch, sometimes dinner if I'm feeling extra lazy.

>> No.15707879

Cats are carnivores and to get 1kg of cat meat you need about 10 kg of beef
Carnivores also accumulate toxins and other nasty crap you want to avoid

>> No.15707900

>Carnivores also accumulate toxins and other nasty crap you want to avoid
meat eaters BTFO?

>> No.15707942

that anon is definitely referring to Felis lybica. the african wildcat is shown to be the domestic cat's direct ancestor.

>> No.15707957

There are many “direct ancestors”. That’s why I asked what Genus he means.
But there’s nothing “North African” about. Lybica.
He’s most likely wrong and making shit up. But I’d enjoy explaining why he’s wrong in very specific context; I’m a cooking beginner pleb but Felidae is where all my professional/academic eggs are.

>> No.15707961
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>“It says here you eat plants but not humans. Care to explain?”

>> No.15707968

Yep, so long as it is not my cat, or a cat I know. I'd eat a fucking cat.
Same with dogs, horses, pigs, cows and everything else that is made of meat.

>> No.15707981

I killed, skinned at cooked a cat and ate it once. The meat was absolutely disgusting. I mean, really, really bad.

>> No.15707985

Weird. I wonder if there is any porn that has people with that shit

>> No.15708001

/an/ and /ck/ are both such awful boards. If you hadn't mentioned cooking I would have thought this was the other.

>> No.15708097

cats are carnivores
eating carnivores increases your risk for parasites
fish are a different story though since they all have parasites.

>> No.15708117
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>domestic cats have clear behavioral differences compared to their wildcat ancestors
Lmao, the absolute state of d*Mestic "cats".

>> No.15708124

i hate niggers

>> No.15708129

Watch this post get deleted for "racism" while that one stays up despite depicted animal abuse.

>> No.15708298


>> No.15708332

Was it when niggers ran egypt?

>> No.15708345

I don't get it. Is the cat asking me the question?

>> No.15708709

Personal preference

>> No.15708726

cats being r*ddit is meme appropriation

>> No.15709052

It's a munchkin, they breed 'em like that.

>> No.15709060
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Cats are frens.

>> No.15709065


>> No.15709102

Hunter here, you people are absolutely retarded. Of course carnivores can get parasites but so can all animals, proper meat handling and cooking techniques completely eliminate the risk. Black bear is fucking delicious, i haven't had a chance to go mountain lion hunting but I've heard they're very similar to pork but more lean. Mexicans eat bbq coyote.

>> No.15709123


>> No.15709257

cow is dumb
cat is smart
cow eats and poops
cat removes mouse kebab
cow is big and smelly
cat is small and fluffy
cow is tasty
cat is like rabbit
both can eat in time of need.

>> No.15709271

cat is not hungry

>> No.15709281

>domestic cats have clear behavioral differences compared to their wildcat ancestors
only temporarily, domestic cats do not lose their wild tendencies. A domestic cat can easily live wild again if released.

>> No.15709311
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>> No.15709337

cats are gross animals for gross people

>> No.15710406

You own several cats then?

>> No.15710448
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Cats are for friendship, cows are for friendship AND food.

>> No.15710612

pass the sauce, please
i like history

>> No.15710647


Hes full of shit. Cat were highly revered in ancient Egypt and in some eras the punishment for killing one, even accidentally, was death. Also why would Bastet, one of the most well known Goddesses of Egypt be depicted as a cat if they hated them? They were originally loved because they would eat the mice which would raid their grain storages.

>> No.15710663

Ritual sacrifice doesn't always have the conotation of being evil in ancient times though. They may have thought they were doing the cats sometimes good by letting them please the gods or whatever.

>> No.15711022

carnivores are a problem to eat, the farther you eat on top of the food chain the more heavy metals and other toxins build up

>> No.15711310

cats are cute and cows are cattle, simple as

>> No.15711351

that aint kosher

>> No.15711365

carnivores are rife with parasites

>> No.15711393
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They fight back. More effort than it's worth.

>> No.15711409
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A dog would do the same.

>> No.15711421

i recently tried Wookie meat. It was chewy.

>> No.15711624
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These guys are apparently genuine faggots. No idea if it goes beyond that.

>> No.15711647

>cat population gets too high
>bad weather/growing season
>"maybe we should sacrifice some of these cats"
It's not hard to imagine.

>> No.15711696
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>> No.15711723

Why would a cat be upset that I don't eat cats?

>> No.15713033

>Average man
That's a chubby little fuck. I am 5'9", 78kg and I am borderline overweight.
Also why the fuck do they mix metric and imperial here?

>> No.15713192

I like cats but hate cows. Any more questions?

>> No.15714100


>> No.15714106

My cat is so fucking annoying that I would eat her at this point. Problem is that she's got the kidney disease so there's not much meat left on her.

>> No.15714119

>I can’t answer, so here’s a generalized insult.
Oh well, can’t say it was unexpected.