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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 244 KB, 1000x996, 1614042790028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15705991 No.15705991[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>you like your steak medium rare?!?!!? you must be a shitskin pussy i only eat mine blue or raw its heckin gourmet unlike the shoe you call a steak

>> No.15705997

Do Americans really eat this ?

>> No.15706002


>> No.15706011

your missing hot sauce

>> No.15706087

modern euro men are pussy fags just like american soys who vote democrat prove me wrong

>> No.15706160

Why do rarefags get so angry over people who like steak well done? It's seriously pathetic. If it was some hard to obtain delicacy it might be understandable but it's just steak, go into any supermarket and there are dozens of them on the shelves.

>> No.15706179

IMO anything up to medium is great. Well done can still be okay, but is worse. But I don't care what other people like.

>> No.15706870

biden won

>> No.15706882

such a low test bitchy npc-like reply proves me right

>> No.15707119

>implying the reddit søyfag le heckin types would use the term shitskin

They're the ones who would write an essay about how their black friend from high school would've been totally offended by such "unacceptable" and "horrible" terms

>> No.15707134
File: 103 KB, 386x400, 1591418951309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15707147

Let me guess you eat your steak well done with ketchup like your dear orange fool.

>> No.15707214

Give some examples of soyboys prefering rare steak. You can't just slap a soyboy on anything and have it make sense.

>> No.15707219

*cook streak straight from the freezer*
*comes out raw inside*

>> No.15707257

Get a sous vide machine and cook it correctly.

>> No.15707263

nah the faggots browsing 4chan all day and repeating memes are the low males

>> No.15707318

Is it a textural thing? That's literally raw.

>> No.15707362

It depends on the cut, but it's really, REALLY sad that you spent the time to make this image.

>> No.15707387

why would being right trigger me

>> No.15707424

They don't. They think people who eat well-done are little pussies because they are. They're squeamish about eating meat, but they still eat it anyway, grudgingly accepting that they must sometimes eat flesh to survive. At least vegetarians and vegans are honest about being faggots.

>> No.15707503

They do the soy face now for eating meat? Do they still do it for the soy products? I'm so confused.

>> No.15707565

Are you embarrassed that not everyone prefers medium well, anon?

>> No.15707588
File: 355 KB, 1388x899, cover4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rarefags btfo

>> No.15707604

Rent free

>> No.15707637
File: 21 KB, 563x503, holyfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha look at how angry he is

>> No.15707650

You're right, I am rent free because chud tax money pays for my section 8.

>> No.15707736

I can appreciate a blue rare steak every once in a awhile, but it's tougher and less juicy than a medium rare steak

>> No.15707902

Depends on the kind of steak. I don't like well done because often it makes cheap cuts too chewy and tough. But for high-quality real fatty shit like A5 wagyu you practically have to cook it more than rare, around medium or medium-well. But its however you like youre steak done. I don't like it when people knock on me eating rare because they think its undercooked. My mom constantly complains and says its unhealthy and going to make me sick even though its proven that it wont. Most you would get is the runs from how greasy the food is.

>> No.15707967

Medium rare is perfect, around 53 degrees celsius. People who eat rare meat just don't know how to cook it precisely medium rare and just pretend to enjoy their rare steaks. Do you suck at cooking steaks on a pan or the grill? No worries, there's something that can help even you retards, it's called Sous Vide. The device warms the water up at your desired temperature, so what happens is that you will be guaranteed to achieve perfect medium rare or whatever doneness you prefer based on your input temperature(temperatures vary on the type of meat so just Google it, takes 20 seconds). The best thing is that you can leave the meat in there, go to work or play games, whatever the fact you wanna do, because it can stay cooking for prolonged periods of time. Normally it takes like 1 hour and a half, but you can just forget it and leave it there for 3 hours and the only thing that will change is that it'll be more tender. When it's finished you sear the steak on a hot cast iron pan or a hot grill for a minute per side, and it's a perfectly done steak, preferably medium rare unless you're a faggot. Problem solved, now you rarefags and welldonefags will be able to cook steaks perfectly 100% of the time

>> No.15708057

Based and truthpilled

>> No.15708068

i use a sous vide, and I can confidently say, that you should kill yourself