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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 190 KB, 1080x953, IMG_20210303_164416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15702270 No.15702270 [Reply] [Original]

Favourite soft drinks in germany?
I will start.

>> No.15702275
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>> No.15702277

Ehrenmann, probier mal spezi energy von der dose

>> No.15702278

Coca Cola

>> No.15702279

die einzig richtige antwort

>> No.15702288

Basiert bruder, hab grad pause, will heim und nen radler trinkn und dann ne kühle spezi

>> No.15702312

ich bin kein deutscher, aber ich würde mein land nur für eine flasche spezi verraten

>> No.15702319

ENGLISH imageboard faggot fucking foreigners

>> No.15702328


>> No.15702334

leck mich am arsch, schwuler

>> No.15702374

Geh woanders an deiner Bionade nuckeln, Sören-Malte

>> No.15702378

Your language makes you all sound like a Neanderthal with down syndrome

>> No.15702381


>> No.15702383

Can't be racist against Germans, you're the most evil people in human history

>> No.15702391

Your language is so simplistic that apparently, even neanderthals with downs can learn it

>> No.15702402

They're mutts talking one if their grandparent's language ad code tho, let them have their fun

>> No.15702417

Whiter than you José.

>> No.15702463

I'm sure your white: English, Bavarian, irish and Italian are all white people but your identity is still a human sloppa regardless what electives you took in high school.

>> No.15702477

That would be the kikes though.

>> No.15702499
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Malzbier is the best

>> No.15702503

do girls think they are intimidating by dressing like this? shit is fucking cringe. probably a sjw who gets offended by everything

>> No.15702505

/r9k/ is that way

>> No.15702508
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>> No.15702533

Which are good brands for maalz

>> No.15702546

>tfw no death metal gf

>> No.15702558

never heard of it... Fanta, Monster tropical, Rock Star sugar free (Canada)

>> No.15702566

Does Germany still have goth chicks like pic related? If so, I'm hopping onto the next train to Berlin.
Also what does Spezi taste like?

>> No.15702576

Mezzo mix but better

>> No.15702602

Never had that either since we don't have it.
Would it taste the similar if I bought Fanta and Coke and mixed it together in a glass?

>> No.15702656

Fanta is a little less sweet in Germany, in my experience, so it won't be the same but it's probably the closest you'll get.

>> No.15702714
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Spezi/mezzo is based

Pic related is technically not a soft drink but idc

>> No.15702721
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Apfelschorle Herrenvolk

>> No.15702839

Kinda looks like the bisexual zoomer gf of a friend of mine. So I guess you might get lucky.

>> No.15702851


Faden kann zu

>> No.15702865
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Karamalz beste, oettinger is good aswell

>> No.15702904

Berlin has girls like that but they all have a bowlcut and don’t shave their armpits

>> No.15702912

Trinke ausschließlich Tyskie und Club Mate

>> No.15702975

I hope you are joking and tou don't really drink that pisswaisser
t. anon from Poland

>> No.15703013

I think Croatia and Germany have the same type of fanta. It's a shame I don't see any German drinks in Muller

>> No.15703024

you dont even have Club Mate?
t. anon from Poland

>> No.15703039

No but we have a shit ton of homebrewed beer (that's sold in stores) and homemade rakja.

>> No.15703050
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>> No.15703080

Für me, it’s either club mate or fritz melo
T. pole with family in DE

>> No.15703084
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>> No.15703107

Das gibts als energy? Wo?

>> No.15703112

The pic in >>15702499 and vitamalz

>> No.15703276


>> No.15703313

Liba-Cola aus Münster. Die bessere Version von Fritz (die ist wiederum die bessere Coca-Cola)

>> No.15703434
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Zitres masterrace

>> No.15703443


>> No.15703456
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Pipi (young slang for penis)

>> No.15703492

>incel science

>> No.15703494


>> No.15703496
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Uludag Leute

>> No.15703506
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Is Almdudler G*rman?

>> No.15703513

Für mich ist es Fanta Strawberry, das beste Erfrischungsgetränk

>> No.15703538

I'd drink her pipi

>> No.15703587

Edeka, Norma zumindest bei mir

>> No.15703697

coca cola

>> No.15703725

Almdudler is Austrian. It's pretty good

>> No.15703790

Too sweet for me usually but great when hiking.

>> No.15703797

Bei Lidl auch.

>> No.15703822
File: 175 KB, 400x362, olietbangsrootbeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's oliet Bang's. Always washes down smooth with the most refreshing Root Beer flavor. The smooth stainless steel look of the can is very popular. I'll walk around carrying my oliet Bang's while drinking it and people always compliment me on the can and ask what I'm drinking out of curiosity. You can always recognize another oliet Bang's drinker because while you're carrying your can around people will sometimes just walk by with a thumbs up and a smile. It's delicious! What a great root beer.

>> No.15703907
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The orange one is the best soft drink on Earth desu

>> No.15703920

are soft drinks good for you?

>> No.15703975

motherfucker you could have at least put in the bare minimum of effort and translated it into german

>> No.15704061

kannst kei englisch???

>> No.15704072


>> No.15704073

>implying simplicity is a bad thing

>> No.15704094
File: 131 KB, 1000x1011, Cedevita-naranča-orange-sinas-vitamine-drink-500-gram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get on my level niggas

>> No.15704235

Verpiss dich, du Hurensohn

>> No.15704253

Sounds like paradise

>> No.15705319


>> No.15705816
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>> No.15705859



>> No.15706000
File: 18 KB, 213x237, fuckgermans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their language is so stupid that they keep the dinosaur era declination system.
Not to mention it has made up words for simple things.
It seems like the blabbering of a brain injured retard.
Nah their language isn't easy, but that doesn't make it really special, or yes, it is specialm but in a derisive way.

inb4 dumb american

Esl here, no, i've studied your crappy language and it doesn't sound remotely good, it doesn't have anything that makes sense.
And it's not because it's the language of smart people, because you germans aren'tm but mostly stems from an unevolved language that refused changes.

Also kind of offtopic, but why germans don't have anything good to offer?
Only the beer and cars are saveable, but the gastronomy is pretty "scheisse".
What the fuck germans?
I hope the goys bestride your country definitely and stop being called "Deutschland" and more like "Goyland"

>> No.15706123

Who is this beautiful creature?

>> No.15706185

100%grade a semen imported from somalia

>> No.15706656
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something that you wil never get blasphemous incel.

>> No.15706922

looks bad

>> No.15707307

germans are pretty cringe

>> No.15707336

>t. whiteknight

>> No.15707415

I hope you get run by a truck simp

>> No.15707917

> I'm used to hearing my own language so that makes it sound normal
No shit, anyways make way for the abomination that's dutch

>> No.15709647

Dutch is easier to understand and has a better grammar than your sperg pseudo language.
Go peddle your shit to the goys.

>> No.15709669
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What temperature do you all drink your soda? Lukewarm or cold?

>> No.15709680

>everything is science
>German is nature science
why is it nature science and not science?

>> No.15709689

Because 'Naturwissenschaften' observe the natural world around us. Political and whatever genderqueer studies people call 'science' nowadays observe man-made systems. It makes sense.

>> No.15709714
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She they sold out to Coca "be less white" Cola.
Mirinda was fine, too. Both are disgusting synthetic garbage that kills you.

Stay away from fizzy shit, drink cloudy beer.

>> No.15709722

moving the goalposts

>> No.15709743

That picture is actually retarded because Wissenschaft is our word for science while Natur Wissenschaften only includes physics, chemistry and biologie and their different sub categories and nothing else like computer science or those dreaded social sciences

>> No.15709773

Where was the goalpost? There's a simple reason why it's called 'Naturwissenschaften' and I stated it. What are you on about, lad, it's not even an argument.

>> No.15709784

Still your language is retarded.
Mountain of copes you fat german

>> No.15709793

Lived in Germany for 6 years due to deployment crap


>> No.15709823

What cope you faggot? The picture is wrong simple as and Wissenschaft is a unnecessarily long combinated word in of itself already, no reason to lie about it.

>> No.15709867
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Google Spezi and we called it Black Orange back in the day :D

If cooled it was so good.

>> No.15709876

Waaaah waaaaah they are making fun of my language wannabe waaaah waaah


>> No.15709981

/ck/ is just /int/ for fat people

>> No.15710001

Don't forget most posters are North American or Bongs, so every board is essentially for fat people.

>> No.15710043
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>> No.15710056
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>> No.15710075

>That one autist who's written a manifesto on why German is the worst language because he was bad in school
How do you feel having me living rent free in your head?