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File: 87 KB, 300x533, thumb_white-lightning-m-ax-od-proof-vooka-50-alc-vol-315-43928067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15694804 No.15694804 [Reply] [Original]

Can you buy 100 proof liqueur where you live? I can only find Vodka of that strength in Canada, its pretty good too.

>> No.15694834

The only reason to buy high proof liquor is to dilute it later.

Example=low cabinet space? Water on tap? High proof booze it is!

>> No.15694837
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>> No.15694841
File: 100 KB, 997x1244, w8405242i7_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100 proof
I have 190 proof less than twenty feet away from me

>> No.15694843

I can buy 196 proof

>> No.15694846

I almost bought a bottle of wray & nephew overproof rum because someone here on /ck/ posts it all the time. I didn't want to spend $35 CAD on a meme though so I decided not to.

>> No.15694849

How will this affect my bowel movements and their aroma/consistency/flavor?

>> No.15694852

That's called denaturated ethanol.

>> No.15694853
File: 91 KB, 960x1280, rum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've posted it like twice, shits pretty good. Only have bought it once or twice. Pic rel because I was going to call OP a faggot for drinking that trash.

>> No.15694855
File: 11 KB, 300x403, 100983_ethanol_100983_ethanol_all-medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunch of soyboys in this thread desu

>> No.15695221

Even in nanny state Australia I've seen brands of rum at 75% and 90% alcohol

>> No.15695261

It's illegal to sell under 100 proof in alaska because it's considered an infringement of your civil rights if you're not shitfaced before you leave the parking lot

>> No.15695266

100 proof is only 50% ABV, that's not that strong bro.

>> No.15695271

Everclear and other high alcohol drinks are great for having a jungle juice party and getting bitches FUCKED UP!

>> No.15695276

I've never managed to do a clean shot of this stuff. Always comes back up my throat or goes up my nose somehow

>> No.15695281

You can get 151 proof rum pretty much everywhere. If you're in Canada, Lamb's 151 is pretty great.

>> No.15695284

God I hate this stuff. Doing a shot feels like getting kicked in the face with a boot soaked in gasoline

>> No.15695295

No denaturated is when they've done something to stop you from drinking it. I think there's places where you can buy alcohol that strong that isn't denatured

>> No.15695297

Isn't it strange that society accepts the oral consumption of poison as normal?

>> No.15695318

Isn't it strange that the poster above me accepts the oral consumption of semen as normal?

>> No.15695322

You usually need either a teaching license or a business license to buy solvent ethanol like >>15694855 from a chemical supplier. Regulations depend on where you are and where you're buying from.

>> No.15695328
File: 23 KB, 563x750, vodka_spi6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can easily get like 190 proof, and you can buy them at any alcohol store and a lot of supermarkets

>> No.15695332


Ps. Anything with char on it is poison also

>> No.15695333

The few times I've done it I always ended up with a sore/scratchy throat the next day, probably not healthy.

>> No.15695334

What's the origin of the urban legend that this stuff is illegal? I still run into people who believe it, even though they have it at the liquor store right up the street.

>> No.15695362

Regulations vary.
190 proof liquor is illegal in New Hampshire, Nevada, California, Ohio, Florida, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Hawaii, Iowa, Minnesota and North Carolina, plus all Canadian provinces except for Alberta. You can still get the 151 proof Everclear in most places you can't get the 190 proof stuff.

>> No.15695384

Yes. And I think there's places where they sell it that strong without being denaturated. That guy probably lives in a place like that

>> No.15695395
File: 1.58 MB, 2314x3024, 20210304_033249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in one of those states, no it's fucking not.

>> No.15695489
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>> No.15695492
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For me it's big daddy Diesel

>> No.15695502

No I can't. But doesn't matter because I wouldn't drink that without mixing it a lot.

>> No.15695503

Yes. There is literally nothing even remotely remarkable about that. Are you retarded?

>> No.15695507

looks like the malt liquor of vodka tho

>> No.15695509

Based angry insulting poster.

>> No.15695531

Not angry. Just confused as to why anyone would think that's special unless you're in highschool and never been to a liquor store before.

>> No.15695558

Because it is probably pretty special. You can easily kill yourself with that stuff. Also, the OP just asked "where you live". So your country isn't all the world. Different laws in different countries.

>> No.15695566

Sad! 101 whiskeys and rum are pretty common where i live. They have a few 151's but those are online orders only in my area cause they don't want to indulge the homeless alcoholics too much

>> No.15695570

What is special about it moron?

>> No.15695580

Special meaning it happens in few countries. You are being the moron. Learn to understand things and stop insulting peope while you are being very stupid yourself you angry fuck.

>> No.15695630

I remember some lads in Australia tried to drink like Poles and gobbled those in one shot
One lassie died, others needed their stomachs pumped out.
Fuckin strayans

>> No.15695636

yeah you generally dont drink spirytus by itself, and even if you do, its in small quantities
if you want to chug something its vodka which is usually around 40%

>> No.15696278

Why won't you fucking morons just use a real measuring unit like % of alcohol? Seriously fuck you.

>> No.15696448

>take % of Alcohol
> multiply by 2
You'd have to be a lifelong metric user to find this difficult.

>> No.15696472

There's this stuff I get from time to time here in Canada at the local LCBO, it's called G'Dansky or something like that. It's 76%.

>> No.15696608

I know that's what proof is and it's a retarded extra step

>> No.15696820

I think he meant legal, illegal everywhere else. I live in a state not mentioned that made it illegal right around 1994

>> No.15696844

>become super alcoholic unemployed during early pandemic
>drinking like a fish, fiance is too
>have spyritus as a joke in case we need to make sanitizer
>instead end up drinking half a bottle in one day and chasing it with sips of arizona ice T
>taking shots feels like creating a kerosene vacuum in my throat and a burning on my tongue comparable to a sand storm of dryness
>feel terrible the next day
>buy another bottle next time we're restocking
>drink half of it again when we're out of everything
What is fucking wrong with me.

>> No.15696846

proof isn't event the same thing in different countries
inb4 upset burger seething at euros

>> No.15697195

I'd argue dividing by 2 to get the percentage when you already have the proof written right on the bottle is the retarded extra step.

>> No.15697211

Why would we seethe or be upset that the entire world is incompetent except for us and a few pockets of anglo sensibility?

>> No.15697310

We used to do 4 ounce shots of Everclear at a time and the fumes coming off it was punch in the dick.

>> No.15697505

>simple physical measure, instantly give a clear idea of how much alcohol you're dealing with
>not clear what it indicates, gotta look it up
>put gunpowder in it and set it on fire lmao it goes "proof" :DDD
>oops it's too shit to be useful let's redefine it
>UK and US have different definitons of it as usual

>> No.15697622

So your saying you rely on old sailors tales for your research and are so cripplingly autistic that you need to know to the millimeter how much alcohol is in anything you drink or use lest the world slip out of your imaginary control.
Has it ever occurred to you that you are fundamentally crippled by your dysfunctional brain?

>> No.15697747

You're either alcoholic or underage, grow up or stop ruining your life mate

>> No.15698647

Just admit it's a retarded measuring unit that conveys absolutely no information whatsoever.

>> No.15698887

Buy Rumbar instead of that gasoline tasting nonsense

>> No.15698911

Was one of my first drinks. Highly recommend. I remember one of my friends adding a shot to a 2letter of coke and still having trouble drinking it

>> No.15700563


>> No.15700584

I live in America. I can buy just about any food anyone could want.

>> No.15700590

There was a point in my life that I was drinking 2 handles (1.75l) per week.
It was so strong it would curdle oj if I tried to make a screwdriver.

Lol, my 20s were crazy.
I slept like a baby though.
Sometimes I'd sleep all the way to work!

>> No.15700649
File: 110 KB, 740x1005, 26-ds0411-cheeseguide_roquefort_medium_article--740x1005[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that so... hehe

>> No.15700723

Making jello shots with everclear is a one way ticket to blackout town.

>> No.15700754

Yes, it is

>> No.15700775



>> No.15700841

I drink WT 101 likes it’s going out of style. Fuck Canada

>> No.15700933
File: 19 KB, 430x1000, EW-BiB-White.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you buy 100 proof liqueur where you live?

Pic related is only $14.99USD where I live.

>> No.15700948

Is that even a full sized bottle? It looks tiny.

>> No.15702031

>Buys it anyway
you act like just because something is banned we can't get it.

>> No.15702078

>Can you buy 100 proof
Murrica has the Bottled in Bond act, which grants special tax considerations to producers of 100 proof liquor produced in a certain way.
If it's Bottled in Bond, it's 100 proof. Period.
Usually decent quality and reasonably priced, too.

>> No.15702164

post pic or fuck off lying faggot, you never bought shit

>> No.15702331

Do Americans always use "proof"? Why not use ABV?

Proof is weird because it's just ABV doubled. So it's a number out of 200. Surely ABV is more logical because it's out of 100, like any percentage.

>> No.15702409

Its just a hold over from a time before abv. Dont overthink it

>> No.15702431

I find it strange because my country doesn't use it, we use ABV. I thought ABV was pretty much standard. I had to google what proof was.

>> No.15702445

Fucken idiots like you buying up all the spirytus for "sanitizer" cos of the (((pandemic))) should be shot

>> No.15703887

>I had to google what proof was.
Maybe you're just dense

>> No.15703937

You're either lying or your friend is a gigantic pussy. Adding 1 shot to a 2 liter would dilute it to less than 1% alcohol you fucking retard.

>> No.15703947

To be fair 2l of coke is pretty hard to finish

>> No.15703971

Lmao, but he said drinking not finishing.

>> No.15703981

No one uses proof in Canada larpfag

>> No.15703986

Its takes like licorice and bananas to me. Doesn't mix with coke too well.

>> No.15704010
File: 240 KB, 213x680, DevilSprings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 190 proof everclear by me but can only get 151 Devil Springs instead of pic related

>> No.15704037

I'm in a state not mentioned and it's legal. Anon just fucked up his list.

>> No.15704059


>> No.15704066

Basically once the supply runs out, it will not be sold anymore. So stock up.

>> No.15704077

No, it's because we don't use it my country, and probably most countries.

You're so dense that you don't know this.

>> No.15704477

>it's because we don't use it my country, and probably most countries.
Are you saying you've never heard the term proof and never seen a brand that advertises using proof?

Son dont you have homework to be doing?

Btw no country uses proof as a standard. It's a hold over used for marketing

>> No.15704498

Proof is not used in my country, I already told you that. No alcohol in my country advertises itself with alcohol "proof". ABV is used exclusively.

>> No.15705015

>No alcohol in my country advertises itself with alcohol "proof"
I can confidently say that's just a lie
Plenty of popular brands stick the proof on thier label as part of the design

As I said no country uses it as a standard and the abv will always be on the bottom corner of the label

>> No.15705082
File: 413 KB, 1028x1370, 20210305_172600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15705659


>> No.15705668

I got some pure ethyl alcohol when covid started. I think it was something he wasn't supposed to be selling it was like 98 percent alcohol. he made sure I wasn't going to drink it

>> No.15705695

i mixed this with mio once, so i was basically drinking straight everclear

ended up eating all of my friend's stepdad's frozen jimmy dean sausages, a fuckton of taquitos, and watched 6 hours of pawn stars

>> No.15705931

How do I get a buzz without feeling like shit on beer. I'm 125 lbs

>> No.15706044

It looks tiny.

>> No.15706563

Yeah I've never seen a bottle of that shit that wasn't 1.75 so it looks pretty pathetic

>> No.15707208
File: 91 KB, 1280x1280, 119522011_0_1280x1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have not seen alcohol advertising itself with "proof". As I already told you twice, ABV is used in my country.

>Plenty of popular brands stick the proof on thier label as part of the design
In your country, but not in mine.

>> No.15708219

Yo, fellow american here and your being stupid. Your closed minded view of the works keeps you from realizing that a single company advertises differently in each area it advertises in. As american you should know that ads on the east coast differ from those on the west coast. Now take that basic concept and apply it to a country and culture completely different than ours. They would be as retarded as you if they advertised to different countries in the same way. Not only that, but a simple 10 second google search revealed that NO OTHER COUNTRY LABELS THEIR LIQUOR WITH PROOFING. We are THE ONLY COUNTRY to still use this, even as micro text on a label. You buya simple bottle of Bacardi Spiced rum in america and yes it will have the alcohol's proof on the label. But if you buy the same exact bottle in Canada, Mexico, or any other country on earth IT WILL NOT HAVE PROOF LABELED ANYWHERE ON THE BOTTLE YOU DENSE RETARD. Again I'm american myself and know this basic ass information, and all it took was a simple google search and not being completely retarded.

>> No.15708220

Nice pasta

>> No.15708232

Congrats, you have autism.

>> No.15708468

only americans put proof on their labels. no one in europe does it, not even american brands

>> No.15708511
File: 379 KB, 1200x1800, 1200px-Stroh_-_Austrian_Rum_-_IMG_3452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15708636

Is that 80% ABV?

>> No.15709004
File: 388 KB, 2560x1280, Untitled-3 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See pic. Left is a British bottle of JD, right is an American bottle.

As you'll see, the American bottle has "proof" but the British doesn't.

If you don't believe me and want to check, the British bottle is from morrisons.com, and the American bottle is from target.com

>I can confidently say that's just a lie
No you can't you stupid fuck

Now I can't rule out that there exists some bottle of British alcohol out there with "proof" on it, but I've never seen one in my entire life. So near-unanimously (or perhaps unanimously), Britain does not display "proof" on alcohol labels.

>> No.15709021


>> No.15709034

no one cares, aspy. crawl back inside whatever hovel you eke out your horrid existence in and take your stupid useless information with you

>> No.15709079

>being this triggered
You're pathetic.

>> No.15709148

>Why not use ABV?
We use both.
50+ sets of similar, but slightly different laws regarding alcohol makes it easier to just put both on the label, because some places need one labeling standard, some need the other, some need both.

I think it's because we, as a society, are too stupid to understand fractions, but marketeers know that dumb american consumers will choose 100 proof bourbon over 50% abv bourbon every damn time.

>> No.15709431

Lol, it's hard being wrong huh?

>> No.15709546

I don't think so but at the last vacation in march 2020 we stayed in bungalows and a travel companion bought some 80% (160 proof) absint i think it was called.

I remember waking up in different places with a headsplitting headache every day and with different places i mean on sofa, on the kitchen table, on the porch and so on. My bungalow bed was untouched the first 4 days :D

Then i switched back to just plain beer and the rest of the week went better :D

>> No.15709651

I feel like all these sugary drinks I'm mixing my alch with is making me fat. What do I mix instead.

>> No.15709657

Nothing, be a man.

>> No.15709665

you stop buying cheap shit liquor and drink straight, idiot

>> No.15709685

I bought some 68% Absinthe a couple years back here in Finland. Apart from that, though, there doesn't seem to be much that goes above 40%.

>> No.15709701

i feel like the highest proof alcohol i've seen in leafland is at calgary airport

>> No.15709720

I only buy bottles that cost less than 12$. I consume a 750ml every day I can't afford to spend that much on a bottle every day

>> No.15710253

>when you want to REALLY teach your liver who's boss.

>> No.15710281
File: 93 KB, 655x800, 1574033008691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Rocked these shits every weekend when I lived in a frat house.

>> No.15710468

This list is bullshit, I've seen most of these cheeses at my local gourmet store. They also have lots of unpasteurized cheese

>> No.15711068

>drink like Poles
We don't fucking drink it, it's mostly used for cooking and baking here. Like when making pączki.
Fuckin strayans.