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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15685857 No.15685857[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you normally eat when on break at work?

>> No.15685870

Walmart anon! Good to see you here!
I would bring to lunch mainly pasta leftovers.

>> No.15685876

Is there anything more depressing then a Wagie break room?

>> No.15685883
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I work from home on account of 'rona. Today I made myself egg fried rice with a touch of chilli bean sauce. Also I had a couple of beers. I spent 20 minutes playing with my dog.

My productivity has gone through the roof since I started working from home.
The amount of noise and bullshit in an office environment must cost the business world $ trillions every year.

>> No.15685888

good now I can delete the image with apu in it

>> No.15685890

Not really. I'd rather not take a break and finish early.

>> No.15685922
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these pictures fill me with such a bleak and heavy feeling that is not feeling, like if emptiness had weight

>> No.15685937

The little slogans on the walls about how great the employees are is the funniest part

>> No.15685947

>our people make the.... DIFFERENCE

>> No.15685958
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>> No.15685961

isn't it a hannukah banner?

>> No.15685968

Doctorfag here, I used to get a perverse pleasure out of spending the day telling patients about healthy eating and then using my break to order a big plate of fries, tendies and greasy sloppa from the hospital cafeteria. Nowadays though I pack my own lunch.

>> No.15685988

This looks so american. Everything about it.
Jesus christ put a fucking plant in there. Where are the windows? Tennis balls on the chairs? The broken ceiling? Come the fuck on. This shit is giving me post apocalyptic bunker vibes.

>> No.15686376

checked and kekd

>> No.15686541

who the fuck can't go 8 hours without food?

>> No.15686559

Usually yesterdays dinner, I always make extra to take to work.

When thats not practical or I don't have leftovers, I keep ready rice, sardines, and instant noodles in my desk for meals. I have my own office so I dont care if it gets fishy,

>> No.15686563

Cup of coffee and just ordered 50 granola bars off Amazon

>> No.15686570

I like a good croissant or pain au chocolat with coffee. There is also an Aussie place near me that sells killer lamingtons

>> No.15686571

I usually eat bread with salami and a snickers

>> No.15686582

Don't fucking eat fish at work, asshole!

>> No.15686587

>Ah yes, covid can't get you if you space yourself out in a small break room.
Why do people believe this?!

>> No.15686598
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bro what?

>> No.15686608

everyone looks suicidal just as I expected.

>> No.15686625

>force you to take a 30 min or hour lunch instead of going home 30 min or an hour earlier

I fucking hate capitalism

>> No.15686693

Nobody asked, money incel.

>> No.15686699

Before it was a tin of deenz but now I switched to mackerel.

>> No.15686742

Small bag of takis

>> No.15686753

grown women eat candy?

>> No.15686777

get a clue

>> No.15686846

i work in a backpacker's hostel, so when things are quiet i close up reception and throw something in the oven, or I cook something from scratch.

>> No.15686849

and the "Happy Hanuka" on the right hand side wall

>> No.15686877

>that chanuukkah banner

>> No.15686882

nothing and my boss literally brings it up every day. she's this hot young thick indian chick and she treats me like her son and always tries to get me to eat food. not even larping, it's not as cool as it sounds

>> No.15686883

walmart anon that you?
shouldnt you be on /pol/

>> No.15686891

Americans see people having lives like this and then thank their God that they aren't living in the Soviet Union.

>> No.15686899

The wagies not in the break room and on break are drinking like a russian in their car.

>> No.15686903

You would be too working at Walmart in your middle ages

>> No.15686939

Can confirm it’s hell

>> No.15686960

based, my doctor doesn't even tell me about eating healthy, he just asks how my diet has been and i could tell him i chug lard he'd say "huh... ok"

>> No.15686961

>entire shift opts to go home a half hour early
>store is completely unmanned
you dope

>> No.15686968

>every employees shift begins and ends at the same time

>> No.15687096

I make a lunch from home. Usually rye bread sangewedges with some cheese and lettuce or something and a box of diced fruit or grated carrot with lemonjuice.
If I have some good leftovers I might bring those and heat them in the microwave oven.

Let's not overlook the gentleman taking his lunchbreak directly in front of a toilet door.

>> No.15687117

At Kroger in my union local the break is paid and you still leave after 8 hours.

>> No.15687136

it's paid, you fucking retard.
why would you opt out of getting paid to look at 4chan on your phone for 30 minutes?
jesus lefties are retarded

>> No.15687145

it is if you have a fetish for indian women.
why aren't you slamming that yet, anon?

>> No.15687148

because the U.S wants to be stuck in a weird limbo between crashing the economy and pretending like they're making a difference

>> No.15687279

Not always. At least not at publix.

>> No.15687294

This is what I wanted to convey when describing the feelings these pictures gave me but I could never figure out how. Thank you anon, thats exactly how I would convey it

>> No.15687317

I don't get paid but everyone goes out and takes an hour lunch break and charges for it anyway.

>> No.15687338

You do realise that this woman is desperate for your cock, right?

>> No.15687346

>why would you opt out of getting paid to look at 4chan on your phone for 30 minutes?
It's just not the same if I have to keep my trousers on

>> No.15687350

she has some chadpreet high caste bf unfortunately

>> No.15687351

Grope her butt

>> No.15687354

Energy drinks if I'm slaving away too much.

>> No.15687658

are you a small business owner or what?

>> No.15687664

oh, you don't get to "finish early". You're here until 5, even if there's nothing to do.

>> No.15687681

Forget that, it's saving trillions in gas, congestion prevention, and lower accident rates from all the people that no long commute into work. There is nothing better than waking up 10 minutes before work starts.

>> No.15687939

take your meds

>> No.15687958

Its true though. Browsing 4chan is super fucking boring when you're stuck at work. Its only fun at home when I have access to my monitors, copypastas and shitpost images.

>> No.15687975

I dont, i just have a ciggy and some water or other bevrage i've brought with me

>> No.15687997

I drink V8 to make my digestive track issues less bad.

>> No.15689497

I don't get a break. I eat after work.

>> No.15689525

If you guys catch yourself taking pity on walmartanon just remember he's a literal nazi /pol/ regular

>> No.15689526
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>due to coivd we now have plexiglass partitions on the tables that makes it look like a prison visitation area

>> No.15689530

Sandwich or wrap and salad. I eat this on my coffee break and then read during meal break. Planning on making a second salad to eat on second coffee break since I am usually hungry by the time I get off work and it is all too easy to grab cheap junkfood on the way out the door and that shit is making me fat.

>> No.15689536

>A sandwich with cheese, salami and spinach
>A piece of fruit
>A muesli bar
>Maybe a piece of cheese or a tub of yoghurt

My work doesn't even have a break room, so I just eat at my desk. I work through lunch because I tell myself that I'll go home earlier, but social stigma stops me from doing it anyway. My work doesn't even provide tea or coffee, so I have to bring my own mug, spoon and instant coffee as well. Going back to the office has reminded me how much I miss having cooked lunches at home.

>> No.15689559

One job I never had much of appetite and was young and full of energy, so I got by on yoghurts and rice puddings.

Another job I never had breaks, just 30 minutes for lunch and I usually had fried chicken and chips, a supermarket sandwich or sometimes go to the pub for a stamina fuelling burger and pint.

In general, doing manual labour jobs I've found bananas and a tub of mixed nuts and seeds on your work station allows you to work steadily throughout the day without the need to rest at all.

>> No.15689561

Based beer drinking British bird

>> No.15689590

line cook so pretty much whatever the fuck I want or can create from the ingredients around me

>> No.15689591

>line cook
>having time to take a break

Nice larp.

>> No.15689593

true I gotta eat on the line but atleast I get hot fresh food made exactly how I want it

>> No.15689596

there is like 500% dv sodium in those you should make your own anon, if you drink them daily atleast

>> No.15689601

you should let her cook for you anon. durka food is fucking delicious

shit can definitely make you fat though. you can play on the sexual tension with fem bosses to get a lot of shit. way more than females can play on the sexual tension with male bosses believe it or not

>> No.15689614

I dont think they had walmart in the middle ages anon. Markets, maybe, but not ye olde walmart

>> No.15689617

people with blood sugar issues you fucking moron

if I go 4 hours without something to pick up my blood sugar I will say and do absolutely insane things that will get me fired. Confusion to the point I couldn't remember my own phone number. May not need a whole meal but I have to balance that shit out throughout the day

>> No.15689620


>> No.15689623

I was contemplating what walmarts in other countries would be like. Like what is Indian Walmart like? Are there a lot of white people working there the same way my Walmart is full of Indians? What about Russian Walmart? Walmart is basically capitalism the store so how does that go over in communism the country?

>> No.15689624
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sorry wagie wagie, two 15 minute and one 30 minute breaks are mandatory. Your slavery will be terminated if you do not punch out.
That is all.

>> No.15689626

Have a barley sugar and shut up

>> No.15689629

Well I just looked it up and there is no Walmart in India or Russia so just replace those with Thailand and Mongolia.

>> No.15689639

this is pretty much what I do. Try to keep a high sugar bev stashed somewhere incase it gets real bad and I need instant relief from it, fixes it in seconds. The more weight I lose the more this shit seems to effect me. Starting to think Im full blown diabetic and it pisses me off because I didn't have these issues before I lost almost 100 lbs into a healthy bmi. Probably has something to do with the massive amounts of soda I used to drink when I was a fat fuck, I barely consume refined sugar now at all especially relative to the quantities in the liters of soda I was drinking a day.

Ive almost attacked coworkers and shit it does not mix well with the stresses of line cooking although having food products around I can keep my shit steady with is convenient atleast

>> No.15689650

Every time I see Walmartanon I want to help him somehow, but in reality i can barely even hold myself together and there’s nothing I can really do. America has become such a catastrophe compared to when I was a kid and every decade it seems like the floor falls out a whole extra level.

>> No.15689661

I know, I am too.

>> No.15689671

I drink the little cans, low sodium version.

>> No.15689673

Walmart owns or owned stock in some big supermarkets in Japan, and when they next renovated the local medium sized supermarket after Walmart bought a controlling share in the parent company it went from a generally pleasant atmosphere to huge imposing ceiling height black shelves that loomed over everything. I had to stop going there because it suddenly felt like shopping in a detention center. Fortunately I haven’t seen any other places get hit so hard and Walmart may or may not have pulled a lot of their money out during the financial crisis.

>> No.15689686

Chickpea Curry with Rice.
I work as a trolley boy so I need lots of carbs and it's really cheap to make (~$2.50 AUD a meal)

>> No.15689694

Yep, same here. We’re not really the psychos you have been led to believe we are.

>> No.15689702

I have a similar problem, but it seems to be triggered BY eating sugar, especially when breaking a fast, though I'm fine if I eat nothing at all, or just zero calorie drinks. One day I made the mistake of eating a nothing but a cereal bar, then power walking 1/4 in to a corn field(detasseling work) when it hit me. I could barely stay standing so I ended up walking a 1/4 mile back to my truck, then driving 20 minutes to a gas station for some nuts, cheese, and jerky, and that took care of it. I also lost about 80lbs when I started noticing the phenomenon, but I think it's pretty normal and you just don't notice when you're a fat fuck eating every 2 hours.

>> No.15689760
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I eat anything for lunch that involves leaving the office, because fuck the cafeteria.
There’s a Japanese place nearby that has a lunch set of grilled sanma, steamed vegetables, rice, miso soup, and salad for $7, so I get that a lot.

>> No.15689777
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Same here. You saying you don’t like schnitzel, commie?

>> No.15690028

>implying i have a job

>> No.15690050

I work at walmart. I don't take breaks. Breaks are for losers.

>> No.15690051

I've seen a guy eat a party size bag of doritos and a litre of coke during his break at a supermarket in bongland.
I'd just have a protein shake and a cup of coffee because i'm not obese and prefer to eat at home.

>> No.15690055

Why are you not stuffing the qt with the skittles in the bathroom?

>> No.15690179

>heh as I drank my lunch this guy was eating junk food
got 'em bro...

>> No.15690233

More of an observation that he was eating poorly, but keep projecting tubby.

>> No.15690251

it was paraphrasing not projection, dummy

>> No.15690269

I thought the Walmart guy was dead

>> No.15690270

I never implied that I "got 'em bro...", and you clearly think people who look after themselves are trying to one up you.

>> No.15690272
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>remember he's a literal nazi /pol/ regular

>> No.15690295

>I'm not obese so I didn't eat junk food at work
alright dummy sure it was me ascribing thoughts to you

>> No.15690317

>Party size bag of doritos and a litre of coke
>Eating junk food is the issue
>Definitely not the fact it was 1400kcal of junk food
A 300kcal protein shake (or the junk food equivalent) is all you need for a 6 hour shift.

>> No.15690337

>anime tranny
Every time, why is there such an overlap between anime trannies and polcels?

>> No.15690355
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Anime website you dumb normalfag, go be a faggot somewhere else you're fooling no one

>> No.15690375

Yep this anitranny is unhinged

>> No.15690385
File: 182 KB, 600x811, 1607492171003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are on a website for the unhinged you fucking tourist

>> No.15690390

I'm not, I'm on 4chan(nel)

>> No.15690435

>if you catch yourself not hating someone, just remember to hate them anyway
Hatred has no place here, friend; it gives a bad flavor to foods. Please check your intolerance at the door when visiting /ck/.

>> No.15690539

>My productivity has gone through the roof since I started working from home.
In addition to productivity, my food costs have gone down tremendously because of no longer being peer pressured every single goddamn day to get a $20 lunch with the rest of the team. Now we can all have lunch together with zero complications at a fraction of the cost via comfy web session.

>> No.15690615

i don't get breaks at work. i just eat the same food we serve during downtime, and i stop eating after the 3rd time i'm interrupted and throw it out because i'm usually in the shop alone and making other people's food destroys my appetite. i get up at 9am and don't eat my first meal until 7pm

>> No.15690623

>didn't have breaks
>just time for a meal at the pub

>> No.15690638

Where do these Walmart pics come from? I see them posted all the time.

>> No.15690647

There's a guy on /pol/ who likes the attention that comes with him displaying his own self pity and defeatist attitude by posting pictures of his American job.

>> No.15690655

There’s a regular poster on /pol/ who has been working at Walmart for something like 20 years because some rough shit happened in his life and he’s at kind of a dead end.
He often posts soul-crushing pictures from his break room, this is probably one of them.

>> No.15690659

anon it’s hard to suffer alone with no end in sight, let the man have his small catharsis

>> No.15690670

instead they could be working in the bauxite mines with no breaks in our great communist paradise.

>> No.15690671
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>> No.15690679
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>> No.15690688

these comics are so terrible lmao

>> No.15690722

Damn thats sad. I'm kind of in a similar situation. Had a nervous breakdown in late 2012 and have never really recovered from it despite medical treatment and everytihing. Its pretty much over for me, wish my life had turned out differently but it is what it is.

>> No.15690739

>being concerned about the suffering of our fellow man means we are rage-filled incels
a lot of us who are in our camp used to be in your camp

>> No.15690767

It's just anons who are so deep into shitposting they lost their humanity.
I wouldn't give them the time of day and the funny part is that they're usually extremely depressed narcissists.

>> No.15690785

cool it with the antisemitism, okay

>> No.15690792

It’s funny how people like you claim to support the working class but only conceive of it as white male blue collar factory workers in Michigan.
Meanwhile the Mexican woman who works as a gardener or janitor can go fuck herself.
If you don’t support all workers than you’re not for them.

>> No.15690817

Not that anon but I'm not sure you responded to the right post.
You two are agreeing with each other. And I agree as well.
I support all working class; but if someone is actively working AGAINST the working class gaining progress, even if they are working class themselves, that is no good.

Essentially you have people making 18 dollars an hour being tricked by people with six+ figure salaries into spitting on people making minimum wage.

>> No.15690848

I dont take a lunch break

>> No.15690849

anon I’m gonna tell you a little secret. Even those of us who are successful are a little broken, or a lot broken. Everybody voids their warranty sooner or later. Whatever happened, you’re still alive. You’re not in jail. You’re not paralyzed.
I have friends who are now dead. I wish they weren’t, but they are. It really is over for them. It’s not over for you. Life does not have a losing path flag like a video game. I don’t know what problems you’re facing and I couldn’t offer useful advice even if I did, all I can say is, you have your regrets. You don’t have to keep making new ones. Your life doesn’t have to be perfect, you just have to live it.
Sorry if I sound corny.

>> No.15690856

that is incredible I would eat that every single day. Healthy as fuck and relatively cheap for having all that prepared for you in a timely manner and fresh

>> No.15690869

im honestly kindof surprised thats only 1400 cal.

>> No.15690905

>doing hard work that keeps you in shape with your comrades working for the greater good of the nation and after you go home to your loving wife and children
>working a soul crushing job with people you hate for a soulless faceless corporation who would pay you next to nothing if they could and after you go home to your empty apartment and get drunk and jerk it to anime porn and try not to think about suicide before passing out and doing it all over again the next day

>> No.15690925

You have never read a book written by someone who lived in the Soviet Union.
Both communism and capitalism are exploitative. Fortunately, there is another option. Eventually, you may come to realize what it is.

>> No.15690944

what fantasy world do you live in

>> No.15690958

you mean I go home to my state given single room apartment and have nothing to do but read government approved books, the pros of communism will never be able to overshadow how you become property of the state, least in my soul crushing dystopia I can shitpost on 4chan and play vidya.
commies are all delusional, instead of a nice commune it will always be the same or worse conditions but now you don't get paid other then the privilege of life, unless of course you catch the ire of a higher up who throws you in a gulag on false charges anyway.

>> No.15690963
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I have it at least twice a week.
It’s insanely cheap for its part of the city; the BK near it charges $9 for a whopper meal, and for cheaper I’m getting a fresh and relatively healthy/balanced meal.

>> No.15690964

We work through lunch and just take a slightly longer break and we get to leave at two. During the summer we start at 6 and we’re out by 1. It’s great

>> No.15690987


>> No.15690999

It's not larping if it's on the internet it's just rping. larping involves going out in a costume.

>> No.15691024
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>> No.15691027

>state assigned unskilled labor paying me in some rations
>stable job in my field of choice with a comfy salary/benefits

Tough one. Also not sure why you’re implying the 1st comes with a state issued wife.
But I can definitely tell you have no concept of “hard work”; I paid for college by doing legit hard/dangerous work (not milfag), and now i get paid well to do a job where nothing is tying to kill me.
Yup, sure feels like soul-crushing evil corporation.

>> No.15691075

>capitalism is when you have a comfy job

>> No.15691083

Where are you getting these anecdotes lmao
>have friends who got 4 year degrees and now owe 60k in student loans
>can't find a job for shit and no one hires them without 'experience'
>minimum wage until they can find a job totally unrelated to their field of study
^this is more realistic.
But we get it. You are a hardass that worked hazardous fields to pull yourself up by the bootstraps!

>> No.15691099

Honestly no
>every surface sticky 24/7
>tv is always either sportball or a 24/7 big bang theory channel of full blast
>smells like someone microwaved diarrhea, someone probably did actually just microwave their diarrhea

when I was a wagie I'd just go out and sit in my car. Rather be "that guy" than feel like I'm squatting in a newly abandoned building that hasn't had its power shut off yet.

>> No.15691124
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>Sit in my car at new job
>After a month my boss calls me into their office over "problematic anti-social behavoir creating a hostile work environment" and that I need to make an effort to make friends with the other staff

>> No.15691134

I have bad news, Anon.
It wasn't really because you sit in your car during breaks.
It's because you're unsettling and creepy as fuck.

>> No.15691354

What happened to that one, anon? Was that as successful as capitalism or even communism?

>> No.15691364

A couple of beers in my truck, hackin darts playing sudoku.

>> No.15691380

Yeah coworkers always bring it up and sometimes they try and give me food. Best to refuse a couple of times and to take it once and they will get off your back for a bit.

>> No.15691403

I work in the field so I eat at whatever restaurant is close. or I go home for lunch if I'm near the house.