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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15677115 No.15677115[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I don't think I'm getting my food today ;_;

>> No.15677137


>> No.15677141

Thats not food

>> No.15677260

Its cool that they're accepting EBT for delivery now but I'll take my NEET ass to aldi if this is the level of service I can respect, still no refund in my account

>> No.15677266

I don't get it. Why are you expecting it to fail?

>> No.15677293

The 10:40 was PM, I should have clarified

>> No.15677303

It probably tells you a time estimate based on how small your order is while not taking into account any other orders in the system. What time did you make the order at? If you order it and expect it to be delivered same day during these times you are retarded. There are probably dozens of people doing online ordering.

>> No.15677310

I made it at 9AM. The earliest time window without paying extra $10 for express that I could get was 6-7PM. It was a $60 order originally and at 8:45PM I got an email saying they couldn't find most of the items leaving only the $25 worth of stuff remaining. Now its the next morning and still nothing, no update on the page still says preparing.

>> No.15677325 [DELETED] 


>> No.15677330
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No options anywhere to cancel or refund -_-

>> No.15677335

Why don’t you phone and complain?

>> No.15677344

Probably will when it opens if I don't pass out from NEETxaustion but it'll probably be some dindu on the other line or worse I'll have to call a the state EBT department and stay on hold for 3 hours and THEN get to talk to a dindu

>> No.15677355

I'd wait til the end of the day. Don't waste your time ordering online if you don't have to. Let the old farts and disabled people do it. As you said, most things end up getting substituted anyways.

>> No.15677364

I have no car and can't talk to people without sedatives tho :/

>> No.15677372

Delivery service support are easy to call to because they deal with old geezers fucking up all day

>> No.15677380

Why are NEETs so disproportionately targeted by society this was a coordinated attack to starve me

>> No.15677386

You could probably get an uber that wouldn't mind driving you there and back as long as you don't take long inside and know what you need to get.
Plenty of self checkout lines nowadays in those stores. You're not talking to people when you need to use a cashier. Even in the case of self-checkout you sometimes have 1 person to make sure nothing is going wrong and nobody is trying to steal.

"have a good day/night"
Isn't having a conversation, they're just basic ways of initiating and disengaging without standing around like robot.

>> No.15677395

just send an email

>> No.15677413

Hell no man. Ubers are torture and expensive. Drivers always get mad when you don't talk. And I can't imagine being inside an actual walmart without having a panic attack

Yeah maybe I'll get a reply by friday if I'm lucky lol

>> No.15677422

you should wear a red baseball cap with a propeller on top along with a red shirt thats 2 sizes too big with the words "BE PATIENT, I'M AUTISTIC" on the front of back.

>> No.15677650
File: 181 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20210301-070309_Email.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


2nd times a charm. How did I do my wage cuck friends?

>> No.15677655
File: 146 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20210301-070444_Email.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your opinion is valued, given that you paid for it of course :^)

>> No.15677672 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15677682
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Tendies are okay, but a bit played out. I prefer to change things up every day on my lunch break... which is the whole day!

>> No.15677684

Don't be rude, idiot.

>> No.15677731

What was it?

>> No.15677739
File: 474 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20210301-073332_Clover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just this pic with no text idk why he deleted if

>> No.15677741

nice blog faggot

>> No.15677745

>autistic people also can't take a joke
would unironically be better off if we just tossed the unproductive autists off mountains

>> No.15677748

I should have posted raw ground beef with half a tomatoe on a bun... for good measure

Still rude

>> No.15677751

Maybe got jannied? That's racist

>> No.15677781

ok pancake

>> No.15677788
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Why am I a pancake...

>> No.15677797
File: 47 KB, 680x650, 1610023216367 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you ever thought about joining a club or a gang? it might be a good thing for you.

>> No.15677804

I am truly failing to follow. Although a club of NEETs who play strictly pre-elemental heroes yu-gi-oh and smash bros would be pretty cool

>> No.15677922

>frozen food
>premade grinders
jesus man you can't even put a sandwich together? If you learn how to cook, your brain would function better

>> No.15678234

I can cook just fine its just nice to treat yourself after all the stuff you go through in a week sometimes

>> No.15678263

>mentally ill retard blogging about how he he’s too lazy to help himself
shit thread

>> No.15678266


>> No.15678271

Why do I ever come to this site now. The world, heck, this country will be better off if you kill yourself. Not even trying to be mean but just stating the obvious fact.

Go to Hell

>> No.15678294
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c u c k

>> No.15678308

Yeah these are the words of a fat fuck

How obese are you fatty?

>> No.15678312

Why is this thread so angry, the guy hasn't done anything

>> No.15678323

185 5"11

NEET persecution is real, they hate the life of the free because it reminds them of their own chains

>> No.15678387

Ubers are I pretty much never talk unless its a chill dude, and I have a 5 star rider rating

>> No.15678548

>not 24 h time

>> No.15678592

>Military welfare whore

>> No.15678597

How did i know this would be the response. The fact 24h time is called "military" time in the us is just comical.

>> No.15678810

go to the store, fatso

>> No.15678841
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>just walk 20 miles round trip with groceries bro
Yeahhhh you don't seem to grasp the point of this whole NEETlife thing I got goin. Protip: work = no

>> No.15678924


>> No.15678947
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I relegate that task to your kind, my cuck friend. Lets see if wagie Eren can manage not fuck this up

>> No.15678986

do you live off of like frozen food and chips? how do you pick your produce out?

>> No.15678990

Do people really think this is an issue?
I've been ordering exclusively delivery for years and literally never gotten bad produce.

>> No.15679015

how do determine the ripeness

>> No.15679044
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>> No.15679046

Of what? Most things ripen at home happily enough.

>> No.15679084

Fucking trash bitch made me walk around OUTSIDE for 10 minutes and half the shit wasn't even correct in the order you wage FUCKS will feel repentance for the suffering you've caused me mark my words

>> No.15679113

lmao deserved

>> No.15679122

Fucking how this is why you pieces of trash get no tip constantly finding new ways to ruin my life every time I think I've escaped FUCK YOU I WILL FIND WAYS TO TAKE MORE OF YOUR PAYCHECK

>> No.15679134

You ordered delivery directly from walmart and you got plastic bags left in an unrelated location? That's pretty funny.

Delivery here is a refrigerated van direct to your door.

>> No.15679143

Sounds like it must be for something like amazon fresh rather than same day local delivery

>> No.15679153

Did you steal somebody else's order lmao

>> No.15679167

Naw but if I didn't haul ass someone else would have stole mine. Imagine finding perfect condition bags of chips and unmelted ice cream and sandwiches as you walk to your building

I guess I should be grateful for the cardio

>> No.15679181

It's next day local delivery from a regular supermarket chain

>> No.15679215

Maybe next time you could shop for it yourself instead of being a fat blob

>> No.15679350

>mostly junkfood
ahh go fuck yourself my man

>> No.15679536

This is why you wage

>> No.15679547

what? your grocery list is junkfood lardass neet

>> No.15679558


>> No.15679754
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>can't talk to people without sedatives

>> No.15679763

It sucks man I hardly remember my days and the rare times I do see other humans they think I'm drunk. But the alternative is schizoid psychosis that keeps me from sleeping for 3 days at a time

>> No.15679787

>I can cook just fine its just nice to treat yourself after all the stuff you go through in a week sometimes
you're an unemployed neet on food stamps.

>> No.15679818

That doesn't mean my lifestyle isn't strenuous or productive enough to warrant a treat. I don't need a boss to tell me when I'm worthy of such things

>> No.15680294

wtf are you going to do? you can’t even leave your house to get your chips candy and ice cream.

>> No.15680301

Have you tried just manning the fuck up and dealing with life? Christ man you sound pathetic. Pick yourself up by your bootstraps and make something of your life

>> No.15680319

Your life sucks dude, you live and eat like a 5 year old and you can't even go outside your house without having an autism freakout. What am I supposed to envy about that?

>> No.15681000

why the fuck do you have 45 tabs open you absolute lunatic?

>> No.15681029

Wow pretty judgemental for a bunch of burger flippers and burger gorgers don't act like our lifestyle is so different half of you couldn't make it a week in society without clutching a bottle of vodka every night

>> No.15681040

Get raped, neet scum

>> No.15681056
File: 6 KB, 250x203, 1572269280681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I rape your paycheck every week lmao don't forget who you REALLY work for scumbag

>> No.15681060

>45 tabs open on mobile
How the fuck?

>> No.15681071

I have a lot of shit to do and projects I'm working on and only like plugging in the laptop for really important things OK

>> No.15681135

>I have a lot of shit to do and projects I'm working on
Big doubt

>> No.15681150
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>> No.15681159

NEETbux are just how I fund my lifestyle as an artist I'll have you know but entertain me wagie tell me what you think are in my (currently 48) tabs.

Precisely, good to see an actual fellow thinker here among the cattle, hope you are well brother

>> No.15681190

How are those meatballs? I try to scratch cook every meal but I work too fucking much for that

>> No.15681196

Don’t be cruel. Lots of people have issues that are really no fault of their own.

>> No.15681200

Id rather all my taxes go to support one NEET than one cent go to a dindu.

>> No.15681230

They're decent out of the airfryer, probably better brands out there than basic walmart shit tho