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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15673472 No.15673472[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Cooking is just salt, butter, & eggs
I could've saved hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years if I learned sooner.

>> No.15673488

>all dishes contain eggs

>> No.15673492

Don't forget wine or alcohol in general, really makes everything taste better

>> No.15673494

you forgot sugar and alcohol

>> No.15673500

>hundreds of thousands of dollars

>> No.15673518

I don’t like you. Delete this thread.

>> No.15673536

>Cooking is just salt, butter
Accurate so far.

>& eggs
What? Where the fuck did that come from?

>> No.15673666
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Why are we pretending eggs are a weird answer here?

>> No.15673672

Based satan, but I don't think onions sauce is THAT common.

>> No.15674142

>no mention of onions/garlic
you have much more to learn clearly

>> No.15674215

Onions do not digest well at all for me since I have ulcerative colitis. Even small amounts of union get lodged in the most painful and slow to resolve way until finally a torrent of irritation induced diarrhea forces those stuck pieces of onion out.
Actually onion doesn't really digest well for anyone but people with less ulcerated intestines don't notice since they have plenty of other well formed shit to pass it out with.

>> No.15674867

shit that sounds horrible what the fuck. So you can't consume onions ever? No matter how they're done?

>> No.15674877

>you don't hate vegetables, they're good if you cook them right (dousing them in salt, oil, and cheese)

>> No.15674908

It wouldn't kill me to eat onions, but it would be really unpleasant and would waste a lot of my time going back and forth to the bathroom until it finally works its way out.
I tried a few times thinking something different would happen with onion rings or onions on a burger but the same bowel murder is the result. Which makes sense since onion is basically not even digestible to human GI tracts. And I definitely don't need more fiber in my diet since my intestines already err on the side of overactivity.

>> No.15674934

what about in curries where the onion is essentially ground up into millions of tiny pieces?

>> No.15674949

just like last thread you made, you forgot
>sugar and acid (vinegar and alcohol)

>> No.15675007

Cooking is technique and all the salt, butter, and eggs in the world won’t save you if you don’t know what you’re doing with your pan.

>> No.15675940

As someone that was born with the gene that makes cilantro taste like absolute shit you have my empathy. It's fucking bullshit that evolution gave us this dumbfuck flaw.

>> No.15676550

Have you tried a fried egg with a bit of salt on it, that's what's best in life. My cholesterol is terrible.

>> No.15676564

Replace eggs with Charlottes and you'd be correct.

>> No.15677113

alcohol is medicine, not food

>> No.15677317

Idk about him but I have an onion and garlic intolerance and I can only handle garlic oil. The water soluble stuff hurts me, but I can use the oil soluble part. Not entirely sure why.

>> No.15677321

Also onion oil if that wasn't clear. If anyone else has this, know that you can make miropoix with onion oil and the green part of leeks as an onion substitute. Turns out tasty and unique.

>> No.15677322


fuck off frogposter