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15669777 No.15669777[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Nonbinary Pals
what did he mean by this?

>> No.15669783

I believe that translates to
>I'm a retard

>> No.15669792

>I like to say meaningless things to prove how virtuous I am
>look at meeeee I’m virtuous and you are virtuous toooo
>yay, we’re virtuous together and nothing we can do is evil
>we literally are fighting the evil
>we cannot be evil by definition because we are anti-evil
>even though we oppress people it’s GOOD oppression
>not like BAD oppression, which is totally evil

>> No.15669805


>> No.15669809

I think it's offensive that he puts so many of us differently gendered people under one term while having specific terms for women and men. Feels a bit discriminatory and inconsiderate, doesn't it?

>> No.15669810

if those enbies were really on our side then they'd come out all at once, in perfect unity, with public statements made from influencers, etc, speaking about how all their efforts were just purposed to point out the bending backbone of society and the absurdity of lawmakers and media puppets of the jewish theatre. i'd cream my pants.

>> No.15669817

Shitty bait.

>> No.15669855


>> No.15669893


Excellent bait. 10/10

>> No.15669955

Mid tier bait. 5/10

>> No.15670287


>> No.15670445


not bait.

>> No.15670467

you're completely right, he simply should've said fellow intelligent life forms, it doesn't sound as woke either

>> No.15670469

it means hello to by male viewers, by female viewers, and my mentally disabled viewers who i still respect because they give me views

>> No.15670526

can't believe trips were wasted on /pol/ tier bait, saged

>> No.15671370

yeah but then people might think you're anti woke which is really bad if you live in california

>> No.15671429

Unironically it means he's a science denier.

>> No.15671743

This. He could just as easily say "hey everyone" but chooses not to. Shit like this contributes to the retarded sentiment that if you (or whatever minority group you belong to) aren't mentioned specifically, you're being excluded. And if he ever doesn't use this fag greeting, he'll get accused of exclusion and being a bigot. What a precedent you have set

>> No.15671757

>non-binary pals
so what? all non binary people are pals? what about the nom binary people that arent or dont want to be pals?

>> No.15671877

shut ya maaaaaaf

>> No.15671912

ITT: manbabies triggered by inclusion

>> No.15672124

Stay mad faggot

>> No.15672132

What the hell does non binary even mean?

>> No.15672251

It means that he likes to sound inclusive so it doesn't affect his income. Hell, I don't give a fuck about "trans people" but if I was famous and made lots of money, you can bet I'll pretend to care.

>> No.15672257

He's a fucking sperg. His videos are almost unwatchable due to whatever mental diffecency this guy has.

>> No.15672261

>Being this triggered over words

>> No.15673786

internet person said thing me no like! >:(

>> No.15673802

>intelligent life forms
>buying into the 700 genders meme
Pick one.