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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 99 KB, 1200x1800, Instant-Pot-Chicken-Breasts-foodiecrush.com-013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15664942 No.15664942 [Reply] [Original]

chicken breast is the worst meat in the world and the worst part of the chicken
>very easy to fuck up and turn gross and dry
>even at its absolute best has hardly any flavour
theres literally no reason to eat this unless youre cutting up a whole chicken and dont want to waste food or feed it to a pet or youre a bodybuilder and only care about protein

when i order a chicken sandwich and its chicken breast instead of thigh it can ruin my day

>> No.15664961


>chicken breast is the worst meat in the world
This is the worst thread in the world

>> No.15664966

and yet youve bumped it for me

>> No.15664969

It's pretty good in soup I guess.

>> No.15664972

I recommend brining friend. Unbrined chicken breast I agree is gross. Get a thermometer and stab it and take it out when it reads 165.

>> No.15665002

100% accurate. Chicken breast is awful.

>> No.15665023

Chicken and pork in general is awful. I only eat lamb, beef, and salmon these days

>> No.15665024

Chicken breast is pretty popular because of how well it goes with so many different seasonings and rubs, coupled wit being dirt cheap. When I was an unemployed poorfag I would make a lot of chicken breasts simply because it was cheap and easy to make, but I could season it and pair with rice to be good.

>> No.15665222

I have chicken boob all the time. Hard to taste bad with some butter in the frying pan.

>> No.15665235

Nah, you just can’t cook.

>> No.15665337

chicken is a weak bird anyway

>> No.15665615

Chicken breast is without a doubt the most useless and insipid vegetable ever to have graced the earth with its worthlessness. Who on earth would ever willingly eat such a barren, tasteless, swelling pile of condensed string? In fact, if you were to raise a child on nothing but the disgusting protein powder eaten by weightlifters, then ask them to describe how they imagine meat to taste, they would probably describe chicken breast. It's a tragedy that every time I buy a chicken I have to buy two of those worthless lumps of stringified dust which people call "food" along with it. Honestly, I'm surprised my body even bothers to digest them at all. I would not be at all shocked to find two fully intact chicken breasts being squeezed out of my anus upon vising the toilet after my next Christmas dinner.

>> No.15665660
File: 62 KB, 600x363, slicing-seared-duck-breast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think from a home raised bird raised on pasture and forage chicken breast can definitely be more flavorful than the boneless skinless atrocities you get in the supermarket.

But if you really want poultry breast, you need duck

>> No.15665672

I read an article about this the other day. Some boomer figured out that there's a farm still raising chickens the old fashioned way or something. So she buys one for her mom and her mom says it tastes as good as she remembers in her childhood. I think the chicken we have access to these days is just flavorless. Most beef too.

>> No.15665687


>> No.15665693

you are just a bad cook

pulled sandwiches if you over cooked it

don't overcook it

good marinade

>> No.15665716

you just have infantile taste
chicken breast, even when cooked perfectly, is very bland in comparison to other meats

>> No.15665728

I just want to waste peoples time on the internet

because I think my stupid opinions are important

the thread.

should have heeded this warning

>> No.15665748

Really interesting read.

>> No.15665820

A lot of people say guinea fowl tastes the way chicken used to taste. I tried a guinea fowl the other day, just roasted the way I'd normally do a chicken, and the result was indeed quite tasty.
The skin wasn't quite as nice though, and there was a lot more "gunk" that needed cleaning and trimming near the joints and close to the carcass, presumably a consequence of being fed a less clean diet than ordinary mass-produced chickens.

>> No.15665862
File: 182 KB, 560x292, FDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I haven't done this with chickens yet (I plan to this year) but after eating some of my pasture raised ducks I can tell you with full confidence that supermarket poultry tastes like cardboard.
The muscles they never use are pumped full of as many empty calories as possible. Its disgusting. Large scale poultry is a mistake.

Beef is a bit better. Most if not all cows start on pasture and get to roam a bit during their lives. Industrial poultry and fish is the worst. With pork as a close second. This is why Im raising my own livestock. It is night and day, I dont give a fuck what any shill tries to tell me.