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15664261 No.15664261[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>americans have to be 21 before they can buy alcohol

>> No.15664266

most of them just get fake IDs or have friends to buy them alcohol

>> No.15664273

> be me, 12
> buy beer at a bar for the first time
Long live europe

>> No.15664274


>> No.15664275

I just don't get it though. why 21? why not 18?

>> No.15664285
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>anime poster is a foreign faggot
Saged and hidden, no re.

>> No.15664287

Some statistics showed that traffic fatalities with drunk drivers in like a narrow age range from 16-20 were noticeably high, and went down when it was outlawed or something idk.

>> No.15664292

Point is us Americans actually need to make laws with facts to back them up, because we don't have a country the size and population of a bottom 10th percentile US state with the infrastructure of a 3rd world country.

The only other North American country with lax drinking laws is Mexico, and I doubt that's doing them any favors.

>> No.15664301


>> No.15664325

your states are tiny though lmao
get fucked

>> No.15664511
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>he complains about anime on a north korean anime discussion board
do americans really?

>> No.15664617

In the '80s the federal government threatened to withhold highway funding from the states unless they raised the drinking age to 21. Too many teens dying in drunk driving accidents or something.

>> No.15664622

fuck of /v/trash / /co/tranny

>> No.15664656

Who the fuck enjoys alcohol?

>> No.15664697

I do. it gives me a buzz I can't get from any other drug.

>> No.15665402

>are obsessed with Americans

>> No.15665430

Thank god, it saved me three extra years of alcoholism. I'm sure I'd be dead by now.

>> No.15665442
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>Encouraging more people to drink the worlds most damaging drug.

There are plenty of drinks that are nice without having to resort to alcohol.

>> No.15665443

Legal age should be 25.

>> No.15665444

many people, when they arent drinking handles of vodka like youve had your whole life

>> No.15665468

>your states are tiny though lmao

The UK is smaller than 11 individual US states.

France is smaller than 2 individual US states (Texas and Alaska)

The ENTIRETY of Europe is only ~100,000 square miles larger than the US.

To call US states small is moronic, a few of the eastern states are small, but that's about it.

>> No.15665472

Alcohol is cringe

>> No.15665583
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been sober for a full year

>> No.15665602

How did you do it?

>> No.15665604

Pretty easy if you don't buy any alcohol.

>> No.15665821

>Be american
>20 dollars for a bottle of wine
lmfao muttmerica

>> No.15665931

Are you retarded?

I can buy bottles for $8-12 easily.

>> No.15666101

Proud of you buddy, keep it up

>> No.15666211

Straya cunt
We're the size of you but only divided into 6 parts, not 50, you densely populated fuck

>> No.15666244

People who aren't children

>> No.15666245

>We're the size of you
You're not

Australia is 2.9M square miles

USA is 3.7M square miles

Almost 1M square miles larger.

>> No.15666253

>voting age is 18 in many countries
This is the real problem here.

>> No.15666263
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Aw look it's retarded

>> No.15666269

I’d like to blame the Jews for this one, but I can’t find any evidence to back that up.

>> No.15666315

people in america don't even think about america this much
go outside

>> No.15666344

Grape juice isn't wine, bro. LMFAO

>> No.15666379
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The age of drinking, driving and voting should be raised to 25
Change my mind

>> No.15666391
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Are you stupid?

30 products per page and there are 50+ pages of wines before I even get to the $12 price point.

Your $20/bottle assertion is pure fantasy.

>> No.15666393

6 is more dense than 50...

>> No.15666400

>Change my mind
It should be 27.

>> No.15666407
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How do you deal with the boredom, crippling loneliness and the roaring emptiness inside of you without it?

>> No.15666414

I smoke weed in the evenings. Much cheaper and far less detrimental to my life.

>> No.15666472
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Are you encouraging me to buy and use drugs mr anon?

>> No.15666494

It's legal here, just like alcohol.

>> No.15666500
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>Being a statist cuck
I didn't ask if it was legal

>> No.15666697

concerned mothers

>> No.15666800

90% of your land area is uninhabited wasteland

>> No.15667050


>> No.15667211

I went to school with a guy who was the max age the state allowed before they could kick him out. Dude already had a job and family

>> No.15667464

Why 18? Why not 15?

>> No.15667482

Straya's entire population lives in like 4 cities on the coast, your whole shitty island is a desolate uninhabitable wasteland

>> No.15667573

I wonder why they keep telling people they're "full."

>> No.15667630

In one nearby town, the high school kids loved my younger brother because he'd buy beer for them.

So one day he's in town and a number of them give him money to buy them some beer.

He walked into the store and bought however much beer that was, came out, and started passing out the beer.

The old woman in the store came out and starting griping at him, "Did you buy beer for them minors? Don't you know that it's illegal to buy beer for minors?"

He responded with, "Hell, lady. I'm a minor, too, and you sold it to me."

She shut up and went back inside.

>> No.15667635
File: 9 KB, 200x203, images(27).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm a recovering alcoholic and I'm not even legally able to drink yet

>> No.15667715


>> No.15667726

The vast majority of humanity, for thousands of years

>> No.15667736


>> No.15667735
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>> No.15667741

>I want more manchildren that lives at their parent's house
Your lifestyle shouldn't be the norm

>> No.15667757

> your lifestyle

Something like 50% of young adults live at home currently, it's not by choice, it's because we got thrust into a shit economy unprepared and wages have stagnated heavily over the past 30 years.

If you're lucky enough to be able to afford to liv by yourself, enjoy it and count your blessings because if you're between 20 and 30, statistically most of your peers are living at home.

>> No.15667784

I do. Im drinking right now and not wearing pants.

>> No.15667788

ur a faget. I got a bottle a wine for less than $5 sure the quality isnt there but it got me drunk

>> No.15667789

>I do. Im drinking right now and not wearing pants.

Are you drinking because you have no pants or are you not wearing pants because you are drinking?

Not that I actually care.

>> No.15667800

A little of column A and a little of column B
>im just a alcoholic dont mind me

>> No.15667845


It would be interesting to have everyone in a bar not wearing pants to see if others coming in to drink look around and take their pants off, too.

>> No.15667860

people only drink alcohol to look "cool", no one actually likes it

>> No.15667867
File: 65 KB, 499x389, 1613335027358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people only drink alcohol to look "cool", no one actually likes it
I like the effects

>> No.15667890

>people only drink alcohol to look "cool", no one actually likes it

That's it. Spending the night passed out on some woman's living room floor after having far too much whiskey to drink at a motorcycle club party was cool.

She sure wasn't cool about it, though.

>> No.15667934


Aussie's get hung up about the weirdest shit;

its odd, but I still like you guys

>> No.15667944

I thought shrimps and prawns were actually different things, or that one is a specific subset of the other.

>> No.15667953

Because those penal colony jesters, despite their jocularity and drunkiness, know that uninhibited immigration is bad and gatekeeping is good.
Strayan fags are ok in my book.

>> No.15667963

Reminds me of when I was a kid and cigs were still on the counter. I'd snag a bunch and sell them while my older friend ran interference at the register.
Some old black guy said "are you a bit young to be stealing", and I responded by yelling "ARENT YOU A BIT OLD TO BE GROOMING YOUNG WHITE CHILDREN!" and he fucked off.
Kinda feel bad in retrospect. He wasn't a nigger, he was the opposite.

>> No.15667970

A friend in college used to describe it like this: he and his friends in high school would go into a local mom and pop bodega and grab up a ton of beer. They'd put it on the counter and get out cash. The guy would say, "Do you have I.D.?" and they'd say, "No, but this is three hundred dollars worth of booze." And then he'd let them buy it because it was the biggest sale he'd had all day.

>> No.15667972

Blame the dumb asses in the 1970s who kept getting killed in drunk driving accidents after graduating high school.

>> No.15667985

>uninhibited immigration is bad
That doesn't mean they're full, it just means they want to be more careful with how they're filled.

>> No.15668017



>> No.15668029

The craziest part is that people will insist that we're totes not religious, much less ruled by religion, when blue laws in Texas dictate what I can or cannot do on a certain day of the week. I also can't just buy liquor at grocery stores like I do when I visit family. It was easier for me to get weed, LSD and coke before I was 21 than it was to get alcohol. Thankfully a few months before I turned 21 my county was no longer dry. Previously I had to drive 21+ friends to the liquor store on the county border which had crazy high prices. ~45 minutes each way because Texas is huge.

>> No.15668654

I wish Americans had an age restriction of 25 or more to vote.

>> No.15668694

25 and employed.

>> No.15668718

Australia is literally larger than the contiguous 48

>> No.15668723

we have territories AND states as well as 2/3rds of Antarctica.
Stay mad :^)

>> No.15668742


Alaska + Hawaii is 674,199 square miles.

The US is 826,835 square miles larger than Australia.

So even if you're just talking the lower 48, the US is 152,636 square miles larger than Australia.

>> No.15668783

It's 21 in all states and not varied because the faggot federal government withholds money for roads if they don't have the age at 21.

>> No.15668798
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Why are they so obsessed?

>> No.15668813

STFU big soda