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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15662390 No.15662390 [Reply] [Original]

So why have chuds come up with the anti hot sauce meme?

My guess is they can't handle the scovilles so they attack the real men who can out of jealousy

>> No.15662402


>> No.15662406

What are you even on about?

>> No.15662409

LMAO I'm a soy boy redditor for liking hot sauce? Look in the mirror, faggot. I bet you posted that soy meme because you can't handle the heat. You're jealous of me and the fact that I can handle hotter foods than you. Does that make me more of a man and you less of one? Of course it doesn't, but in your eyes it does. That's why you posted that meme, because of your inferiority complex. In your own warped view of reality, if somebody is better at you than something it must be because they're soy boy losers and you're the cool guy who is above trying to be good. In reality you're just pathetic and no meme you post will change that. Get a fucking grip, man.

>> No.15662413

>meme sauces
Poggers my duderino! Chuds couldnt tolerate real heat like sriracha! I love it on my avocado toast.

>> No.15662415

too obvious

>> No.15662416

Tell me your scoville rating, doubt you've even come close to me. Now go back to pol. Trump lost btw.

>> No.15662432

the numale/soyboy meme was forced, and they specifically took the most popular memes on each board and spammed soyboy memes onto them and beat it into the ground
it's amazing that people are stupid enough to follow this and not see it clearly

>> No.15662465

>nintendo switch
>hot sauce
>liberal politics

it's so tiring

>> No.15662471

nice try libtard, go back

>> No.15662498

I would like sriracha if it wasn't so damn sweet.

>> No.15662502

Most hot sauces taste like shit.

Chilli oil and fresh chilli's are superior in every way.

>> No.15662507

Ok chud

>> No.15662523

Chuds who can't handle their scovilles are the only one who say this

>> No.15662527


>> No.15662556
File: 30 KB, 371x741, 51wjptykdRL._SY741_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the few commercial sauces that I approve of. I put it in almost everything.
The one I make tastes better but I'm too lazy to make it.
t. mexican

>> No.15662557

>hot sauce hipsters
genuinely worse than muslims

>> No.15662559
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Step aside, gringo.

>> No.15662602

There are other brands, they don't all taste the same. I like Louisiana style mainly, but every now and then I'll take a craving for a fruity one like encona or habanero tobasco. I hate being a bong sometimes, our hot sauce availability is extremely lacking.

>> No.15662661

That chilli garlic paste that the rooster sauce people came out with is actually bloody handy

>> No.15662717
File: 183 KB, 600x600, Mel_Hot_PicHR_700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people just want another layer of flavor besides burn your face heat; the saddest mofo I ever met was an Indian in a bathroom who I chatted with and he said he didn't like spicy foods.

>> No.15662729
File: 18 KB, 500x500, 41Uw2FokGhL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not the best hot sauce but as far as easily available hot sauce you can't go wrong with tapatio

>> No.15662789

>64oz cholula just came in today

>> No.15662870
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>> No.15662878

imagine hating on 'vark

>> No.15662880

Nigger, what the fuck is a chud.

>> No.15662886

It's trash compared to even yellow bird.

>> No.15662900

Cholula doesn't taste particularly good. I even forgot what it tasted like.

>> No.15662904
File: 589 KB, 800x800, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15662946

It's just a better tapatio

>> No.15662956

Someone who usually browses pol, is racist and blames Jewish people for their short comings

>> No.15662968

it refers to far right people, coined by chapotraphouse.

indicates the speaker is a committed leftist, and by committed i mean they listen to a lot of podcasts

>> No.15662973

Hitler lost
Trump lost

>> No.15663010

>indicates the speaker is a committed leftist, and by committed i mean they listen to a lot of podcasts

Rush Limbaugh was podcasting since the 80's . Gaslight Obstruct Project

>> No.15663014

i know, im just saying everyone who listened to chapotraphouse is a stupid liberal except for me

>> No.15663050
File: 244 KB, 1000x996, 1594456056448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least it's not as soy as rare steak.

>> No.15663068

Trump. Lost.

>> No.15663069

Good. Once Biden takes his dementia meds he'll remember he hates nonwhites and you'll be BTFO. Just like him bombing Syria right now.

>> No.15663072


>> No.15663079

Nice cope

>> No.15663088
File: 80 KB, 750x882, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you under the impression any pro white people cared about Trump in 2020? Not sure why you keep posting about Trump when he's irrelevant.

>> No.15663089

Try the sambal and the chilli garlic sauces they make.
Still a little sweet but nowhere near as sweet.
I think they ferment them longer to they are more sour and funky

>> No.15663092

He is relevant t because his loss shows how white 'people' are becoming less relevant as time goes on

>> No.15663096


>> No.15663097

Yet white supremacy is in the news every cycle :)

>> No.15663101

Because its funny to laugh at the chuds

>> No.15663269
File: 379 KB, 1198x1500, 1607910168207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tell me your scoville rating, doubt you've even come close to me. Now go back to pol. Trump lost btw.

>> No.15663301

>haha its so funny let me just cry on tv and talk about how scared we are of fascism haha this is how I express amusement haha

>> No.15663921
File: 35 KB, 1200x706, 1587797392007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this canada tier shitposting. you will not escape the rake.

>> No.15664766

LMAO I'm a soy boy redditor for liking tendies? Look in the mirror, faggot. I bet you posted that soy meme because you can't handle the simplicity. You're jealous of me and the fact that I can handle crispier tendies than you. Does that make me more of a man and you less of one? Of course it doesn't, but in your eyes it does. That's why you posted that meme, because of your inferiority complex. In your own warped view of reality, if somebody is better at you than something it must be because they're soy boy losers and you're the cool guy who is above trying to be good. In reality you're just pathetic and no meme you post will change that. Get a fucking grip, man.

>> No.15664780

Anything outside of harissa is plain faggotry

>> No.15664958

>chungus duderino heckin yikes moggs poggchamp swag fag cum dump unga bunga fugg nigga poppin caps ooga booga holy bazinga
kill yourself you fucking subhuman tranny faggot

>> No.15665273
