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15659452 No.15659452 [Reply] [Original]

how long does bacon last in the fridge? i was told it last much longer than regular meat in the fridge

well i opened a pack of "natural" bacon that i assume is not full of preservatives. then i went on vacation for 10 days. bacon was in ziplock bag

then i came home and ate it and immediatly felt queasy and shit. the bacon still smelled good. i think i may test it one more time cuase theres still another 1.5lb of bacon.

any other bad bacon tests?
i also put month old goat cheese crumbles on my 'tonys' cheese pizza with the bacon

>> No.15659595
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>buys food without preservative
>it doesn't stay preserved

>> No.15660214

The expiration date fucking retard

>> No.15660251

Sounds like your bacon is riddled with staphylococcus aureus.

>> No.15660261

Salt and cold are the two of the most potent food preservatives in the world. If your bacon smelled fine is was fine. You probably picked something up on your vacation and are just now showing symptoms. Where did you go and did you drink the water?

>> No.15660266

You opened the fucking bag.
Whenever I open a bag of bacon I cook it all at once.

>> No.15660268

3-4 weeks
you can keep it at room temp for a week and be fine

>> No.15660277

It's not bacon if it's not preserved retard.

>> No.15660285

>Sounds like your bacon is riddled with staphylococcus aureus.
is it safe to eat the bacon if i am on antibiotics right now?

>> No.15660286

>Salt and cold are the two of the most potent food preservatives in the world.

Any meat that has become rotten can harbor staphylococcus aureus, a very common bacteria.

>If your bacon smelled fine is was fine.

Staphylococcus aureus may not be detected by appearance or smell

>You probably picked something up on your vacation and are just now showing symptoms.

Effects of staphylococcus aureus food poisoning can appear 30 minutes to 8 hours after consumption. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps.


>> No.15660289

you will probably be fine

>> No.15660296

>You probably picked something up on your vacation and are just now showing symptoms. Where did you go and did you drink the water?
i went to slab city, i did not drink the water there, though i did pick up
slab flu (thought it was CV)
staph on my leg
bit by dog on other leg
radiated by some giant army bullets i found on the floor
inhaled multiple car fires
*almost* got beat up by a samoan.
but all that occurred on the first day.

>> No.15660309

>staph on my leg
uh what

did you get staph from your leg on your filthy hands while you were eating bacon

>> No.15660359

>i went to slab city
how was it besides the first day events

>> No.15660362

Except the bacon wasn't rotten because it refrigerated and smelled fine. Go back to rddit.

>> No.15660382

if it's salted, possibly a week once package is opened. two weeks is probably too long.

>> No.15660624

>did you get staph from your leg on your filthy hands while you were eating bacon
i scraped some skin off on concrete
i didnt wash it
days later i started developing abcess around the wound.
i went to urgent care and got antibiotics
then i went home and ate a frozen pizza with goat cheese and bacon i had left in the fridge for my roommates to eat
i diahreeha about 1-2hours later.

>how was it besides the first day events
calmed down after that, though plenty more silly stuff happened.
a bunch of young, able bodied men grouped togethe to kick a methhead out of town for beating his woman and abusing her kids. they just started ripping apart his dwelling and all his belongings until he left.that was on day one also.

>> No.15662186

>they just started ripping apart his dwelling and all his belongings until he left.that was on day one also
did you post the video on the youtubes?
sounds like a blast

>> No.15663035

We cannot know if your bacon gave you food poisoning. If it didn't smell bad, it's just a guess. Bacon lasts a couple months in the refrigerator. "Uncured" bacon is a misnomer. It is cured with celery salt, often containing more nitrates than traditional bacon cure, but it is used as marketing wank. Bacon freezes really well, though. You shoud throw it in the freezer if you're gone for a week or longer.