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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15658288 No.15658288 [Reply] [Original]

Hello ladies and gentlemen. I hope the day finds you well. I'm hoping you will find it in you to help me. I've done some googling and I'm getting quite a lot of conflicting results and getting quite confused.
I have 2g of weed, I've been assured it's "good smoke" compared to the usual trash we get in Ireland.
I'd really like to make some cookies or something with it.
I know about having to oven it first, where I'm getting stuck is how much butter to use, and then finding a recipe that will make a few decent dosed cookies rather than 60 really weak ones.
I'm assuming there's at least 200mg thc in 2g, so 20 cookies @10mg each sounds good? Or maybe 10 cookies @20mg would be better.

Anyone with a spare 10 minutes want to help me out here please? I'm Irish so preferably use grams rather than sticks and cups if you don't mind.

>> No.15658294

I also don't want to make firecrackers, thank you.

>> No.15658295


>> No.15658298

Use 200g butter

>> No.15658306
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You're gunna need more herb

>> No.15658312

>gets good smoke for once
>wastes it on cannabutter instead of, you know, actually smoking it
Not going to make it.

>> No.15658371

Oh really? I thought good weed would make good edibles for a longer mellower high
How come? Won't it make 1 or 2 good edibles at least? Not looking for an annual supply.

>> No.15658389
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1 stick (about 113 grams) of butter for your 2g is fine, it’s not an exact science

Make your cookies and if they’re too weak just eat another one. Personally I wouldn’t go over 10mg a serving but that depends on your tolerance and preference I guess

>> No.15658392
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>> No.15658393

Thanks. Do i just find a cookie recipe that uses 100g butter?

>> No.15658396


>> No.15658474

just smoke a fat bowl nigger

>> No.15658486
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You're correct. Better weed = better edibles.

I've been smoking weed for ~15 years and cooking professionally for ~10. I would also recommend just smoking it.

Even though you've done your homework, and you know you have to decarboxolate it, etc. the odds of you turning out an edible that will get you high instead of justing wasting all of your weed and making AWFUL tasting cookies are incredibly slim.

I highly recommend and love edibles. But there is a reason good ones are like unicorns. There are a LOT of nuances to activating the weed and not ruining the dish. I CONSISTENTLY chose to just not make edibles because even for me, the amount of time and effort needed to correctly make it is waaaaaay way longer than it takes to just...smoke a bowl or two. And then you get the smells and combustible canabanoids hanging in the air too.

It is for these reasons, any GOOD anon would really try to push you toward just smoking your 2g. 2g is a paltry amount of weed. Even if you've never smoked before, it won't last you, and you'd certainly need to use ALL of it at once for a very small number of cookies.

Its not worth watching your weed turn brown in the oven imo. Its not rewarding if you don't get it just right, and you've wasted all of your weed on doing literal work and research if you go that rout.

If you just smoke the shit, you are CERTAIN to have a good time, with little effort, quickly.


>inb4 t. casual chef with "oh carbing isn't hard anon he could do it first time you are just being autistic desu"

>> No.15658521

>you have to decarboxolate
I'm intrigued - I've made decent edibles without even knowing about people fiddling with their buds in the oven, and I know I'm not the only one. What does that actually do and what are the benefits?

>> No.15658601

The Irish should have been kept slaves

>> No.15658680

Not who you responded to but it’s basically heating the weed to a certain point so that you can get high by just ingesting it. It’s not necessary for every recipe and is risky since you could accidentally “vape” the weed and destroy a lot of the thc.

I think the best method is to just make weed butter or oil. It’s not difficult to do, and then you can use it in various recipe’s and not have to worry about all those other steps.

Overall i don’t like edibles, just fuckin vape/smoke your weed. Then eat good food after.

>> No.15658684

Firecrackers are shit.
And this unfortunately.

But I never made a great batch so ignore what I say.

>> No.15658687

I would recommend smoking it if you only have 2g. You can get a decent small batch of edibles out of it, but if you overheat it you're risking the whole shit.

>> No.15658717

> “Before making your cannabutter, you’ll need to decarboxylate, or “decarb”, the cannabis flower you’re working with. Skipping this step will result in a weak or inactive finished product. Here’s why: Cannabis buds produce a non-intoxicating acidic cannabinoid called THCA. When we smoke or vaporize cannabis, the heat converts THCA into THC, the molecule that delivers euphoric effects. If preparing CBD edibles, this same process should be applied”
Basically it’s to activate the compound that gets you high since you’re eating it instead of lighting it on fire to smoke it

Here’s a decent step by step guide since it seems like you’re too retarded to google it yourself OP

>> No.15658720

God I can't wait for the day I can just safely order my fix and be done with it.

>> No.15658725
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>> No.15658732

I'd make about 5 decent firecrackers with that.

>> No.15658737

>has no connections *w*

>> No.15658774

As somebody already said you are gonna need more weed, about 10g for low doses to 25g for a nice high, better weed does better edibles yes, but with 2g you are not going to feel shit, you better off smoking those 2g

>> No.15658882


>> No.15658908

>/fag/ ----------------------------------------------->

>> No.15658920

Lol. I was staring at random light sources for hours and experiencing the slowing of time on 4gms of shitty bikie weed divided into 30 cookies. I cant imagine consuming 10 times the dose would do to me. Would like to try though

>> No.15658922

shut up this is about cooking. go smoke a doink you nerd.

>> No.15658927

Your jedi mind tricks won't work with me loser.

>> No.15658968

> Ladies
> /ck/
You are really are high, aren't you?

>> No.15659026


>> No.15659033

yes this is a thread about weed, good job for noticing

>> No.15659070

Quick what’s the largest infusion you’ve ever done?

>> No.15659073
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Hello again ladies and gentlemen. OP here and I took your advice and went to "my man" Tyrone to get more of "the stuff". He made me quite an offer, he said ge would give me the biggest bag of the best weed in Scotland if I pay him 300 quid and let him and his Moorish mates sodomize my wife and mum.
I jumped at the chance and paid him right there. Tyrone tossed me pic related and they got right to work on my dear mums arse while my wife went sucking them off before getting her buggering. My question is how long is it normal for the drug dealers to keep fucking your wife and mother after you get the weed? It's been 3 days and they're still at it.

I've done some googling and I'm getting quite a lot of conflicting results and getting quite confused. I'm Irish so preferably use small words spoken slowly if you don't mind.

>> No.15659079

You are retarded sir.

>> No.15659539

At least he probably isn't Irish.

>> No.15659557

if anything he's proven that he is Irish.

>> No.15659575

i have a medical marijuana card, it's pretty nice
but it was a lot nicer going into the dispensaries in colorado
the weed was a lot better quality

>> No.15659620

I remember being in middle school op

>> No.15659666

The cards are for fools. Oregon has the best most abundant weed in the world hands down. Our $5 an eighth all day everyday weed is probably better in every way than the stuff bongs get when they pay $20 a gram to a shitty drug dealer that uses DDT and shorts everyone. We have better hash than you have ever even seen for under $10 a gram for sale at over a dozen retail locations within a half hour walk. Don't want to walk? You can also have all that delivered straight to your door within the hour guaranteed. It is ridiculous.

>> No.15659716

I threw basically a whole 1/8 right out the window because it didn't taste that good.
There is easily more than 2 grams under cushions of my couch. You could ask a literal hobo here for two grams of weed and they would probably just give it to you without even trying to sell it.

>> No.15659739

your probably better off smoking it. It takes about 7 grams to get a potent stick of butter, and you lose bits of butter and bud in the process. Reggie is good for making butter and oil though if you can get it in bulk.

>> No.15659803

Yes, but you have to live in Oregon.

>> No.15659909
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Damn I guess you're right. Oh well.

>> No.15659924

Is that a picture of the weed?

Sorry to tell you this, but I don't think that's weed.

>> No.15659946

Bullshit. Better weed will make better tasting edibles. You can make extremely potent thc butter from sticks and leaves you just need more of it.

>> No.15659962

these are made with thc distilate concentrate, not buds

>> No.15659973

>Oh really? I thought good weed would make good edibles for a longer mellower high
its gonna be the same high. only difference will be that the infused butter will taste a little more 'weedy' and a little less 'planty' i dont even know if that taste difference will come out in the cookies.

>> No.15659979

the guy is in ireland, not california, you dumfuck
t. sitting next to a weed shelf

>> No.15659982

>Sorry to tell you this, but I don't think that's weed.
the thc crystals look very long, weird and sparce

>> No.15659985

Is nobody going to acknowledge that OP's pic isn't even cannabis?

>> No.15659989

>Bullshit. Better weed will make better tasting edibles.
i infused olive oil with buds once and used it to drizzle on pizza, it tated soooo good. like fucking weed pizza! weed flavour/aroma was a god damn topping on my pizza

i did it a few more times using trim, and it just tasted like shitty weed/plant flavour. it sucked :(

>> No.15660034

I made butter with 3lbs of sugar trim that was pretty funny. It didn't taste like much of anything but I made a cake with it that just put everyone to sleep in like 45min. The pure butter required a scale to properly dose but you could sneak a tiny bit in someones coffee and watch them get very confused and hungry. It never got old really.

>> No.15660185
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>> No.15660260

edibles are pretty bad
the buzz is not as good as when toked or vaped in my opinion
don't waste precious bud for that. if you get some trim maybe try it. but the other anon is right. you don't have enough and you will feel like you wasted your time money and hard to come by kind bud
but you do you

>> No.15661403

Thanks all. I think I'll just smoke it then. Also op pic is just off Google, i image searched 2g weed.