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15657433 No.15657433 [Reply] [Original]

Watchu know about that? Prolly nothing.

>> No.15657452

If vomit has a mother and father, steel reserve is the buttsex they have.
The type of buttsex where the mother fucks the father with plastic

>> No.15657456

Which malt liquor tastes the least bad?

>> No.15657483
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I would never drink that shit in my life ..heres a little story:

5 or so years ago I pulled into a 7-11 convenience store and there was a homeless guy in the lot bother people but he was kind of funny, while in store I got a bottle of this and something else to give to the guy for making me laugh. When I came out he was gone but I still had this shit Steel Reserve. I looked around for a while to give it to someone but no one was out there. I ended up leaving it in my garage in a dark cool area for about 15 months
totally forgetting about it. They weather changes and I start using my garage more and more in the winter with all the doors closed to keep it warm. My dog following me everywhere. One day I notice a white blister on the dogs lip and nose, I start getting itchy skin whenever im in the garage. One day I move a box and there is that bottle of 211 It had grow an White Fungus Tree inside the bottle, which is plastic. That shit was causing me to itch and my dog to get blisters on its face.....Stay clear of that crap! Thats a bio-weapon of some sort

>> No.15657492
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>> No.15657497

I know it’s for people who have given up and have no hope

>> No.15657568

Colt tastes like watered down pabst
Olde english tastes like watered down budweiser
Steel reserve tastes like machine oil

>> No.15657664

King Cobra is the best. Followed by Olde E. I guess Natty Daddy might be in there? If so that's after King Cobra. COLT 45 is good. The absolute worst is genesee

>> No.15657670

requesting video

>> No.15657677

it's what all the bums drink here in California. So you see Steely cans littered all over the place, because we're also #1 in bums. Did you drink one tonight and feel the need to share? Ah that's cutie you little qt.

>> No.15657691
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>bought a camo black extra
>regretted it immediately
i could have bought 2 hurricanes a burger for the same price but i guess i deserve it for trying new things

>> No.15658020


>> No.15658033
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Delicious urine

>> No.15658034
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>> No.15658039

As an European: "what exactly is <<malt liquor>>"?

>> No.15658054

When I was in a suicidal depression I would down a mickeys before class every day

>> No.15658058

they put PCP in the mix

>> No.15658073
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I usee to drink Steelies, but I switched to straight cheap rum to reduce carb intake.

>> No.15658210
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>> No.15658245

It's just regular beer
americans think it turns into a different drink if it has more alcohol than their average piss

>> No.15658376
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Malt liquor is a strong lager or ale in which sugar, corn or other adjuncts are added to the malted barley to boost the total amount of fermentable sugars in the wort. This gives a boost to the final alcohol concentration without creating a heavier or sweeter taste, thus they are not very bitter.

>> No.15658436

So beer with corn syrup? Do americans really put corn syrup in everything?

>> No.15658903
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ever drive a car at 85 miles an hour for 4 hours straight and all you see are corn fields. That was just one state and a tiny portion of it...

>> No.15658912

I know to avoid white trash like you.

>> No.15659306

Snake piss aka king cobra

>> No.15659379

these haven't been glass is 6 years OP

>> No.15659405

Is this pasta?

>> No.15659418

>drive for 4 hours straight
Would probably cross 3 countries Europe is small senpai

>> No.15659502 [DELETED] 

Do niggerfaggotretards really...............?

>> No.15659524
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If you can get it, Cariboo malt. I buy it all the time, and it's dirt cheap. PWB also makes sodas under the Cariboo brand that are decent too.

>> No.15659537

That's Lando Calrissian, right?

>> No.15659544

I looked it up once and apparently it's just strong lager. A bit like Special Brew (if you're British)

>> No.15659613
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Colt 45 tastes the best imo, but steel reserve gets more done with the abv%.

But my alcohol tolerance is so high that a 40 of steel does basically nothing. So I grab Colt45 since it tastes better.

fucking alcohol, I gotta get back on opiates.

>> No.15659870

Do racist retards really get banned? Yes, yes they do.


>> No.15660047

gotta cull the bum population somehow

>> No.15661209

I used to down two 40s of those every other night

Gained a lot of weight that year

>> No.15661214

These are ruining my life.

>> No.15661244


lmaoing that this is on Serious Eats

>> No.15661472
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>> No.15661624
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Private Stock is the best tasting by far. It is the most carbonated and refreshing out of all of them, it doesn't have that weird metallic overly malty taste that most other malts do. Private Stock pretty much tastes just like Rolling Rock.

2nd best is St. Ides.

>> No.15661830

Is he dead?

>> No.15661835


sleep tight steelie

>> No.15661936
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used to drink a ton of colt 45 & olde english until i couldn't find them in glass anymore. all the stores switched to either just straight up cans or the plastic 40oz bottles which if i'm out here drinking malt liquor, i'm not going to fucking go even lower and drink it out of plastic.

>> No.15661942

inside yes, externally no

>> No.15662055

exactly, the plastic is disgusting

>> No.15662101

>the plastic is disgusting
>the contents are still the same and disgusting
/ck/ ladies and gentlemen

>> No.15662116

Imagine how much black cock this coalburner has taken.

>> No.15662135

where can i get malt liquor in canada? lcbo doesnt sell steel reserve

>> No.15662144
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Drinking a case right now. Don't @ me Euroshits

>> No.15662158

spotted the black

>> No.15662189 [DELETED] 

Wtf I’ve never seen a nigger drink Heineken in my life

>> No.15662191 [DELETED] 

Niggers don't drink Heineken. Heineken is for the white man.

>> No.15662216 [DELETED] 

based idiots

>> No.15662222 [DELETED] 

>Heineken is for the white man.
my dad and his friends all drink heineken, they are vietnamese
white boys drink bud and bud light

>> No.15662231 [DELETED] 

Heineken is literally a European beer you fucking idiot.

>> No.15662235 [DELETED] 

They love heinekan in America, blacks love the green bottles. Mexican laborers tend to love budweiser instead of mexican beer.

>> No.15662244

Europeans hate Heineken. They like good beer.

>> No.15662254

Do jannies really...?

>> No.15662260
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Don't @ me Americunts

>> No.15662296


why bother

>> No.15662307

wtf thats half of american piss beer

>> No.15662356
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Truly an anomaly.

>> No.15662400
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Fancy a pint?

>> No.15662421

I would drink that.

>> No.15662445

>tesco lmao

>> No.15662447

Heineken is literally a European beer you fucking idiot.

>> No.15662473

Like English is from yuroland? No one cares poor boy.

>> No.15662486

sleep tight steeler

>> No.15663002

A can of Old E and some raisins?

>> No.15663165
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Most patrician beer coming through

>> No.15663220

just cracked open my second 42 oz of steelie

>> No.15663248

Seconded. I think Mickey's is better than a lot of regular beers too.

>> No.15663250

Mickeys Ice >>> reg Mickeys

>> No.15663284

No, I'm not an African American or a Hispanic migrant worker.

>> No.15663454

based Boo Maltbro, simply the best abv% to price ratio in Canada. Would buy flats of these at a time last summer and go through 2-3 flats a week.

>> No.15663882

He sleeps warm in the embrace of the steelie gods

Sleep tight steeler

>> No.15664196

No seriously what the fuck
You must have to literally dilute it to make beer that weak

>> No.15664210

same face he made in the coffin

>> No.15664217

Id like to have her drink that bottle from the butt. I hear you got drunker having your butt drink it

>> No.15664220

but u save those bottles for home brews..god tier equipment

>> No.15664239

Something tells me this guy won't post again till tomorrow.

>> No.15664245

English beer is weak, weaker than American, German, or Belgian beer. I also think 2% abv gets them in some lower tax bracket, so they can charge retardedly low prices for their shit.

Tbh I wish there were were more weak-ish, but not Non-alcoholic brews in the US to choose from. Best you can do is flavorless soda water like Bud Select 55 or Genny Light.

>> No.15664345

I hate "vice taxes" on principal in most cases because I don't like the government getting involved in trying to modify people's behaviour by making things expensive (because they inevitably end up making everything expensive) but at least they end up making for different alcohol cultures between countries
Like ciders being the cheap booze of choice for British bums rather than malt liquors or spirits

>> No.15664852
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>> No.15664960
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This is my go to beverage at the moment, before any of you amerilards scoff at the mere 5% it is a 2l bottle and thus contains 10 units of alcohol at the low low price of £2.80, scrumptious.

>> No.15665049

For me it's a king cobra

>> No.15665262
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My Dad drinks this all the time because it's cheap. It's poison, literally.

>> No.15665497

Oh taurus, the old Aldi special, what ever you do don't drink the pear one, absolutely foul but is £1.99 for a 4-pack. Yeah I need to get off the cider is no bueno for the gut.

>> No.15666761

Cheapest I've seen the gal is $10.50 for a sixer, does the job and is the least objectionable. Carling and Colt just aren't the same.

>> No.15666989

Yes, English is a European language, you total fucking moron.

>no one cares
You're speaking our language right now lmao. Fucking moron.