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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15652176 No.15652176 [Reply] [Original]

Why won't they give you breakfast at 10:31am?

>> No.15652206

Same reason you can't get second breakfast when they're serving elevenses.

>> No.15652213

this is a pretty immature scene. this guy is an adult he knows the score. dumb screenwriters.

>> No.15652368

same reason you don't want your boss giving you something to do two minutes after it's time for you to go faggot.

>> No.15652371

Chick-fil-A will.

>> No.15652375

fun fact, the restaurant is based on mcdonalds and they started doing all day breakfast after this movie came out to avoid someone chimping out and being a copycat

>> No.15652379 [DELETED] 


>> No.15652392

I'm the opposite I want lunch at 10:29.

>> No.15652394

Still can't fucking believe this kino was made by the same guy who put nipples on the batsuit

>> No.15652420


McDonald's didn't start all day breakfast until a few years ago, this movie is almost 30 years old.

>> No.15654357

joel schumacher has made a ton of good films. it's a shame that capefags only know him for two of his most mediocre films.

>> No.15654439

epic LOTR reference, fellow nerd!

>> No.15654458

I went to Krystal and ordered krystal burgers in the morning. They weren't serving them because it was breakfast time. So I got hangover krystals instead. Hangover krystals are the same as regular ones but with an egg. So why can't they make the regular ones in the morning?

>> No.15654460

fun fact you're a cock mongling faggot

>> No.15654574

Why are incels so obsessed with this flick?

>> No.15654594
File: 8 KB, 260x194, images[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it makes them feel empowered.
however, most of them are more akin to pic related

also its a good movie

>> No.15654614

I start work at 4:00 AM so yeah it does piss me off sometimes when I can't get lunch at 10:00 AM.

>> No.15654628

because he was right about everything.

>> No.15654683

it's very funny, fuck you. seriously. i mean that. fuck your opinion and yourself

>> No.15654689

why wont they sell me a god damm cheeseburger at 9am? fucking everything on the menu at 9am has eggs

>> No.15654850

Real fucked up that places stop serving their breakfast menu past a certain hour considering it's usually the best variety and quality food they have

>> No.15655419
File: 277 KB, 200x222, 1612799671879.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurry to restaurant to make it within breakfast time
>10:20 AM
>ahh, I've made it, barely on time
>"Sorry sir, we're no longer serving breakfast"
>but your sign says you serve breakfast until 10:30 AM
>"We switched early today"
what do you do in this situation?

>> No.15655442


>> No.15655451

In Texas breakfast lasts until 11am to reduce such amounts of pictured violence.

>> No.15655510

" the customer is always right" not our policy lol but "we reserve the right to fefuse service to anyone"

>> No.15655592

why not just ask for the whatever but with no egg

>> No.15655746

i mean half the time they will.
but if you act like an angry child man-baby then no, you'll never get your way.

treat people politely, humbly and with respect and they'll pull all sorts of favours for you.
t.I work in a hotel. if you act like a cunt at reception i'll charge you $2 for a towel.
if you're chill and a bro though I'll give you it for free along with some coffee sachets.

>> No.15655760

turn 360 degrees and walk the hell out of there

>> No.15655798

employees already ate the leftovers

>> No.15655834

>Order double hamburgers
>Cashier claims they don't have hamburgers
>Look at cashier with raised eyebrow
>But we do have double cheeseburgers without cheese
>...yes, let's do that.

>McDonalds sign advertising 1$ McDoubles
>Go in and order 3 double hamburgers, fries
>Belatedly realize I was charged almost $10
>Go back to counter and ask, aren't the double hamburgers supposed to be 1$?
>Oh, that's the McDouble, not the double hamburger.
>What's the difference?
>The McDouble only has one slice of cheese instead of two.
>Raise eyebrow
>Continue to look at them in silence
>Realization hits them after a few more seconds.
>Get back 3$ and change.

>> No.15655879

draw my gun

>> No.15656174

>mention calling corporate
>either they give you what you want, or you'll receive some coupons in a few days

>> No.15656379

the guy had brain problems, anon.
sort of the point of the movie.

>> No.15656563

Macdonalds had all day breakfast long before you started puberty, zoom zoom

>> No.15656587

based eyebrow chad

>> No.15656872

What movie is OPs pic from?

>> No.15656892

Falling Down with Michael Douglas. It's excellent, worth a watch.

>> No.15656965

Thanks man, I'll check it out.

>> No.15656993

wrong and filtered

>> No.15657011

they were persecuting him for being gay

>> No.15657036

So many stupid NPCs ITT.
The film was centered around the lack of humanity and empathy within American society, and the only anon>>15655746
that understands, is the one none of you notice while he serves you.

>> No.15657081
File: 13 KB, 220x293, glasjak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15657112

>to break fast
>implying there's only select foods to be eaten at any given time
fuck off retard, that image is you

>> No.15657140

Not him but Mc Donald's started all day breakfast in 2015. I'm not even American but I know that because I was doing some kind of business thing in the US at the time and it was advertised everywhere.
Also I checked Google and I'm right
So I think you're the zoom zoom here for not knowing that.

>> No.15657209

You boom boomed that zoom zoom

>> No.15659086

because it goes against (((them)))