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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 83 KB, 600x532, bug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15646954 No.15646954[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What will you do when scientists forced you to eat gmo bugs in the future?

>> No.15646957

kill myself

>> No.15646966

Eat the scientists.

>> No.15646969

Raise, slaughter, and eat my own animals out in the country. I'm actually planning to buy a house a couple miles outside the city so I can start raising chickens and growing mushrooms, that way I can get familiar with raising animals in case I ever need to get pigs or cows in the future if meat stops being readily available.

>> No.15646978

Does it taste good?

>> No.15647008

An insect of that size is impossible today because oxygen levels are too low in the atmosphere to support their anatomy, given how their respiratory system works. I guess you could grow them in giant air-tight greenhouses pumped with excess oxygen if you really wanted to, but that seems like an absolute pain in the ass and even more environmentally harmful than traditional methods of raising animals. Even in the worst shithole future universe, odds are we won't be eating giant bugs.

>> No.15647015

>scientists force(d)
You are fucking idiot m8. Scientist don't force anything.

>> No.15647026

those big bugs would eat humans anon

>> No.15647029

no it's super white meat and there's no blood but instead water and also there's a poo tract

>> No.15647040

>Can't go outside without a mask on

>> No.15647046

The government forced that, not scientists.

>> No.15647054

Apparently it would taste like something between fish and shrimp, so not that bad.


Imagine if it tasted like a continuous lobster tail, you could easy sell it to the public

>> No.15647060

of course the type of person who has a negative opinion of masks is also the type of person to think scientists have power

>> No.15647065
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Cowabunga time

>> No.15647078

When will you people learn to differentiate real science vs politically motivated pop science?

>> No.15647111

sorry fatty, this is your fate

>> No.15647175

Kill the scientists. They are not human, so it's ok.

>> No.15647190

I don't live in a big city. Fuck cities.

>> No.15647200

I already like crabs, lobster, and shrimp. What's so different about other arthropods?

>> No.15647266

I think one important factor is size and texture. Shrimp works since it is just barely big enough and and the texture is somewhat meaty albeit a bit watery depending on how it was stored and/or cooked. I don't want filler bug protein flour. I want bug steaks with non mushy texture and discernible fibers. GMO the right big bugs and it might work.

>> No.15647283

force? my body my rules?

>> No.15647293

who says i do when im outside

>> No.15647304

Unironically kill the scientists and intellectuals

>> No.15647336

Don't worry most of you will be dead before bugs are the only and primary source of protein for humans. Do look forward to meat slowly becoming an expensive luxury in your lifetime however.

>> No.15647343


>> No.15647346

Kill the scientists and burn every technological centre and company with help of the Neo-Luddite movement I founded

>> No.15647349

>out in the country
Mr. Anon,
We have reviewed your comment and have determined that you have committed a unrealized micro aggression for soft racism.
Please proceed to your local bus stop to bring you to your assigned Social Advisor Commisar for re-education and understanding of marginalized peoples of color or face penalization. Thank you and have a wonderful day.

>> No.15647358

I hate modernity,I wish I was born when my father did; back then with a little inventive and hard work you could be successful

>> No.15647368

Based on what the scientist told them

>> No.15647369

Excuse me, Mr G-man, but I'm not racist in the slightest and if you think I'll be taking any sort of niggermobile to your kiketropolis you'll have to face me and my rifle first.

>> No.15647382
File: 87 KB, 610x456, rib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For reference, Irl centipede/millipede like the krusty ribwich would just taste like a Shrimp Po'boys aka a fried shrimp sandwich

>> No.15647391

The scientists told everyone, including the government, that mask-wearing might help people with symptoms (coughing, sneezing) not to spread illness and even explicitly said that people without symptoms have no need for masks. Then the government decided to mandate mask wearing anyway and suddenly all the scientists started going on record saying mask-wearing is good for everyone regardless of symptoms. It's almost as if the government enforced a useless policy to make it seem like they were doing something to help and then got everyone to backtrack and retroactively agree with the policy after it became law. Hmm...

>> No.15647430

We accept your reply and the Kiketropolis Social Enforcment Center will be sending a Niggermobile to your Communal Living Quaters Block to relieve your of your deadly weapon.
Please stay where you.

>> No.15647442

What if instead of giant bugs they make tiny people who eat regular sized bugs?

>> No.15647491

You science psycophant when will you realize scientists are the new bishops manipulating the masses?
Who do you think will get a benefit from science?
We the peasants?
Just kek at you dumb lamb.

>> No.15647583

Why is /ck/ so obsessed with eating bugs, can you people really not fathom getting protein outside of animals?

>> No.15647620

Give it a rest, hippie.

>> No.15647647

I literally don't want to eat gmo bugs

>> No.15647662

I'd rather eat a bullet than eat bugs.

>> No.15647677

Retard thinks you can get protein outta the fiber lol

>> No.15647718

I mean, i like shrimp

>> No.15647727
File: 251 KB, 1488x1600, 1605493786614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they can try

>> No.15647749

I'm a coonass I already eat bugs, hell ill eat anything really.

>> No.15647759

Fuck off normie

>> No.15647809

Based and ruralpilled.

>> No.15647823

>Why is /ck/ so obsessed with eating bugs, can you people really not fathom getting protein outside of animals?
Your mum was getting my protein last night, faggot.

>> No.15648222

Molon labe, eunuch.

>> No.15648380

Rape them. If they’re forcing themselves on me, I will force myself on them. Simple as.

>> No.15648392

id throat punch the scientists

>> No.15648413

Fuck off you scientist retard, positivism ended well more than a century ago

>> No.15648415
File: 32 KB, 640x480, cc8700cf-0e69-4855-9ecf-3bae35205cba_screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pass the whey protein bro

>> No.15648438
File: 705 KB, 3000x2000, chilli-prawn-and-tomato-spaghetti-81914-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it tastes good nothing because I am not a retard forming his opinions based on 4chan collectivism and "noo, my imaginary 4chan friends will make fun of me if I goes against them".

The main problem with bugs right now is that they seem to have too bad a "meat" to "disgusting cruncy bits" ratio making them not worth the effort to eat them.

"Giant" bugs would presumably solve that problem thus putting them in the same category with prawns, crabs and lobsters. Which, yes, in case you didn't get the memo are just large "sea bugs".

>> No.15648440


its practical faggot

>> No.15648461

>Doesn't think wearing and using something infront of his mouth and nostrils will stop foreign bodies from entering.
Anti-maskers are fucking retarded.

>> No.15648462

>Which, yes, in case you didn't get the memo are just large "sea bugs"
Please don't put it that way

>> No.15648556

I hate putting on the mask and hope it stops being compulsory as soon as possible,but I think it's somewhat useful

>> No.15648571

The droplets that carry covid fall to the ground long before they would reach your mouth or nose, especially with everyone standing 6+ feet apart in the first place, unless it's being propelled by a cough or sneeze (and even then it's unlikely, which is exactly the reason for standing 6+ feet apart). That's why the recommendation from doctors was that people with symptoms of coughing or sneezing should wear masks while it was generally agreed no one else should. No doctors or scientists advocated for universal mask-wearing until it was legally mandated, then suddenly everyone agreed that universal mask-wearing was super good and necessary. Curious.

>> No.15648583
File: 49 KB, 600x600, 1590789939846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15648621
File: 80 KB, 932x960, 13271813-A9E0-4618-9CAE-0A78A41B0F56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

contemporary “science” is just religious dogma for a secular society that has deified “scientists” as prophets.

>how DARE you question the science, you blasphemer
>trust the SCIENCE
>the SCIENCE is settled, the SCIENTISTS are all knowing

lmao google “replication crisis” real quick you absolute brainlet

>> No.15648629

Because they learned that a number of cases end up being asymptomatic initially but still contagious. There's a reason it's called "novel coronavirus" because it's characteristics were completely unknown.

>> No.15648634

Are you German? If not,why do you associate with Nazis? Nazism is an intrinsically not even Nordic, instead a German movement

>> No.15648651

The governments bungle all the time, but I honestly think the mask mandate was smart. After all, people hide symptoms all the time.

>> No.15648662

>Because they learned that a number of cases end up being asymptomatic initially but still contagious.
Which was disproven plenty of times, even the WHO came out early on and said all the studies available showed no evidence of asymptomatic transmission and then were immediately forced to retract it and the retraction video was so fucking awkward you could tell the presenter didn't believe it needed retraction whatsoever and was doing it under orders from higher ups.

>> No.15648675

there is no (none, zero) scientific literature or studies that exist to imply that mask wearing outside of controlled conditions by the general populace does absolutely anything to assist in curbing a viral disease
