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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15643814 No.15643814 [Reply] [Original]

What's the verdict on using cocao powder in your bowl o red?

>> No.15643820

This goes without saying, but beanlets can fuck off to their bean soup thread.

>> No.15643823
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>> No.15643827

cacao, coffee grounds, nut of horse, and beer are all acceptable additions to any chili

>> No.15643831

There are other things that will bring bitterness, sweetness and complexity to the table, but if you've overdone it on the garlic, habaneros and fat, then all the power to you.

>> No.15643836

Only if you're going for a pre-Columbian themed meal and use turkey or whatever for the meat.

>> No.15643850

Only if you're a faggot who doesn't eat beans. You know. Like faggots are won't to do. Faggot. Did I mention you're a faggot, faggot? Because you are. A faggot, I mean

>> No.15643973
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Beans go in chilli. Cope.

>> No.15643983


they literally by the definition of chili don't

>> No.15644005

gentlemen, gentlemen. chili can have beans if you want, or if you don't. its all good. what we really need to focus on is the shitty filler - you know what i'm talking about. tomatoes. the red menace.

>> No.15644011

Bowl o red. Hehe! That's a good one, never heard it before haha!

>> No.15644012
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these people put saltines and cheese in their chili

>> No.15644017

They literally do.

What would be the base of your chilli if not tomatoes?

>> No.15644020

Cinnamon is also great in chili.

>> No.15644021

Tomatoes and beans are fine. It should not have peppers of any kind.

>> No.15644025

What would be the base of your chilli if not tomatoes
why do you think its called chili?

>> No.15644032

wouldn't beanlet mean without beans? Why would a beanlet go to a thread with beans when they don't have any?

>> No.15644049

The meat, retard.

I recently took the no tomato pill, and I'm never looking back

>> No.15644054

Hey chief

>> No.15644115

jesus this place makes /pol/ seem downright civil

>> No.15644124

Chilli has sauce, where do you get the sauce from if not tomatoes?


>> No.15644127
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people either like it or they don't care for it (my Mom taught me to be polite)
but always puts some beans in that chili

>> No.15644186

Using cacao is fine and only turbo autists from texas give a shit

>> No.15644226

Their chili usually sucks anyway... usually. Some are actually really good.

>> No.15644230


>> No.15644272

What the fuck do you mean sauce? Chili has a minimal amount of liquid; too much and you dilute it and ruin your chili. You want just enough to cover your beef while it stews. You don't want "sauce", and if you have too much liquid you will have to dump a ton of corn starch in to get it sufficiently thick. Adding too much cornstarch is a simple way to tell if you fucked up your chili.

I am a Texan.

>> No.15644277

You should just never be allowed near food.

>> No.15644280

>chili with no sauce
The fuck is wrong with you. It's chili, not bbq beef.

>> No.15644284

Cacao sounds interesting.
I dont use beans, but I like to cause autistic meltdowns by using corn in my chili. I can hear the screeching and heavy tard breathing from here

>> No.15644292

>You don't want "sauce", and if you have too much liquid you will have to dump a ton of corn starch in to get it sufficiently thick
For me, it's reducing the liquid down until it's got the consistency of a thick gravy, because I had to buy an entire bag of corn masa when I used it as a thickener, and I'm using it up by making corn tortillas to serve the chili in.

>> No.15644296

That's weird mate. If you're going to use corn, it should be because you enjoy it in your chili.

>> No.15644303

This man knows. Masa is the correct way to thicken chili, but if you have to thicken it from a pure liquid you end up dumping so much in it comes out tasting like a corn tortilla. Gotta get it thick before you add it.
>tfw working off the same bag of masa flour for a year and still have 4/5s of the bag

Sounds gross m8

>> No.15644317

If you have to reduce or thicken a chili from a purely liquid state, you need to unfuck physics, and then maybe take a look at how Porkolt is made.

>> No.15644341

>corn in chilli
People like you deserve to be waterboarded

>> No.15644354
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I do enjoy it, there just happens to be a second benefit

>> No.15644370

You haven't posted a picture of it. Do you eat corn chili and hear the screeching in your head? That could be an early sign of schizophrenia.

>> No.15644471

Shut the fuck up you idiot

>> No.15644484

what's the best alternative beef to use that's not ground? The chili I see with hunks of stringy beef look way better than typical ground, like in OP, what kind of beef is it?

>> No.15644506

You'll want to use some of something with a decent amount of fat and connective tissue - something tough. Chuck, flank, tip. At least 1/3. Brown it first, and simmer all that goodness out.

>> No.15644516

that's what i thought, i was thinking maybe shank. But those cuts sound good, thanks.

>> No.15644531

Serious question, tripfag: why are you on a cooking board? Are you even capable of applying heat to food?

>> No.15644532

I used chuck for that. Definitely the go to for chili. Make sure you get a well marbled cut, there can be a lot of variation but you can find some gems.

>> No.15644543

He also used canned whipped cream in lieu of sour cream, so take his advice at face value.

>> No.15644555
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Here's a picture of it. I had it with a homemade biscuit. Also there is poultry gizzard in there.

>> No.15644562

chuck sounds about right from what i know. Not pre-cut according to /ourguy/ chef john

>> No.15644563
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That's literally sour cream on top you retard.

>> No.15644567

Lmao did you put hominy in it?

>> No.15644568

Never used it, but I have used cinnamon.

>> No.15644582

If you're getting rid of 'maters you mizell get rid of peppers too.
Now you're eating pre-colombian bolognese.

>> No.15644587


>> No.15644873

Does it come in men's?
>I know you do! Get it? Because you're a homosexual.

>> No.15644910

>/ourguy/ chef john

>> No.15644915

No. Sweet corn from my garden

>> No.15644925

you deserve to be shot

>> No.15644949

Looks like shit m8

>> No.15644959

Tabasco sauce has tomatoes?

>> No.15644964
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>you deserve to be shot

>> No.15644972
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>> No.15645031
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>Ew, yucky!

>> No.15645691

makes your chili digievolve into a mole

>> No.15645730

>Like faggots are won't to do.

>> No.15645741

That guy is having a moment we're not usually like that

>> No.15645747

looks like garbage

>> No.15646033

I rarely ever hunger for chili... there are just so many more interesting forms of stewed meat. If I do want chili, I am snowboarding or in some other chilly environment where the comfort and spice of chili warms me from the inside.

In this case, I really like my chili to have a lot of complexity in seasoning (like cacao, cinnamon, nutmeg) and filling ingredients like beans. If I’m making a big pot of chili, I want it to stand in as a prepared meal for being lazy throughout the week for my meals. But like I said, I can think of so many other stewed meat dishes that would be better than spiced tomato beef stew. The last time I made chili was over a year ago.

The bean-less, veggie-light chilis I have had have only ever really been in the context of use as a condiment. Like on a chili dog or the insanely spicy variety provided at TexMex restaurants that I use as a taco sauce.

Texans seem to think their variety of chili is appropriate for every context, but not everyone lives in a dry as fuck beaner desert where a tradition devoid of quality produce meant chilis that were made with minimal veggies.

>> No.15646091

>beans do not go in chili
>tomatoes do not go in chili
You gaylords who think there was fresh produce and time to soak beans all night on the chuckwagon trail are idiots.

>> No.15646093

From the chilis retard.

>> No.15646762
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No, this is pretty typical

>> No.15646825
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5 minutes and it's ready

>> No.15646830

You need help with your obsession. Get professional help now. This is a cooking board.

>> No.15646835

Some kind of tomato and vegetable soup with beef? Congratulations but it's a bit off topic for this thread.

>> No.15646866

it has chipotle and california peppers, 1 kg of beef and the same amount of beans, but no tomatoes. sorry sport

>> No.15646868

Oh sorry, bean soup then I see

>> No.15647145

He's doing this for the attention. If you ignore him, he'll go away - after flooding the board with chili spam and getting b& for a week.

>> No.15647161

Interesting take on dessert. Did you wipe afterward?

>> No.15647209
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Are you low on cash? Looking for something that's cheap, filling and tastes good? Well you're gonna love this.

>4 onions
>one head of garlic
>three bell peppers
>three jalapeno peppers
>three habanero peppers
>5 guajillo chilis
>an ancho chili
>a chipotle chili
>five cups of dried pinto beans
>cumin, coriander, cacao powder, salt, black pepper, all to taste

>finely dice the onions and fresh peppers, EXCEPT the habanero, sweat them in lard in a hot pot until the onions are translucent
>add the garlic and cook until fragrant
>add in the beans and cover with enough water to let them swell, in at least a 2:1 ratio
>add in salt here and bring to a simmer. be generous, beans crave salt.
>simmer the beans until soft, which should take around 1.5 hours
>do NOT skim the foam off the water. this is pure starch that will reincorporate into the broth and emulsify with the fat you used to soften the veggies, which makes the broth smoother and thick
>when the beans are soft, grind up the dried chilis and mix together your spice blend with them and all the other aforementioned other spices.
>cut up the habaneros
>add the spices and habaneros. we didn't add the habaneros until now because they tend to lose their heat if you simmer them for a long time
>simmer for another 30 minutes or so, or until you feel that the flavors have gotten mixed together
>do NOT eat yet. portion out, dump into the fridge, and let it sit overnight. it will taste better that way. this should make almost a week's worth of food

>bake some cornbread. if you aren't adding herbs to the cornbread, you are doing it wrong
>while the cornbread cools, reheat the chili in a pot
>poach an egg in the chili, garnish with parsley or oregano if you want, and serve with the fresh, warm cornbread

this is a cheat code for a delicious, filling set of dinners for days.

>> No.15647225
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I made some hot dog chili boys. How'd I do?

>> No.15647912

It's not even red...

>> No.15647950

As long as you don't use beans it's fine. Just remember that if you use beans then it's literally not chili. It is spicy bean and meat soup. As you can see all arguments have been refuted. Post in this thread to agree

>> No.15648049

Excused me sir, you dropped your trip.

>> No.15648065

Wtf does no one else serve their chili with some rice ?

>> No.15648331

Chili gets redder the more tomato product you put in it. Less tomatoes, less red. Dried chilis are a dark brown color, as are browned beef and beans.

>> No.15648383
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>dried chilies are a dark brown color
Depends on the type of chili and how it's been roasted/dried you fucking retard. I have some arbol that's practically brown.

>> No.15648468

If you're mixing your chili powder properly, you are using a blend of red and dark peppers, which makes the final product brown. Dumbass.

>> No.15648491

If you're using shank, try to get bone-in. Cook the chili with bones in the stew and take em out when you're done

>> No.15648530

Do you anons have a premade chili spice mix? I know some people have a family blend of kitchen pepper, so do any of you have a set of dried spices that you have on hand, already mixed together, for use in making chili and like meals?

>> No.15648549

>Wtf does no one else serve their chili with some rice ?
Fuck no. Chili is to be served with cornbread.

>> No.15648568

You did good son.. you did good..

>> No.15648575

I usually have a jar going where I put my dried and smoked chilies after about a month. Every now and then I dump half of that in with some toasted cumin, salt, pepper, dehydrated onion and garlic, and dried oregano and thyme (all also run through the processor), which becomes a chili powder/curry precursor.

>> No.15648614

Doesnt matter what you put in it, as long as it AINT BEANS

>> No.15648645

>t. retard

>> No.15648976

Beans can go in chili, but you have to commit to it. Beans don't belong in a chili with meat. You should be using thickly cut chuck roast like the OP, and beans don't bring much to the table here. If beans are in the chili, they should be the main focus of the chili. A meatless chili. It's one or the other.

>> No.15648988

No. Beans work with meat so long as its ground or mince. If you want chunks of a discernable cut, then by all means go meatless, but beans and ground meat is a fantastic combination. Meatless chili is retarded.

>> No.15649156

By using ground meat in chili, you are only hurting yourself

>> No.15649272

i'm pro- cacao, i usually use baking chocolate, some cinnamon and -hear me out- a small tablespoon's worth of finely ground coffee. i also put honey and/or molasses/maple syrup in my chili, with garam masala and copious amounts of dried chilis rehydrated in beer

>> No.15649771

Haha what? Look at how red the bowl is in the op post. I guarantee you there were zero tomatoes that went into that chili.

>> No.15649792

By that logic neither do tomatoes, onions or spices

>> No.15649806

>Chilli has sauce, where do you get the sauce from if not tomatoes
From the meat retard. Do you seriously not know how to make a fucking stew?

>> No.15649855

If it's not an empty bowl, it's not right.

>> No.15649862

No. It's called chili. You put chilis and only chilis in it.

>> No.15649891

All that tells me is that you were using a very unbalanced chili blend that consisted mostly of guajillos and little else. Not exactly something to be proud of admitting.

>> No.15649929
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>> No.15650175

There should be no bowl, nor chilies, nor meat, vegetable, fruit, fungus, spice, herb, crystalline mineral or human being of any kind. Chili should be an unvarnished, wooden table, like it was in the old days when we had famine for dinner and sorrow for dessert. Now stop fucking with the classics, and get off my lawn!

>> No.15650254

>he has a table

>> No.15650397

>he doesn't snort freshly hand-ground chili pepper straight from the mortar, as Quetzalcoatl intended
Go back to your fast food threads, faggot

>> No.15650459

We had famine and sorry. I didn't say anything about poverty, serf. Now fetch me my crippling loneliness.

>> No.15650460
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>> No.15650676

Season 2 when? It's been years.

>> No.15650692

>Season 2
Huh? The Babylonia arc is finished. The first of the Camelot movies came out last year. They already said they're not adapting Solomon.

>> No.15650695

Babylonia just finished last year, anon.

>> No.15652053

I dont even know why I even look at this board, none of you can even cook. Just fat fucks arguing about beans while eating fast food.

>> No.15652055

not chili con carne u fuggin devil worshipper

>> No.15652065

I made a quick chili the other night. Garlic, onion, celery, ground beef, chili powder, paprika, beans, diced tomatoes.
Simple as.

>> No.15652088

He said chili, not texas braised beef. Go back to freezing to burning your houses down because you can't figure out how to warm your houses.

>> No.15652385
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cope bean nigger

>> No.15652454

I thought I told all y'all beanlets to fuck off to your bean soup thread.

>> No.15652521

Is that Mayonnaise?

>> No.15652759

Whipped cream. He made a strawberry-beef compote.

>> No.15652954

I've been using Chipoltes, Guajilos, Pasilla, Arbols, and Anchos to make a chili paste lately, think it's been turning out pretty good

>> No.15652999

sounds smokey

>> No.15653388


I get the dark chocolate instead of brown sugar. Recently because we have so much chocolate left from Christmas Ive been using whatever I have at hand. Dark chocolate orange slices most recently, pretty indistinguishable.

Totally unneeded if sweetcorn is used.

>> No.15653522

Chili purists are no better than Italians

>> No.15655317


>> No.15655865

what the fuck

>> No.15656710

Why are you posting stew in a chili thread

>> No.15657719

so they can get some beans dickhead

>> No.15657794

Go for it
Not needed, by any means, but it can be good.
No water or broth allowed in my chili con carne!
Meat, ground chilis, water/broth will form a sauce.
Why is anyone having issues with chili being too wet? It does need to form a gravy, but doesn't need more liquid than just covers other ingredients. If water steams off, add, use a teaspoon or so of masa if you want to thicken it

>> No.15657892

menudo is chili

>> No.15657910
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looks pretty good to me, idk why people are shitting on you

>> No.15658477

Yes! I just made a pot with cinnamon for the first time, it's really good.

>> No.15658494

>I am a Texan.
Why would you admit that? Opinion discarded.

>> No.15659635

Autism. Remember this is an anime board.

>> No.15659667

Peppers in chilli are delicious.

Literally cope and seethe, fucking retards.

Chilli has chopped tomatoes in it, which makes a sauce.

>> No.15659820

No, the pedophilic cartoon board is that way: >>>/a/

>> No.15660159

No peppers. There are no chilies in chili. Chili should be a vacant thought projected into an empty, white room with rounded corners.

>> No.15661341


>> No.15662324
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subhuman take

>> No.15662426

It sounds like you're trying to reinvent mole. Maybe try adding some nuts.

>> No.15662920

>>Looking for something that's cheap

>> No.15662936

Based and Molepilled.

>> No.15664357
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Shut the fuck up

>> No.15664871
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>faggot with a trip has a retarded opinion