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15639117 No.15639117 [Reply] [Original]

>eating rare steak

>> No.15639123


>> No.15639126

I miss Trump, bros.

>> No.15639173

the low side of medium is objectively the best way to have steak, no chewyness from raw meat left and no chewyness from loss of moisture starting

>> No.15639266

The internet was a mistake

>> No.15639271
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>not eating invert steak

>> No.15639281

Someone post that "I love meat on the bone" soy copypasta

>> No.15639294

Haha funny meme

>> No.15639298

I don't like rare but I'm partial to medium rare, medium at most. Well done is awful.

>> No.15639691

Is literally everything "soy" to you autists?

>> No.15639720

i sure do love a steak that's literally still cold inside

>> No.15639743

that's kinda a soy question to ask

>> No.15639792

It's a mix of lazy trolls and yes, autists that are confused by people who don't share their interest or opinion.

>> No.15639808

Depends on the cut entirely
No fat = blue to rare
Scotch fillet medium rare
I have tried wagyu a few times and that's best medium to well done.
My mate who bought it got all autistics about it because he bought like $400 of it and tried every done doneness.
Turns out rare to medrare is gross and oily in a bad way and well done is extremely tender like slow cooked meat with a sear unlike regular steak.

>> No.15639819

Convince me that eating steak at anything lower than well done is good. Why should I eat my food like an animal?

>> No.15639838

Part of the steak experience is in the texture. The subtleties begin to be lost when cooked past medium rare. Steak is beef yes, but not all beef is steak and ignorance of the optimal cooking methods to best enjoy different cuts is offensive to many people who will see it as you are spoiling something. Like ordering an 18 year old single malt scotch and asking for coke in it. Like opening a 2001 saint emilion bordeux to make sangria. There is always this "I'll do what I want, who gives a fuck, it is my money, my choices", but people don't dig crass, boorish, uneducated choices.

>> No.15639843

I feel you on that, but I don't like the texture of raw steak. I do try it again every so often but I have never found myself enjoying it that way.

>> No.15639927

So do I.

>> No.15639931

I only order steak rare at high end joints, order a steak rare at Texas Roadhouse and you get a fucking raw piece of shit that's not even charred

>> No.15639947

Because your wasting your money.
Steak is expensive because you can char/brown it while keeping it very soft and the very short cooking time.
You can make a much much cheaper cut of meat that's slow cooked just as soft but it takes a long time and you don't get the char.
Making your steak into a under cooked cheap cut of meat by over cooking it is just stupid buy something 4 times cheaper and do it with that.