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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15637776 No.15637776 [Reply] [Original]

First time I kneaded bread. I really liked it and actually came out pretty well.

>> No.15637785
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>> No.15637790

Congrats you learned how to do something that women have been doing for thousands of years.

>> No.15637795

Nice job anon. Making your own bread is a real accomplishment. I hope to try making my own sourdough or something else easy one day. I want to be able to gift people fresh baked bread

>> No.15637804

based participation trophy poster

>> No.15637811

Thank you. Might not be surprising for me saying this, but less and less folk of my age are becoming less able to cook or make anything to feed themselves, other then ordering it by phone or eat from restaurants.

>> No.15637813

I’m being sincere. Making your own bread is badass. I’d be ecstatic if someone gifted me a loaf of bread they cooked themselves

>> No.15637819

Shit, I meant more and more. Lazy.

>> No.15637828
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Also backed sweet potatos and apples with my grandparents.

Thank you, friend. I hope you do it.

>> No.15637879

then your standards of accomplishment are lower than I could have anticipated

>> No.15638103

Can we see your bread? Your dough looks dry

>> No.15638160
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It was a bit, when it came to putting it in the oven.
The bread itself was made as an even mix of wheat and rye; was also told to not abuse with the water quantity.

>> No.15638162

Looks like shit fag lol! Kill yourself!

>> No.15638192

Ngl that looks gross. What recipe did you follow? Do you have a Dutch oven? I have an easy dough recipe you could try

>> No.15638227

>I want to be able to gift people fresh baked bread

>> No.15638236

He said it was the first time, you bitter retard.

>> No.15638249

Lol are you that boomer that posts his Ls and wants validation? Post that Easter cake again. I offered some advice you cringe retard, I don’t have to pretend his bread is good

>> No.15638259
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>What recipe did you follow?
I followed my grandma's instructions. It's a tradicional way and here the older people call it "The bread that the Devil kneaded". Tastes great, at least.
>Do you have a Dutch oven?
No, I do not.

>> No.15638265

Your grandma sounds like a dumb bitch.

>> No.15638267

Neat that it’s your grandmas recipe, but the dough looks very dry. Post your recipe

>> No.15638339

First of I'm sorry, but everything's by eye. No exact measurements.
Put the flour in one big bowl.
With a small bowl, you fill it with lukewarm water, and then put salt and some yeast. After the yeast and salt are dissolved you'd apply it to the big bowl. Slowly mix them together. After that, whilst you knead you'll apply water whenever you think it needs it. Continue kneading it until it feels consistently homogenous.
Pick a piece of the mixture, put it in flower-covered shovel and put it in the oven.
I know how it all sounds, but in the end the results are pretty consistent, with usually 8 loafs of bread made.

>> No.15638344

What advice did you offer?

You're just a very damaged person, I can tell, and you should not be giving "advice" to anyone before some serious soul-searching.

>> No.15638360

Let me first help you with your process. Putting in salt with your yeast will help slow down or kill your yeast. Instead, put your yeast in the lukewarm water along with some of your flour. Let that preferment for 15-30 mins. Then combine your flour and salt as well as a few tablespoons of butter. Cover it, and let it proof for an hour. Come back, press down, then let it proof again while you heat up a Dutch oven. Throw it in the Dutch oven after the dough doubles in size and let it cook for 25 minutes with the lid on then remove it until it’s as browned as you want it. Make it much more browned than your pic

>> No.15638367

>Putting in salt with your yeast will help slow down or kill your yeast.

Old wives' tale.

>> No.15638369

>wahhh wahhh
You’re literally breaking down man, I just said his bread looks gross. You’re projecting so hard it’s unreal. Are you that Easter cake boomer?

>> No.15638375

No one disagrees it slows down yeast growth. Why make yourself wait when you can just mix it in with your dry ingredients later? Lmao what is with all these cooklets on shithole site being so loud and dumb.

>> No.15638399

Just shut up, man. Go drink some more, I can tell you you're drunk.

I've never posted any Easter cake anywhere.

>> No.15638410

How can one picture be so comfy and spooky at the same time?

>> No.15638411

I don’t drink lmao, this is getting so sad. You’re not even talking to me, you’re talking to yourself

>> No.15638421

You're deflecting because you know I'm right.

>> No.15638426

Nice, good job. Making bread's fun. You just reminded me I should probably feed my started.

>> No.15638430

No you’re not lmaooo. I’m only comatose from a large healthy dinner with a protein shake after a lot of outdoor exercise. I don’t drink or smoke at all. I enjoy baking and cooking, and that’s why I find pleasure pointing out mistakes in other peoples process that I used to make

>> No.15638431

lol pathetic overly emotional schizo femoid poster

>> No.15638434

Post your cooking :3

>> No.15638439
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Here’s dinner

>> No.15638442


I bake more bread than you, n*gger

>> No.15638445

Maybe, but you’re still wrong ;)

>> No.15638446

looks kind of dry but id eat it

>> No.15638452

>Shake n bake pork chop
>Microwaved vegetables
>Sauce in pretentious little applebee's cup
You are a 5 star chef

>> No.15638463

Why are you telling me all of this?

Are you insecure because I exposed you as a bitter jealous troll?

>> No.15638465

>calls chicken pork
>admittedly bad veggies, only had frozen
>ramekins are pretentious
Go heat up your hungryman champ, I think you have one with the Mac n cheese tonight

>> No.15638466

what else did you expect from a /fit/let with superiority complex? they should never be allowed to cook

>> No.15638467

Was there any food for adults?

>> No.15638472

You called me a drunk like the retarded projecting faggot you are and I told you what actually was my situation. I don’t need to lie, I don’t care about you lmao

>> No.15638477

I would feel bad if I didn’t know that less than 5% of this website can throw together food that is any better than the sloppa I put together

>> No.15638484

I know you are a drunk or someone with anger problems.

What is going wrong in your life that made you lash out on someone who said it was his FIRST loaf of bread?

Does it make you feel strong and powerful to belittle and demean someone?

>> No.15638489

Oh my god you moan like a woman lmao. Are you OPs grandma?

>> No.15638491

more like you're in the bottom 5% lmao

>> No.15638497

lol such a redditspacing pussy

>> No.15638502

I don't need to be OP's grandma to not be a total jerk.

Apologize to OP and I let you go.

Admit you were wrong.

>> No.15638505
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At least I cook, I know from being here that’s already 10x better than the multitudes of spergs here that actually post regular “can you live off hungryman for every meal” threads. Idk, I took criticism of my meal well and I posted my food. Notice you haven’t done so though ;)

>> No.15638518

Is your pussy wet right now? This is so fucking hilarious

>> No.15638521

Can you two bitchboys take this off topic shit somewhere else? Jesus fuck.

>> No.15638542

Cmon man I’m like a few replies away from nudes

>> No.15638569

>tails left on the shrimp

WHY? WHY????????????????? WHY DO THIS????

>> No.15638583

That's where all the vitamins are.

>> No.15638589

Forgot desu

>> No.15638600

I don't have a pussy, I'm just talking to one.

>> No.15638604

You burnt the bread ;w;

>> No.15638613

Brand new oven. Yep.
>takes 20 minutes to come out with that zinger
Lady I know you’re ovulating but I’m taken

>> No.15638621

Eugh, I cant' eat supermarket chicken anymore now that I started eating home raised duck. It just tastes like cardboard now.

>> No.15638624

suck my dick faggot, you clearly want to

>> No.15638626

What variety of duck?

>> No.15638628

You could have scraped the burnt corners off with a knife.

>> No.15638633

jfc that's trash :)

>> No.15638638
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>cope excuses
>peak level autism

>> No.15638650
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I raise pekins and khaki campbells.

Pekins (pictured here) are much larger and yield more fat and meat (which makes sense because they are the cornish cross of the duck world), Campbells are much smaller and yield less fat, but their meat is more flavorful. Both are incredibly delicious and the females make wonderful eggs.

Chicken meat is so anemic and bland. Duck meat is almost like beef. You actually are meant to cook it medium rare like a steak. It's much more versatile too. I really don't understand why chicken is as popular as it is. Probably because it can be kept in poultry hell better than ducks can.

>> No.15638652

Socks can't be girlfriends.

Just admit you were an asshole and I'll leave you alone. Apologize.

>> No.15638664

Also sorry for the shit pic. I am still learning how to master duck. I would recommend if you get a whole duck to break it down. Confit the legs and thighs and pan sear the breast. Save the carcass for stew.

>> No.15638671

Duck is good, but you can get by eating thighs. Dark meat on a chicken can be good especially roasted. I just struggle finding good breast recipes because it’s so lean. You might just prefer the fat content of duck as most do. It’s like saying you prefer wagyu to a supermarket steak. I mean sure you’re right but prepared properly it’s not inedible. I find turkey largely inedible however.

>> No.15638676

I break down my chickens exactly like you describe. I’m debating getting a bigger stockpot precisely for the carcass usage. I want a 24Q but it seems like overkill

>> No.15638684
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Nah, chicken thighs are not the same. And trust me, this is coming from someone who used to live off of chicken thighs. Duck is just rich and delicious, and its so cool how little of it you need to be satiated. Half a breast or a single thigh is enough for me, someone who has a massive appetite and could easily eat an entire rotisserie chicken and still be hungry.

>> No.15638692

Then send me one lmao. I’ve had duck, it’s good. But Publix doesn’t do BOGO on duck ;)

>> No.15638695
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No way dude. My drakes aren't for sale. If you want you can come to my farm and buy their eggs.
But I'm not cheap because I dont raise them for profit. I do it for supermarket independence.

>> No.15638700

Where you at?

>> No.15638710

Midwest united states

>> No.15638722

A little far from me then. How long could you last eating nothing but duck though?

>> No.15638739

yeah she's a dumb ol' whore but this bread is helly lit, might have to stash it on the DL somewhere 'cause I ain't finna eat this whole loaf day-0.

>> No.15638750
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Considering I eat an omnivorous diet and also partake in buying large animal shares (currently am working on 1/4 beef i got in august), I slaughtered my last duck in october and still have 11 left out of 21 ducks slaughtered this autumn.
Keep in mind I am a nose to tail eater, so I have been working on parts not included with most supermarket poultry. 21 duck heads, 42 duck feet, 21 necks, and of course organs and fat, it stretches itself out, I literally just finished cooking the last of my duck organs and heads today (they had to be cooked or they were at risk of freezer burn due to how I stored them).
I also have a garden and buy cheap dry goods in bulk. I plan to begin incubating my next batch of ducks next month. And I plan on getting geese and chickens this year. More for behavior, the eggs and meat are a byproduct of their benefit to my little eco system I'm making.

No one is going to live off of just duck. Even if you have a factory farm you wouldn't do that.

>> No.15638766

Feet are great for stock since they have plenty of gelatin if I recall correctly. The only time I’ve had neck of any poultry it was in Ethiopian sloppa. What do you do with the heads? I feel urban when I say this but I’m a little turned off by brains

>> No.15638797
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>I feel urban when I say this but I’m a little turned off by brains
Hahaha thats okay! I'm not a big fan of the brains. But before I slaughtered each duck I promised them they wouldn't be wasted.
The head, along with feet and necks are roasted at high heat for a short time in fat (preferably duck fat but I will also use lard or bacon drippings) also added to my homemade vegetable broth ( I save up washed vegetable scraps in the freezer then slow cook them). and I make nice broth with the feet and necks

I then save the nice rich gelatinous broth, and slowly eat the necks and feet in a quick soup for lunch. Most people might discard the feet and heads after stewing but I stick to my promise. Plus I love poultry feet.
The heads are a bit different. I've had to experiment because... well... no one taught me how to cook duck heads and there's not many recipies.

What I've been doing latley is I take a little bit of the broth and a bit of bourbon maple syrup I have lying around (any similar sweetener will do, like honey or molasses) and I kind of... idk how to explain it. I cook the heads untill the liquid evaporates and the sugars caramelize the skin.

I eat all the meat on the head then crack open the skull and eat the tiny brain with a bit of mustard. It's not my favorite part of the animal but I think if I keep experimenting I might find a good way to cook it. Ive seen asians make really tasty looking duck heads.

>> No.15638828

Looks like it would go really good with some crackers, ahem, make that QUACKERS!

Hey all, I just flew in from reddit but I can tell already that this place is going to be fun :^)

>> No.15638886
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The liver pate would be amazing with crackers. I usually eat them with raw vegetables and homemade biscuits.

I actually legit need to learn how to bake bread. ;w;

Also reddit sucks.

>> No.15638915

Tbh if you used the heads as fertilizer I think it would count as not being wasted.

>> No.15638995

tru but I already use the intestines, eggshells and some of the feathers as fertilizer.
Anything edible I'm gonna eat.

I am not eating the intestines, they are literally full of shit and the lining cannot be properly cleaned out for sausage casing. Trust me I considered it.

>> No.15639028

Op your bread aint that bad.

I can say so because I went about and baked my own bread for fun years ago. Mine looked like yours. If it tastes good that's awesome. Your pictures suck, but once you send a good one it is understandable. Keep baking bread. I use a bread machine now.

Store bought bagged bread sucks ass and is expensive if you want quality so I just bake my own shitty bread now.

>> No.15640645
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I’ve been loving making sandwich loaves. I went though a lot of recipes before some drunk Englishman here gave me his. Works like a charm

>> No.15640997

I don't know if I could raise animals then slaughter them anon but you have my respect. If I did it I'd do like you and make sure they didn't go to waste.

>> No.15641098

Would you share your wisdom with us anon?

>> No.15641100

>eating the [chicken] intestines
Oh no. Fucking no! The gizzard maybe, if done properly, but not the intestines.
A couple of weeks ago actually, I found out that a female doctor, that I know of, had asked my grandma, her house matron, to prepare the intestines to cook. She just looked at the doctor like she was mentally retarded.

>> No.15641118
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Jesus what a shit thread
Looks like shit but I like the roundness. I'm sure it tastes nice though and it's a good attempt for your first try, you'll only get better

>> No.15641127

Has it even been in the oven yet? Looks like absolute shit.

>> No.15641156

Pic is just the dough, waiting to expand due to the yeast.

And it does taste good.

>> No.15641169

I loved this thread because of the Duck-farming story.
I will consider it in the future, thanks anon.
Congratulations on starting to make your own bread OP, we all believe in you

>> No.15641183

Nice angry contrarian take.

>> No.15641209

Did you see the word "Not" before you chose to greentext? Do you even know what animal we are talking about?

I thought it would be hard to slaughter them. I'm actually a pretty sensitive person about killing. But it actually wasn't difficult. I was way too focused on making sure they died quickly and the one person who saw me do it simply described it as "quick". Because it is. Also I only slaughter excess males (when keeping ducks you should have 4 females per male minimum). If I don't they will fight eachother and gangrape my poor females. Drakes also will drown females.

>> No.15641219

Baking is fun but I rarely have the time to do the types of breads i like because I'm never home to come back and knead it then let it sit then knead it etc. I usually just do an overnight fermentation no knead situation.

>> No.15641786

So you admit you can't do something women have been doing for years? Wewlad

>> No.15642027

Hey bro, if you have a Dutch oven just make Jim Lahey's no knead bread. It's easy and comes out great every time. I think Kenji also uses it. You want it to proof for 20 hours or more before you punch it down and then for 1-2 hours after that.

>> No.15643225

Anyone got a recipe for that pube loaf that got posted a couple months back?

>> No.15643764

wow, who shit in your cereal?

>> No.15643772

congratulations on figuring out how replies work I'm happy for your success in this

>> No.15643805

I could but it feels like pearls before swine

>> No.15643807

what? do you just not have a good comeback, or are you just having a really bad day?

>> No.15643845

are you the emotional woman from yesterday?

>> No.15643864

I think you both sound like women now to be honest

>> No.15643915

What is up to your level of accomplishment that would impress you?
Bake 2 loafs of bread?
Conquer the known world like Alexander the great did?

>> No.15643988

It’s not about quantity. It’s quality. OPs blobfish bread has no crumb, no rise, and to my eye looks underbaked. Not sure what you think he gains by making him think he did good. Not everyone needs to have their dick sucked like apparently you like. How old are you? You sound like some old whining hag

>> No.15644004

I'm 10 years old and my pp is very big.
I hope you are impressed and validate me with a sucky.
But seriously dude made bread for the first time and it came out ok but can be improved a lot and he said he wants to get better.

>> No.15644006

Men and women.

>> No.15644015

Are you his mom? I’m not attacking him, I’m trying to teach him how to spot problems in his cooking. You are such a whining cunt I’m absolutely certain you’re that sopping wet dingbat from yesterday

>> No.15644545

you literally didn't point any of that out in your op, which makes you a liar and a faggot

>> No.15644722

You don't want dough to be wet because then it grows mold.

>> No.15644995

I was being positive and congratulation you for something that is in no way noteworthy, I thought that's what you redditors liked?
Pouring a glass of juice seems to be the standard we're aiming for. Making bread is not badass, herculean or impressive. It is rudimentary and it is infantilizing to OP to say otherwise.

>> No.15645034

I went to the doctor today for a physical. She checked my blood pressure and told me I should stop masturbating so much. I said wow, you can tell that from just my blood pressure. She said no it has nothing to do with your blood pressure, it's just making me uncomfortable.

Then I checked my phone and saw this post of undercooked bread and was sad