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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 223 KB, 1200x1200, franziskaner-weissbier-500ml-bottle_e1a84bfe-f745-4bff-b729-f837980af257_1200x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15637088 No.15637088 [Reply] [Original]

Wheat beers are the superior beer. Feast your eyes on the beerest beer someone can drink.
IPAs flood the market and one or two now and then are ok, but if you get a hard dick for IPAs you are the male equivalent of a boomer mom going on about how she has to have her Starbucks. Sours are mainly for hipsters and are only good if you have a single bottle every so often. Porters and lagers are fine but they they will never be as good as a wheat beer. Also fuck anything that has "lite" in the title.

>> No.15637097
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>Wheat beers are the superior beer. Feast your eyes on the beerest beer someone can drink.
IPAs flood the market and one or two now and then are ok, but if you get a hard dick for IPAs you are the male equivalent of a boomer mom going on about how she has to have her Starbucks. Sours are mainly for hipsters and are only good if you have a single bottle every so often. Porters and lagers are fine but they they will never be as good as a wheat beer. Also fuck anything that has "lite" in the title.

>> No.15637103

Angry americans will flood this thread with their beers that are made for children.

>> No.15637106

coors drinker detected

>> No.15637113

agreed, and I am fucking American. I'll admit the Euros make the best beer. Not to say I don't like a Sam Adams Cold Snap or Blue Moon from time to time

>> No.15637146
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They are ok once in a while .

Franziskaner and Erdinger are the shittiest though.

>> No.15637222
File: 251 KB, 1024x1365, 34F0F908-79CA-424F-898F-AF91BA083AD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weiss bier is great but Schwarzbier is Uber allies. It kept Goethe alive on his deathbed and is the best cooking beer in addition to have in the best all around flavor profile. Every style of beer has its place though, from the working man’s Pilsner to the fanciest Belgian. Even weird shit like triple IPA and sours can be done right. There’s a difference between something being well made and something that is your personal preference.

>> No.15637241

your Trips speak truth

>> No.15637273

>Aldi beer
Scheisse Neger was tust du?

>> No.15637283
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Wrong happy monk bro

>> No.15637294
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For me

>> No.15637348
File: 186 KB, 684x1000, 79DD7047-EE30-47D8-890F-8D369E2748D7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great Belgian ale, if you’re a big Belgian guy if recommend Orval. It’s a complete anomaly in Belgian ales and has a great zesty citrus flavor. The image on the bottle is in reference to the founding legend of the abbey. A princess was walking through the forest and came upon a pond. As she was peering at her reflection in the water, she dropped her wedding ring. Distraught, she begged God to return her precious ring. Then, a fish jumped out of the pond with her ring in his mouth, returning it to her. Out of gratitude, she funded the building of an abbey on the spot.

>> No.15637355


>> No.15637370

fake and gay but good story none the less

>> No.15637395

Oldest brewery on Earth

>> No.15637546

Definitely my favorite flavor of beer

>> No.15637558

Based beyond mortal comprehension

>> No.15637606

that's cool and all but it does kind of grind my gears how stupid the "founding stories" of a lot of places are. like who at any point was stupid enough to believe that?

>> No.15637699

Wheat beers taste like bananas.

>> No.15637710

That sounds like bullshit.
I think she was out riding the BKC (Big Knightly Cock) and the fish fiasco was her cover story.

>> No.15637729

beer threads on /ck/ are always shit and make me sad

>> No.15637835

Yes, and clove
>he doesn’t trust the fair maiden and her flying fish
Fucking Saracens, reeeeeeeee

>> No.15637884

I think you Americans win out in the small scale brewing game tho

Mostly because you're not bound by the cultural tradition as much so to speak so you tend to experiment more with the word shit and every so often hit it dead on

>> No.15637912

I come from the region in the US that has the most microbreweries per capita. Yeah, we know this, we have trophies and awards and shit. And the stuff that gets produced a lot and judged and wins awards in global competitions... that's not even the good stuff.

>> No.15638305
File: 1.03 MB, 1536x2048, Hacker-Pschorr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#1 very few bars in Chicago have this, mainly German and high end bars.

>> No.15638322
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Based choices. I love me some Orval, and St Bernardus gets me 90% of the way to Westvleteren, something I can only get to once a year or so.

>> No.15638362

Excellent choice man
Nice. Ever had Spencer’s? Only Trappist brewery in the US.

>> No.15638363

Weißbier isn't really considered beer by most Germans except Bavar*ans.

>> No.15638373

Shouldn’t you be cleaning some Arab’s toilet?

>> No.15638380

>Nice. Ever had Spencer’s? Only Trappist brewery in the US.
I have not, I'll have to try it at some point.

>> No.15638388

You won’t regret it. I think they do a Weiss beer and a Pilsner? Good shit

>> No.15638396

Based as fuck

>> No.15638861


I had Erdinger Dunkel on tap once (only seen it once in Canada) and it was the best beer I've ever had on tap. Could have just been a magic keg, or how thirsty I was at the moment etc, but I generally enjoy Erdinger even just buying bottles.

>> No.15638972

Franziskaner is the appletini of wheat beers.

>> No.15638997

Orval is magnificent.

>> No.15639007
File: 132 KB, 1024x613, Wittekerke-6pk-iso-1024x613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever tried Wittekerke?

Best weiss beer, and best beer I have ever had. I could only get it at a bougie liquor store in little italy chicago. Gentile's, or as I like to call it, Genitals.

It's a good beer. Try to get some.

>> No.15640248

why would I? Is that another /pol/ fetish like bbc?

>> No.15640314

learn to greentext faggot

>> No.15640461

Every small bavarian village brewery makes a better one than the mass produced swill.

>> No.15640506

This is a great beer. Have you had the Dunkel, OP? Its even better than the Weiss

>> No.15640507

astronomically B A S E D post.

>> No.15640508

modelo is the best beer

>> No.15640538
File: 45 KB, 360x480, l_augustiner_weissbier_0_5_l_bierflasche_mit_vollem_bierglas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay.
Very good, I didn't even know they even export it, never seen that english label. Pretty cool.
One of my favorites.

>> No.15640566

Paulaner is superior

>> No.15640583

Weihenstephaner and König Ludwig are both great. Erdinger and Franziskaner are good second tier.

>> No.15640593
File: 896 KB, 960x1440, turmweisse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15640601
File: 53 KB, 406x800, large-schneiderweisseaventinus16ozbt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me

>> No.15640608

this to be honest family

>> No.15640649

hefeweizens are also almost always good desu, even the really mass produced ones like franziskaner or paulaner are tasty

>> No.15640692

Mein nigger, Augustiner or Andechs are some of the best weissbiers. Shame I can’t find any in the us

>> No.15640852
File: 313 KB, 768x896, 1410-tamsusis-elis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i just blind or does sweden has no dark beer? i like my beer bitter and thick, latvians and Lithuanians have great selection of it

>> No.15640943

this guy gets it.

>> No.15641039
File: 35 KB, 623x623, guld-tuborg-daase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's a gulddame (gold lady).

>> No.15641603

>I had Erdinger Dunkel on tap once (only seen it once in Canada) and it was the best beer I've ever had on tap. Could have just been a magic keg, or how thirsty I was at the moment etc, but I generally enjoy Erdinger even just buying bottles.


t. guy living in Erding.

>> No.15642597
File: 41 KB, 800x800, caisse-rochefort-10-33-cl-vc-biere-trappiste-belge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hail to the king

>> No.15642736
File: 42 KB, 250x938, schoferhofer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hefes aren't easy to find in Australia, but this and Erdinger are my 2 favourite beers this past 12 months

>> No.15642742

Mmm... That's one of my favorite beers. I

>> No.15643130

For me, its Drval

>> No.15643281

Weizen is good. My favorite so far is Schneider Weisse.

>> No.15643318

Just two americans circle jerking, lmao. Yu can bewt hundreds of years old breweries that have honed their craft for centuries. I’m not saying american is bad but it isn’t the best.

>> No.15643634

based, had one out of a vending machine in Bavaria it was great

>> No.15644207

>feeling superior for enjoying a popular import beer from a country well known for beer
How's 21 treating you anon?

>> No.15644351

It's amazing, but I don't like the plum notes as much as I like Westvleteren 12 or in its absence, St Bernardus.

>> No.15645681
File: 104 KB, 1000x1000, 20041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toughts on tripels?

>> No.15645796

i used to love drinking these.. one too many weekend trips in munich drinking Maß of weißbiers, and now i get gas just looking at them.
I can have at most one or two now. I'm much more a fan of the Kristall's now when i would have one.

>> No.15645801

around 7-7.5% is ok for me, when they get to 8-9-9.5% they just taste obnoxious, reeking of booze and no flavor.
I think the trappist ones are more tolerable, even at the high abv, the Achel Extra is 9.5% and quite drinkable for a Tripel (but that's a rarity)

>> No.15645804

i'm glad these fly under the radar, all the bierplebs want their westy's. I can still get rochefort's for a good price at the appie & jumbo.

>> No.15645808

these guys, or a good schneider-weiße.. or go for regional and you can find some decent ones.

>> No.15645817

they do a bunch of meme biers, but they're pretty tasty. the trappist monasteries around my area are pretty good about carrying beers from the other ones, so i was able to get Spencer, Tynt Meadow, Stift Engelzell and Tre Fontaine there. Only that faux Spanish one was a real bitch to find, Cardena.

>> No.15645936

eisbock is even better
fuck, now i want one

>> No.15645988

Pretty easy to get in any German bar or restaurant around, Dan Murphys has a bunch. Or get yourself a coopers homebrew kit at big W and make your own.
Brew it hotter to get more banana flavour same as the lolly or colder for more clove flavour. I prefer the Banana lolly taste in my wheats

>> No.15646184

>Shame I can’t find any in the us
Augustiner Weißbier is hard to find even in Germany thr further you're away from Munich.
Andechs is pretty common even outside of Bavaria, it's gud.

>> No.15646260

franziskaner is s-tier

>> No.15646263

agreed, have only really seen that in southern bavaria...

>> No.15646266
File: 51 KB, 800x800, aecht-schlenkerla-rauchweizen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the superior product.

>> No.15646612


>> No.15646734

We can agree that this is not for everyone. However, is by far my beer of choice.

>> No.15646755
File: 198 KB, 786x540, eyJidWNrZXQiOiJzYXZldXJiaWVyZSIsImtleSI6ImltZy9wLzI5OTgxLTQyOTk3LmpwZyIsImVkaXRzIjp7IndlYnAiOnsicXVhbGl0eSI6ODB9LCJwbmciOnsicXVhbGl0eSI6ODB9LCJyZXNpemUiOnsid2lkdGgiOjc4NiwiaGVpZ2h0Ijo1NDAsImZpdCI6ImNvbnRhaW4iLCJiYWN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you all mofos

>> No.15646765

can't wait for my bottles of their new limited edit. unfiltered helles, damn thing sold out in 24hrs

>> No.15646768

Hacker isn't bad (best tent) but if i'm getting a kellerbier it ain't gonna be from oberbayern. give me a proper kellerbier from Franken.

>> No.15646803
File: 1.23 MB, 1000x1550, bottle-nat-1000x1550-zwickl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it tbqh.
Fun fact: pic related is the exactly same beer, both breweries are actually just one and they sell the same beer under two different names.

>> No.15646810

fuckheads! i got excited when i saw this, thought it was a new recipe! sneaky germans...

>> No.15646844

I normally prefer dark beers but Orval is still my all-time favourite. If a better beer exists I've yet to try it.

>> No.15646847

I only know this fact because one of my dads friends worked in the Nockherberg restaurant and they were selling Paulaner Kellerbier for quite some time as a "Nockherberg exclusive".
They started selling it bottled because it was so popular but didn't want to kill the exclusivity of the secret Nockherberg beer and decided to sell it as Hacker Pschorr instead.
Barely anyone knows this and people kept asking for it until they delivered a second time under the Paulaner branding at an even higher price lel.
Sneaky marketing.

>> No.15646863
File: 10 KB, 128x145, paulanergirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her

>> No.15646917

I think they're massively underrated if they're done well.