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15635761 No.15635761 [Reply] [Original]

I prefer brown because typically the yolk is orange, at least over here.

>> No.15635766

Duck eggs

>> No.15635776

Just like in literally every other case

>> No.15635818

Yes, but which came first?

>> No.15635839
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When you get from a good source where you self certify the hens are living an optimal life, it doesn't fucking mater.

>> No.15635851

I have been around hens and prefer for them to suffer.

>> No.15635855

Then you deserve your flavorless rubbery eggs.

>> No.15635897

I actually agree that free range eggs taste better and have a nicer yolk, but I can't say I ever had issues with even the very cheap ones being rubbery.

>> No.15635903

There is literally no difference
Burgers are retarded for thinking white eggs are "cleaner"
Yuros are retarded for thinking brown eggs are more "natural".
You're all stupid, just eat your fucking eggs.

>> No.15635905

Placebo effect.

Eggs taste like eggs.

>> No.15635933

Yolk color has to do with diet. Nothing else.

>> No.15635943

Keep telling yourself that

>> No.15635948

For me it works like this
Supermarket eggs (doesn't matter the certification)<<<<<<<<<<<my neighbors chickens that go wherever the fuck they want (no confinement, no fence)eating bugs and shit<<< My pasture raised duck eggs

>> No.15635954
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No, you keep telling yourself that!

>> No.15635963

Chickens are assholes.

Fuck chickens.

>> No.15635967

ok frogposter

>> No.15636327

I keep hearing that brown eggs are from local farms, is this true?

>> No.15636353

>Yolk color has to do with diet.
Probably, but with the cheapo supermarket eggs I get, the brown ones have a significantly darker yolk.

>> No.15636895

Shell color is just breed-dependent.

The brown ones probably come from a place that puts carotene (safflower petals are common, apparently) in the feed. It's entirely due to diet, and there are Japanese chicken farmers that restrict those carotenes in the diet to create nearly white yolks for bakers (while others give their chickens chili flakes for dark orange yolks).

>> No.15637119

As someone who grew up with yard birds chicken are fucking assholes and I don't feel bad if they suffer.

>> No.15637135

my bro had a cock that would attack children

wait that doesn't sound right