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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15629275 No.15629275 [Reply] [Original]

Admit it, you'd try it.

>> No.15629287

I would let the plants eat it

>> No.15629292

No. The corn triggers me. Who the fuck adds corn to noodle soup?

>> No.15629310

you weebs and anime lovers are a disturbing bunch i'll tell ya

>> No.15629313

The Japanese? They also put it on pizza.

>> No.15629321

Are those tater tots near the bottom? I can't imagine that would be very good in a broth.

>> No.15629370

Fried food that is supposed to be crispy does not belong in a soup.

In many Asian countries corn is just another exotic ingredient. They don't grow it in any appreciable quantity.

>> No.15629376

You can't just put random shit in water and call it ramen

>> No.15629675

you can

>> No.15629713

>You can't just put random shit in water and call it ramen!!

>> No.15629724
File: 138 KB, 600x800, 1606445527272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, why not?

>> No.15629729
File: 132 KB, 1300x956, sapporo-ramen-CY9NH9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15629801

Japan is just behind Brazil and Sweden in terms of food crimes, so it checks out.

>> No.15629806

I'd put the Philippines in the top 3

>> No.15629830

Sure, but only if I can get the fried things on the side and not in the soup itself.

>> No.15629991
File: 784 KB, 1122x3776, Sappro ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sapporo Ramen Ranking
No corn in sight

Shall I list the top 20?

>> No.15629995

So? Doesn't mean the Japanese don't put corn in ramen at times.

>> No.15629996

I would.

>> No.15630025

That meme is more than 20 years old, but some people may still be able to get in.

>> No.15630027

What does this prove?

>> No.15630037

You've never had chicken noodle with peas and corn?
Why are you guys so autistic about living by predefined foods?

>> No.15630045

Two nukes wasnt enough

>> No.15630072

It means you are being misled by old information.
However, cheaper products may contain corn.

By the way, I was born and raised in Japan.

>> No.15630105

what? liar

>> No.15630201
File: 74 KB, 550x778, Old Sapporo Ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no point in lying.
This is the old Sapporo Ramen

>> No.15630215

No. I usually have it with chunks of chicken meat or potatoes. I don't think I ever even had chicken noodle soup

>> No.15630303

>You can't just put random shit in water and call it ramen
That's literally all ramen is

>> No.15630330

These same faggots will flame Pho is heaven’s nectar and that Pho is completely and totally different than ramen even though Pho is the one made from fucking animal scraps (like tripe) which is much closer to “put random shit in water and call it Pho”.

>> No.15630334

No, honestly i would not.

>> No.15630759

Prove it. Doubt your Japanese is native level.

>> No.15630897

The Japanese put corn in everything, it's the truth.

>> No.15631465

Sure why not

>> No.15631483

domo arigato mister roboto

>> No.15631489

Looks like way too much food.

>> No.15631563

>you cant put random shit in water and call it Pho!!

>> No.15631582

ohio moshi moshi

>> No.15631597

someone got filtered by balut

>> No.15631607
File: 445 KB, 1386x804, Screenshot_2021-02-21 삿포로 라멘공화국 - Google Search(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who are you getting mad at, i just simply posted a random picture of ramen with corn in it off google.
btw i think i found where the pic rel in the previous post is from, looks like its called "Shirakabasanso" in burgerspeak.

>> No.15631610


>> No.15631640

nvm it's called "sapporo ramen republic" in burgerspeak. this makes more sense now.

>> No.15631714
File: 46 KB, 1024x698, kuma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15631741

ㅇㅇ 직접 가본적 음슴
그리고 대개 식당들 웹사이트에 보통 풀메뉴 안올리는거 모르니 멍츙아 꺄르르

>> No.15631775

Other countries are weird and don't have the ability to taste corn like defective people don't have the ability to taste cilantro. They add it to foods freely without that horrible clashing flavor, and starchy taste. There's a reason you use it in breads, or eat it by itself after being thoroughly cooked.

>> No.15631882

You're making two mistakes.

>> No.15631896

Is this guy a real Korean?
Or is it a weeb?

>> No.15631995
File: 909 KB, 914x617, eh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

upon further research, it turns out that the one in stock photo isnt from that place. but it appears that this place called "ramen republic" composed of several restaurants that serves different kinds of ramen, hence the name "republic".
i've also found out that "shirakaba sanso" is one of the several places shown in the pic rel, where "ramen republic" portion of the floor is highlighted in red.
the menu shown in the google screencap, as well as the ramen with corn, seem to be from the place called "aji sai", which happens to be located right next to "shirakaba sanso". you can find the menu of the said location in the following link: https://lifephobia.tistory.com/835
so, i guess i was wrong about the websites not always featuring the full menu thingy. also yes i am a pathetic loser with nothing better to do on a sunday evening.

i'm a gook studying abroad in burgerland.

>> No.15632008

everything looks great, i dont get the problem??

>> No.15632088

correction: the place next to shirakaba sanso, the place that serves corn ramen, is actually called miso-no, not aji sai. i got it a bit mixed up since i cant read japanese.

>> No.15632902

Only if it was made at a Japanese restaurant, by Japanese, otherwise it's probably trash