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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15626251 No.15626251 [Reply] [Original]

kfc is so much better in canada than the us wtf

>> No.15626262

>Saving a thumbnail

>> No.15626263

same for every un-american country

>> No.15626282

why is this. we create it and then only serve the good shit to foreigners wtf

>> No.15626321

>we create it and then only serve the good shit to foreigners wtf

Do you actually believe this? KFC, A&W and a few other American things are a lot different in Canada. For example, in Canada, we grow chicken for the neat market. Old and blown out laying hens aren't used for Canadian domestic consumption. They go to pet food factories, or are butchered and sold to the USA, to be made into minced chicken products like poultry based hot dogs and Subway sandwich meat. .

So the chicken is better, and smaller sized. We don't call them a "breast" here, it's a keel, because you get the entire chest of the chicken, not half, as in the US yet it's about the same size. Drumsticks are smaller and so forth.

As for A&W, the Canadian franchisees were sick and tired of the low quality products coming from the US and also the poor marketing system, that they banded together, formed A&W Canada and now have a menu that's more in line with the 1960's US/Canada menu.

Have a look: https://web.aw.ca/en/our-menu

You can get your breakfast on a ceramic plate, and your coffee in a ceramic cup, diner style.

>> No.15626325

>grow chicken for the neat marke

Meat market... My bad.

>> No.15626333

based and informationpilled

>> No.15626354

this is a prime example of why canada is collapsing.

>> No.15626363

>Better quality products are a bad thing.

>> No.15626373

you sure? I live in Canada and KFC is probably the last choice to get fried chicken for me.

>> No.15626379

oh for sure but it's so much worse in the states

>> No.15626384

No its not.
Every KFC franchise in Canada is owned by Pajeets, and staffed by literal fresh off the boat pajeets because the owners will claim that Canadians don't want the job and they NEED to be open so they import a bunch of villagers and take most of their money and force them to live in their houses as sex slaves.

Anyway they never clean their kitchens or restaurants, they don't speak english, and they leave things on the warmer way too long so everything you get is tough and super overcooked.

Fuck you OP.

>> No.15626391

canada is collapsing?

>> No.15626394

>Ontarian detected.

>> No.15626398

The Canadian dollar has bee rising against the US dollar, inflation in Canada is about normal at just a hair over 2.25% while the USA has 3.25% with projections of 3.50% by the end of the year, so yeah. Canada is collapsing.

>> No.15626410

i live in whistler. its staffed by brown people but they look hispanic. anyway the food is good. much better than seattle

>> No.15626423
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You tell me

>> No.15626451

I live on Vancouver Island.

They're probably Filipinos or something.

>> No.15626465

Do you literally not comprehend that in some parts of Canada groceries are way more expensive than others? This is because the cost of freight, often airfreight has to be factored in. Milk can be 12 bucks a gallon in the Northwest Territories, in Labrador or in other remote places.

Now, get this, the Government of Canada PAYS the people up there, all of them, a monthly bonus to help out with those costs.

In most of the country, food prices are a bit higher, because the Canadian dollar is generally running around 80-85% of the US buck. This will likely change in the not so distant future, like it did in the 1970s and in 2008 when the Canadian dollar was worth a buck-5 or a buck-10.

We have some pretty archaic bullshit rules up here, "Not allowed to import butter.", "Bringing cheese home is restricted to this or that much." and so on... But on the whole, Canada does just fine.

Oh and the pipeline... It's been cancelled, sure however most of the money invested, came from US companies anyway, and the oil stays in our ground should we need it.

>> No.15626472

Ha! Me too. Small fucking world eh?

>> No.15626485

Just post the in store prices instead of typing so many lies next time.

>> No.15626504

>reddit spacing
>typing an entire blog because I posted the in store prices
Canadian Grocery Defense Force is in full damage control mode lads.

>> No.15626506

Like I'm going to rush out at fucking 9pm to take pictures in a grocery store.

Dude, I know what I pay. It's gone up a bit due to the Kooph, but it's not out of line. The US has gotten a lot more expensive in relation in the last 6 months, and I know this because I run my truck back and forth across that goddamn border twice a month.

>> No.15626512

You are so very tiresome.

>> No.15626523

You won't go to the grocery store to post the in store prices because you know that your country is collapsing. Not ONE canadian has ever posted the true in store prices. They will post the loss leaders, but actual in store prices? Never.

>> No.15626529

O. You win. Canada is collapsing. it will be all over by noon tomorrow.

Zoot. Ping. Peep.

>> No.15626539

Thank you for agreeing with me finally and admitting that you cannot post the in store prices. I would use my tree hugger meme flag if I could but they aren't allowed here. I win, canada loses.

>> No.15626553

Indeed it does. I shall run for the mountains tomorrow morning.

>> No.15626559
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i haven't been to KFC since middle school and the last thing i remember is getting the popcorn chicken
the fucking bone-in chicken sucks ass, normal kfc sucks. publix has better

>> No.15626561

Canadians are the weirdest posters on 4chan.

>> No.15626575

funny way of spelling "abhorrent"

>> No.15626582

Probably for the best

>> No.15626585

If you get 4 they are $2 each

>> No.15626591

We as a group of people, are generally better educated than you are in the US.

That's why you might not fully understand our discourse.

>> No.15626595


>> No.15626597

Oh and another thing that's a shoppers drug mart and their groceries are over priced as it is a pharmacy.

>> No.15626599

Don't bother. "Canada is Collapsing" you see these idiotic threads on here all the time. According to them, Canada has been in an imminent state of collapse shortly after 4Chan went live.

>> No.15626605

Oh look here's one right now

>> No.15626608

It's like going shopping at a gas station, a convenience store. Most people don't buy stuff there unless it''s midnight.

>> No.15626614

Hilarious eh?

>> No.15626619
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>midnight luxury soup
do canadians really?

>> No.15626621

Did you say something, or did your camping heater just tip over in the living room of your apartment?

>> No.15626622

>idiotic threads
Which would stop if you just posted the in store prices. Instead, all we ever get from you leafs is a bunch of lip.

>> No.15626626

Some stupid Canadians indeed do the Midnight Luxury Soup thing. Otherwise, Shoppers wouldn't be filling that market niche.

>> No.15626630

But muh points.

>> No.15626635

this. just post the in store prices and we can put an end to this madness.

>> No.15626647

pair of chinks who don't understand their kind are running shitnada into the ground. you have no sense of long term consequence, you look around and see that for the time being your comfy 4chan shitposting life is secured and can't fathom that the way things are going are leading to the possibility of that being taken away. it may not be next month, next year or the year after that, but your kids (lol as if) and their kids have to contend with the mistakes that stupid and oblivious lazy cunts like you are making now in the present.

>> No.15626649

There's a lot of us on this board strangely enough.

>> No.15626651

But you fucking deserve a bit of lip from time to time. It's what neighbors do. I shout over the fence... Hey asshole? How's your uncle in Texas doing? Pipes thawed out yet? Nice and warm up here buddy, -52 in Edmonton last week, but hey, heat's still on eh!

And then you seethe a bit, and shout back inexplicable shit to do with in store prices, and how I'm the reason Canada is about to collapse and then I laugh at you and ask if Portland has stopped burning yet... and then you tell me to fuck off, and we go have a beer.

>> No.15626658

>pair of chinks
No friend, I'm from Yerp originally. and I was born long before it all went to shit, so you can forget the "abdul" nonsense.

>> No.15626659

>Now, get this, the Government of Canada PAYS the people up there, all of them, a monthly bonus to help out with those costs.

It's only $3500 a year.

>> No.15626662

one might say too many

>> No.15626663

You leafs don't have cameras on your phones or what?

>> No.15626667

There are indeed. Canadians are by and large, more tech savvy than the US in general. Did you know they don't even have debit cards down there? They have prepaid credit cards instead.

>> No.15626675

Well, per person that's about the difference in groceries isn't it?

>> No.15626681

>tl; got confused, is not into literacy...

That's OK frien. We understand.

>> No.15626687

One might, but what are you going to do? This used to be a US owned site, but Mr. Poole saw to that didn't he?

>> No.15626689

>3 cans of luxury soup per day
>1200 calories
>12 dollars per day plus tax
>15 canadian buckaroonies per day
>$5475 per year for 3 small portions of luxury soup
not even fucking close, bucko.

>> No.15626702

That's OK friend, I already agreed with you. Canada is indeed collapsing. I am now unable to afford my 3 cans of Luxury soup per day. I t's hit me hard, but... That's all part of the endless Canadian Collapse.

>> No.15626720

>Eating 1095 cans of fucking Campbells soup in a year....

>> No.15626730
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Do canadians really?

>> No.15626746

Of course we do. Canadians, it is a little known fact, eat 1095 cans of Campbell's Luxury soups per person per year on average. One year the plant had to shut down for a week, and a wave of starvation swept the nation. It was a near thing, but our poutine and Tim Horton's donut supply kept us afloat.

>> No.15626753
File: 53 KB, 600x502, 52c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the rest of your diet is supplemented with Kraft Dinner?

>> No.15626778

it once was, back in the 1970s, along with McCain Deep’n Delicious® frozen chocolate cakes. But lately as a country, we've graduated to healthier food. We now occasionally have milk and even cheese.

>> No.15626785

How many boxes of KD does the average canadian eat per day?

>> No.15626795

when I was living on campus in college, like maybe twice a week

>> No.15626796

Well, in 1975, the average was well over 5 per day. But today, about 1 every 2 days. With ketchup of course, and black pepper. Most of us cannot afford white pepper, if we are going to expect to be able to buy 1095 cans of Campbell's Luxury soup, so we economize. .

>> No.15626797

i ate one a day/every other day for maybe 2 months and now thinking about it makes me feel sick.

>> No.15626798

>In Canadian culture
>Packaged in Quebec with Canadian wheat >and milk, and other ingredients from Canada >and the US, Canadians purchase 1.7 Trillion >of the 2 trillion boxes sold globally each week >and eat an average of 3.2 boxes of Kraft >Dinner each day, 5000% more than Americans.

>> No.15626805

>For example, in Canada, we grow chicken for the neat market
Heh, while in America, chicken is grown for the NEET market :^)

>> No.15626807

This is a venomous lie, It's obviously a lot less than that. No Canadian could possibly afford to pay for 3.2 boxes of Kraft Dinner, when each box costs 7 dollars here.

>> No.15626810

yes. I error spelling make. I hased the dumb.

>> No.15626815

>Remembering a time when Canadians would give gifts of Campbells Luxury Soup and Cases of Kraft Dinner as wedding gifts....

>> No.15626819

Do not be ashame. I turn happenstance error into killer tendie joke.

>> No.15626826

I saw what you did, and I shared in the cross border merriment.

>> No.15626921
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>> No.15627690

>gourmet soup

>> No.15629282

As a canuckfag I can tell you kfc is shit up here too

>> No.15629325

4 basao

>> No.15629960
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>> No.15630017

KFC is still shit in Canada but A&W is pretty good ..

>> No.15630031

this guy kinda creeps me out desu

>> No.15630035

No one's mentioned his HIV/AIDs yet?

>> No.15630423

sauce or libel

>> No.15630435

I tend to agree, but you have to have had KFC in the US in order to understand how much MORE shit it is down there. Even US truckstop chicken, like Chesters for example, is heads above US KFC

>> No.15630748

do you accept tom yum goong?

>> No.15630807

haha mmmmmm o wow :)

>> No.15630849

I'm an American living in Toronto for two years for work. KFC is my favorite fast food place in the states, but holy shit is it terrible in Toronto.

I've been to two or three locations. It's like $15 for a meal, it's always soggy/mealy breading, the cole slaw usually has freezer burn, and the menu is tiny compared to US.

I would eat KFC Nashville hot chicken like 2-3x per month when I lived in states, the menu in Canada is bare bones.

I go to Popeye's which is still run by incompetent pajeets but it seems fresher to me.

>> No.15631032

thats so weird. kfc was always soggy in the states for me, but is delicious in whistler

>> No.15631869
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>> No.15631909

>using 4chan requires technical know-how
Not sure if bait or...
>don't even have debit cards

>> No.15631929

I mean, you get like $4,000 a year in Alaska.
You're not special, hat.

>> No.15632185

If you watch any sort of Americans React to Canadian Snack video they'll always comment on how the chocolate tastes better and also how the cheese puffs are bigger and better.

Not everyone's a fan of ketchup chips though, not everything's perfect. I'm Canadian and I don't even like them.

>> No.15632193

KFC is one of those franchises that's gotten worse over the years in Canada. There was one up the road from where I grew up and they must have changed the recipe or something cause people went less and less there and now it's moved to a smaller building and shares the space with a thai express or taco bell or something.

Dunkin Donuts was also on a downhill spiral while it was still here.

>> No.15632441

I know pretty much nothing about economics and can't tell if you're being sarcastic or if Canada is actually collapsing.

>> No.15632613

same. there are hella pajeets and changs tho

>> No.15633855

God I hate this leathery faced faggot, For once I want him to be himself instead of this fake as fuck overly optimistic safe douchebag. You're not likeable, retard.

>> No.15633890

I used to love ketchup chips as a kid. They're only okay nowadays. Still taste the same as I remember, my preferences just changed.
I still love all-dressed though

>> No.15634014

Is it true that America have cheaper prices for fast food?

>> No.15634189

Because Americans are pigs that eat anything, no matter how crappy or disgusting it is.

>> No.15634211

You are incredibly insecure

>> No.15634225

>states facts
>"haha y-you are insecure"
Reddit moment.

>> No.15634258

who hurt you

>> No.15634460 [DELETED] 

>lost his girlfriend "girl he was stalking" to an American
I guarantee

>> No.15634590

oh.. wow!

>> No.15635379


>> No.15636081

Visiting an LA KFC was the first time I've seen a real trash fast food place. I thought it was a myth. It looked like shit, smelt like shit and was basic as shit.
Low standards like that don't even exist in my country, a place like that would go bankrupt in a month. How the fuck do they stay in business, a child could outcook their menu.
Canadian KFC may be staffed with cheap immigrant labor but Americans are even lower than that.