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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15624392 No.15624392 [Reply] [Original]

why does god hate me

>> No.15624401

I think you have brain damage anon.

>> No.15624407

>nuking uncovered liquid or at least not at full power

you deserve what you get

>> No.15624418

>He uses a microwave
>He does not have a cover try
You brought this upon yourself.

>> No.15624423

Because you’re a pedophile.

>> No.15624437

Because you're stupid. God rightly hates morons.

>> No.15624530
File: 354 KB, 1200x1600, Plastic Wrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't. He just expects you not to make stupid as fuck mistakes. Almost everything that goes in a microwave gets plastic wrap.

>> No.15624657 [DELETED] 

>microwaving plastic wrap
Good goyim, your titties are coming along nicely

>> No.15624756

God helps those who help themselves by using lids.

>> No.15624778

There is no god. it's all a jewish trick.

>> No.15624845

Is that a... SPOON????

>> No.15624887

you also are growing titties

>> No.15625320
File: 97 KB, 1241x933, 32 Years In IRFan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooks should be more concerned about the alcohol, tobacco, hard drugs, lack of sleep, and perpetually breathing in of shit that literally sticks to walls and cannot be removed without scraping it with more steel and washing it down with horrifying chemicals from 3M.

Nepotistic Jews are a cancer, but plastic wrap isn't some sort of conspiracy.

>> No.15625573

Cover it with paper towels or wax paper next time.

>> No.15627029

The first four are personal choices, the last one I just try not to think about.

>> No.15627039

Yeah true

>> No.15627042

No, its a McChicken.

>> No.15627140

God hates those that do not help themselves.

>> No.15627145
File: 644 KB, 800x1085, The-Head-of-Christ-Nikolai-Koshelev-Oil-Painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God doesn't hate you

>> No.15627272

Get a microwavable lid or stop nuking your food you retard.

>> No.15627285

it cares about your health

>> No.15627313

Stop believing in god, learn physics. Physics made that explode, not god.
t. rick and morty

>> No.15627501

So, learn to hate yourself and reality more like Rick? Brilliant.

>> No.15627504

God doesn't exist. Your mom doesn't hate you - she just never really cared for you.

>> No.15627590

You can't read. I said learn physics. Not hate yourself.

>> No.15627612

I always put my spoon in the microwave and nothing ever happens.

>> No.15628010

You are not allowed to do that. That's a serious crime. McPolice unit has already been dispatched.

>> No.15628023
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>> No.15628038

always a victim... ngmi

>> No.15628041

Because you're a retard.

>> No.15628880

if it's food grade nothing bad will happen if you microwave it for few minutes

>> No.15628895

You touch yourself at night that's why

>> No.15628937 [DELETED] 

retarded monkey nigger...

>> No.15628971

there's more than 1 kind of "plastic" out there you fucking moron

>> No.15629737

How to get a manipulative sarcastic Nabiki sexy waifu

>> No.15629747

Boil 4 cups of water.place in bowl in microwave and start for 10 minutes. Itll wipe clean. Put a plate over it next time

>> No.15629775

This but just wet a paper towel and use that as a cover.

>> No.15629857
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>he doesn't own an assortment of differently sized silicone pot lids

>> No.15629872

>god hates you
>can't cover a dish
I'm leaning towards you being a homosexual

>> No.15630549

>Why does god hate me
The answer is simple.

>> No.15630691

Just put a napkin on top of the bowl next time.

>> No.15631312


put a plate over the top

>> No.15631591

God doesn't hate you.
He loves you.
It's everyone ELSE that hates retards like you

>> No.15631656 [DELETED] 

Yes good goy keep thinking that
>hand rubbing intensifies

>> No.15631679

Put a smaller microwave over the bowl

>> No.15631886
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plenty of versions of this out there. cheap and effective

>> No.15631925

My microwave came with one of these when I bought the house. Now I can't live without one.

>> No.15631930

You're supposed to put a metal plate on top

>> No.15631939

it builds up a patina over time. just dont worry about it.

>> No.15632601

Nice tits, dude

>> No.15632634

dont do this it creates nerve gas

>> No.15632640

because you're a faggot

>> No.15633954

Just cover it with foil, anon

>> No.15634039

your dad loves them

>> No.15634043

thanks virgin

>> No.15635857

My god, what are you doing, Freeman?

>> No.15635911
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The challenge of whether God exists

>> No.15636186

Because you touch yourself

>> No.15636627
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I learned not to microwave hard boiled eggs.
Or leave a 2L bottle of soda in the freezer.

>> No.15636656

stop using the popcorn setting when nuking everything

>> No.15637933

I've accidentally left soda in the freezer countless times and it's never exploded or whatever the fuck it's supposed to do.

>> No.15637973

I don't have a microwave and maybe used one 5 times in past 20 years...how does this happen?

>> No.15637986

microwaving animal products causes caucer, imagine still using a microwave to reheat food

>> No.15638408

Put a paper plate over it jackass

>> No.15638428

You're supposed to cover in aluminum foil

>> No.15638504
File: 286 KB, 1065x1598, 0137-035[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god died 02/08/21

>> No.15638523

Probably for the same reasons everyone else hates you.

>> No.15638532

God gets sad every time doubters make you angry enough to soipost.

>> No.15638543
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my microwave was messing up so I took the door off it and then hot wired the latch so it will run with the door open
lot easier to watch your food cook than through that tinted window with the dots
my skin has cleared up, too

>> No.15638550
File: 50 KB, 640x480, you have to open the door.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humble yourself and seek God, and He will reveal Himself to you.

>> No.15638572
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>> No.15638598

Yes, I can read it, can you read? Your sin separates you from God. You think He's dead because you've separated yourself from him by choosing to live in sin. Repent, forsake your wicked ways, and turn to God.

>> No.15638611
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>> No.15638618

this recently divorced daddy gives the best dick ive ever had. hes thicc and slightly curved so he hits my prostata just right, i assure you, there is nothing quite like it. I normally fuck girls, but no sex i ever had compares to his majestic dick.
just thought id let you know.

>> No.15638644

fuckin queeeeeeeeeeeer

>> No.15638989

>when they kidnapped him and mentally reprogrammed him to think he was his own doppelganger, and conditioned him out of all of his habits, and then put the doppelganger in his home for him to find and dispute with
>the scene where he isn't smart enough to poke holes in what he microwaves and cover it (as should be his custom), but the doppelganger does
>goes to clean it up with the wrong hand while he fails to smoke his favorite cigars
He had it rough. I really thought they would break him for sure.