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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 119 KB, 600x800, 687474703a2f2f736372697074736861646f772e6e65742f77702d636f6e74656e742f75706c6f6164732f323031352f31322f3030322e6a7067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15619812 No.15619812 [Reply] [Original]

>feel like a Reese
>decide on a whim to get one of these things instead
>open that badboy
>fuckin big m8
>take one bite
>all the chocolate shatters
>peanutbutter has separated
>there is now peanut oil leaking everywhere
>holding this lump of oozing broken chocolate
>stick it back in the cup to not make a giant mess
>awkwardly try to eat it without getting shit everywhere
>only finish like 1/3 but already sick of it

Well this was a mistake.

>> No.15619828

Pretty certain these things were a limited time promotion from a couple years ago, so if you found one in-stores it was probably ancient.

>> No.15619838

Post a pic of the inside

>> No.15619846

Ah, like that time I decided to grab some ice cream at the liquor store...

>> No.15619855

Stick your cock in it.

>> No.15619862

They're a seasonal thing (not this season) and they're great (in a disgustingly self-indulgent way) when they're fresh.

>> No.15619864

>Not freezing it first.
You get what you deserve.

>> No.15619875

Yeah, I had in 2016 and it had the same NHL promotion on it like the one in the OP picture. I know he got the picture off google, but I figured there was a fair chance he might have grabbed one that had been sitting on a gas station shelf for ~4 summers.
They're pretty alright. Not intended to be eaten in one sitting by one person, but then again...

>> No.15619941
File: 265 KB, 338x523, retardd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>freezing peanut oil

>> No.15620350
File: 132 KB, 1200x1200, 750d3285dc195668a09c0956a0f76547_xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't keep his Reese cups in the refrigerator

>> No.15620356

Yeah they're way better that way.

>> No.15620370

This is like those 10 pound Hershey chocolate bars they had at the truck stops a few years back.

>> No.15620374

I like them body warmed and slightly melty. :)

>> No.15620414

There was this one gas station that had a giant MR Big. The thing was as big as my forearm when I was 10.

>> No.15622059

oh OP such an asshole, stealing other peoples pics and making up stories.

>> No.15622526

My folks use to put giant reeses in my stocking every year and they were never like this. Sounds like you got an old one.