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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15616608 No.15616608 [Reply] [Original]

>Dad loves to cook
>Love trying his food
>He consistently overcooks meat and undersalts everything, making most of his dishes usually tough and fairly bland

What are some problems you have with your parents' cooking that you don't have the heart to bring up to them?

>> No.15616689

>dad wants to eat less meat
>starts getting beyond beef
the only time it tastes good is when you cover it in enough spices and sauce that you can't taste it. beans, mushrooms or onions would be better as a meat substitute in pasta sauce. I don't want to discourage him though since he's gotten down to a healthy weight by eating this way.

>> No.15616743

>parents want to lose weight
>low fat ranch dressing
the eternal boomer

>> No.15616744

my dad sometimes overcooks his food, uses too much and too many sauces and spices, thinks the best way to cook any soup is to cook it for a longg time which makes its ingredients bitter and mushy. doesnt try many vegetables.
my mom is fairly good at cooking simple recipes, ive never seen her bake anything more complicated than prepackaged cupcakes. its usually super unhealthy stuff too. i cook more than either of them and maybe better but i am the eldest daughter so.

>> No.15616755
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>overcooks undersalts tough bland
yes i have some experience with this

>> No.15616943

My mom is a good cook overall, but she overcooks all meats and her rice is very inconsistent. She also oversalts things.

>> No.15616973

My mom was a good cook but she was an emotionally abusive alcoholic so I had to cut her off. I miss her pumpkin soups.

>> No.15616979

>He consistently overcooks meat and undersalts everything
that is nothing anon

>> No.15616993

>Love trying his food
So you love trying shitty food?

>> No.15617005

My parents put meat in cold pans basically boiling it in its own juices as the pan comes up to heat
Every time

>> No.15617515

My toddler is upset because she liked a meal with sauce on it. She doesn't want to like anything with sauce (except ketchup), any meal where food is touching, or any new food in general.

jk she's not my toddler, she's my 30 year old ivy league wife

>> No.15617522

undersalting is actually a pro move just add some table salt you lazy bitch

>> No.15617540

undersalting food isn't a problem, I've known families to cook without salt almost entirely, to let each person season the dish to their personal taste with tablesalt. not for every dish obviously. but like, a simple beef stew.

>> No.15617569

they were told saturated fat is bad, and bought "low fat" stuff that replaced the fat with sugar

>> No.15617571

There is no diference

>> No.15617609
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My mom always overcooks meat so I bought her a digital thermometer. Now she'll cook things to the correct temperature then overcook them by 10 minutes anyways "just to be safe"

>> No.15617617

Cook for her and don't add the 10 minutes and tell her you took it out at the right temp.

>> No.15617631

Love trying food from friends and family that are excited about what they're showing you, yes.

>> No.15617698

My mom will always try to make it fancy when I come to visit, but it's a new, unproven recipe and rarely goes particularly well.

I've told her that she can just make the kind of food she made for dinner when I grew up because that's what I miss, but she doesn't want to because it's a special occasion.

>> No.15617782

>Cook chicken on tried and true time in the oven
>Mom and sister say it's probably undercooked
>Resist the anger and cut the thickest piece in two in front of them
>Not a hint of pink
>"Anon just put it in 10 more minutes, just to be safe, please"
It was either doing it or watching them microwave the shit out of their plates afterwards.

>> No.15617808

thats fine for some meats
I hope they dont cook steaks like that

>> No.15617827

My mom and steaks ungh

>> No.15617842

my dad,otherwise a great cook, drys the fuck out of chicken

>> No.15617860

when the father makes pasta he forgets to salt the water in 80% of cases

>> No.15617949
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i know anon... i was raised on that low-fat high-saltcarb food, and it made me pudgy until i went keto for a while 15 years later

to this day i have fat friends who's doctors are telling them to cut carbs and they cut out fried chicken instead and think it's helping

>> No.15617964

Well that's fucking depressing as hell.

>> No.15617974

>to this day i have fat friends who's doctors are telling them to cut carbs

get out of here you lying piece of shit no doctor is saying that to anybody fuckin die in a fire

>> No.15618113

Oh my god, i love the natural taste while my gf likes salt. So i cook and warns her it might be salty, she picks up the salter and salts a lot, i am naming her missis saltalot :D

>> No.15618165

bruh there's staight up anti-vax and fat-acceptance doctors and shit you don't think they don't have low carb and keto doctors?

i mean there's loads of them right on youtube so you're beyond lazy if you think that.

>> No.15618186

When the majority of your caloric intake is from carbs you don't think it makes sense to cut there first? It's usually people who can't stop eating too much candy, ice cream, pasta and white bread.

>> No.15618232

>mom makes big portions for me whenever I eat at her place
>not big, but absurdly big, like 500g of meat per portion with a load of fries and an entire baguette, two times a day
>meanwhile she's on a diet and eats a small salad with tuna
>"but anon, you're still growing"
>I'm actually 30 and over 90kg

>> No.15618367

Want to be my gf and cook me food?